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the coffee water is going and the chia seeds are going in my oatmeal Kurt has already had his breakfast but today is a border crossing now I know we've been crossing a lot of borders lately but that's because down here in southern Chile there is no road that goes all the way to the southern point of Chile so when you're in southern Chile which is where we've been in the beautiful Torres Del pione National Park and down here with all the King Penguins the only way that you can get to the central part of Chile is to go back into Argentina and drive on roads or take a ferry so we still have a few things to see in Argentina so we are crossing the border back into Argentina to Drive North so we can see some cool stuff and get to the rest of Chile so first thing this morning oatmeal coffee border let's go [Music] last night just before dark we rolled into our glamorous campsite by a dumpster we are parked behind a bus station in a tiny little town called Cerro De Castillo which is literally sitting on the border with Argentina so it's bright and early we're getting a good start and we are headed back to Argentina ready to roll let's go back to Argentina where the gas is cheap we have left chili we got caught in a long line behind a bunch of tour buses we're gonna try for that to not happen 10 miles off the road where the border is where we enter back into Argentina so we're hustling everybody's hustling we are back in Argentina officially the easiest border to date ah now admittedly I did get out in almost run to beat a big bus so we didn't have a long line and she did beat the bus I did beat the bus and we are out of there out of Chile officially in Argentina now we're looking for a gas station the only one that's out here in the middle of nowhere so we gotta cross our fingers that that baby has diesel okay we have made it to the little gas station in the middle of nowhere all the research we did said this place would be open it is almost 11 o'clock on a Sunday we pull up and there is a big old closed sign on the door we are 99 miles from the next gas station we have three bars of fuel we needed this place to be open but we have two and a half gallons in the Attic and we think fingers crossed that we can make it with that in the meantime I think I need to put a sticker right here on one of these windows all right Kurt's headed up to the attic to get our little Reserve fuel what a bummer guys what a bummer found the perfect place for our sticker look at there turn it in alley we watched quite a bit of those guys when we were planning our journey wish them well up there in Utah with all the cool stuff they got going on but I think lucky for them this place was open when they were here not so lucky for us right Curtis and there we go every last drop needs to go in right Curtis it's gonna be a close one the moment of truth how many bars of fuel do we have to make it a hundred miles oh that only made us go up one bar it's okay it's okay we're gonna make it we're gonna make it four bars wearing few conserve mode which means driving slow 45 to 55 50 miles an hour max let's go hope there's no strong winds fighting against us guys it's gonna be close we need this right [Music] what do you think I mean we made it [Music] [Music] this is for 40 miles foreign not only are we crossing our fingers that we make it to the next gas station but we have ended up on a road that is so bad that people said we're gonna drive in the ditch and now the ditch has turned into the road ah well we said we wanted to go slow so we have no choice but to go slow 20 miles an hour all right we are on pins and needles guys y'all keep your fingers crossed Vanna doesn't seem to have a care in the world though update we've been on this bumpy road for probably 20 or 30 minutes already it says we will arrive at 122 it is 11 22 so that's two hours 87 miles to go and uh maybe 25 or 30 miles left on this hellh's road sure y'all can hear all the squeaking this is one heck of a bumpy road it's 12 20. we have just under seven miles left on this bumpy road we think now it says we will get there at 1 37. so we're definitely losing time but I don't want to jinx this the road quality improved a little bit so we're able to go a little faster we have 63 miles to the gas station how many bars do we have we okay over there we have three bars but this is not about time this is about fuel so we need to keep it slow yeah so we expect that third bar to turn to two at any minute I think we're gonna be coasting into this gas station but not the first time it's happened keeping it positive we're gonna make it all right we did a quick change of the driver right when we got to the main road almost like on cue we dropped to two bars looks like we have about 57 miles to go maybe a couple less I don't know that I have the gas station put in but we made it 57 on two bars before I think so we're 45 mile an hour cruises set we're going to take it nice and easy and hopefully cruise into this station a little update not only are we on asphalt but all of a sudden we turn the corner and we just got a stunning view of what I believe to be the Andes Mountains oh how we've missed you been playing around you with you since the schwaia there's a beautiful Lake in front of these mountains a nice mirror door which we cannot stop at we are squeezing it out the downhills are always good and that's what we're doing right now we still have two bars of fuel left 35 miles and 35 miles to go we've been in a situation where I think we can make 27 miles on one bar and the last bar we did it once so we just had a huge help we came out wrong took my foot off the gas and we coasted so I'm feeling pretty confident now but we had to pull into that gas station here's the up day guys 17 miles left 20 minutes left we just got the one bar flashy red gas light I still think we're good I still think we're good we have 32 kilometers left to go 17 miles all right this is the police checkpoint on the way into ala calfette and they are talking to every single car there's a line we've been in line for about four minutes which is not a big deal but you guys know the fuel situation uh they are looks like they are checking some documents um and waving people through so we'll see what's going to happen here all right they just wanted to know where we were coming from and where we're headed and uh there was a very slow acceleration out of there after your four five minute delay we still do have one bar of fuel on the gate and two and a half miles to go so ypf oh there's the ypf guys I see it up on the top of the hill right there well we made we got one mile to go I don't even know if it's a mile thing says a mile we still have a bar so we're gonna make it we made it coasting