EP - 5 Pachmarhi - Madhya Pradesh, Hill Station with rich Bio Diversity | Reechgarh, Dhoopgarh

EP - 5 Pachmarhi - Madhya Pradesh, Hill Station with rich Bio Diversity  | Reechgarh, Dhoopgarh

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Hello friends! Welcome to Visa2explore! This is your host, Harish Bali. Right now, we are travelling in Madhya Pradesh. Today I am in Pachmarhi.

This place is about 210 KM from Bhopal. Pachmarhi is a hill station in Madhya Pradesh. Right now, we are going to visit the Bee Fall. We left Bison Lodge in a Gypsy. We have paid Rs 1400 for this vehicle because we are going only upto one point after which we will return. After that, we will visit the local market and end our day because...

....it is 3.30 PM now. The entry closes at 3.30 PM. So, we entered here just before the entry was closed at 3.30 PM. And now we are shooting this introduction. Right now, we are inside the jungle.

Right! The cost for a full-day charge is Rs 2000. Additionally, they charge Rs 250 forest entry fees and Rs 480 for a guide. How much time will it take us to go to Bee Fall in a vehicle? It will take us about 20 minutes to reach there. 20 minutes! Let's go! This is the point till you can bring the Gypsy. The tourists who came here in these Gypsy cars are already on their way to the Bee Fall. Once they are back in 30 minutes or an hour, they will leave here in these vehicles.

How many stairs do we need to walk down to reach the Fall? After we walk down for about100 meters, we will reach the first waterfall. These are about 450 stairs. 450! Yes! We have been walking down for five minutes now. And we have already witnessed flowing water.

It is nice! There are lot of stairs. Some of these stairs are at least a foot high. Walking down the stairs is the easy part. But the same cannot be said about the return journey, as you can see. Isn't it so? After a 15-minute walk, we are near the Fall. This waterfall is 150-meter high.

After bouncing off the rocks, it flows down to this point. You can go up to the bottom of the Fall and enjoy a refreshing bath, like these men! Looks like fun! Come, let's go to that side. How much do you charge for a photograph? Rs 50! Rs 50! Show me another one! This machine, that you are using, how much does it cost? It costs Rs 20,000 Sir! How many photos would it click with one fully-charged battery? About 50-60 photos! 50-60! I just had a random thought! I am thinking of keeping such a machine with me too! Because, on my journeys, I meet a lot of subscribers. They would feel so good if I can click a picture and hand over a print to them immediately! Like he is sharing prints immediately! I will think about it. Let's move on now.

Okay Bhaiya! It's good! To put your feet into running water... ...is so much fun! And the water is cool as well. Overall, Pachmarhi is cooler than Bhopal.

It is a hill station, that's why! And, I think that... ...if I had shorts and a towel with me, I could've enjoyed a bath under this waterfall. I've heard that if you visit Pachmarhi during the rainy season, you can enjoy double the fun. There is no doubt about it. Let's enjoy this place for some more time. Then, we will climb back to where we came from.

This board, outside the Bison Lodge, has details about various tourist circuits in the area. The circuits are numbered from 1 till 9. You can choose any of these routes. We have returned to the Bison Lodge.

This is the counter from where we purchased our tickets. From here, you can purchase tickets for Gypsy. If it is peak season, or you visit on a weekend,... ...this place becomes too crowded. Tourists have to wait in a queue to purchase tickets. Obviously, it means you need to be here at 8.45 AM because the counter opens at 9.00 AM. So, the earlier you come, the better it is! Now, we will go to visit a lake nearby.

I am enjoying the Pachmarhi trip. See, we left Bison Lodge and travelled for about 30 minutes, on the way here. On our way, I saw a huge lawn, in which children were playing a game of cricket.

The air is definitely cooler. I am enjoying the weather as one would at a hill station. We have come here to visit the Champak Lake. There is an M.P. Tourism hotel next to the lake.

Its name is Champak M.P.T. This is the lake. Let's go there.

