Does China Ruin This Cambodian Paradise? (Sihanoukville, Cambodia)

Does China Ruin This Cambodian Paradise? (Sihanoukville, Cambodia)

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I am in Sihanoukville Cambodia a city transformed  by Chinese investments into one big construction   site with casinos and hotels Rising everywhere  with over 500 ghost buildings abandoned projects   and the reputation as a lawless playground for  Chinese gangsters this place has become infamous   for human trafficking and money laundering I  am here to see what it's really like to visit   Sihanoukville and the nearby Paradise Island Koh  Rong as a tourist are these Chinese Investments   making Sihanoukville and the island a better place  or is it as dangerous as the headlines suggest is   it safe to explore here with the camera or will  I be stepping into something dangerous let's find   out feel free to join so I am right in the city  center at the moment and just from here I can   see 1 2 3 four five empty buildings that look  like they are either half finished or actually   will never be finished so I think it's going to  be quite interesting to explore around the city   now and what I can also see from here is every  single building around me has Chinese characters   on it so it feels a bit like I am in China and  not really in Cambodia and this right here is the   first Casino already you can see on top of there  it's called Atlantic entertainment City casino   and right over there is another casino with the  golden stripes on the side and yeah look at this   just a huge half finished abandoned building  right here and in total there are about 500   of these ghost Towers spread all around the city  and that gives a bad and weird VIP to the city I   have to say if almost like every third building  or so is left abandoned and half finished that   gives the whole city a very strange feeling I  have to say and yeah the reason why there are   so many abandoned buildings here or half finished  buildings uh there are actually two reasons for it   because a few years ago the Cambodian Government  tried to crack down all the illegal things that   are happening here and that led to many Chinese  investors pulling out and then also covid happened   which also led to even more investors pulling  out and it seems like many of these investors   never return and that's why we have so many  unfinished buildings here in the city like this   one right here and right here is another casino  the Jin Bay Casino which I think is one of the   biggest casinos here in the city and also the  hotel where I'm staying is it's half Hotel Half   Casino so as soon as you enter the lobby there  are like advertisement everything in Chinese   for for gambling for winning money something  like that good afternoon but I have to say the   people here in Cambodia are really friendly my  first impressions here I arrived here yesterday   afternoon are really great but it's actually quite  hot today so walking around here is maybe not the   best idea and I want to go to a beach there the  beach uh on the other side of the city so I would   say it's probably a good idea if we maybe find the  Tuk Tuk and then go to the beach and on the way we   can get some more impressions of the city hello  can I get a right here okay I would like to go to   Hawaii beach H Hawaii beach Hawaii beach yeah and  how much in dollar huh dollar $3 uh three $3 one 2   three $3 okay okay byebye all right byebye guys  $4 tget $4 oh now the price goes up okay uh $4   is okay okay I will give you $4 okay by yeah you  maybe notice that uh here in Cambodia you can also   pay with US dollar also when you go to the ATM  you can choose if you want to withdraw the local   currency or you can also withdraw US dollar and US  dollar is accepted basically everywhere here you   know Hawaii beach Hai Beach yeah you know okay  okay thank you very much this ride is actually   a lifesaver it's I guess like 35° here so walking  around with a black T-shirt was not the best idea   and yeah let's get some first impressions of  the city so this is the casino we already saw   actually the building looks quite cool I have to  say it's called Temple oh there's some fancy cars   standing right in front of it did you see that  and then we also have lots of street food here   quite similar to tiand for example where you can  also find street food everywhere that's also the   case here in Cambodia oh the door oh is this  a little boy driving this vehicle did you see   that that boy looked like 10 years [Music] old  yeah some things you see in Southeast Asia quite   unusual from a rester perspective and here another  casino it's literally Casino after casino here and   you will notice uh throughout the whole day here  probably that almost every building has Chinese   characters written on it so you can clearly see  who is the Target customer group uh of tourists   here and here's another empty building by the  way that actually looks quite huge probably   was supposed to be a very big hotel which was  never completed I have to say the door here is always open the door always  open and now it's closed I think okay and here on this side we actually  have some construction sites that still   look like something is happening here  so not