We Didn’t Know This About Laos - FIRST IMPRESSIONS of Luang Prabang

We Didn’t Know This About Laos - FIRST IMPRESSIONS of Luang Prabang

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace this is a lovely market it feels like we  walked back in time right it's a very very   local really down to earth kind of market the  vendor's selling everything on the floor it's   also very seasonal vegetables as well you see  the fresh bamboo shoots so so so good I think   those are uh dry rats and squirrels over there  oh my God I can see the tail oh my goodness this is a super local market alright is  that eel yeah eel and turtle mhm oh my   God eels freak me out and I think that  looks like is that a comb like a wasp   comb or honeycomb or something  well I've never seen this before how much this one 20,000 Kip we bought  some oranges from the market the other day   and they're so sweet I'm sure this will be sweet  too nice very yummy oh wow we should get another   bottle it tastes exactly like he just  squeezed it into the bottle yeah and they didn't   add salt in Thailand they would add salt but this  tastes very natural so we are now at the morning   market here in Luang Prabang we got here like a  week ago we took a train straight from Kunming   and Flora is finally feeling back to normal again  a little bit yeah so when I first got here I was   still quite sick and not from the altitude  sickness anymore that I had in Shangri-la   but I still had breathing problems so I went to  the clinic and I have acute bronchitis a cute   one a cute one though yeah yeah but you're still  recovering still recovering and to be honest the   pollution here isn't really helping yeah  it's quite polluted it's like burning   season in Luang Prabang just like how it  is in Northern Thailand yeah oh this looks good I was going to say I love your outfit today thank  you I got this at the night market yesterday for   60,000 Kip and I see this everywhere and  it looks so simple but elegant you look   like you're from here you fit right in yeah  you have to say "sabai dee" so this market has   kind of a mix between fresh produce some meats  some cooked food stalls but mostly I find that   there's quite a lot of little snack stalls and  dried fruit dried vegetable herbs but there's a   lot of restaurants like sit down restaurants  serving local breakfast food like rice soup   and different types of noodles as well it's  a very calm morning market maybe we missed   the rush maybe it was way busier earlier in  the day when they started at was it 5:30am   that they start yeah yeah 5am to 11am we're  already around like 8am something so maybe   this is the end of it oh maybe one of this  for your hair babe it would fit your outfit so you can pay in Thai Baht or LaKip how  does this one work so I go like this   no that one doesn't look good yeah  how do I say I have too much hair she said she cannot do it for other people   but when she does it it for  herself it works see so you wrap oh oh so you have to like turn it you have to   wrap it around it it's too hard  for me I have really thick hair wow the way that  she just did it it was really nice   but I'lI have trouble doing that  I use my lazy claw clip instead   let's go find a spot so we can eat  all the stuff that we bought okay yeah she said we can eat here oh okay cool we  can order coffee you see all these pastries   like croissant chocolate croissant almond croissant we see them all over Luang Prabang but it's because it used to be a French colony for a while right so there's  some of that influence still around and it's   delicious yeah the bread the baguette too it's so good  I feel like we other than the meat we basically   bought desserts that was quick isn't it kind  of funny how when we first got here and then when   we started saying thank you you felt awkward mhm  cuz if you said "khop jai" in Thai it means like   thanks like not a real thanks yeah not genuine  cuz in Thai we say "khop khun krap" but here   you say "khop jai" or "khop jai lai" yeah that's  thank you very much or "khop jai der" mhm this   coffee shop is not the popular one majority of  the people go to the other the other coffee   shop cuz next door I think people go there to  eat batonggo like deep fried donuts we'll try   it another day we already have too many snacks  going on but this coffee is really nice okay   let's try this I'm curious about this one  try it this is a tapioca with coconut flakes   it's probably sweet too it's not too sweet it's  nice and chewy not as much taste as I was   expecting it's a very mild taste maybe it will  go well with the pork it goes well with the coffee that's good really mhm how yummy that's delicious those are birds so you release them for good luck and stuff yeah so you release the   birds and then they go catch them and then  they sell them again yeah not my thing is it good I think it's fermented pork is it oh my this is fermented pork right the herbs  tastes really nice but I don't like fermented   pork that's strong that's so sour sour and  salty and so fermented oh I cannot do that   one I have to chase it um well the good thing is  this place also sells really delicious looking   food so maybe we can pick something okay look what  we got our "khai luak" which is half boiled egg   and we always love this for breakfast I think we  fell in love with it in Malaysia yeah oh so good   you put like a little bit of pepper a little  bit of Maggi in there mix it up drink it but   in Malaysia we would have kaya toast so we can dip  it that really makes me miss Malaysian breakfast that's good that's delicious and yummy real quick once again thank you to our longtime  partner Squarespace for supporting our travels   and for being the most user-friendly and intuitive  platform out there for building websites whether   you plan on selling physical products digital  content or services Squarespace has all the tools   you need to start selling online they have really  simplified the design tools so it's easy for   you to