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Oh, man, look at this rickshaw. What a good thing, man. Look at the Chinese buffalo here. Look at all the villagers here. There is a farm here.

And here is a competition going on in the local village. Look at all the chairs. What happened to him? Here are such random strangers. They came back after seeing us. Welcome to my channel. My name is Vishnu.

And you are watching my channel Wandering Maniac. See you in my next video, guys. From China. Guys, we have come to Yunxiao. Is it called Yunxiao? Yunxiao means cloud in Hindi and Cloud in English. If you don't know Mr. Green, if you have seen the videos of China, How long have you been living here? I have been here since 2019.

I started making videos from 2019. I have made a lot of videos. But he makes a lot of good videos.

I found out about him while researching about China. Your name is Niranjan? Yes. From Rajasthan? Yes.

You recognized it right. We have come to Yunxiao. Let's see what we can do with this brother. It looks like a very offbeat location. You can say it is very different from the modern world.

Look at this. This is the rural side of China. I have shown you all the technology and big buildings. But this China looks very different. I mean, I showed you a little vibe in Zhangjiajie. I am getting a little bit of that vibe. You are in a small town. This is a Chinese town.

Really? You are in a small Chinese town. This is called Yunxiaoxian. The trucks that run here, The trucks that have loading vehicles, The trucks that have garbage, The trucks that have concrete, You have to cover it. You can't just take it without covering it. Open from above. You can't take it open.

It's good and you can't play the horn anywhere. You are right. Women don't listen to it. If it happens, it will be so much fun to listen to it. You will think that you will hear it again and again. And here we have this in China.

What is this, Niranjan? This is a garland and people worship it. People in China believe in worshiping. They do karamkand.

The gods of China, the Sanatan gods of India, Yamraj, Sanatan God, They meet them and their color changes. Here they have a little Chinese style. So all these garlands are based on their beliefs, right? Yes, yes, yes.

People also wear garlands around their necks. Like the culture of India, Actually, the old culture of India, When it came to China, In the old days, The roots of the Sanatan culture, You can see it in China as well. If you think openly, If you think openly, No one can make you understand. No one can do anything good for you. Because he has already shared a mind. That's right.

So, brother, Niranjan is telling me, This place, I don't feel it is less than a city. The road is so good here. But Niranjan is telling me, This is the smallest village in China. There are two or three lanes of roads here. The infrastructure is so good. Cleanliness, look, people are riding electric bikes here.

They are riding electric bikes in the Chinese town. No, everything is electric here. Yes, yes, that is... BMW has Audi.

In the town as well? Look at the bike. Look at the parking. All the walls. Friends, you must be thinking that Everyone eats insects in China. Today I will take you to a vegetarian restaurant.

Look, all these vegetarian restaurants here, The yellow color is like this. Oh, it's like this. Yes, you can understand. Like it is written in green in India.

Yes, yes, yes. Mostly where it looks yellow, You are likely to find vegetarian food. This is a new thing. I didn't know this myself. So, Niranjan is saying a lot of new things here.

You can get vegetarian food in a yellow restaurant. Niranjan is our vegetarian. He is living in China as a vegetarian.

He is saying all vegetarian food. And I am very surprised here. Brother is saying that People eat a lot of vegetarian food in China. In this, they are cooking samosas here.

Chinese samosas. Oh, brother. So, here are the noodles.

These are noodles in which vegetables are there. And these are the flat noodles. Here is white rice.

Yes. Fried rice. Oh, great.

All vegetables. And if you see the money, you will be surprised. Here is the money, 15,000. For one person.

Yes, for one person. So, if you multiply it by 12, how much will it be? 150, 200 rupees. 200 rupees. For a full stomach. Yes, for a full stomach. There are a lot of things left there.

You will get fruits. And you will get the drinks to drink. Everything is included in it. In 15,000.

So, I am telling you. China is non-vegetarian. You will get baby corn, corn, corn, everything. This is a new thing for me too.

I didn't know this myself. So much expert, so much brother is telling me. Because this is a town of China. Because it is not such a big city. Because there are no big companies here.