every construction site is left   abandoned here in the city they are still  building right now as well as you can see   here so actually I see workers on  there Chinese s everywhere Chinese characters China construction Midland standing  on the Fortune 500 maybe if you're from China   you know this company I don't but once again  this city is so interesting to explore because   it feels almost like a country inside a country I  have been to a similar Place recently in La maybe   you saw that video from there and here we have  the ocean front some palm trees some coconut   trees vendors selling their food and drinks  right here and here we're actually passing   by my hotel this is my hotel right here which  is also a casino the one Majestic hotel and casino and to be honest I am the only guest  in there that is not Chinese yesterday I was   sitting there at the dinner in the restaurant  and every other tourist around me was Chinese   I was the only non-chinese person there except  from the the staff Inside the Hotel the staff   is usually local but all the guests all from  China and here once again another building left abandoned okay we are actually near the  beach where I want to go but I have the   feeling that this beach is not really worth  visiting because every building around here   is abandoned yeah according to a Google Maps  it's here okay actually you know what we were   driving by a place that looked pretty nice and  busy earlier and that was called Independence   Beach yeah this is apparently the entrance to the  to the beach but uh I don't think this is a beach   where I want to go to yeah have a look at this  this place has seen better days um I think we   can turn around I want to go Independence  Beach I think here not good oh no no uh uh this one Independence speech okay of  course I'm going to pay a bit more now   because the right gets longer because we're  basically driving back a few hundred met from   where we came from yeah here here's good yes  that looks like a good place here okay okay   thank you so much thank you very much let's  see I hope he can change a $20 bill because   that's the smallest one I have you can change  $20 no oh fu I only have $20 you can change if   not maybe we go ask for change by the way he  just said that he would like to have $5 for   the ride so $1 extra for the the turn around  and driving 2 minutes back okay looks like   she can change oh actually there are some dark  looking clouds over there I hope it won't rain soon how much is this gets a bit  more difficult when you have to   uh think in your head with two different  uh currencies wait I just want to check   how much is $20 $20 is 82,000 okay  and you get $55 $5 [Music] is 20,000 right so this okay okay 20,000 yeah okay have a  good day bye bye thank you thank you it gets a   bit complicated when you have to deal with two  different currencies and always have to think   in your head how much is $20 and then he gets  $5 and then convert it into the local currency   actually it's good now I have a larger amount  of a local currency because yeah if you go like   to the restaurants or in my hotel the bigger  shops you can always pay with US dollar and   you get change with US dollar but some of like  the the street vendors or the Tuk to drivers   they sometimes struggle to have change in US  dollar and let's have a look at the beach here   okay there's something that I don't want to  judge too early and I don't want to point my   camera there but um there's an Very Old Man a  Reston guy in the water with a young Cambodian boy now yeah I don't want to uh speak out my  thoughts now but uh this area of the world is   notoriously known for things like this going on  you know so I'm having an eye on the situation   now because that looks a bit sketchy I don't want  to point my camera there now because maybe this   is something uh legit going on there maybe that's  his granddad or something also like he's uh he's   having his hands on the pants of the boy it looks  like he wants to close the pants to be honest yeah I know that uh some places in this  part of the world un known for that but   this is actually the first time that I see  something like that with my own eyes and oh   it's difficult to see that to be honest it's  an old man he's like 60 70 years old western   now and the boy looks like he's maybe maximum  10 years old and he looks like a local boy Tri okay let's enjoy the water for a second here  before I we have an eye again on the situation   over there but the water here is actually quite  nice and I have to say right over there in front   of SE nuk about half an hour away by boat there is  one of the most beautiful islands I have ever been   to in my life I have been to this place before  in 2019 5 years ago I was in sanville back then   for a one night layover before before I took the  ferry to the island to be honest my Impressions   back then of sanville were very very bad it was a  city very dirty back then and also already in 2019   I could see like half of the buildings were left  abandoned and empty so my Impressions back then of   sanville where not the best but then I took the  ferry to the island and yeah the island that is   over there which is called korong one of the best  Islands I've ever been