customize your website to suit your brand  what's also handy is the 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wheel because there's   a lot of bike theft in town because we're  bordering two countries Thailand and China   so there's a lot of stolen vehicles around  here like every night when we go back we   actually put the bike at the rental shop and  then they close the gates and put the bikes   away cuz they were like don't put it in front  of your hotel if it's on the side of the road wow I like how open it is and it's not that busy  that's such a typical Laos temple isn't it   you see how it's sloped like that the roof yeah  is different from Thai temples yeah does it mean   something what was it Wat Xieng Thong Xieng Thong used to be the name of Luang Prabang in the old days they call this town Xieng Thong they changed the  name because they got this "prabang" which is   the Buddha statue and they put it somewhere  in this Temple and then they change the name   to Luang Prabang wow actually very beautiful yeah  I've never gone into this before you know what's   interesting he's holding a sticky rice oh he is  you think it's like like the alms giving in the   morning like the offering the yeah the people  offer the sticky rice to the monks I've never   seen that me too so Wat Xieng Thong has a  very long history in Luang Prabang it was   built in the 16th century and it is one of the  most important temples in this area even kings   were coronated at this temple many years ago all  the like special events were held at the temple   for Luang Prabang and I think it's the location because  people who used to come from the river almost   like enter Luang Prabang through this Temple  I was just thinking that we've been to so many   temples especially in Thailand and some are so  grand you know the ones in Bangkok that when you   walk in you're like oh my goodness all this shiny  stuff you know the gold the Buddha everything but   there's something about this Temple here and  the temples in Laos that feel very humble and   it's feels very used and respected by local  people and even the the decor here you see   it's just gold painted on this black and red  wall but it's depicting stories of the local   people people walking around doing their work so  it's quite an interesting temple that feels like   the temple of the people I have a challenge for  you mhm can you read a full name of this Temple I can't even read it it sounds like  a chant can you read this is   this is this Thai or Lao or it's Lao I can't read it I can read this is oh I guess I can and that was exactly  not what I said I surprised myself so we're now at the main street here in Luang  Prabang and it's kind of what makes this place   a UNESCO heritage site is because of these  buildings you can tell that it's traditional   Laos architecture mixed with the colonial  era like the French architecture and they   doing a good job preserving them mhm there's  lots of little cafes little restaurants the   only thing that really sticks out that feels  like it doesn't belong is this Mini-So here   but everything else is like a ones shop thing  a restaurant not like a franchise small shops   selling clothes and souvenirs and at night this  street uh part of it is closed for the night   market mhm and you can get a lot of local  souvenirs um shirts like mine or elephant   pants that I just got they do kind of sell similar  things though like we walked down the whole night   market and it's a lot of fruit shakes a lot of  the clothing and a lot of elephant pants and   elephant bags and stuff still a nice way to  spend the evening because it is a quiet town   and there's not too much going on other than  enjoy the night market and grab a drink at   one of these nice restaurants I think that's the  charm of Luang Prabang mhm living the slow life   yeah just go cafe hopping trying different local  food it's just a chill place I think we should go   to one of the cafes and just uh soak up the AC  and maybe get some nice baguette or something I'm excited even though it's  just a simple ham baguette   sandwich but it's so delicious it is  the bread is nice and warm and fresh oh what this yeah I ordered um yogurt bowl Farmers  yogurt with fruits and muesli because I'm on   antibiotics right now I need to replenish my  probiotics oh you need to get local bacteria   mhm to make you stronger it's nice to be able  to find some of these comforts but if you were   looking for local food then you also have a  lot of choices as well that are even cheaper   yeah that's why I like Luang Prabang cuz you have  options so where should we going next there is a   place I wanted to check out have you heard of  UXO internationally used term to represent   explosive devices that have not detonated as  intended so they were dropped but they never   exploded so it's a threat for the country see I  never knew that Laos was part of the Vietnam War   never heard of it they called it the Secret War  and yeah we should go there to learn about it okay   wow so they found all of these probably detonated  them and then now store them all here mhm it's   hard to imagine that there are still thousands of  these unexploded thousands or millions millions   really maybe look this one oh that is couple  days ago that they found crazy that's insane I   read this article where there's like a 9-year-old  that found something in the field he was playing   and it was a bomb and then it detonated so  he has a huge scar on his stomach so it's   everywhere it's in the countryside places farmers  spread around Laos yeah and most of the people   in Laos are farmers in like the countryside  so that's quite a dangerous thing isn't it so are these American bombs yeah that's why  the biggest donor is American so these are   the number of bombs and mines and other UXO  that they found thousands of them each year it   says total 44,000 items were removed and destroyed  51,000 people benefited from them and they cleared   total land cleared here 39 