There are many tourists here. Oh Man! What a beautiful lake! This is amazing!! This place has made me feel as if I am visiting a natural lake. There aren't many tourists here. In front of us, I can see people enjoying boating in the evening. They also run speed boats here. I just asked them and they told me that...

...ticket price per person is Rs 100 for a speedboat ride. If a group of four wants to hire a pedal boat... ...for that, the price is Rs 200. They also have ziplinig facility on this side. From here, they take you on a boat, up to that zipline tower, which is at a height.

From there, you start your activity. And you will ride the line up to this point. Its charge is Rs 500 per person.

Nice! Good! We travelled for about 3 KM from the lake. Now, we have reached the Rajendra Giri Sunset Point. After reaching here, I have been able to understand that... ...this place is popular among the tourists. Look at the sheer number of tourists here right now. They are here to watch the sunset. I think we took more time to get here.

I think if we had reached here 30 minutes ago... ...we could have enjoyed a good sunset view. But no problem! I have seen the place. Also, I saw the surrounding view from a height here.

The main sunset point of Pachmarhi is Dhoopgarh. We will visit there tomorrow. We will spend 15-20 minutes here.

Let us check out the nearby eateries. After that, we will start our return journey. I thought I should explore the market in Pachmarhi. Usually, every hill station has a main market area, called 'Mall Road', with back-to-back shops on either side of it.

But unlike that concept, the shops here are located at different distances from each other. You can easily purchase the daily household items here. There are some restaurants and eateries too.

But not as many as you would find at other hill stations. Here, I came to know that when maximum hotels tell you about the tariff... ...they make it clear that the tariff includes breakfast and dinner. They know that this is what the guests prefer. The guests prefer to have lunch outside while breakfast and dinner is usually had at the hotel. Anyways, in this market, you will also find a lot of shops selling herbs, and medicines made of herbs. While visiting the market, I have come across one such shop.

Jain Ayurvedic! This is an old shop. Let's go in and find out what all is available here. I am inside the shop. We have with us Nilesh Ji! Looking at your Ayurveda collection, it seems you have been doing this work for quite long.

Yes, it is the third generation to do this business. Third generation! Nice! What are these oils you've kept? These are "Ruhani Oils." Wow! Is this honey? Yes! Look at the other one! That is old honey in the bottle. Honey darkens in colour as it gets older. This is comparatively fresh honey.

What is this? This is Chyavanprash (polyherbal jam). Please taste it. This is for the purpose of tasting. I got that.

Yes! Rs 500 for how many grams? Half a kg! Yes! Rs 500 for half a kg! Isn't that a bit expensive? A bit, yes! It is because this Chyavanprash is handmade, and not made in a machine. See, I am not an expert on Chyavanprash. Sure! But it does taste different! Absolutely! Chyavanprash like this... You must not have eaten before! ...I have never had before. Because everyone turns Amla (Indian Gooseberry) into a paste! So, that comes in a paste form! It is raw as well. Yes, it is absolutely raw! It will feel like you are biting into something! Amla! A little raw! Absolutely raw! What is its shelf life? It usually doesn't go bad. But, since it is without any preservatives, we can say, it would last for up to 5 or 6 months.

But, we don't use any preservatives in it. Nice! Second, this honey is also very different! Okay, you have already taken out a spoonful for tasting. Yes, we ask everyone to taste it.

What is its rate? Rs 1000 for a kilo! At this weight, it is costlier. Sure! You will know why when you eat it. This honey has a hint of bitterness in its taste. There is a reason for it.

This isn't from a Neem tree! Which tree? Neem tree! Everyone assumes that since it is bitter, this honey was made on a Neem tree. In fact, there aren't many Neem trees in Pachmarhi. The slight bitterness, that is left as an aftertaste of this honey,... Even today, most of the trees and plants in Pachmarhi are medicinal in nature. The bees feed on flowers of those plants and trees to make the honey.