to and actually tomorrow   I'm going back to the island which will be later  in this video because I heard that also the island   is affected by Chinese Investments apparently many  things have changed on the islands hotels Resorts   being built there we're going to investigate  that on the island later in this video but   this is already quite a nice place here we have  a beach here and then we have the huge skyscraper   buildings in the background some of them are  abandoned and empty ghost buildings okay update   about the situation with the with the guy and  the boy um they're just playing in the water now   so could be a normal legit situation I don't  want to judge too early and that's also why I   don't want to point the camera there because  maybe this is something legit going on and   he's his granddad and I don't want to like say  something wrong you know but uh yeah the first   interaction between them when he was like having  his hands on the pants of the boy looked a bit   weird to be honest and I'm still having a bit  of an eye on the situation but at the moment   everything looks all right so uh let's continue  walking to the area over there which looks quite   busy maybe I can grab a drink or a snack as well  by the way this seems to be a local place here   I don't see a tourists here I guess that the  people here are all locals so yeah this city   also has some local sites not everywhere it's  uh Chinese tours and Chinese Resorts and casinos   some areas are also still in in local hands oh  W this is lovely like a proper beach front here   some seating areas here away from the  Sun hell good afternoon maybe later maybe later okay thank you uh no it's like this is fine  okay I think he was asking if I need ice cubes uh   because I think uh num cake is uh what you call  ice cubes In tha and he said something similar   and I think the Cambodian language is similar to  the Thai language anyway I don't need ice cubes   for my beer here we go by the way I didn't choose  a local beer I choose a tiger tiger Crystal which   I think is a beer from Singapore actually cheers  guys I decided to take a little break here because   it is indeed starting to rain now I can already  feel some sprinkles on my head so I think a quick   pit stop here might be good let's hope it's  only going to be a quick shower and then we   can hopefully continue and yeah my arrival here  in Cambodia yesterday was actually quite stress   free and one reason why it was so stressfree was  that I didn't have to care about getting a local   SIM card you probably notice when you arrive in  a new country the first thing you want to do is   get connected to the internet so you need to find  the shop to get the local SIM cards and that can   be quite annoying and stressful especially when  you just had a long flight and you just want to   get to your hotel as soon as possible and yeah  the reason why I don't need to get local SIM   cards anymore is because I started to use eims  and an eim is basically a digital SIM card that   you can install to your phone even before you  start the journey so yesterday morning before   my flight to Cambodia I actually downloaded the  Cambodian eim installed everything and then I   was able to connect to the internet right after  I landed here and I am getting my eims on an app   called Nomad it works super easy they have over  100 different countries available just choose   the country choose a data plan and then the app  tells you step by step how to install everything   you can literally get it done in like 2 minutes  and if you would like to check out Nomad eims   as well just click the link in the description  on the pin comment and if you enter the promo   code that you can see on the screen right now  you will get 25% off your first purchase so   if you would like to check out Nomad eims as well  just click the link down below and make sure that   your phone actually does support eims but most  phones nowadays do okay thank you very much okay   thank you on his people here I thought I gave him  5,000 actually it was 50,000 and he told me that   we could have just uh walked away with my 50,000  and I wouldn't have noticed so uh honest people   here that's a good impression and yeah luckily uh  the rain disappeared already it was only a very   short and small shower okay I want to go back  to a different part of the town and I actually   just called the Tuk Tok via the grab app because  here in Cambodia you can get not only taxis like   regular cars on the grab app we can also get a Tuk  Tok on the grab app let's see if that works should   be maybe the guy over there already you're my grab  right grab grab yeah okay and what I also noticed   is uh the prices on grab are way lower compared  to the prices I paid earlier when I paid cash   so now I'm going back to a similar area where we  started earlier and I'm paying uh I think uh $150 now okay byebye byebye all right  here we are oh by the way nice car oh Mercedes-Benz hello hello Hello nice to meet you  oh this is a nice place here right by the ocean   it's actually near my hotel my hotel is uh the  building behind this one and I explored around   here yesterday afternoon already when I arrived  here we also have quite a nice looking Beach   here you have uh street