Touring the Gorgeous ZOO SICILY by Rudi Rennkamel | Planet Zoo Best Zoo Tours

Touring the Gorgeous ZOO SICILY by Rudi Rennkamel | Planet Zoo Best Zoo Tours

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hey I'm ZSHplays and today we are looking at  somebody else's zoo for once, it's Zoo Sicily   by Rudi Rennkamel! This zoo is full of absolutely  amazing scenery some of the best Landscaping I've   seen in a long time and of course lots and  lots of animals let's check it out here we   are in zoo Sicily I like it already got some nice  Mediterranean architecture in the background Olive   Tree some free roaming peal and it's looking good  let's get inside and take a look I have not seen a   lot of this Sue I remember when Rudy it I think  it was around the Twilight pack did something   very clever with adding bats into the car park  so they were just flying around the uh lamps   in there which is cool but I am looking forward  to exploring it properly so I've discovered the   way in and that's pretty much all I've done so  we're going to go and explore it together see   what we can find look like we've got a little  gift chop over there the frame rate is really   good as well there's over 500 animals in this  Sue so I'm surprised the frame rate is holding   up as well as this we got some wombats down here  some like ruins in the habitat there's a lot of   these sort of bleached white rocks everywhere  as well get that kind of Sicilian feel going on   I've been to Sicily it is really dry there dry  and hot those are the first things you notice   so you get a lot of sort of sun bleach rocks  like this see they've got a little burrow to   hide in over there as well I like that Cliff  up there let's carry on see what we can find   got is this another habitat over here or is  this more of the wombat's habitat they've got   a little indoor area over there what have  we got down here H oh yeah I think this is   an extension of the womber habitat and we've  got a nice what looks like a bridge over here [Music] our koala habitat with the koalas  walking around on the floor as is   traditional in Planet Z that's a really nice view though these sort of Mediterranean  style Villas are really nice there's one see what else we've got let's go  down here a lot of height variation   in this zoit which is always fun other  than trying to build it of course like that so we got another view into the koalas here got a little pool as well kilas  do enjoy a swim well they can swim   I don't know how much they enjoy it  but let see what we've got over here some nice rock work oh we've got this is a whole   little Australian area we  got wallabies and emus in here tree is really nice I think that's a custom   tree got lots of shade as well which  you really really want when you're in Sicily like these glass viewing windows if you're not familiar with Rudy's uh builds or  his channel he is one of the uh original Planet   zoo creators he's been making videos since the  Atlantic coaster days I'm sure you've seen his   videos whether it's his series or his tutorials  but uh just in case you haven't that is who he is   he was kind enough to send this to me this is on  the workshop but there's uh he's had real trouble   getting the file to work quite a lot of mods used  in making this Zoo um and he tried to get rid of   them all to send them across to me and um Caesar  creates maybe some other um YouTubers as well I'm   not sure um and it's been a real struggle to get  it working and eventually I think he found one mod   that he just couldn't get rid of so he sent me  that mod so I've installed that so that we can   see the zoo the cute little Mir cats here but uh  if it's on the workshop and you download it I'm   not sure you're going to be able to get it to work  unless you have the correct mod but I'll put that   I forget what it's called um I don't normally use  mods myself so um I'll put that in the description   to the video so if you do want to explore this  Su you can grab that mod and come in and check   it out some really nice views along here loads of  layers to the view which I really like it's one   of the best things about putting height variations  into your zoo and why it's worth it despite being   um so difficult to do because you get stuff like  this where you can look over here we can see some   cliffs in the background we got the steps going up  there we got the mircat habitat in the foreground   around can see something way off over there in  the distance not sure what that is and yeah just   really brings the zoo to life when you do that  uh we've got another area going down there as   well but let's carry on on this path see what  we've got here looks like there's a viewing   here so that we can see down into that area so  let's check that out we got some porcupines down here that's a really nice little porcupine  habitat just some mud walls big old log for   them to get some shade under I like that  these catti are really cool as well sure   I've ever used those didn't realize they had  the the fruit on them some ruins there as well see what we got around here o nice that is a really cool River and Waterfall  oh he's hidden the waterfall pieces in there   that's clever I can see something  bouncing around in the background   there not sure what it is all it's otter  got Asian small claw