That is the reason behind the slightly bitter aftertaste of the honey. That is why this honey is so much in demand. It is bitter. Yes! It isn't sweet. I have never had honey like this before.

Honey of every place has a different taste! Alright! Bhaiya, tell me one thing quickly. This half a kg is enough for me. It wasn't on my mind but I will take it. No problem! Which is the smallest pack of honey you've got? I can give you a 250 gm pack too. Do you have that? Give me one 250 gm pack. Half a kg of Chyavanprash! Please give me a bill for it.

Sure, I will. Done! Our day has started. For breakfast, we've come to the Laxman Hotel near Jawahar Chowk. If you come to Madhya Pradesh and don't eat Poha with Jalebi,... ...it would mean that you are missing something special! Poha is well-prepared! Good! It is garnished with 'Sev', see. Along with Sev, it is also garnished with little chunks of raw onion.

So, I am enjoying 2-3 flavours in every bite. Poha eaten in Madhya Pradesh also has a little sugar in it. So, along with salty, you also enjoy a subtle sweet flavour.

Let us taste jalebi as well. This isn't the usual colour of a jalebi. This colour is because of adding food colour.

There is no need to add food colour, by the way! It is good. The time is 8.30 AM. We have a whole day to do sightseeing. These are the surroundings of the place where we are right now. The sunset takes place around 6.30 or 6.45 PM.

So, we will tour around Pachmarhi till then. We will take you along too on this tour! After a journey of one KM, we've now reached the "Jatashankar Temple." We've parked our car here. Before going to the temple... ...we will walk up to that point. There are some beehives up there. We'll see those.

Do you see those large beehives up there? We were told that the tribals come here on full-moon night... ...to extract honey from here, though it seems like a difficult task. This is also the location where a part of the movie "Ashoka" was shot. The scene that was shot here was the entry scene of the movie's lead actress, Kareena Kapoor. That scene was shot here. That was the time right after the rainy season, when the weather was cooler and there was fog in the area.

Anyways... ...now, we will go and visit the temple. We are now going to go on a kilometre-long nature walk. We have mountains on either side of us. It is jungle area. Now, we will go straight and in 10-12 minutes...

...we will reach the entry point of the cave. We will now have to go down these stairs to reach the cave. These are tall stairs. Each stair is at least half a feet high. As we already know, these are sedimentary rocks. This is the cave we are in.

Down below, you will see a sculpture of a crocodile. If you start from here, you will see this is the crocodile's jaw and, like this,... ......if you look at it from a distance, you will see, it is the crocodile's tail. It is a natural sculpture. If you would count, you will find 108 Shivlings on it.

Actually, if we look at it from a scientific angle... ...these mountains attract water. I mean absorb it. When that absorbed water, along with the minerals and sediment, is released drop by drop... ...shapes like these are created. In scientific terms, these shapes are called stalagmites. The shapes created on the surface, like these...

...those are called stalactites. And when these two meet... ...you will find pillars like these are formed and this process takes lakhs of years to complete. Jai Bholenath! This is the main Jatashankar Temple, where we are right now. This rock formation in the temple looks like the "Sheshnaag." Very nice! This is where Bhagwan Shiv cut off his long 'jata' (hair). This is the actual spot where that happened, if you look on this side.

This is a holy place! I have just come out of the cave and, here, I can see a pond. Next to the pond, I can see two mountains with big rocks stuck between them. Look that way too, up there, oh man! Here too, a big rock is stuck between two mountains.

Okay, you notice one thing, let me show you! Where I am standing right now, from here, I am looking down there. Now, I am going to move forward slowly. I can see mica here.

How am I identifying it? From here, it looks green in colour. These are a few plants. Now, let me move forward slowly. Look at this. It has become turmeric in colour! It has become shining yellow in colour.

All of this is mica. I have never seen mica on a rock like this, today is the first time. Mica is here because this rock is wet. Wow! What a thing! This is an exclusive fact that I have told you about. This is the best! Now, we will walk back for a kilometer. And, rest of the day will be spent touring Pachmarhi.