food places all around  Street vendors you can get snaks here and you   can sit at the these small plastic chairs here  and here you can see it especially that there   are still a lot of buildings being built at the  moment because around here you can see all these   uh how do you call it in English a crane I don't  know the English word for these things but these   high things so these are all active construction  sites around here so not every place in the city   is left abandoned and uh not being finished  still there is a lot of construction going on   in the city so I would guess in I don't know  maybe two three years the city will look very   different compared to what it's looking now  so I would say I have mixed First Impressions   here so far on the one side you have really like  all these abandoned buildings half of the city   looks like a construction site but then on the  other side you also have beautiful places like   the beach we' just been to the beach right here  actually also looks really nice areas like this   here but yeah now I'm really curious to check  out the island like I said already one of my   favorite Islands I've ever been to so I'm really  curious to see how things are looking over there   all right it is the next day and it is raining I  would say the perfect weather to go to a beautiful   Tropical Paradise looking like Island so I booked  my tickets already online I just need to uh pick   it up I think it's this company here which video  did you see on Tik Tok um I've been watching a   lot but the last one that you lose your pant on  Thailand oh my pant in Thailand oh she saw me on   Tik Tok a very viral video with my pants in Bank  oh yeah see your on ticket sure here's my ticket   will the fairy go despite the weather sorry  uh it's raining so but the ferry will still   go yeah yeah it's still going okay yeah I was a  bit worried earlier when I saw the the weather   conditions we got two different Stu in Kon do  you know your hotel name you stay on the island   uh golden golden Ben Golden Beach I think Golden  Beach but they will pick me up at the main Pier   the long set Pier okay okay okay will be on time  uh if R will be a bit delayed a bit delayed okay   thank you okay thank you have a good day hello  all right that was easy actually so uh she said   Pier number six I think yeah so I'm not really in  a bad mood despite the weather because I know the   weather is something that I can't change so I  don't want to waste my energy complaining about   something I cannot change and yeah I will  be staying on the island for a few days so   I'm not worried that one of these days at least  will be a sunshine and better weather condition   than this one and yeah a fairy white should be  about 1 hour I think M you oh yeah thank you okay okay sometimes I do get motion  sickness on uh buses or Ferry or boat   rid so I think it's smart for me if I sit  in the front and not in the back cuz yeah   the boat is a bit small and usually the  smaller boats they are a bit more rough okay and about an hour later and we have arrived  on Kong Island and as you can see the weather also   got better no more rain hello and yeah now I'm  trying to find somebody from my hotel because they   said they're going to pick me up here and then my  hotel is actually on the other side of the island   so it should be about I don't know 15 20 minutes  on whatever vehicle we're going to use but W we're   getting welcomed here with a nice Beach already  yeah this is exactly how I remember the island   although my first impression here riding by with  the boat is that it's more busy than it was uh 5   years ago like more buildings more hotels but  let's see hello my friendi hello taxi I have a   taxi already my hotel which hotel Golden Beach  Resort okay Lely I didn't see the guy here you   don't see the guy here yeah the guy with the the  driver he nor here but today he's not here are   you one but they they told me they're going to  pick me up here now yeah yeah how many people   you have just one take a Mot mot I don't know I'm  waiting for my mot yeah I know but uh maybe okay   you can wait but if they don't come I take you  by mot what's your price uh to go there uh 30,000   what's that in dollar in dollar uh $750 $750  more expensive than the hotel really the hotel   only charge $5 oh because $5 each the hotel  $5 each yeah because they have many guest many   guest yeah okay let me see if I can find the guy  hey I I you see the the the truck with the logo   okay oh they have like a like a Tok Tok with the  logo yeah oh and the truck okay I didn't see him   now you are here yeah right yeah your hotel down  here somewhere somewhere down here yeah yeah you   go around here oh I remember in 2019 there was no  roach here oh now now all concrete road oh really   yes oh that's nice because all all the red line is  concrete road I remember last time I I stayed here   but I had to take a boat to get to this part of  Island now I can just take the road oh I can see   already a lot of things are changed here because  yeah in 19 there were no roads to drive around   the island and looks like that has changed this  my what car motorcycle Bo for R taxi and tours   okay maybe yeah normally the car here but he's  not coming here okay let me