Phuket Airport Emergencies - Inside Phuket Airport - S01 EP05 - Travel Documentary

Phuket Airport Emergencies - Inside Phuket Airport - S01 EP05 - Travel Documentary

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[Music] arriving at Phuket airport you can already  see you're on a Paradise Island [Music] this   is your first step to a holiday of a  lifetime [Applause] at Burgers beers boys or where the nightmares begin I've  missed my flight so not good it's   where cultural differences and the  language barrier sorry we don't need   to go to the hospital can trip up even  the most experienced traveler we are not   allowed to stay here anymore and remind  you you're thousands of miles from home   going home tomorrow but you're in safe hands  as the airport staff are just waiting to solve   your problems welcome it's gonna be another day  for us it's made me excited all the time so put   your seat back and tray tables in the upright  position as we arrive in inside Phuket Airport [Applause] [Music] every year over 150 000 Brits find themselves  getting injured abroad these two are leaving to   go home to Canada and have fallen foul of the  country's Infamous Road Rash aka the Thailand   tattoo so we got into a motorbike accident um we  were in our lane basically and a pickup truck just   turned left without warning and game over road  traffic injuries are a common sight at Phuket   airport and what a surprise it's usually under 25  year olds on motorbikes so I lost the toenail I   lost some soft tissue uh yeah face both hands  but we're alive we're still good pretty much   ruined our vacation we couldn't go to the beach  anymore or couldn't get sand in our wounds I'm   a drummer so I would need to place the stick  right here so I'm gonna have to wait a while   to play drums again well let's face planting into  tarmac at speed would help with her and Marco had   health issues even before the accident he went to  the bathroom he's going to bathroom a lot and I   just hear a huge Bang Yeah so I fainted he fainted  on the stairs trying to get used to the Heat and   everything got dehydrated this is the first time  I'm out of North America could be last as well   if you carry on like this completed opposite  side of the planet and this all this happens   we got injured about three days ago and we  haven't done anything since [Applause] and   that's exactly why this Airport have their very  own Army of Medics fire officers and Engineers   keeping you safe Phuket International is not  just an airport it's like a mini City in itself   with 3 000 staff and nearly 30 000  passengers a day walking through its   doors the airport needs to function  independently to the outside world   with maintenance catering and security staff the  airport also has its very own emergency services   and this week they're all being tested on their  emergency response so that's the airport's fire   department and the medical center primed and  ready more so than ever to Spring to action and it's Dr sutsini heading up the medical center  assisted by her team of nurses who were all primed   and ready for the test this test happens like once  a year and in the past we never fail and it's a   lot of pressure because we never fell and this  is my first time but I'm doing my best to pass   this test when there were real cases I don't get  too nervous because I know my team I trust them   however the clinic is open for business as usual  and their first real patient has shown up in the   shape of Anthony from Norwich who fainted just  before boarding his flight home I've been not   quite right for a few days I had some bug I had a  temperature and we've been standing up for a while   waiting to board and I just painted everyone was  sort of standing around nurses just came out of   nowhere and they took me here by ambulance yeah  you couldn't couldn't fault it with Thailand's   hot temperatures and exotic foods dehydration  and upset stomachs are common complaints at   the airport Medical Center and it's Dr sutsony's  responsibility to make sure everything is okay   first we have to make a Subway the primary survey  on the patient to see if they are fully conscious   we can bring them back to our clinic but if we  evaluate and then they meet an emergency or maybe   an advanced life support then we transfer them  to the hospital thankfully Anthony's situation   was nowhere near that serious in case that we  have we can bring them back to our clinic and   we will evaluate how long we will take for  example maybe 30 minutes or maybe one hour   and if we can finish everything in time we  have give the certificate that they are fit   to fly any passenger taken ill at the airport  will need to be medically signed off before   boarding flight so after 30 minutes at the clinic  Anthony has given the all clear by Dr suttony   patient they will contact Airline first about  how they can help well because of my painting   obviously I missed the flight and we had to