WARNING: THIS CITY's Medical Tourism Could Cost You LESS than ANYWHERE!

WARNING: THIS CITY's Medical Tourism Could Cost You LESS than ANYWHERE!

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if such popular and famous people like Ray  Mysterio Kevin Nash and Action Bronson trust   medine with their stem cell needs this city  obviously has something to offer so what does   that mean for regular expats and medical tourists  that come here as someone who has spent 5 years in   Vietnam without learning the local language  I know how important it is to find Reliable   health care options when moving to a new country  especially if you don't speak the local language   that's why as part of my generic expats project  I wanted to explore this new growing field and   share an interview with an xat owner of a stem  cell company that caters to the medical tourists   and xat Community here in Medan right after this  introduction to the generic expats project hey   it's Eric from generic xat and welcome to season  2 South America we give you boot on the ground   real life videos and perspectives on living  in and moving to Latin America focusing on   safety cost of living healthc care weather and  telling the storying of xats currently living in   both expat hubs and undiscovered gems here in the  region as I slowly drive through and live in each   country in the after driving for nearly 2 years  from Minnesota down through Mexico and Central America I literally have been preparing  to do this solo project for the past 15   years and I hope you enjoy all  the content coming at you right now today I have a special guest that is going to  be telling us a little bit about the services that   he does here in this beautiful place that we are  located in now let's go ahead and get to know him   what is your name uh I have a great name it's Eric  jic xat meets Eric the the the twin brothers okay   and where are you from so I'm actually originally  from Massachusetts Vermont but I went to college   in Florida and then I moved to Los Angeles for  31 years in entertainment so the whole time I   was basically in the entertainment business oh  fantastic and where are we now so we're in medine   Columbia a place that I never thought I would be  uh but about almost 4 years ago a friend of mine   said you got to come here it's amazing you're  going to love it it's before Co and uh I just   you know I think that when you just do things  instinctively you always make the right choice   I literally was on the phone with him got went to  my computer and just looked up Price Line tickets   meding and I literally I literally ordered the  ticket right there I didn't didn't question it you   know a lot of people I know that I tell how great  the city is and they they they ask me a million   questions like bro I just told you it's great why  you asking questions you don't trust me and so I   came down here for 8 days and I absolutely fell  in love with the city which many people do many   of my patients are are patients do and then um I  went back to the States and then uh Co hit and I   had to wait you know 7 months to come back and I  came back stayed for a year and a half then I went   and trained in medicine in in Cancun and I after  a year I came back and I've been here for a year   and a quarter fantastic so you mentioned clients  so let's talk a little bit about what exactly   that means so we are obviously in like a medical  office what what kind of clients are you dealing   with well first of all clients or SLP patients are  people that have you know pain usually some sort   of pain knee pain back pain uh they could have  PTSD which we've treated we've treated multiple   sclerosis we've treated Parkinson's um but most of  it's General Health uh anti-aging so guys my age   30 just kidding so I'm obviously over 50 so my age  uh I get a lot of patients in my age category that   that have a lot of guys and women that have been  very active in their life very entrepreneurial   and they have a lot of physical ailments and we  treat them with stem cell therapy okay so stem   cell therapy is definitely a new type of medicine  it's a new type of um like idea for many people so   let's talk a little bit more about stem cells  because I think there's maybe like a negative   connotation with stem cells right well you know  we all think of stem cells when we think of C   for Reeves Superman who passed unfortunately  remember he fell off a horse and they Tred to   get in about 2002 they tried to get some uh stuff  passed through the Congress that would make stem   cell therapy legal the problem was that we were  deriving the minkim stem cells which are the   really the the baby cells that heal from aborted  fetuses and for two reasons that was not good   one the Catholic Church did not like it at all  and George Bush was a Catholic a heavy Catholic   and they just blocked it number two and more  importantly to me was when you pull cells out of   a out of a baby that abort a baby you're going to  get cells that have been differentiated that means   they've been turned into something you know you  could pull a cell out of your arm that could be a   bone cell a skin cell a you know a ligament cell  cartilage cell that's not what you want to heal   with you want to typically you want to heal with  cells that have not been differentiated so how do   you find those the umbilical cord why because  the cord is the highway the cells go to to get   to the body but they got cut they didn't make it  so they didn't get into the body of the baby so   they're sitting there going can we do something  please you know and so we take those babies and   we culture them and we replicate them and we make  billions of cells every month that we introduce   back into us into a body right and um so from what  I'm understanding you have a lot of competition   but there is something that really differentiates  uh your company which is named uh rayu right R eju   and our our slogan is reu that's great I that's  nice so speaking of the stem cells and you know   replicating uh you mentioned that the way that you  do stem cells the way that you guys make it is how   you have an advantage to your competition one of  our competitive events so here in medine we're   looking out this window of this beautiful city and  right over here is bio accelerator which is uh a   major player in the business probably the biggest  clinic in stem cell therapy right here in medine   and um we