otter in here very cute super otter this goes all the way  down here while this is a   habitat there's even one  swimming down there loads of them very cool let's get back around here and   looks like we can go right  over the porcupine habitat [Music] here yeah likely amount of shade  in this Su like I said it be really   important in Sicily so it's cool  that that has been uh considered   I like this bridge as [Music] well  some little custom drystone walls there and then we've got another path [Music] here really nice foliage work as well look at [Music] that the gardens really nice actually  captured feel of a sicilian Garden really nicely   here like I say I'm lucky enough to have been to  Sicily it's a beautiful place I'd highly recommend   it uh unless you don't like it hot in which case I  would not recommend it got some Red River Hog down there and then what do we have in here [Music] see I'm presuming this is  just a bit of a habitat seems a bit   small for rapes yeah we can go all the way down there these definitely needs a break from the Heat this pathing is pretty crazy  so we can see right down into the   Red River Hog habitat oh we got some  Red Crown crane over there as well [Music]   like habitats like this where you're not entirely  sure what you're looking at or where you are   it's much more immersive than just having a  path with a big Square exhibit in front of it we got another waterfall [Music] there and then we got a bridge here to go under uh looks like another Garden coming up here not sure these Billboards are blank I'm  not sure if there should be custom signage o   Panda not sure if they should be custom signage  in there or not that's a really nice view very   nice ah so the panders can actually go over the  bridge that's cool see if we can uh get that   before he's gone over it yes we can oh  that would be a really cool experience   in the zoo got a little custom kind  of climbing swing for them here as [Music] well see where we're going [Music] here I like these little signs yeah  I'm pretty sure there should be some custom   signage in there but um Rudy didn't send  me any so they'll just be blank for the   purposes of this tour this is really cool  habitat don't know if it's for like Gibbons   or lemur or something of the island there  let's go up here and see if we can see oh   wow Jaguar I was not expecting that wonder  if we can see it oh yeah having a little [Applause] swim another nice view here that scratching post is enormous feel like we could potentially do with some  oh wow like potentially we could do with some   more uh incentive for the guests not to climb  into this habitat uh if a jaguar or two Jaguars   isn't enough for that tend to see more kind of  um barriers than that in a big cat up attack but   it's very pretty let's go around here see  what we've got here a lot of different r   through this zoo I don't know where to go I'm  going to go over this way can see some roofs over here so presumably there's something up  this way see the guest way up over there   as [Music] well oh this is very cute  little habitat wonder what's in here   oh ah fic Fox cute let's go up to we  got some more viewing up here yes we do what's gone look at all that wall the way it's  all um degraded that's really cool it's   done a great job with the pathing here I'm  presuming yeah I don't think these are 4   M wide I think he's used a little thinner  path trick that looks really cool [Music] looks like we got a restaurant over there yeah this is cool the bark pieces I think it's  a little peek into the habitat yes it is oh nice that's very cool and then we got a bigger  habitat here maybe for some a sand cats nice climbing he's integrated  the Burrows really nicely into all   these habitats as well so that they're  um part of the scenery rather than just   a enrichment item that's been stuck  down there there's a little sand [Music] cat and then over here I think  is the restaurant that we just saw let's check that out at there's  tablecloths that's really clever oh   that one's even better that looks so good  little al fresco dining experience all right   let's head up this way cuz I can see some  paths up there so let's see what's at the   top of the zoo this path is really good  [Music] all the foliage surrounding you   this little fence here really do feel like  you're in a Mediterranean Forest here that's awesome so hard to make good paths  in Planet zoo it's just hard to get   inspired by making something as boring  as a path but when you get it right it is   absolutely 100% worth it just check that  view out of these custom lamp shades as well wow there is some gorgeous stuff in this sua now we're going to get a view down  over the majority of it by the looks of it [Music] whoa see down into the jaguar habitat  there in fact you can see him just down there   let's see what we've got up here oh wow something big at the top of the zoo got a little habitat in here ah underwater   viewing oh it's a penguin  habitat nice King Penguins that's a really cool view there's  even a little viewing dome in there as well nice let's go up to the top love a habitat with multiple views  so let's take a top view of the Penguins   see what we can see again lots and lots  of shade I can hear sounds like a lion somewhere nice not sure how happy King Penguins  would be