Look at this Indian Giant Squirrel on the tree. We are showing you the biggest squirrel in Asia. Look at its movement! It is moving slowly over the branches! It seems to be eating something! Looks like that! So beautiful! In 1862, Captain James Forsyth discovered Pachmarhi. He arrived here on a bison hunt.

That is why this lodge is named 'Bison Lodge.' Let me tell you one more thing. It is also said that the British had sent Captain Forsyth as a spy here. This is because it was believed that Indian freedom fighters Tatya Tope and Appa Sahab were present in this area.

So, Forsyth was sent here on a spy mission. To find out the whereabouts of the freedom fighters. Come, let us go inside. It is believed that Pachmarhi's original name was "Panch-marhi." This name refers to the five (panch) caves (marhi) believed to be of the five Pandava brothers. The locals believe that this place is named after the five Pandavas! This art installation showcases the biodiversity of the Pachmarhi forest.

We saw a Giant Squirrel a while ago. This is a Wild Owl. On this side are the male & female forms of the State Bird of Madhya Pradesh, - Indian Paradise Flycatcher. Please come! This jungle scene shows a tiger hunting a Spotted Deer. The tiger and its cubs are eating the deer. Satpura Tiger Reserve is home to 62 tigers in all.

There is also news about some new cubs being born. On my next visit to Pachmarhi, I will also visit the Tiger Reserve. Because, this time, I am going to visit Kanha Tiger Reserve. Here, it is written that Dhoopgarh is at a height of 1352 metres. Tourists visit here to watch sunrises as well as sunsets. We are going there today in the evening.

This is a waterfall in the Apsara Vihar. I have been told that you cannot go into the water here. You can only walk up to this railing here. But to reach this Fall, you will have to trek for about 1.5 KM. A two-way trip to this waterfall is about 2.5 to 3 hours long.

All the sightseeing points here are at a distance of 2 KM from each other. After another 2 KM journey, we've come to visit the Pandava Caves. Do you see those large caves in the distance? That is where we are going. According to legend, Pandavas spent about a year of their exile period here.

So, they are believed to have lived in those caves. That is the popular belief here. The bird that you see on your screen is called "Oriental Magpie Robin." This is Cave No. 1.

Quite a large cave! Nice! It has been locked from outside. Let us go upstairs. The rest of the four caves are at the above level. We walked some more stairs to reach the Cave No. 3. The number written here is 3. We could not find the Cave No. 2.

We came straight to No. 3. These are the original pillars of the cave. This one, and this one! Since the cave was about to collapse, the Britishers got these two additional pillars built here. These are not part of the original cave. This is Cave No. 4. Do you see that carving? It is a unique aspect of this cave.

If I try to say something... (Chanting Om!) ...the voice would echo. So, imagine, if I sit inside and then say something... ...what would be the echo like! You may not be able to see a clear video because of this net in between. One, everyone believes that Pachmarhi was named after Pandavas. And second, the Pandavas used to live in these caves. According to another opinion, a lot of Buddhist monks have also lived here during the Gupta period.

I am talking of the 4th and 5th Centuries. Now, let's take a look at the view on this side. So beautiful! From this height, I can see wide greenery around us.

Beautiful! This is Cave No. 2. We are at the topmost point of the Pandava caves. There is an ancient brick structure here.

It has been covered with railing so that people don't walk over it. From here, you can enjoy a long, mesmerising view of the surroundings. Beautiful! So much of greenery, all around! Now, we are going for lunch. Rest, we have many more places to visit during second half of the day. In my case, as the clock turns 1.00 or 1.30 PM, I start feeling hungry. So, let's go for lunch.

For lunch, I've just arrived at the Rasoi Dhaba. This is it. Today, we are travelling around Pachmarhi with Ram Bhai. He is a local of Pachmarhi.

Yes Sir! So, he has come with us today. Here you go! Let's eat salad till the food is served. Oh! The food is here! I don't like to have butter with chapati. Okay Sir! I like either Ghee or plain roti.