unload  all our baggage and that was done for us then we   took my wife back to the sales counter to issue  new tickets on the next flight but it's brilliant   thinking I must say is absolutely brilliant  so although it was an unpleasant experience   for Anthony Thai Airways and the medical  staff have made it as painless as possible   we catch up with Dr sutsony later to see  whether she makes the grade in the annual   Medical Response test which no one has failed  before my head is pumping very fast so excited   and nervous yet and whilst the airport Medical  Center takes care of all passengers and staff Phuket International also sees people arriving  for Planned Medical Treatments like ebony a   young mother of three from Brisbane Australia  it's just the start of a new beginning I've   had three kids and your body goes through  torture going through all of that so I'm   coming for cosmetic surgery I'm getting my  boobs done and their surgery would just be   about me and if you're the start of all things  positive for my self-esteem and for me going   but it would seem the road to high self-esteem  comes in stages two years ago to Thailand it's been two years but I've come back I could  have gone back to Brisbane to do the second   procedure but I chose to come back to Thailand  again because the hospital is a five-star here   the first time I came to Thailand I had  a really good experience the staff was   wonderful the nurses the doctors were all really  great approximately 5 000 women a year come to   Thailand for breast augmentation making this the  most popular plastic surgery procedure in Thailand   probably the biggest thing I was scared about is  coming on my own last time I came with somebody   and it was great and that was what I was nervous  about this morning was coming here but I know that   I'm in good hands and I'll be okay I'm feeling  really tired after a big flight wanting just   to get to the hotel and have a sleep and get  myself prepared so I can yeah wake up fresh and   ready for my surgery this will just be the final  thing that gets me onto my new chapter in life with world-class hospitals and some of the top  plastic surgeons in Thailand Phuket alone saw   thousands of Brits fly in for procedures last  year and it's women and men like ebony in need   of a little help that visit the island  for a quick nip and Tuck I'm feeling   pretty good today I'm obviously nervous and  excited and yeah mostly excited but I'm sure   just before they push me in the nerves will  kick in and I'll feel like running [Music]   hello good night for you again I'll be period  after tell you you may have looked a nice big   breath compared with your body we'll be catching  up with ebony later as she prepares to go under   the knife Thai style [Music] as Thailand's third  largest airport and with up to 80 flights landing   and taking off every day Phuket International's  operations officers dong and top are part of a   24-hour team responsible for keeping all things on  the Airfield running smoothly and more importantly   running safely and today is no different as  they Patrol the air side of the airport [Music] we need to take care of everything about  ASI safety things that can impact my day   can be weather it can be passenger it can be the  operation of those Airlines [Music] where you   serve in the airport dong and top are constantly  on the lookout for anything on the Airfield that   could cause any issue for the airport we're  inspecting our area which is our side we look   for everything look for some object is where it's  not supposed to be so we just you know collected   we call it A40 stands for foreign  object debris or foreign object damage   which is some object that can make a  damage to aircrafts we need to make sure   that everything is clear especially about  the area that airplanes will pass or Park we just found attack from one passenger cow he's from Sweden so we just collecting  stuff that could be dangerous for aircraft in   like insignificant litter but these small bits  of debris on the tarmac like the luggage tag   belonging to coal from Sweden could prove  catastrophic if it were to hit a delicate   jet engine something that can cause the  problem can be very small that can damage   aircraft so their vigilance is not only  saving Airlines hundreds of thousands of   pounds in repairs but also saving thousands  of lives [Music] things are very sensitive   and the safety about airplane is number one is  the first priority so the small stuff like this   is not exceptional you know it could be a little  scratch but that scratch can cause a lot of lives package tag [Music]   so with the Eagle Eye top and Dong working hard  to reduce the risk of an emergency on the Airfield   it's the fire department's job to be ready to  deal with any emergencies when they do occur   and today it's station officer Nars responsibility  I said uh aircraft firefighting and serious skill   our responsibility is eight kilometer