see let me uh maybe   I will text my hotel but you say at the moment  more Western tourists here yes more Western yeah   I noticed that already that my first impression  here is in S I was the only Western tourist around   but here many many Western tourists around 80% of  the people on my boat where are Western tourists   so no many not many Chinese people here more  Western tourists so very different compared to   cuk also last time in 2019 no Tuk TS on the island  everything changed here yes I have the impression   already after being here for 5 minutes so I'm  really curious now to explore the rest of the   island and when did all the hotels be got built  like because in 2019 all this many big hotels   not here no so when did they get built just bu uh  during uh during uh Co after yeah my hotel just   texted me that the driver is almost here I should  wait at paa Vita Restaurant oh now I feel sorry   for you no it's okay it's okay but I booked it  already with the hotel yeah yeah but I keep your   card maybe if I need a guide or motorcycle yeah I  will contact you you can contact me yeah okay okay   what's your name Hong okay nice to meet you Hong  oh he was a nice guy spook decent English he gave   me plenty of information now which probably  not all of this is going to be in the video   but good guy and now I actually feel bad that I'm  taking the hotels right and not uh driving with   him but yeah I booked the their transportation  already with the hotel and yeah they just wrote   me that the driver is almost here and I should  just right here so let's do that and yeah the   hotel also just texted me actually that they are  very sorry that the driver is late and that they   won't charge me for the ride because of the driver  being late Gooden be Gooden be Resort yeah got   yeah yeah you go with him okay okay thank you  so much let's make it to the hotel I'm actually   really looking forward to the hotel cuz it should  be a very nice Beach Resort so uh Curious to check   it out oh we're getting on a pickup truck here  okay I'm pretty sure that in 2019 there were   also no cars on the island no cars no proper  roads so I can already see some changes here okay wow the first impression here have a look at  the beach this is a nice welcome right right sand   beach Blue Water coconut trees all right now I'm  very excited to be here okay and I checked into   my room and this is what $100 a night gets you  here on Kong Island in Cambodia and actually I   think I got upgraded because I think when I booked  the room it didn't say a ocean or beach view but   I do have the beach right in front of my little  house here so that is great actually so we have a   big double bed right here a little area here with  a mini bar as well inside and then the bathroom   looks like this I think this is a very new hotel  everything looks very new and modern and then yeah   we have the the pool area right here and then  over there is also the breakfast area breakfast   is included by the way and now let's have a quick  look to my view from here and then we will start   to explore the island yeah this is a beautiful  can sit right here and enjoy the view to the ocean all right it is actually 2 days later  now because the past 48 Hours it was nonstop   raining very heavily raining so I couldn't  really do anything but today the weather is   much better although it still rained a lot in the  morning but at least for now it should be okay so   hopefully for at least the next one or two hours  we do have good weather to explore around so I   already talked to some people and I have some  interesting places in mind now including uh an   airport that is being built here by the Chinese  that might be the place we're going to check out   first and yeah I just uh got this motorbike here  from the hotel actually I asked the guy that we   met on the pier uh if he can rent a scooter to  me but he said that my hotel is too far away uh   to bring it to me so I got this one from the  hotel instead $15 for a day so let's see what   this island has to offer and I think we have the  first big construction site already here this   might be already the airport let me park here and  then we have a look because yeah at the moment um   in order to reach the island you have to fly  to sanville and then take the boat same what   I did but of course it's more convenient if you  can actually just fly straight to the island and   that's why there's an airport being built here  and I think that's the construction site here   so this is a map of the full island and my hotel  uh so first of all we arrived um about here and   then my hotel is right here and looks like this  is the place where the airport is being built and   that is actually right here so this is currently  looking like a big empty space I'm not sure how   long it takes to build an airport maybe a year  maybe a year and a half something like that but   this is the area where the new airport built by  the Chinese will be right here and it's going to   be an international airport so that then all the  tourists especially the Chinese tourists can fly   straight to the island and yeah I already talked  to some uh people and the overall tone is that   most people here on the island do not like this  project so the locals