outside in Sicily but I'm not a penguin   expert so maybe there R's doing that is really  cool though let's go up to this huge building   here that looks really cool this is really fun to  see I think Rudy's a very different Builder to me   I think he pays less attention to the realism of  the builds in terms of um how the animals are kept   he's more of an imagination guy and he makes  some really really cool stuff sometimes it can   be really frustrating to trying up with habitat  designs and then you're researching the animals   and reading the Animal Care manuals and it's like  no you can't have them do this you can't have them   do that they don't accept this temperature you  can't keep this many of them together it can   be really difficult to um follow through a cool  idea if you pay that much attention to that kind   of realism and I'm put words in his mouth here I  could be completely wrong but I think he thinks   that the making stuff look awesome is uh is more  important than making it look exactly like what   you'd see in real zo which is completely  valid and it enables you to make amazing   stuff like this like these big barrels he's put  everywhere ah we've got a little farmyard section   presumably this is the newest part of the zoo  that's really cute wa those chickens are loud I love this building I'm guessing this is a  reptile house but we shall see could be an   amphibian house maybe oh we got the donkeys  I have never seen the donkeys in Planet Z   let's check those out there a pie Bal one  as well that's very cute and it's a walk through this is awesome I love the bar animal pack I was  so unimpressed when they announced it and   then now I absolutely love it just such  a different vibe to the rest of the game   it's really cool all right yes we've  got a reptile house what is that it's   a boa constrictor presumably a albino  so this must be a very rare morph that   you can get let's explore the rest of  the building there's so much light in here this is great we have here so  we got some more exhibits down this wall maybe the Terra pins from the look of it then we got some more down here oh yeah here we go wow is this a sloth or an implied sloth  habitat that's very clever means a load of   tropical houses where you just have um  a branch or a log over the path and then   there's just like a a sloth or sometimes  a uh tree porcupine just chilling out on   it it's so cool to be that close to them  let's go up these stairs and have a look   these thin paths are really cool although  unfortunately explore cam doesn't seem to   want to go down them a there we go I want to see  what this is all about up here maybe it's just implied yeah I don't see the actual sloth  exhibit up here presumably couldn't squeeze   it into this space it is pretty huge yeah  that is a gorgeous little reptile and   amphibian house that is one of my favorite  things I've seen in this Zoo so far and we   are at the top of the zoo so we need to go  down and find our next route through the zoo   before we move on can we just talk about  this view wow it's really making me want   to build an entire zoo on a hill that's  just awesome all right so across from the   Penguins we've got another building up here a  very interesting facade on it oh and a really   cool looking habitat down here like the word  reminds me of my one habitat a little bit in   San Bernardino Zoo see what we've got in here  look at the Landscaping in here that is Lush presumably some sort of semi- aquatic animal  in here all right I've just checked I think   this habitat is for a modded animal which  is why we can't see it but let's go into   this crazy build it's a Lem habitat that's  very cute I love that basket for them up there I cannot get over the frame  rate in the Su I don't know how   it runs so fast with this many  animals it's not like the builds   aren't detailed or anything so not sure  why this is running so much better than uh San berino Z that's really nice more Cliffs up  there and we've got a little like a   little Sicilian Street up here got a  fountain and another exhibit over here I see now so we've got iguanas over here and this  is an implied habitat for them that's a great idea shame they won't be  leaving their little house   but that's very [Music] clever  love that see what we've got up here really like the street  oh we've got disabled access   as well nice these houses and streets  Etc and the Sunshine is actually making   me want to uh just sit down and grab a beer  I think sadly no way to do that in Planet [Music] zoo wonder if these are just facades or if   these would be shops IRL oh yeah we  got one here little counter [Music]   and we've got what looks like a viewing  platform up here okay we got seals up [Music] here what a great view so maybe this  is for sea lions or African penguins or something oh it's the same habitat  one really big habitat with a   path going over the top of it cool so I'm assuming  this is going to take us down to some underwater viewing I think this might be the windiest Zoo  I've ever been in I love it so hard to build stuff   like this this is what real zoos feel like you're  always going around corners not sure whether to   go left or right habitats on either side this  is really good oh no we got Sealands in here and then seals over here cool I think this is the