The dish 'Veg Angara' is basically mix vegetables. It is packed with vegetables. It has cauliflower, mushroom, cucumber, and cabbage. Well, the preparation is good! No doubt about it. But it is too oily! The Chana (chickpea) dish is also too oily! And same is true about this as well. But the dish is well-made! The ambience here is also nice! You are eating at a neat and clean place.

The overall set-up is also good. I liked this place. Compared to other restaurants, this place is very good because it is built in a nature-friendly manner.

Let's do one thing. We will join you in an hour after we finish our lunch. This is a famous eatery. Many tourists visit here. The food is also good overall.

After lunch, we travelled for 3 KM. We've reached the parking of Handi Kho. I was reading here that there is a canyon inside. It is shaped like a pot.

That is why this place is called 'Handi Kho.' Handi Kho! Now, Sir, we will walk from here for a distance of 50 meters. 50 meters! Only 50 meters. That means it is nearby! From there, we will be able to see the viewpoint of the Valley. I have to admit, this place seems fun to visit.

There is a jungle all around us. And there is peace! And there was some rain too. Yes, it rained a while ago. Oh by God! This point offers a very deep view of the valley. Yes Sir! This is the main valley view and it is 300 feet deep from here.

You must be seeing a water stream as well, far below! Yes! That is always... You are talking about this stream? Correct Sir! That one! All the trees in this valley are mango trees. Very nice! So, you were telling us about these mountains and this canyon between them? Yes, this has been divided into two parts Sir. Interesting view! Though I knew it is a water stream but I could not see the water flowing clearly. But with binoculars, I got to see a wonderful view! Ram Bhai, tell me can we go down to the bottom of this valley? Yes Sir, we can go down there but the path is very difficult. I have gone there with tourists once.

There is a very nice waterfall there. During winter season, you can also hear the sound of water falling. Yes, of course, it is a natural environment. Beautiful! It was fun to watch with these binoculars. It is great! I mean... ...you must come here if you are visiting Pachmarhi. One aspect is watching this beautiful canyon view.

Second, once here, you would want to go on a walk. To walk along the canyon side is a special feeling. From here, you can also see the temple in the distance.

See it from behind this tree, here. You can see more clearly through the binoculars. Show me! Sure! On that mountain? Yes! The white-coloured building? Yes! That white-coloured building. You must be able to see the road as well? Yeah! By the way, it must be lot of fun to be atop that mountain? Yes Sir! It offers a beautiful landscape view! Beautiful! Bhaiya, are you also showing me the same temple? Yes! This Chauragarh Temple is that of Bhagwan Shankar.

One needs to do 3 KM of trekking and climb 1765 stairs to reach this temple. Once your wish is granted, you need to offer a Trishul at the temple. The main idol in the temple weighs about 78 maunds (3000 kg). It also has lakhs of Trishuls, weighing between 50 gms and 350 kgs.

Lakhs of Trishuls!! More than that! Fantastic! You are offering a great service for just Rs 5! We have to visit 'ReechhGarh' and for sunset, we need to visit Dhoopgarh. A Gypsy can be hired for Rs 2000. The charges are Rs 1400 if you need to travel up to a certain point.

Along with that, they have sold us the forest entry ticket for Rs 610 per person. The total fees we've paid is Rs 2610. The Gypsy is in the parking area. It will take us to Reechhgarh. How much time will it take?

It will take about 15 minutes. Means it is nearby! Yes, 15 minutes. The only thing is we need to enter the forest by 3.30 PM. Absolutely! That is important, right? We've entered the forest.

All these Gypsies will go to Reechhgarh and then, for sunset, they'll travel to Dhoopgarh? Sir, these will go to Dhoopgarh because it is already sunset time. Right! We need to walk 350 meters from here? Yes, that is the walking distance from here. After that, we'll go to Dhoopgarh. Let's go! We've reached Reechhgarh. Where are you Bhai? I am here. You are here! As it started raining on the way, we had to run up to the cave itself.