don't really like it that   there's a huge construction site here a big  airport being built but doesn't airport like   this makes the island better or worse I think  there are Arguments for both sides right of   course then more tourists can come to the island  that can be good for the local businesses on the   other side an airport like this also destroys the  nature maybe some people also don't like it that   more tourists will come here leading to an island  that will maybe be overcrowded with tourists one   day so I can understand Arguments for both sides  and yeah I think what we are going to do now is   uh following the road on that side and going  into the northern part of the island that is   actually a part of the island I have never been  to before when I was here in 2019 I stayed in   the main village which is right here and yeah in  2019 there were no roads to go around the island   so I've never been to this part of the island  so uh let's investigate the rest of the island   and see if we can find some more big construction  sites and projects that are being finished here   and I'm sure we're also going to see some very  beautiful uh places throughout the journey today   okay how do I start this bike this is once again  one of these motorbikes where you don't need to   put in the key so something new but how I'm  too old school I I prefer the bikes where I   just put in the key I turn the key and then the  motorbike starts maybe I'm too old for this new bikes here we have another sign construction  site is that meaning I think and there's a   name of a company called royal group and then  something written under underneath in Chinese   so that is probably the name of the company that  is responsible for all the the construction sites   here on the island Royal group if you're from  China let me know if you know this company I to   be honest have never heard of this company before  but maybe it is a famous Construction Company from China I'm actually quite thirsty and I  think there's a little shop here selling   some drinks let's see if we can make a  little stop here at a little local place   hello you have drinks here coconut all  let's see I think I see a sign that says coconut coconut and gasoline that's what I see on  the sign let's have a look hello good afternoon   hello you have something to drink here uh yeah we  have a s drink we have coconut no coconut finish   coconut finish already we have uh have oh we have  beer here yeah uh no beer now it's too too hot for   beer if I drink a beer now I will be very drunk  in the sun uh we have the coconut H Coca-Cola   Coca-Cola yep we have Coca-Cola do you have Sprite  oh I see Fanta Fanta oh yeah I get one Fanta   please yeah how much uh 3,000 3,000 can I sit here  yeah okay perfect no problem thank you so much   uh may you can have over here is uh hot it's okay  then it's okay but hot I'm only going to stay for   a few minutes just want to drink this is hot are  you worried about the sun H you need the sun okay   do you have a straw yeah you have a straw oh yeah  we have yeah and get a straw okay thank you so much camera that's a camera yeah  yeah but I make a video about Kong right it's a small small camera from China DJ it's beautiful here you live here y yeah um  live here um I will be back tomorrow for couple   a couple weeks okay nice to meet you thank you  so much thank you very have a good day yeah hi a   good journey to penom pen y okay thank you bye-bye  thank you all right I have a lot to uh talk to you   now but let me get on the road first I actually  spent almost half an hour here now talking with   the gentle man it was really nice because uh he  spoke very good English so I was able to get a lot   of information about the whole situation here on  the island difficult now to summarize almost half   an hour of conversation but he basically told  me that a lot of foreign investors are here on   the island not only the chines he actually said  most of the foreign investors here are from their   Western countries like the Netherlands Poland  Germany France and he said of course because of   all the foreign investors the prices go up so it  gets more and more expensive for the local here   which is definitely a point that I can understand  and it was also interesting what he said about the   airport that we saw earlier he said that he thinks  that the airport will never actually be built   because he said the construction site is looking  like this for more than 5 years already and yeah   initially he said they plan to spend more than  $300 million just on the airport but uh yeah it's   there's nothing happening actually for more than  5 years already so lots of important insights he   was a very nice gentleman and he recommended two  more places that we can check out now including   one of the most beautiful beaches he said on  the island Lely local area here by the way I see   so many friendly faces people smiling very nice  atmosphere typical Southeast Asian Vibes whenever   you're driving around local places like this  anywhere in Southeast Asia that's my experience   at least you get welcomed with shuts of friendly  Hospitality friendly Vibes I always enjoy that   but you're also here looks like a construction  site right but yeah he actually