end of the zoo in this  direction we will make sure more nice decal work   there little water stand definitely need that  here and a little viewing Point as well at the   end of the video I'll show you the whole zoo  from the air it is quite a sight halfway down   the hill we find ourselves at this cute African  penguin habitat look at this little guy waddling along he was in a hurry and this is a whole little  African area here we go across   to here we're going to see some much  larger African animals there we go black rhinoceros and a little sort  of water feature there that's   really cool a little watering hole for them love [Music] that very nice if we go down  here we got another habitat on this [Music] side not sure what's in here   some nice ruins well I'm going to call that  a no-show never go through a trip to the   zoo without at least one noo need to keep it  realistic oh we got some butterflies around here another gorgeous view little tour point oh they look so nice out here and we've  got a bridge see where this this is going to   take us it's going to take us into another  gorgeous garden and this is taking us back   to the entrance so let's head down the other  side of the hill all right so we've come down   from that big hill we were just on and now we're  going to explore in the other direction and go   up around here see what we can find up here so  we got the Jaguar away on our left got a little   counter there and I can see a building here we're  going to go and check this one out more amazing planting he's just captured the vibe of  Sicily so nicely here uh I think this is the entrance so let's go in aha okay I  think I know what we're going to find in here which way should we go we'll go in this  way sloths and lens I have not seen that before this would be very cool to visit sloth up [Music] there multiple sloth exhibits possibly  by the looks of it and then loads of extra parts   to tie it all together so the Gibbons can move  around it as well this is really cool [Music] that's a nice little touch that actually there's  even decal so the water extends across the floor   that's brilliant love this circular window just  giving you a little Glimpse out there some more   amazing planting we got another sloths  up here this one's even moving [Music] what a gorgeous little house think that's everything in here  yeah go out the exit here and then find   out where we can go next well this is  cute we've got a Vineyard for prairie [Music] dogs nice to see the  grape vine being used as an   grap Vine for once un like  how I always use it oh there's one got a huge habitar this is just past the uh the  pandas getting back towards the entrance here almost like a plaza here quite an open space that's the panda habitat back  there we got the Jaguar over   there and this presumably is  the end of the prairie dog habitat this might be some  indoor viewing or something   got these giant wine barrels here  have been turned into is that flower pots these like little terrariums that's a cute little idea we got a load of Staff buildings [Music] here oh and then arars with Mir cats that's a cute combo this  is one of the cool things about building a   sandboxy I want it to have arar and Mir cats  together in San Bernardino Zoo but because   it's in franchise mode the space requirements  for the arvar were just so huge it would have   um destroyed my build so I wasn't able to do  it but in sandbox mode you can do whatever you   want over here we got the other side of the  mirat habitat you can see the Emu away in the   distance there now behind the sloth house is  something really cool the aboreal garden you   can see what is in here on these giant climbing  platforms I love this this is a really cool orang habitat reminds me of tear Garden shern Brun  and a few other orang habitats that I've seen that's very cool loads going on in this habitat loads  of different areas all interconnected by   these huge climbing frames  you can get right underneath them and we got some sang over here it is very noisy in [Music] here that's very [Music] cool and that's pretty much everything  in Zeus Sicily except for one really cool   thing which I'm going to show you at nighttime  after dark we can head down into the car park   and see something really cool so it's just  over here you can see some lights we got   the coach behind us some more nice rock work  here and then over here and you can already   see them we've got the car park with the bats  in it obviously these bats are here all the   time there's no uh nocturnal behavior in Planet  zoo but when you switch it to night if we come   in here it's such a great idea they're  just flying all the way around the car park more of them down here actually is this a  car park maybe it's a a bike park or something   I'm not sure how you'd get a car in here maybe  it's for the staff but yeah just look at that   got some uh custom Roost for them as well  and yeah there's a very cool end to this   here as promised is the entire Zoo from the  air it really does look amazing thank you so   much to Rudy rankel for sending this to me check  out his channel if you want to see more of his   work and I'll see you again on Saturday for some  more San Bernardino Zoo thanks for watching bye

2024-07-21 05:58

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