Some people are sitting outside the cave. Some are climbing down slowly. What we see from here is two huge mountains! Totally touching each other. And people are walking down to the bottom along the stone path. Right! Some tourists are also going in this direction, in which a cave is located.

So, why is this place called Reechhgarh? We have with us this gentleman, who is also a channel subscriber. He told us that... ...earlier, this forest was home to a large population of Bhaloo (bear). The Bhaloo needed cold weather to survive. That is why, they felt comfortable in this habitat.

So, the bears made it their home. And the tribals started calling this place 'Reechhgarh' after 'Reechh' or Bhaloo! Since Britishers could not pronounce the hindi word, they called it Reachgarh. R..E..A..C..H..Reach! It is nice and interesting! By the way, this place is interesting! However hot it may be outside, inside it is always pleasant! Right! The weather right now is also good! It is a wonderful place! One more thing! There isn't just one photography point here. You can click photographs wherever you may want. You can see the public clicking photographs here.

So beautiful! Look at this rock formation Sir! This is what tourists come here to visit. Let's go to that side and see the rock formation. Do you see this huge mountain with tiny holes in its surface? I discussed these with Ram Bhai and he told me that... ...before the perforations, I should look at the layers of sedimentation on this mountain. 1...2....these layers are formed due to differences in water levels over a time period. At one point of time, the water level was up to here.

The holes were caused when smaller stones were swept away in the water. Those smaller stones kept accummulating down here with the passage of time. That is the reason why there are so many holes on the surface. It feels good to be here. What makes it better is this light drizzle that began a while ago. The rain has made this visit even more memorable.

There is no doubt that this place is beautiful. You can say this is a must-visit location. Now, we have entered another cave. Let's see what is on that side. The bears prefer to live in such corners They prefer such dark and secluded spaces for their hibernation.

It is with the help of external light that we were able to see in this dark space. Normally, you won't be able to see anything here. Bears must be visiting here even now. They don't anymore due to the increase in pollution and tourist movement. So, they have abandoned this place now. Where are we going now? This will take us out of the cave.

Come! We've covered quite a distance! This path takes you away from the cave. I hope I don't bang my head to the roof. No, please come! Just a second, Bhai! Are we out? Yes, we are.

This looks awesome! We've come out but where are we going next? Now, we are going back the way we came from. Is this the way back? Yes! Amazing! So, we've returned to the place where we... ...we had entered Reechhgarh. Isn''t this the place? Yes, we started here.

When we started, this place was filled with people and now. Yes, because it is sunset time in Dhoopgarh. I think only we are left here now. See, there is no one else. This experience was too good! So, now, we are going to Dhoopgarh. Sir, the next destination is Dhoopgarh.

How long? It will take about half an hour to... ...to reach there? Yes! Do you see that tall mountain in the distance? That is where we are headed! See, this is where we will go by road. Amazing! Now, we've reached a point from where, all we can see is jungle spread out in every direction.

In front of me are numerous mountain peaks. And if we look straight ahead, in that direction... ...we can see the Chauragarh Temple. We saw this temple through binoculars a while ago. Now, we can see it with our eyes, even though it is still far. The round trip to that temple takes 5 hours to complete.

Very nice! Let's move forward now. We have reached the parking point in Dhoopgarh. Right now, I think there must be at least 100-125 Gypsies here. You are right Sir! There are more than 100 Gypsies here.

Yes Sir, first we will go from here to watch the sunrise. Sunrise, in the evening? You mean we will see the sunrise point. Yes, the sunrise point. There are people already standing there. Yes! So, what is the distance between Surise and Sunset points? It is about 250-300 meters.

I am enjoying! Usually, how many people visit this place during the sunset? There are very few people here in the morning Sir. Getting up early isn't easy for everyone. You've got to wake up early and book the ticket a day in advance.