So, all the people in the restaurant here are old people. Because I have not seen anywhere in China. Actually, the age population in China is quite large. But usually in big cities, I have seen restaurants of very young people. But I am seeing such old people for the first time in a place. Because this is a town.

And there is no industry here. So, young people have come to work. And that is the main reason. You will see the population of old people everywhere here.

But you can see the atmosphere here. You will not see this thing anywhere in China. You can see here.

In the language of India, this is a holy place. In which their holy papers are burnt. And their ashes are kept locked. It is disposed in a reservoir next to the temple. They don't let the ashes fly away. Look at the houses here.

This is a town in China. And you can see houses in such a state. You will find many different types of houses. The houses that I have shown you in Shanghai and other places.

You are seeing very few skyscrapers here. The houses are very popular. I am seeing independent houses.

And our brother was saying that every house has a 80-year period here. In 80 years, the house is demolished and a new house is built. Yes, the government builds a new house and gives compensation for it. And look at these rickshaws. Oh, brother, look at this rickshaw.

In 5 RMB, you can go anywhere in the city. 5 RMB. And these are electric rickshaws.

Electric rickshaw. Yes. What a great thing.

Look at this. You can see this in the province of Xiamen. Many people were commenting that we want to see something different. We are bored with the big city of China. So this is the thing, guys.

The real life of China. The normal life of China, leaving the big city. And the actual life of China.

If we talk about old history. Look at this. There are some bags here.

They are selling bananas and fruits. And look at this. This is their hat. You can see this in many Asian countries.

You can see this in Vietnam. And this is the whole atmosphere. There is no hustle and bustle here. The life is very beautiful here. It's a very slow life.

Like people keep running in big cities. I didn't get to see the life of running here. It's a very chill life here. Look at this brother. I saw a cycle here.

They are going to rent it in China. But this brother is saying electric bike. This is an electric bike. Scan this code.

It costs 20 rupees. And you can take it anywhere for 40 minutes. And then you can stand on it. There are these poles on the footpath.

Stand on it and close it with your mobile. It will cost 20 rupees. For 40 minutes, easily. Electric bike is being rented here. I have brought you to show you the vegetable market of Yunxiang.

How they are selling vegetables in the town. They are saying that the vegetable market is not open here. It's a two-story building. Where people are selling vegetables. The most interesting thing is that they are selling meat here.

You can see. Everything is here. Vegetables and other things.

In short, the local market. The most interesting thing is that there is AC here. And you can see all these markets here. Nihao. Look at this.

This is a shop of insects. And look at this. These are fishes. This is also a fish. This is a big fish that looks like a snake.

This is a crab. You can't even hold it by hand. People say that you can eat everything here. Do you really eat everything? Yes, I eat everything here. I showed on YouTube that a girl was eating a crab.

I asked her to eat it because she is so beautiful. People comment that she is so beautiful. She is so cute. She is cute but she eats everything. There is no smell anywhere. There is a meat market here.

But you don't smell anywhere. There is no smell. And it's cold inside. Air conditioning is on. Normally, the smell of fish market is not here.

And here, again, you can see the normal grocery shop selling 260 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:03,540 You will get to see the high intensity smell here. garlic. And, Ni Hao, Ni Hao.

Ni Hao. What is this? Is this Jhinga? Is this Jhinga? This is dried shrimp. Okay, shrimp, dry shrimp.

Look at all these vegetables. Ni Hao. This is Shu Chai. In Chinese, they call it Shu Chai. Shu Chai.

Shu Chai. This is pig's. Okay, this is pig's. Here, you can't see the dog and cat's.

Okay, that's also there? Dog and cat's are also there. This is crazy. And here, you can see agriculture everywhere. Agriculture. What is the maximum crop you grow here? Here, we grow rice, rice, corn, cauliflower, cabbage. And this is mostly agriculture.

Rest, it's insect agriculture. What do you mean by insect? I mean shrimp, which you can artificially design. This is a small village. And this is a farmer. He is working here. This is rice.

This is rice. So, you can see farmers here. You can see them working. What is this? This is artificial agriculture. Here, we grow insects. They are making fresh water.

Do they produce seafood here? To produce seafood, the water has to be still. Okay. So, they use machinery to run it. Okay, because this is still water.

It's not moving. It's not moving. They are artificially moving it so that the insects can survive.