from the  reference point the Airways Runway starts where   the beach ends so Nars team are also trained  in sea rescue in case a plane ends up in the   ocean for one reason or another so we have to  prepare for aircraft accident or land and on water   so we have to do water rescue training too   because the accident will happen mostly when the  planes landing or take off today though the team   of flying into action as they're tested on their  response times to a big old Runway fire emergency with the firefighting we have to be ready to do  everything as they speed down the runway off they   go to the practice rescue and we find out later  in the show if it goes off with the bang [Music]   there's one of the world's top  destinations for medical tourism   Thailand's plastic surgery industry is on the rise and today it's the Moment of Truth for Australian  ebony who is receiving the second of her two-stage   breast enlargements having waited two years since  her first order so originally I came because I had   just had three kids and had been breastfeeding  them for a very long time there was not much   left and we had finished having our kids and I'd  always said like once we finish having kids then   I'm turning my focus myself and fixing up bits  that had been ruined by the kids I don't know   you lose all your self-confidence and you know  I live in Brisbane so it's hot and we're in the   beach and we're in summer gear all the time and  it'll just make me feel super confident and happy   having originally visited Phuket Plastic  Surgery Institute two years ago Ebony's   breast augmentation had been planned in two stages  but with General Life getting in the way her new   look is now long overdue okay two years okay we  do our previous breast augmentation okay recent   photos of your breasts look nice okay and today  you ask for bigger implants yes possible okay I   need to shake your pocket first and then I will  estimate the proper size of implant for you and   discuss with you about the side which you  prefer and for the revision surgery normally   we can increase around 100 to 150 cc from  previous size okay normally for the patient   ask for more than 150 from previous implant  I need to shake with the internal Sizer to   make sure it's still safe for patients ebony is  looking to go up two cup sizes but it's down to   the doctor to make sure the size is suitable and  safe for her I will estimate the size of implant   according to the patient-based dimension and  make sure not to be because with a big implant   it will increase less of the complications  at the start of her surgeries ebony was an   A cup and is currently a c she dreams of  being an e-cup but even before the doctor   can see the actual space inside her breast she is  determined to get as large an implant as possible okay at up 200 CCE [Music] okay 250. now it's about 600  CC yeah this one's better [Music]   guancha won't know how large he can go until ebony   goes onto the knife but he assures her  that he'll go for the biggest implants   possible I will try with 550 600 and  it will do it as big as possible again so as ebony goes through the final bits of  paperwork for the surgery she's excited about   seeing her new look but also about getting  some down time I'm looking forward to getting   put to sleep and having a rest but I'm  sure that anyone who's a mum and works   can relate to wanting to have a little bit of  downtime [Music] in arrivals we find American   urushi and Australian Krishna currently in a  long-distance relationship but rendezvousing   in Phuket I flew in from Mumbai and I flew  in from here we know each other from a study   abroad experience we had in Munich and then we  started dating but the last time we saw each   other was last Christmas yeah you got a beard  now and longer hair as soon as you remove the   long distance part it's it's a fine relationship  yeah yeah and these two young lovebirds seem to   be totally in sync on the same page singing from  the same hymn sheet totally up for exactly the   same holiday I want to do a little bit of thrill  seeking if I'm allowed I recently almost drowned   like back in Munich yeah like I don't think I  want to relive that experience so I was still   negotiating the terms there but I was hoping  at the beginning for bungee jumping but that   seems off the list you can do it no but that's not  fair that's not fun um oh he's gonna make me do it   just wanted to see him with like beads in his hair  you just want me to be like a hippie pretty much   girl seeking and safe yeah okay so maybe there's  the need for some discussion here but whatever   they come up with I've Got the Feeling there'll  be a story to tell at the end of their trip   with that slightly crazy laugh it's obvious  which of them is excited about the bungee jump [Music]   some passengers leave the island having  sought medical assistance during their   stay following a good old holiday mishap so  I cut my foot on a