DANGEROUS ENCOUNTER with Moose at the Cabin! | Wyoming

DANGEROUS ENCOUNTER with Moose at the Cabin! | Wyoming

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Hey! Whoa, whoa! Ellie, that is a big bull moose. And they are aggressive. Welcome to the Big Horn Mountains in northeast Wyoming.

This is an amazing place, and we're excited to spend two full days here enjoying this. The wild nature of this place. Seeing wildlife getting out on the trail, doing a little fishing, perhaps just experiencing that joy that we feel when we're in the mountains.

Olivia, do you love blueberries? She loves blueberries. It's probably her favorite meal. There, honey, it should be good for now.

So the plan right now is to make some breakfast, get everybody fed, and then we're going to head out and go for a hike. See you guys. It's really cute.

We have this, little highchair for her. But beyond it being a tiny highchair for a tiny cabin, if you remove the tray there, it becomes a little camp chair. So later on, when we sit by the fire, maybe we'll bring it out. We'll see. You know. So, of course, as we're leaving to go on this hike, it starts to sprinkle a little bit.

But I've been doing that on and off all morning, and, you know, it's just something we're going to have to roll with. Ellie's really used to being an off leash dogs. This is going to be a bit of a, challenge for her. I think what? Oh! Oh. Wow.

Yeah. Whoa! Here you go. Oh, yeah! Go explore. It's for you.

It's for you. Yeah. You go. Good snacks. Yeah. So sweet. There.

Your buddy. This is just so special. This is a life. Oh, I love it. Oh,

we having a good time a great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we are. Do. You. Ali, you are hard

core girl. It's got to be cold. She loves. To go cold. Do you guys be cold? Think. Okay.

I've done. I get a warm. No. It's not stopping. No, it's not stopping. Jeez, Louise, are you ready? Yeah.

Hi, Ellie. You got to move over here. It's the girl. You gotta love lunch after a nice hike.

Leafy. All right, guys, real quick, I want to let you know that this video is sponsored by Anker. They're a long term partner of this channel, and we're so grateful for their energy solutions. And so our main power station for this cabin is the Anker Soul.

Except 2000. I love a few things about this power station. Number one, it is so easy to move in and out of this cabin when we need to.

As you can see, we've got the easy tile retractable handle and the durable wheels which allow us to roll this thing around like a suitcase. And this thing has tons of outputs. We've got four wall AC outlets, two DC car ports, five USB outlets, three of which are fast chargers.

And then you've got the T30 RV port, which is a huge deal for people traveling in RVs or campers. They can plug right into this power station. There are a couple different ways that we will recharge the F 2001 we need to. We've got the option of either using solar, which we have mounted on the roof.

That is a huge deal. When we're off grid like this. And then if we really need to, we can also hook it up to our gas generator to get some quick power going. It's got rapid recharge with hyper flash technology, which will make this thing go from 0 to 80% in just one hour.

That's incredible. I also love that we can leave the F 2000 in the cabin here when we're driving down the highway, and that's due to the unibody drop proof design. It's very, very impact resistant. Oh yeah. And I also love the ambient light on the front of the unit here. It's perfect for some quick light in the middle of the night. And what I really love is how much Anker cares about your investment into this product.

It will last about 3000 charge cycles, which equates to around ten years of use, and it comes with a five year warranty as well. Prime day sales are coming up soon, so if you're looking for a portable power station, just follow the link in the description of this video to check out some amazing deals from anchor Sitewide. All right guys, so I'm going to try to do some fishing. I picked up a couple of lures and, I don't know, I'm optimistic because I've been seeing some fish jump in the stream here, so see what we can do. All right.

Check it out, baby. I'm pretty sure that's a rainbow trout right there. Haha.

Thank you. No. That's it. he took my lure.

I blew it big time. Well, in typical me fashion, I catch a fish and try to get a cool shot of it, you know, for the video and end up losing my lure. Just like the pike. So we're going to a fire tower and a chapel up in the mountains. Here.

And I'm really looking forward to it. I think it's really cool. I'll see all the chapels in the middle of nowhere. and just see the beauty and simplicity of it. yeah. I'm really looking forward to.

This year, I mean, I don't know. How many to go scout it out? Yeah, it's this chapel right there. Okay. I think this is what we should do. Okay, since Olivia's asleep, I think one of us should go, like, we should take turns. Okay, so just like last time.

Just like last time, unfortunately. But, yeah, she just fell asleep, so. All right.

I just love places like that. I definitely feel a unique sense of connection to God when I'm out in the woods or in the mountains. And so, you know, you put a place of worship out here.

Just fit. Awesome. It's great. Super cool.

You want to go check it out? Yeah. All right. We'll head to the fire lookout when you're back. And I try to bust this out as quickly as I can.