in one bar of fuel doesn't look like the lines are too long I don't think it matters gas going in the tank they do not have any space hey dude we do not have any space all right so what has happened guys is well we need to put in another campground probably not that one we passed is we have stumbled up on this town of el calafete during a major Festival Apparently one of the biggest festivals in all of Argentina so we may not find camping here [Music] homes no space all right at the beginning of the town the ypf the one we were in that's the only space in town that's what she said we're headed back to the ypf hopefully it's not full by the time we get there hahaha we're parked the door is open for the kitties we're in extremely glamorous gas station parking lot right Kurt it ain't nothing fancy but it's a place to stay until we get it figured out yeah the festival's kind of throwing a kink in our plans we need to figure out how to uh do the things we need to do on this town and then find a campsite outside of this town regroup so we're going to do some internet research there's one neighbor there's a beautiful Lake in front of us and here's another neighbor we are inside of a tour agency booking our fun adventures for this little town now the world famous thing here is a glacier and you can actually go hike on the glacier perito Moreno now I cannot but Kurt is gonna do it but don't worry while he's doing that I'm gonna go on a boat and get as close as I can to that thing and this nice man is helping us sort it out where we can do it at the same time all right tours are booked but we're gonna make you wait to hear more about them other than I've already told you Kurt is going to walk on the glacier and I'm gonna get on a boat we are driving 30 minutes outside of the town of el calafete to a national park we're gonna find a campsite hopefully just outside of the park because there is nowhere to camp out here and you're not allowed to camp in the park in the morning we're going on something really really cool we're both going on something really really cool but it's two different things so we'll see you when we get to camp and we're getting super excited for in the morning good morning everyone we are super excited today as snow pulls the van off the blocks but this was our camp spot for the night a little boondocking just outside Glacier National Park we are super excited the kitties love to hear the wind has finally let up it is still this morning cross our fingers hope it lasts it's sunny it's probably already 60 degrees entrance to the National Park it opened at eight we're not here till 9 30 but we're gonna get our time here after the tour because I don't think we have to leave the park until eight so there you go we are here we've made it into the park Kurt went inside and got our tickets how much did they cost her for 5 500 a piece pesos so 10 000 I don't know it's 30 something dollars too many numbers floating around in my head yeah so probably around 15 or 16 a piece we could be off a dollar or two but we are in the park and we are headed all the way to the very end ah I'm so excited glaciers once you enter through the gate of the national park it is about a 30 to 40 minute drive to the end of the road which is where Glacier activities happen but it is a pretty dry just in itself even before you get to the glaciers we're riding along this beautiful Lake because you can snow-capped Jagged peaks in the background a nice Road paved it's curvy there's guard rail which is not always the case down here Fox Crossing design uh we're on the lookout for wildlife but I don't think we'll see too much out here this is a very popular National Park so there will be a lot of people here and I think we've told you but I'm not sure today we are dividing and conquering current is going on an absolutely bucket list lifetime activity that as much as I would love to do I just can't one I would get too tired and two it even says people with heart problems cannot do it I'm walking on a glacier he is he's strapping the little metal things on his feet and everything so y'all are gonna get to go with him to do that but I'm gonna take y'all to see a completely different view of the glacier from a boat ride we have not seen one of these before this is a red fox and uh we've seen a lot of gray foxes through here but this is definitely an adult though and there's been plenty of signs here talking about these things making sure we don't feed them guys just checking us out what you doing bubba all right Kurt's first in line two we're both so excited we're a little anxious his boat a little bit smaller than mine but he's going on a much cooler Adventure so excited to see what he gets to see just like you guys what the parito Moreno Glacier is one of patagonia's greatest Marvels some people even consider it to be the eighth natural wonder of the world it was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 1981 and it draws over a hundred thousand visitors each year making it one of the Region's most popular attractions which is really saying something because this place is not easy to get to [Music] there's a lot of colors I don't know where to go see a lot of colors only feeling blue there's a lot of colors lost within a haze don't rely on others to get you through the maze and all the same for me standing by the shore why you're on the Open Sea not take things [Music] there are a lot of voices [Music] there's too many voices talking back at me there are a lot of choices waiting to be made too many choices making me afraid for me I've been standing by the shore [Music] with my arms anymore [Music] same for me [Music] standing by the shore [Music] not take things [Music] [ __ ] [Music] but always remind me of you trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] well my part of the divide and conquer was pretty freaking Epic uh with the boat noise it was hard to talk to y'all out there but I hope you enjoyed all the beautiful views I'm sure carrot is getting a much closer personal look at this thing so gracias so see what he got into out there all right here he comes getting off the boat I bet he had a kick butt time I can't wait to hear all about it was it awesome it was really cool you know I thought it was going to be a lot more of a track but it was really kind of educational oh cool and uh it was really cool and surreal to be out there the blues the crevices the rivers all that stuff the glacier movement how was your boat ride if you like this video be sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys know when we put out new videos and don't forget you can always follow us over on Instagram to see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-04-04 15:43

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