rock yesterday [Applause]   but this morning the wound wouldn't  close I'm deciding whether or not I'm   Gonna Keep traveling so it's off to  the clinic for a checkup for this one   someone who pretty much started her trip in a  medical clinic is Canadian Ashley who is traveling   with her boyfriend Sean we went to Monkey beach  in Kobe beef and it's a little bit crazy there   with all the tourists so we were kind of standing  back trying to stay out of all the craziness and a   monkey ended up coming up and biting us anyways so  remind me so that was fun and by the looks of it   boyfriend Sean was obviously very sympathetic at  the time oh there you go so that was when it first   happened it was uh pretty Raw on my leg right  there it's not very impressive anymore it's been   a month when it first happened it was like the  whole thing was black and this little fairly quick rabies you say sure nothing dangerous then the  first day I had seven injections so that way it   doesn't it doesn't spread and get into your brain  and kill you the injection fluid was like that   that's huge it's really painful the shot was  way worse than the monkey bite actually Sean   is really loving all of this massive injection  shot and then I had to take nine pills a day   for three weeks yeah and in that three weeks I  had three more shots didn't ruin our trip though   oh what a surprise aren't you sure that Ashley  felt the same with her bruised monkey eaten leg   s and you just take a leg on  a trip once and it didn't stop and stop hang on two broken legs on past  holidays okay sure monkey bites nothing [Music] the arrivals Hall at Phuket International  s passengers arriving from 36 destinations   every day and today it's hosting  a reunion of old school friends   now living all over the world [Music] [Applause] we're actually all here to celebrate this  gentleman getting married in about three   or four months from now last big party being  single we call it a bachelor party in North   America I think stag parties we're here to make  a lot of bad decisions and have a lot of good   fun the group all studied with Aki the Stag  either at Uni or High School in Beijing and   they've all traveled to Phuket to give him a  proper send-off into married life it's amazing   I mean some of them I haven't seen before  years five years and it says the same so I   room from Seattle I came in from New York so  Leo myself we came from Beijing I don't know   what day it is what time it is I know  I'm in Phuket Phuket that's all I need snacks we're here for whilst waiting outside the  airport for one more pal the boys thoughts turned   to important planning for the week ahead I was  just planning the the best I've got a pink bow   tie and I've just discovered that Gavin is very  upset about the fact that it's a [ __ ] bow tie   I'm sorry you're better than that hockey  this is all I've been able to think about   for the last month or so Thailand my mates from  high school celebrating like the next step and   why finally the boys spot a familiar face man has arrived from Australia how about a  hug how about a smile yeah honestly anytime   this group of friends from high school get  together it's it's like no time has passed   Matt who was our last person to come in as our  host so uh I just can't wait to see what he's   gonna he's what it's so for us yeah a lot of  organizing I spend a lot of time doing this one   cheap it's affordable and it's just fun so  it's an ideal place for a bachelor party so with the Fab Five finally all together  it's off to get the Stag week started [Music] at the airport Medical Center Dr sutsony is  gearing up for another busy day each month   her Clinic sees an average of 150 passengers who  need sterilizing bandaging or signing off to fly   home but the steady flow of sick passengers and  staff is a welcome change to her former job I've   been working in the hospital before I was working  in the emergency room in one day I think I have   to deal with many patients maybe 100 so every time  you have to be prepared so Dr sutsony is well used   to a fast-paced work environment which stands her  in good stead as the airport is in the midst of a   week of tests across all of its emergency services  and the medical center is no exception it's making   everyone just a little bit jittery we are all  nervous not only me a doctor but nurses and   also driver they're also nervous so we just have  to focus we have to have a good communication so   it all comes down to this phone when it rings the  test begins and the team will have to spring into   action we don't know where it's gonna happen  someone will just call inside our clinic and   they will tell us about the case after that we  were notified our medical team which include one   doctor two nurses and one driver they want to see  how we perform how fast we can get to the patient   and how far the patient can get access from the  medical team usually in our airport is within   seven minutes