So, the insects need fresh water. Okay. So, they have put a machine to move the water. You can find such things in the village using technology. This is polyfarming.

When they grow tomatoes here, they cover it. It's not tomato season here. So, they have planted rice here, which is called rice farming. They have planted rice here and uncovered it.

Okay. So, they cover it and grow tomatoes. Yes, they grow tomatoes. Tomatoes are very popular here. I would like to say one thing. Never compare India's village with China's village. Because both are not the same.

Their economic status is not the same. So, you will see that this is not a village. This is the village here. Every state has its own village. You can see a cow or a goat here. This is 90 years old.

Oh, it's 90 years old. Actually, I think China has a lot of touristy villages. But, I think this is an off-the-beat village. Most of the tourists don't get a chance to eat here. These are the real villages of China.

You won't see any fake villages here. We are showing you the real China villages. We are surrounded by fields. A road is passing here. A divider is made here. It's lit at night.

Yes, it's lit. It's lit at night. The road is lit. The whole road is lit. Look at this. What is he selling? He is selling litchi.

This is a different China. I have seen big buildings in China. But, this is the first time I am seeing this side of China.

I told you earlier that the maximum population is the old population. Because, the young population mostly goes to the city to work. The old population is the majority. You will see this in the villages.

There is a traditional function going on in the village. Everyone is racing in the boat. Look at this. What is going on? This is a very nice thing. Look at this.

There is an event going on here. Everyone is sitting here. The villagers are sitting here. Look at the public. There are many sporting events in our village. It's similar to that.

Look at the people standing here. They are cheering. They are racing.

It's a proper village vibe. Look at this. Everyone is clapping. People are coming from far.

Look at the people here. Everyone is enjoying. Everyone is surprised. How did a foreigner come to our village? They are not used to it. You can see the fields everywhere.

This is their house. There is a different level of scene going on here. There is a lot of energy here.

It's not like the wrestling in our village. It's a similar vibe. The people are cheering. They are racing in the boat for an hour.

Look at this. This is a Chinese buffalo. I can't believe that I am seeing this part of China. Let's go this way and see what's going on here. The people of the village are increasing.

There are fields here. There is a competition going on in the local village. Everyone is cheering.

There are some locals here. The people of the village are cheering. Oh my God! This was amazing. The heart rate didn't stop. They were racing for 45 minutes.

What happened to him? How are you? I am good. Thank you. Where are you from? We are from India. I am surprised that you are speaking Chinese. Are you from India? Yes. Why are you here? We are from China.

Did you go to a restaurant? There are some strangers here. They turned back after seeing us. Where do you live? They were wondering what foreigners are doing here.

They told us that foreigners are rare here. They were excited to see us. I can see them in China. They are taking photos. Do you want to take a picture? I will take a picture.

It is a beautiful picture. Do you want to take a picture? I am here with Niranjar and his friends to have lunch. I don't know if I can show you the restaurant.

You will get flowing water for seafood. I told you that seafood is fresh in flowing water. I found something here. See this. It is a frog.

See this. What is this? I saw this. I don't want to eat anything here. I don't know how to do this. Niranjan is a vegetarian.

I don't know how he is living in China. I have gathered my courage and we are here with my friend. We have brought a royal meal. This is chicken. This is cucumber. This is shrimp.

Shrimp. This is a squid. We have a lot of other things to show you. This is how people eat in China.

Cheers! Hello! How do you say this in Chinese? Welcome to China! Welcome to China! Welcome to China! This is tea. Don't get me wrong. This is a beautiful girl. Her name is Huihui. Welcome to China! And another beautiful girl named Shafi Shafi And this is Mehmeh So these four beautiful girls 504 00:20:08,980 --> 00:20:02,000 Her name is Hoy Hoy are worth Rs. 20,000

Look at their scooty Really? Look at this scooty, how cool is this It's of Aima And two people can sit in this So here our brother is saying that the cute girls drive this small car Because people have come here with their car This is of heavy driver Which one is this? This is of heavy driver To sit on this you have to pay Rs. 5 And you can go anywhere The car is so cool It's so small It's like the kids drive This car is just like that

2023-06-29 10:27

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