We visited MEDINA as Non Muslims (Converting to ISLAM?) السياح في المدينة المنورة

We visited MEDINA as Non Muslims (Converting to ISLAM?) السياح في المدينة المنورة

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today we are leaving the city traveling around   either going to Medina or to Mecca  and here it is saudi's answer to and we have made it incredible I think it's definitely  just as beautiful in the daytime good afternoon and welcome to the ultra futuristic  Jeddah train station today we are leaving the city   and heading to the second most holiest site in all  of Islam and that is Medina we're actually getting   the brand new bullet train to the city which  we are very lucky to be going to up until a few   years ago it was very difficult for non-muslims to  visit and unlike Mecca non-muslims can now visit   the city of Medina so that is what we're going  to do we're going to explore we're going to learn   let's go to Medina I booked our tickets  directly on the Saudi Railways website   for the haramaine express train it was 32  pounds each they did just try and charge   us a little bit extra for our luggage but  I think because Matt's wearing the Saudi   t-shirt we got away with it but there are  a lot of pilgrims behind us and traveling   around either going to Medina or to Mecca I know  I can't believe it either Medina let's do this and that was a pretty seamless process  getting down to the platform your ticket   actually comes to your email and you have  a QR code of course it's Audi everything   is electronic and now we have about 10  minutes before the train is about to come   I didn't know what she was  gonna say no idea what to say here it is saudi's answer to the bullet train  apparently if you drive from Jeddah to Medina   it takes around four hours but this takes less  than two we just need to find our Carriage this is   crazy everyone else here is our pilgrims and then  there's just me and Molly heading to Medina this   is pretty surreal I'm waiting for it to change  Carriage number nine at least we know this is ours foreign this is nice we've got nice comfortable seats  loads of leg room place to charge your phone we're   apparently doing 173 kilometers per hour less than  two hours and we're in Medina we have teamed up   with Nomad e-sim and absolutely absolute necessity  or travel first truly Global e-sim provider   covering over 110 countries with plans of all  sizes at amazing rates and ECM actually stands for   an embedded Sim and allows you to get connected  anywhere anytime without having to visit a shop   or buy a physical SIM card as long as your phone  is compatible you are good to go nothing could be   simpler than installing an e-sim on the nomads app  at least there are typically just five steps and   this whole process takes just five minutes Nomad  really simplifies international travel and there's   no more headache of buying a local SIM card at  the airport or trying to connect to the local   Wi-Fi networks that really is the bane of my life  we've spent countless hours at foreign airports   trying to work out what's the best rate for this  SIM card and now we've now we no longer have to   etims are super affordable and with our  code you will get three dollars off your   first purchase Nomad esim really will change  the way that you travel so click the link   in the description to set up today and don't  forget to use our code for three dollars off foreign the train actually came from Mecca passing  through Jeddah and then arriving here at   Medina so a lot of the pilgrims on the train  would have already been to Mecca and now we'll   include Medina on their trip it actually only  took an hour and a half the train got up to   300 oh sorry someone's picture the train got up  to 300 kilometers an hour we now just need to   find a taxi to go to our hotel because we've  actually decided to stay the night so we get   the full experience of the city you have us and  then you have hundreds and hundreds of pilgrims all right foreign s and hundreds of people leaving the train with us  for a lot of these people this will be a trip of   a lifetime it might be their first time abroad  you've got people from all over the world from   Indonesia from Pakistan from Afghanistan and  then you've got us here being able to take in   this moment it is incredibly surreal and it really  is a privilege hello my friend what is your name   nice to meet you you from Medina yes ah Medina  it's good our first time very very nice it's   very nice thank you my friend very much well if  that's anything to go by the people of Medina are   going to be extremely friendly we're just walking  to get the taxi and the kid wanted to come up he   wanted to say hello he was like picture picture  a video video Welcome to Medina the owl McCann   Hotel let's hope they let us check in together  hello checking in thank you thank you very much as we are unmarried and two whether we would  actually be able to stay the night we've made   it we have made it and [Applause] this is what  20 odd pounds a night yeah you put the lights on   30 30 pounds a night tonight a very big room  a TV and a fridge and we can we can spend the   night together in Medina for 30 pounds a night  I cannot complain with this let me check out the   bathroom this is what sort of bathroom you get for  30 pounds a night this is a little bit creepy but   um it isn't too bad and like I said we weren't  sure whether this would be possible for us to   stay in Medina overnight we were told it'd  be okay but we've heard rumors of things   where non-muslims just aren't able to stay  they can visit in the day but then they have   to head back to Jeddah or onto their next  location we did therefore book a hotel that   is around two to three kilometers away from  the profits mosque because we wanted to be   sort of as far away as possible so we