all the cases must be within seven  minutes yes while speed is a huge part of the test   the team need to take numerous other factors into  consideration to pass it's not just saving the   patient's life but we have to consider having many  many things besides us such as how to talk to the   patient there will be a checklist and a checkpoint  that we passed this one and this one this one but it's not just the humans who have to be  fit and well every year Phuket International   Airport sees 2 000 domestic pets fly off to new  homes or quite simply off on holiday all must   be deemed medically fit to fly just like their  human counterparts and today Tanya from Sweden   is flying off to Norway with her beloved pets  Bella Zelda and Coco I have been here in Phuket   for the last one year for Holiday purpose and now  I'm on my way to Norway where my husband works   Tanya rescued Zelda and Coco from a shelter  while recently traveling in Malaysia and now   they've become much loved members of the family  so leaving them behind is not an option every time   I walk and I see a stray I want to take them  in my arms and bring them home All Creatures   should have good lives but flying animals around  the world isn't easy and Tanya has had to ensure   her pets are healthy enough to fly oh it's  an alarm process first of all you have to get   but then you have to have the blood test  to assure that they are resistant to radius   and you have to wait three months to take the  dogs out of the country after a second health   check the day before the flight the airport  can finally issue a travel certificate for   the dogs they have to have her own passport  but it's more regarding the vaccinations   taken Tanya and her furry family an hour  to check in but now she's worried about how   they'll cope during the flight it's the first  time we are traveling with the two spray dogs   stuck on this when they get into the airplane  I don't know but they're in the cargo in the   luggage department but she's prepared her  pets as best she can before we went to   the airport with a taxi we had them to to pee  and poop and what else they need to do before   take off so now they should be okay until we  reach Norway tomorrow so with blood is empty   this canine Trio were all set for the flight  and a big culture shock not to lie and Dazzle   in the in the Sun every day even though the  sun is burning they love it so it will be a   big difference for them to go to Norway where  it's winter right now it's around zero degrees   I think I will have to get jumpers and small  shoes fun times boys you're getting a whole   new Norwegian wardrobe so one after the  start no stress no stress but with the   check-in done and dusted Tanya still has the  agony of saying goodbye yet to come foreign [Music] the airport's head of emergency response   and his team are responding to the  emergency drill of a plane crash [Music]   today we will practice about fire fighting and now  they are prepared the fire fighting equipment this   is obviously a practice run with no plane however  the fire they're about to fight is very real and   very intense burning ferociously and not to be  messed with we have a aircraft crash big fire   and there are some casualty some people inter the  crew not only have to deal with the fire but they   also need to tend to the injured passengers  located around the drill site the crew will   go down the Trap and take two headlights for  the operation to cover and open the way for   the passenger and crew to evacuation so we have  two teams one team is open the way and one team   is covered the other team so whilst the first  host team is tackling the main blaze a second   team provides critical backup to keep the first  team and escaping passengers safe at all times they have to fight with the temperature about  10 000 degrees Celsius the rotation equipment or   PPE is protect them from the Heat and they can go  closer to the fire which means with such extreme   temperatures being emitted from the jet fuel fire  the cruise PPE or personal protection equipment is   vital team is very important in the operation  before in the real situation we have only one   Commander but Commander cannot tell everyone for  everything so they have to know what they will do   to be sure that when we have accidents  they can do their job the best very busy single Runway I hope I hope  flights know it's a training exercise   because that's the last thing  you want to see as you take off [Music]   tourism is growing at a rate of almost 20 percent  annually making the industry worth a staggering   billion pounds a year today ebony from Australia  is getting her second breast implant surgery in   Phuket and she hopes to finally get the body she's  always wanted the number of patients who come is   growing year by year year by year most of our clan  here as foreign probably be around 90 percent of   our customer here Dr coonaporn is the director  of the Phuket Plastic