Olivia is still asleep. Riley wants to chill there and hang with her. I'm going to try to just hike up there and, check it out quick and come right back down. So this thing was built in 1942.

It's really impressive how they built these things. Where they did, you know, on the peaks of mountains in remote areas. It's just a testament to the hardworking spirit of America, especially back in those days.

Groups like the Civilian Conservation Corps really put some major work into the infrastructure that we have in places all over the country, but especially remote areas and our national parks and national forests. It's really something to admire and, definitely grateful for them. Anyway, yeah. For dinner.

No no no no, I sure am. It's a long day. This one's yours. You want to start off with this first? Sure.

Mean. That's right. I heard.

Well, I was hoping to have a fire tonight, but we're just too tired. It was a very, very good but long day. And, I think we're going to try to get some sleep, so we'll see you guys bright and early in the morning. Good night. Good morning guys.

Good morning. How's everybody doing? Good. How are you? Hey. Yeah.

Got a great night's sleep last night. the only thing that was a little hard was Olivia was crying on and on and off. Yeah, not the whole night. On and off.

So that kind of kept us up for a while. But, we're going to go on a hike this morning, so that'll be really fun. Hiking to a waterfall. All right, guys, so we're headed to West ten Sleep Falls, which is about a mile and a half up this trail. This is a stream that exits the lake that we were at yesterday. And it's the same stream that goes by the cabin.

So it's kind of cool to be able to see a waterfall that's just upstream from where we've been fishing and where we've been living for the past couple days. Oh, wow, look at that. Definitely a little bit more. more turbulent up here than it is by our cabin. All right, let's keep moving.

Just. So, you guys, the falls are right there. We're going to work our way down this trail.

Get to the bottom of them. There it is. You know, I'm always struck by the power of moving water. You know, to carve out canyons and. And make its way through solid rock.

It's beautiful. The man. You got to have respect for it as well.

All right, you guys ready to head back? She's really sweet. All right. Time for a nap. Yeah. All right. Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Allie! No! No! Holy cow! That is a big bull moose.

And they are aggressive. Ali, come. Ali, you get over here.

You got to go back inside. No, no, no! This way. Come on, girl.

Well, that was crazy. Definitely another reminder that we're in the, the animals home. Now we have to be careful here.

He's still there. The reason I'm out here is the fish are jumping left and right. I don't know if the rain is bringing them out or what, but I figured I'd give it another try out there.

So what I think I'm going to try to do here is, just cast from shore and keep my eye on this guy, because, you know, if he makes any more moves in my direction. Definitely, definitely. I'm going to want to get out of here. Little tiny guy.

Oh my word. Holy moly. Oh, geez. All right. So they don't look happy. I think we better get out of here. So those are two cows.

You know. In the bowl. It's right there. Holy moly. This is incredible. Wow. That was incredible.

You guys. That was insane. Yeah. I showed Riley the footage. She had no idea that was going on because her and Olivia were hanging out in here. And, of course, with the sound of the rain on the roof, it's hard to hear anything going on out there. Not like you can hear it anyways, but, that was so, so cool.

So we have a little break. The weather stopped raining, so I'm going to go catch up on dishes because we have a lot of them. It's very needed. Now do I want to do dishes? No, but it needs to get done. So this is how we do dishes.

We have a water basin that we make sure the soap goes into in the water. just if you're in bear country, we just want to be, cautious of that. And, Yeah, we just use basic dish soap.

Put it in, and we have our scrubbers over here. we have a little drying station right here as well. And then this is the hose. So I'm going to show you how it works. So

I just spray it out and you just kind of swish it around and. Yeah, dump it in the water. Based. On. How you. Well, you guys know, that I like having real fires, but when I'm out in areas with high fire danger.

a lot of places out west have that, like, most of the summer. I like to use the fireball just for some peace of mind. Sure, it's not the same, but it's warm. It's pretty to look at, and it scratches that itch for me.

I do have some whiskey tonight. I'm kind of getting towards the end of this bottle of double rye from High West. I really like it.

And obviously it fits the, the mood out here, that is for sure. So we'll, we'll have a little sip of this before we head in for the night. Cheers to an awesome time in the Bighorns. It's really been great.

that tastes good. Too. Good morning. It's our last few moments here to be able to soak in this spot. Because we are going to be heading to a new area in the forest here. It's bittersweet leaving this place, but we are excited for the next sight from the wildlife to the scenery and the fishing.

Everything was just off the charts. This is easily one of my favorite, trips and spots that we've ever been to. I want to thank all of you for watching, but give a special shout out to our patrons who generously donate to our channel here. Thank you guys so much. But to all of you, thank you for your support.

It means the world to us. It's certainly a blessing to us and we hope that these videos are a blessing to you as well. But with that, it's time to pack up and move on to the next site.

We'll see you guys on the next one. Say bye bye. Bye bye!

2024-07-18 17:15

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