Yes! One needs a special level of energy to visit in the morning. For that, you need excitement, energy, and passion! Oh! By God! Oh Man! This is an amazing place! A while ago, we were enjoying the jungle view. This view is much better than the earlier one. From this height, you can enjoy an almost 160-degree view! Correct! In front of you is the whole jungle and beyond it are the mountains.

You can feel 100% purity in the air. My heart is happy here! There is a milestone here. You are 9 KM from Pachmarhi. Dhoopgarh is 4,429 feet from sea level. Here, you can visit a gallery that contains photographs & brief information about.... ...top destinations in Pachmarhi. We've reached the sunset point.

People here are waiting for the moment when they will see the sun setting behind the mountains. Correct Sir! The best thing is that there are proper steps for people to sit upon. So, you can sit properly and enjoy the feel of this place. There are numerous hills around here. There are back-to-back hills around us. Absolutely Sir! Amazing! Beautiful! It is already 6.25 PM.

In another 15-20 minutes... Yes, the sun is likely to set at 6.45 PM. 6.45! I can see clouds on the horizon. So, I am not really hopeful that we would be able to see the sun setting behind the mountains. Absolutely Sir! Come, let's sit! We enjoyed the sunset view! Let me tell you.

As the sun went down, it turned golden in colour. Now, we saw the sunset. But, we didn't see the sun setting behind the mountain. We could see the horizon.

We didn't see it go all the way behind the mountain, which is understandable because of clouds. But Ram Bhai says that you won't see the sun going behind the mountain anytime during the year. Correct Sir! So, what is the reason behind that? We both aren't very sure about that. If you know the reason, do share in the comments.

I would love to understand this. But I am happy to have seen this sunset here today. Terrific! Everybody enjoyed the moment! Now, we still have some daylight left. Everybody is going back now. Now, we will return to Pachmarhi and visit the Haat (market) there. What is its name? Haat Bazaar! Haat Bazaar! We will end today's journey after we visit Haat Bazaar! We must leave now! Yes Sir! Yes! Let's go! This overall experience is worthy of applause! I enjoyed it a lot! We've reached the Bison Lodge.

Ram Bhai needs to go somewhere else. We will end the episode at Haat Bazaar! Thanks a lot! Welcome Sir! We had a lovely time with you today Since past 2-3 KM of our journey, he has been saying there is no electricity in Pachmarhi. It was clear to us from the surroundings.

Do you think there will be electricity in the Haat Bazaar? Sir, most of the shops would be closed now. Alright! Still, you can visit there to see which shops are open and which ones are not. It would be clear only if I visit there? Okay then, you can leave for home and we will head to the Bazaar. Alright Sir! Thank you so much! We had a good time with you! Bye-bye! Bye! It is 7.45 PM now. We have been at the Pancharan Haat Bazaar for the past 15-20 minutes. We wanted to visit the whole market but there is no electricity.

We came to know earlier that there is no electricity in Pachmarhi. So, I was thinking I should wait for the electricity to be restored. The light was restored in between but then, again, it was gone. This is a cafe that serves coffee, but I wanted tea. So, I requested them to prepare a cup of tea for me.

And they got me this cup of tea. If the light is restored in another 15-20 minutes... ...then I can visit the Haat Bazaar. Otherwise, obviously, we cannot visit the Bazaar in dark. Right now, it is completely dark outside. During the evenings, they host cultural performances here. I wanted to see what they sell to the tourists in this Bazaar.

For now, we have no other option but to wait for another 15-20 minutes. I am leaving for my hotel and we are going to end our day here. Whenever you come here, you must visit the Haat Bazaar. Entry ticket is for Rs 50. Try visiting in the evening because there are activities like the cultural programme. If you want to come to Pachmarhi by train... ...the nearest railway station would be in Pipariya, which is about 55 KM from here. By air, Bhopal is the nearest airport, about 110 KM away.

You can also reach Nagpur, and... ...just like Delhi people visit Mussoorie on weekends,... ...Nagpur people visit here because it is very close to Pachmarhi. It is bye-bye now! Thanks for your time!

2024-07-25 13:59

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