Surgery Institute where   ebony is having her surgery and I already tell  my colleague that this is our privilege to have   a license to cut to treat the patient by using the  scaffold on the knife the quality of service the   quality of surgery the outcome is as good or even  better than what they got from their home country   we always think that the might be our mom  our sister our brother our friends that   we need to do the best for them does  ebony surgery finishes Dr sangantwa   is very pleased the operation wind will and we  think ebony will be happy with her new breasts   so she heads into recovery she'll find out  soon if she's happy with the results [Music] at the medical center Dr sutsini  is playing the waiting game like   all the Emergency Services the medical  center is being tested this week the only   thing they don't know is when that test will  happen day is a test I have to pass the test   foreign but in order to pass it the  dock needs this phone to ring [Music] as they say Doc patience is a virtue help this could be it will you hear  the terrible rain we are as excited but okay roll number oh close but no cigar just  I think my heart is pumping very fast so excited   and nervous yet but she's remaining confident  I'm sure that I'm going to pass it yes [Music]   up in Departures and away from the pressures  of tests Argentinian Julian is heading home   but with a new scar to remind him of his  trip oh there yeah I was on the beach I was   walking alone and killed with I don't know with  glasses but maybe a glass I lost a lot of love   unfortunately his trip to hospital wasn't  exactly relaxing either very difficult to   me because I love I feel very pain when they  they have to clean into my also I feel pain   foreign borrowed a wheelchair from the airport's  information desk in exchange for his passport so   he best not Nick it now I am with my new  chair when I use the beer I have to gave   my passport to the people and then they give  me the realtor but it's the long flight home   that's now Weighing on Julian's mind I have 35  hours in total to go to my country to Argentina   so it will be a long long long travel for me  so after a quick change and a judge of the   Hat hair Julian heads off to get his passport  back and get checked in there is an information please wait for a moment when they come I  will return the passport to you yeah yeah thank you okay thank you so much okay  see you and with passport in hand the   airline will now get him all the way to  his seat on the flight and then just a   matter of his long 35-hour journey  home to Argentina foreign [Music] at the airport Nars firefighters are the  first on the scene at any aircraft emergency today they are taking part in a drill  for an emergency response responding to   a simulated air crash on the runway but  with a very real fire and it's more than   just Flames that the team has to tackle I  will foot priority is to take the passenger   out of the accident side immediately actors  are playing the injured passengers but the   fire crew have to react as if this situation  is real and it's down to them to initially   medically assess and treat passengers before  getting them out of Harm's Way Rescuers episode and then send them to the medical team we rescue people I think that's a very cool  thing yeah you're not wrong now and with the   casualties handed over to the Medics the  firefighters return to tackling The Blaze [Music]   airside at the airport the firefighters drill  has been completed successfully and fire station   officer na is very pleased with his team  we practice like this every three months [Music] proud of them they work hard   the firefighter team our training make we look  good because Nar knows if his team looks good   he looks good and with their life-saving skills  proven and tested the team are primed for action [Music]   over at the medical center the team is still  waiting for their impromptu drill to start and   Dr sutsony is like a coiled spring ready for  action she's even got her medical kit ready   to go we have been waiting since morning  until now so but it didn't happen so I was   nervous all day and it didn't happen but  there's still time my shift will be over   in 20 minutes so maybe at 4 59 they might give  me a call Anything could happen at any time I   mean until five so the last few minutes of  her work day tick by Dr suttony can read a   sigh of relief and finally go home and relax  oh yes I'm relieved because it didn't happen   and it's even if it happened after five  o'clock it's not in my shift already so happy yeah that's right someone else's problem now   probably might happen tonight  at any time maybe midnight not for me yeah so going home now all right don't  rub it in but there goes one very relieved doctor back at ppsi it's the morning after Ebony's  breast implant surgery and she's recovering well   I'm fine I can like touch and wave around and I  can just hear these weird like squishing