million square meters it says here that this UXO Lao Visitor Center opened  in 2009 to educate people about the unexploded   ordinance and what the organization UXO Lao is doing  to help with the problem it's crazy because   it's saying that like families and communities  are not just devastated but there's huge   social economic impact development that is like  restricted which is really hard in Laos because   the country they can't develop the land yeah they  still have to be finding all these dangerous bombs   instead of focusing on development of this nation  and that's probably why Laos is one of the poorest   nations in Southeast Asia this is all new to me  and I find it so interesting yeah I didn't know   about this before I mean we always knew that Laos  was like a poorer country in Southeast Asia but we   didn't know the hardship that they were facing oh  so it's not in the thousands it's in the millions   it said 80 million failed to detonate and so  far in like 10 years they only found 1.4 million   this is why there are millions of bombs left in  Laos because each what you call each shell mhm   can hold up to 400 bombs oh they dropped this  whole thing yeah and it exploded and these are   the tiny bombs inside the shell that was heavy  mhm but an eye opening experience yeah I'm glad   we came because it gives me perspective as to why  out of all these Southeast Asian countries Laos   seems to be stuck in the old days I think what  I wanted to say is like they're haunted by their   their past and my understanding of what I read  in there was that they kind of were caught in   between the war yeah the second uh IndoChina War  the Vietnam War they were kind of caught between   the US and Vietnam and because Vietnamese used part  of this like Ho Chi Minh Trail they called so   they were transporting equipment and supplies  between like the North and the South but kind   of through Eastern Laos and Cambodia so of course  when the US tried to stop this transport of goods   they were bombing that trail and bombing through  Laos and that's why it was such a heavily the most   heavily bombed place in the world in the world  it's crazy to think that after all of this impact that you see from the past that war  is still happening in our world now   and that impact is going to  show up years years to come I'm so happy it rained last night look at how  clear the sky is I know it actually looks blue   today yeah and we can breathe we're heading to the  one of the most beautiful waterfalls here Kuang Si   Waterfall and how long is the drive um 45 minutes  I was worried that because it's not rainy season   now the waterfall might be a bit dry oh but the  rain will help nice so the rain helped not only   for us the drive there to be more clear but also  maybe it will be more beautiful at the waterfall what you got in your hand a baguette good  thing I brought a baguette I'm hungry now but   they have a restaurant here good just in case a  baguette is not enough we can come and eat here   there's tons like there's uh little stalls on  that side as well I mean it's this is like the   biggest attraction in Luang Prabang so of course  there's going to be tons of stuff here but I would   say that if you're not confident driving a scooter  don't drive here by yourself like there's so many   potholes yeah it was uh quite rough yeah it was  actually kind of scary I mean you can easily hire   one of these Vans or taxis to come and I think it  might be like $20 to $30 for like a tour but it   might be worth it because if you hit one of those  potholes you won't make it to the waterfall what   does it mean by including electric transport  you can either walk there or take the electric   car that they have let ask yeah 60,000 Kip  per person for foreigners this includes the electric car to go up to the waterfall I  think we should get some water and some   snacks first okay and then maybe just take  our time because we'll wait for the big   group of Chinese tourists to go first oh yeah  this one's good you want anything else let's get mango we can put it in the same bag sweet and sour off we go it's so fast   actually yeah I didn't know about this electric  car thing mhm I guess they don't want people to   walk they get a lot of tours but it's kind of  interesting because that big parking lot was   over there but I feel like we could have  driven up there right I think so seems like   we're here I'm a bit confused I'm confused  too because is there a ticket booth here   can you buy your ticket directly here or that  was that was it we bought our proper tickets okay can you ask her how  much is the ticket to enter okay it makes sense now it's good to  ask though think we're getting close   I can hear the water already mhm  oh wow that's a beautiful waterfall wow you can actually feel the  mist from here this is like a mini Kuang Si Waterfall  the water looks so clear I can't wait to   get in it's actually pretty chill like  everyone is there if you are not focused   on trying to take the perfect photo on the  bridge then actually it's a very enjoyable   area and if you look follow the trail kind of  all the way up all the way in the tree at the   top you can still see part of the waterfall  yeah that's so cool it's quite high actually as we keep walking down the path then  you'll see a swimming section this is   where everyone is swimming this side  is more calm yeah but let's walk now a   bit further okay find a more privacy spot but this is beautiful though yeah I   think we found a spot there's a bench  here and the water here looks so nice did you bring towels yes I brought two  towels oh nice is it cold I knew   it I think this is as far as I will go  just by the rocks here with like knee   length submerge cuz it's quite cold I can  already feel it I'm going in you're going to go in   yeah you go in oh I just felt a fish bite  my leg I'm going in okay go go please is it refreshing it's not cold anymore

2024-06-12 19:15

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