confirmed that   in sanville it's only Chinese investors  Chinese tourists Chinese investors and   here on the island it's very different more  Western Investments compared to Chinese Investments yeah actually a lot more big signs  Royal group again which yeah I'm guessing is a   Chinese uh Investment Group or Construction  company I can continue driving here hello oh   and chickens running around here okay all right  yeah the road gets a bit muddy here that's also   what the guy told me that the the road actually  will get difficult to to drive on some shops here that a beautiful area here I have to say  I always enjoy riding through local Villages   anywhere in soue Asia it's always interesting  what are you selling here what is this can I   buy something yeah all right let's buy a little  snake from this gentleman here I think it's some   uh some pastries some bread ah ah you have a  Donuts here some bread ah how much is uh this   one yeah one let's get a little snack from the  gentleman here with his mobile bakery shop very   interesting oh oh yeah oh he has lots of delicious  things even some cakes down here uh is this with a   coconut coconut okay yeah okay can I get this one  this is a coconut chicken chicken chicken yeah oh   we have chicken in there that was unexpected okay  how much $1 $1 yeah okay I don't think I have $1   how much in the wheel you have I canay in wheel  4,000 okay 4,000 4,000 is roughly $1 4,000 okay   okay okay thank you so much okay have a good  day byebye oh I love that little mobile Bakery   here by driving around the village selling his  uh products and now actually let me give it as   a try as well I'm not very hungry I'm just  curious to uh to try it h actually we can uh   sit here right overlooking the water I'm not  sure what is on top of here it's very oily   almost like like honey maybe interesting it's  very sweet I think it's a sugar like a sugar glaze but he said a chicken right don't see  any chicken so far but okay it's more like a   more like a sweet snake instead of a Savory  chicken snake but uh I like it okay I'm at a   place now that the gentleman from earlier  recommended uh one of the most beautiful   beaches he said can park the motorbikes  here and then we have to walk down to the   beach and it's called Palm Beach by the way  you're currently watching the fourth episode   of my Series where we are visiting places  around southeast Asia that have something   to do with China where you can see Chinese  influences and yeah if you haven't seen the   previous three episodes then feel free to check  them out as well every episode is in another country hello what are you trying to get yeah  you want to get coconuts noon no yeah ah what   is she trying to get from there ah something is  hanging there but I'm not sure what it is oh but   interesting technique here with the long stick  and then there's a hook attached to the top of   the stick oh wow oh what is this oh uh what is  this right here you can eat this mama eat Mama   eat yeah oh food can eat yeah I'm not sure what  this is if you have an idea let me know in the   comments but it's a growing on the tree here  okay good luck oh but I have to say uh check   out the location here how beautiful it is we have  these little Bungalows here and I see many Western   tourists here that is very interesting like  in see I was the only Western tourist around   and then here on the island it's only Western  tourist I haven't seen a Chinese tourist here   yet so just one boat right AR cuk is over there  you can see it in the background just one boat   right AR and it is a very different uh place like  a very different uh customer group here groups of   tourists here and over there that is one of the  most expensive Resorts uh the guy actually from   earlier he told me that one night in the resort  over there is $7,000 US that sounds incredible   it's like luxury Bungalows on this little island  there but yeah you can find little quiet beaches   like this all around the island so even if you're  not staying in the main village or in one of the   big Resorts that have a private beach just drive  around the island and you can find hidden beaches   like this that are not very crowded with people  that are beautiful can get a chair over there   probably other drinks over there and then just  enjoy a relaxing day by the beach but wow this   looks incredible here I like views like this the  sun is shining through all these are coconut trees here yeah big construction trucks driving around  as well sometimes but I wanted to show you this   right here because yeah this is the sad thing that  you see the nature is being destroyed probably   this is going to be a construction site as well uh  you can see these trees are already dead and yeah   once again I can understand arguments from both  sides some people would say oh this is good they   are building a new hotels new infrastructure here  that will attract more more tourists which is good   for the locals for the local businesses but then  we already learned earlier today that actually   most of the businesses here are in foreign hands  because it's getting too expensive for the locals   to yeah rent property here to buy property here  so most of the land is already in the hands of   the foreigners