didn't  draw too much attention to ourselves foreign plan is to check out the square and the  profits mosque I'm not 100 sure on the   rules but I believe that I have to wear and  a buyer hence why I have mine with me and I   also think I have to have my hair covered I'm not  sure whether they're going to say anything about   the fridge we shall see now we're not allowed to  actually um in the mosque or near it I believe I   think we're allowed on the Square right uh so  I'm going to check that out have our dinner   um and then we can see it tomorrow in the  daylight so I think we've got around a two   kilometer walk to the main square and the  prophets mosque I've also put on something   long sleeve because I wasn't sure how it would  be for me with my tattoos obviously the city   itself is open to non-muslims and has been for  a few years now but I just don't know how it   would be having my tattoos out I'm walking these  are the local streets of Medina you can see so   much construction so many new hotels going up the  influx of new pilgrims coming year on year [Music] I think we can slightly see it in the distance as  you get closer there's all the five-star big very   expensive hotels there's lots of people stay at  um as this is like a once in a lifetime trip we   feel very lucky to be able to come and visit  it there's so many people there are so many   people it's quite late as well it's 20 past  nine but you have to remember starting time the road leading to the main square and can  you put this mosque and there is a sort of   Market just on the outside there's people  selling all sorts from gold different types   of souvenirs and it said that people  really respect and want anything that   is bought in the home city of Medina so it's  like the most thoughtful of gifts if you buy   someone something from here and take it back  for them there is literally everything here   in Molly you buying me anything they're  selling everything from beads to Suites like the smell but I smell around  nowadays it's pretty much everything   like literally everything you could  ever want some of the best suits now now you can probably see it with  the green minarets next to me is I   think that's the Crown Plaza  and you've got Dunkin Donuts like all these different chains  but uh we're definitely getting   more hooks the closer you get the more  people are like what are they doing we are so close right now we're by one of the  mini Gates surrounding the profits mosque and   honestly it is so busy there's so many different  areas where people are surrounding the mosque and   then obviously you can go into the square which  looks like an ant's Nest it's absolutely I'm not   sure how we're going to get on with we can go in  this square or not we're going to try we're gonna   try and see who tells us yes and who tells us  no you can see behind me how much money has gone   into the area so many five-star hotels high-end  restaurants like Molly said this is for some a   trip of a lifetime that we are now gonna attempt  to go inside wow the main square is stunning   this is pretty incredible I'm not sure how close  we can actually go but just to be surrounded by   everyone to see what they're doing and to be in  front of the profitable is absolutely stunning and   so so this square is huge it's hard to fit into us  because this is such a unique experience for us to   be able to to witness and as you can see there  are a lot of groups that have come here as well   it's just nice to be able to join in and to do  part of what they're doing wow this is absolutely   incredible to be just outside one of only two  mosques in the world that can hold up to one   million people and it has the iconic sun shades  all the way around 10 minarets I believe 22 domes   the second most holiest place in all of Islam it  really is a privilege to be here to be taking it   all in especially on a Friday at night when it's  just full thousands and thousands of pilgrims I have never seen so many people before it is  pretty crazy also I'm trying to count the Dome   how many did you say 22 I think one two three  we're gonna have to walk the whole way around   this really is a gathering of people from  all over the world people from their food place it really is quite magical [Music]   how many girlfriends I'm so pleased we decided to stay the  night so we've literally witnessed   what it's like in the evening  which is for pretty incred ible I'm a little bit confused we've just exited  the grounds the square that we were just in   and the area that I'm seeing now is the  area that I've seen a lot of people have   been able to access so I presume the rules  have changed in some way because we spoke to   security and they said it was fine for us to  be within the grounds of the mosque but this   looks very much like the square that I've seen  before so I don't know if recently maybe rules   have changed and you can go further in and  closer to the to the outside of the mosque I love this the hotel all lit up green but  I'm still a little bit confused I think the   rules must have changed or maybe because it's a  Friday I don't know the security said it's fine so [Music] it's half ten at night this  is actually open 24 hours so   you could go at any time but I'm  absolutely starving absolutely done in one last look hopefully we  get time tomorrow to check it out   properly again in the daytime but  I'm not sure much we'll top this a non-alcoholic beer on the streets of Medina who   would have thought it Barbara  can we actually had these a lot that's not a good pomegranate flavor in the  Maldives on the local Islands but I think we've   decided tonight being that it's so late it's gonna  have to be Outback I am starving it is definitely   dinner time one of the biggest outbreaks I've ever  seen the busiest fast food place I have ever seen an interesting