sounds   like you know his stomach kind of grumbles and  it makes like squelching sounds I can hear those   every now and then I've heard it's totally normal  though it's just like little bubbles around that   it's getting rid of despite her noisy new breasts  she's feeling upbeat but has her surgeon revealed   the new size he came in and like spit in my ear  and he was like I gave you 600. and I was like   I think we might have this pumped yeah good morning good morning and I use a 600cc  implant if you request okay her cups now run us   over and she can't wait to show off her new figure  whilst recovering on paquette's sunny beaches [Music] it's been less than 24 hours since the bachelor  party boys arrived in Phuket [Music] and it   looks like they've started their  celebrations with a splash [Music]   it had gone completely to plan and sadly Gavin  has to watch from the sidelines [Applause] um I got a Thailand tattoo for those  of you who don't know what it is it's   when you get a little bit of road  rash from falling off your scooter   coming back from breakfast coming up  the hill I had to slam on my brakes and oh that's how you bug yourself right  there luckily thank God as we're in   a helmet kept the face pretty I  think tomorrow I'll probably be   a bit more sore I had a lot of  adrenaline when it did happen yeah Lee will definitely be feeling that in  the morning going going gone [Music] but like   any good stag party the boys aren't going to  let Gavins prang get in the way of their fun still more to come I mean guys flew down across  the world to see me celebrate the special events   I would do anything for them quite a few of them  are starting to get married have kids so that's   sort of making it harder to meet up so when we do  get the chance it's great just like the song says   right the boys the boys are back in town and you  know it's it's more than just the boys it's family   and with one Thailand tattoo between the five of   them let's just hope they get the  groom back in time for the wedding and from one banged up American to another over  at departures we see The Return of thrill seeking   Krishna and his cautious girlfriend arushi but  by the looks of her it seems like it was more   spills than thrills so we're doing activity after  activity just doing like snorkeling so we rented   out a motorcycle which was great because I love  that uh and he likes to speed too much ultimately   I was a collateral and straight away we all know  what's happened here it was like a ditch and   it was like the ditch turned and accidentally  entered the ditch but I wasn't turning at the   same rate and it rained the night before and so  like I was turning at a different rate than the   ditch was turning and so the bike lost control  and the weird thing was I was in front and like   but she got injured way more than me I got like  two open wounds the rest are just scratches the   thing with these is that you have to like open  them up every single day and you have to like   sterilize it and re-wrap it and uh you know  how like scabs form so you rip off the scab   every single time and it just hurts and I have  really really low pain tolerance she's a big baby   are you having a laugh there's not a  scratch on you okay at the end I think it's a car came by so we managed to take her to the  hospital and everything I finally got you to   hitchhike yeah that's true I've been wanting him  to hitchhike for a really long time and he's like   that's unsafe but we did it yeah something  good came out of this um I'm with Krishna on   the hitchhiking front but before you get on  another bike with him a rushi don't [Music] also in Departures is Tanya who's with her  three pets Bella Zelda and Coco who've checked   in and are ready for their trip to their  new home in Norway we're heading to the   luggage drop-offs now yes I have two handsome  guys to help me I'm traveling by myself it is   a bit stressful and with three awkward crates  to Lug about I can see why I try to give them   water to drink so they not dehydrate but they  don't want to have anything and I just want the   dogs to be okay when we are on the other side of  this journey obviously anxious and worried about   being separated from her three Precious Pets  Tanya is now faced with the heart-wrenching   moment of having to say goodbye to them until  they reach Oslo in just over 17 hours time [Music] for me because I'm a little scared  that they will not read Oslo   um yeah it's just my fear I think they will of  course they will do that but it's just my fear   with Bella Zelda and Coco through security  they are taken through and passed on to the   ground crew to board the plane so I told them  to behave good and to reach Oslo in good manners   but after the long journey Tanya and her pets  get to start a whole new life together in Norway   foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]

2023-10-29 14:10

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