so is this really benefiting the  locals here then and yeah of course the other   side of the arguments is that this is of course  destroying the beautiful nature here and here   again another big Chinese project so we have once  again the sign of the royal group here together   with many many signs advertising something or  explaining something and there's another big   construction site here so I'm not sure what they  are building here maybe another hotel another Resort hello people are always smiling I like  the people here in Cambodia but yeah you can   find places like this a lot on the island actually  so you definitely see it here as well but I also   have to say not as much far away from as much  as in Sanuk where it's literally like every   few hundred M there's a construction site or  an abandoned half finished building it's not   that much here on the island but still you  can see a lot of projects also happening here there's a place here that I wanted to see  because it has a uh a personal story attached uh   which I will share with you in a minute beautiful  right sand here unfortunately some trash lying   around there but uh the sand quality here oh  also here plastic bottles on the beach but the   water quality as well as the sand quality here is  amazing actually and yeah this is actually a cool   place for me to be because I remember 5 years  ago I visited this island together with uh two   friends from Germany and I also actually filmed  a video back then uh in 2019 I just started my   YouTube channel and uh I will put some clips of  this video on the screen right now for you it was   one of my first videos that back then I had around  50 subscribers mostly my friends and family and my   videos were getting maybe 8090 100 views maybe and  that was at the start of my YouTube Journey back   then in 2019 and I remember I took a boat with my  friends from the main village which is around the   corner and then the boat dropped us right here at  the beach because we wanted to spend the afternoon   at the beach here and then the funny story is  uh we agreed with the boat that they will pick   us up again here at sunset time but uh we did  the mistake we paid the full price in advance   but then guess what happened the boat never showed  up to pick us up and yeah back then there were no   roads here so the only way to get back to the main  village was via boat taxi and then we got stranded   here on the beach and then luckily there was a  party boat driving by you know one of these boats   uh where you can hop on you cruise around you have  a lot of beers on the the boat and this party boat   actually uh came to rescue us they allowed us  on their boat and basically yeah rescued us from   this beach here funny memory this is the final  episode of my Series where we traveled all around   southeast Asia visiting different places that have  something to do with China and yeah my next videos   will be regular travel videos again but I do have  some interesting places on my list to visit for   the rest of the year so feel free to subscribe  to the channel if you haven't yet to follow the   journey and yeah what are my final thoughts  now I think there are two sides to the story   first of all let's talk about C nuk in that City  you can really see a lot of Chinese influences   every second building has Chinese characters on it  every second building is a construction site many   buildings are left abandoned and in my opinion  the city doesn't really look appealing because   of all these construction sites and abandoned  buildings and I also think that probably many   locals don't really like it that their city is  turning into a Chinese City but then I would also   understand if people argue hey this brings  tourists to the city and then ultimately the   locals will benefit from the money that is coming  into the city but in my opinion the city as it is   right now is not really that appealing it doesn't  really look nice there but maybe this will change   in a few years and then regarding this beautiful  Island right here kurong I think here things have   changed for the better when I was here in 2019  there was no proper infrastructure you couldn't   drive around with a motorcycle and now you  can do you have proper infrastructure here   there are more hotels here to choose from back  in 2019 there also were not many great choices   of hotels here there are more things to do here  now so I think here on the island things have   change for the better but also once again I  would understand people that say oh all these   Investments are destroying the nature here and  the money only goes into the pocket of foreign   investors the locals are not really benefiting  from it so there are two sides of the story here   in kurong as well in Sanuk will and yeah I would  be very curious to hear your thoughts about all of   this let me know in the comments what you think  about this maybe you also have some arguments   that I haven't thought of and if you haven't  seen the previous video of this series where we   visited a Chinese village in the mountains in  Northern Thailand then feel free to check out   the video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-09-02 02:37

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