thing that was ridiculous that was   the busiest fast food place I have ever  seen but this is how you should end any   night in Medina with saudi's answer to  KFC Albert my friend from Afghanistan   they've just found this shop and he is give you're  giving me a gift my friend the hospitality so it   just goes you can do it okay I was literally just  about to jump in the taxi but my friend ran out   and this is the hospitality of Medina he moved  here from Afghanistan wow it looks good ah brother   I can't I can't accept are you sure shukran Habibi  masalama thank you my friend your name is Ahmed   and this is your shop and Ahmed sells everything  you sell all traditional clothing you sell a   buyers everything so if you come to Medina come  to your shop my friend shakran masalama [Music]   bird afternoon from   the Arabia Ahmed was an absolute Legend I have  got a gift that I will keep for the rest of my   life everyone in Medina has actually been so so  friendly we weren't sure what the reception would   be like obviously being non-muslim but everyone  is so intrigued and they're actually so pleased   that we're here learning and embracing the culture  but we have a couple more hours until we leave the   city and head to our Ula on the bus this evening  so we're going to go and check out the prophets   mosque once more in the daytime and we just grab  the coffee in this what's this area [Music] Cuba   up front it's just full of nice tiny little quaint  coffee shops restaurants lounges and apparently   it's the oldest and longest road I think in  all of Medina it goes for almost two kilometers [Music] what even is that I need I need to have a go  on this like the Harry Potter skinny bus you   remember like when the bus goes from Big to really  small it's so cool I think it's just traffic it looks completely different in the daytime you  can see it just behind me I think we actually   found out that what we were in yesterday was the  complex of the mosque possibly because of the way   that we are dressed nobody really questioned it  or said anything I mean we were told it was okay   anyway but we do think that because of the way  from a dress so hopefully we can go back in again completely today feels like very  calm and it's not hard yesterday   but I feel like it was the evening and  it's not quite as busy it's not quite   sure I can't believe we got back in fact I  think it's definitely just as beautiful in the   daytime as it is at night and it really is such a  privilege to be able to come in here and witness   this um obviously being a non-muslim it's um it's  good to learn that's what we want to do we're here   to learn about the culture every country we go to  we like to immerse ourselves in the culture and by   doing this we're definitely  throwing ourselves in the deep end [Music]   in the daytime the sun Shields definitely do  their job fun fact that I didn't actually think   I thought it was just decoration but  not only do they look pretty they   have a good job as well you can  really appreciate the sheer size   of this place the sun Shields are almost like  a mirage in the distance as they go so far and   then you can see the 10 iconic I'm in a rats  and the area for women up here to pray [Music]   and we are back outside you can see the gate  that goes all the way around the prophet's mosque   behind me I really don't know how it works um it  could be the way we address but then when we spoke   to security yesterday they said it's fine for us  to be in there maybe the presumed were Muslims   I'm I'm really not too sure but it was a special  a special experience either way and if you were   coming to Saudi Arabia I'd highly recommend adding  Medina to your list of places to visit now that it   is open to non-muslims because just to to be here  and embrace it and take it all in it's fascinating [Music]   for me this has been such a unique experience  honestly everybody has been so hospiceable and   even had some comments about my affair because  people have really liked it so I'm very pleased   that I chose this one and obviously being covered  up in the heat is difficult for me my body's not   used to the heat anyway but covering my hair  and covering my whole body is a different one   but it is as I said a very unique experience  I feel like you need to experience it if you   come here and obviously you know we're here  respecting the culture we're here to learn and   the perfect place to do it wow this is our first time here in the call to   prayer and you can see behind me  just thousands of people heading for the profits the mosque this is pretty  incredible the only thing we have really   witnessed here is of course in Western we've  had a lot of people staring at us and we have   had a few people near the hotel past us are  we Muslim we sort of divert from the question   because even though we know that we're allowed  to be here a response will be let's just listen incredible look at this these sheer amount  of people head into the mosque pray wow thousands it just seems to be another ending  line of pilgrims going back for as far   wow that's the eye can see [Music] for almost 24 hours has pretty much come  to an end we've got to get some food and   then get the bus at 5 30 to alula like Molly  said it has been a real eye-opening experience   and a privilege to have been able to come here  like I said highly recommend it if you're coming   to Saudi do it even if you just come for a  couple of hours that was our original plan   to get the bus spend two three hours and then  head to alula but we thought to fully Embrace   ourselves dive in into the culture would be  to spend the night and experience both sides   of Medina but I'm gonna get some food get on the  bus and then we'll see you in the desert of alula thank you

2023-07-08 16:52

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