really do well competing with them and  the reason why is our stem cell line which is out   of Bogata we actually produce the cells in Bogota  is a very very young cell it's uh very strong   young is strong and very tiny cells and uh they  can't compete bio accelerated cells are double   the pass rate meaning they they've been replicated  double the number of times and you know that from   a copy machine when you replicate replicate it  weakens the to copy same thing applies here so   our cell line is twice as effective in my opinion  and it's half the cost I don't have to be a great   salesman to sell that okay plus our Clinic is  beautiful and we're in a building that's 16   stories tall all of which has medical facilities  here so if I need to have you do a hyperbaric I'll   send you upstairs if I need you to do surgery I'll  send you down the surgery room and it's all in in   the same medical building so a potential patient  coming here if if if you are going to see them you   pretty much can do what the services you need to  do here in this one building is that right that's   correct everything's done in this building and let  me say something about the patients so uh we get   a call going we we have an initial call there  is no selling it's all education until you're   educated to a certain level you're comfortable  with this what we do this is the fourth Quantum   Leap in medicine this is the fourth Quantum  Leap this means so the first Quantum medicine   was Penicillin because we didn't have Penicillin  on the battlefield people died like crazy crazy   right so and then surgery was another Quantum  Leap this is the fourth one once you understand   stem cell therapy and understand as a consumer how  to go out and get the right cells you're going to   come to us pretty much all every time so we have  done phenomenally well in the city and continue to   be blessed to be able to serve uh people from all  over the world fantastic well it seems like it's   definitely a passion of yours speaking of how you  offer all these really good competitive prices and   good quality products I mean let's talk about the  services let's talk about you actually do what is   the most common thing that you do here at Ru I  think that the most common thing we do here is   joints you know there everyone always has a joint  problem usually with men at shoulders or knees um   we do a lot of anti-aging that's where we just do  a general IV and the cells go all over the body   and reduce inflammation we do a lot of P shots we  don't do a lot of V shots we a lot of P shots P   shots a penis shot uh and we uh and we take men my  age and we inject their penises I know it sounds   crazy but it really works well and it's pretty  much painless and my erections are way better my   orgasms are way better blah blah blah and we do it  for women called the vshot as well that's a very   popular procedure uh and way less expensive than  the US so in the US the big thing about the US is   that you can't expand the cells you're not legally  you FDA is not allowing expansion that means you   can't take the cells off The Bu cord and make more  cells you have to use only what you have there and   for that reason you can't you there's not a  lot of cells to use and unfortunately most of   the healing needs to be done you need a lot more  stem cells not saying there's no value in the US   that's not fair but it's a very expensive process  there for a very like I'll give you an example 60   million minko stem cells off the umbilical cord  not cultured is going to cost you about $20,000   in us here it would cost you $4,000 you know cheap  okay five times cheaper yeah it's like five times   cheaper so you want to get the expanded cells  um until the FDA approves stem cell there which   they're working on and then it'll be available  everywhere but will still be less expensive here   medical tourism is real guys I'm going to tell you  something your audience will love okay see this   these are veneers these are uh um what do you call  porcelain veneers and these are uh acrylic veneers   20 of them $4,000 wow you go to Beverly Hills  and ask them how much that cost you this will   cost you at least $30,000 wow so you take a flight  down here to a beautiful airport these airports   International airport you get picked up by by a  beautiful human being usually it's a woman they're   all beautiful here and they bring you here they  take you to a hotel that's fourstar or airbnbs   which are amazing and you and you save 16 Grand 26  Grand whatever I don't understand why everyone's   not doing medical tourism I don't understand it  get guys get your passport you know I think a main   part of that is that there's so many people that  are afraid of flying because everyone has this   idea in their heads when especially people that  don't fly or don't have family or friends friends   that fly they just like well that's too difficult  well I have to have a passport that sounds like   a lot of work and it's like people just OV  exaggerate how difficult it is to do things   because we're just you know we have the idea that  the US has everything we need I mean it obviously   does but for a massive premium huge premium so  yeah like what you're saying 50% of the men that   come to medine miss their flight back that is  a factual statement they love it so not that   women don't either but men really love the city  and uh when you come here you'll understand why   I I I'll never leaving I lived in La for 31 years  I I was right in West Hollywood I'm I'm not going   back so one question I have about your patience is  you mentioned about you have many um men uh that   come here are they the majority of your patients  or are they a bit more than half or how how was   the percentage on that our our breakdown between  men and women is about 70% men currently Now   understand that men have more physical problems  they're more active typically and so they have   more issues so that's why women come here and  get a lot of Aesthetics done that's the FI   do a full stem Cil facial can take 15 years  off your face hair in some cases if you have   thinning hair neck okay we and we and we do and  then in the general make your skin glow so think   about this ladies every pregnant woman you know  everyone says the same thing oh my God you look   so beautiful you're glowing that's because of  stem cells stem cells are making the baby stem   cells get all over your body it makes you look  gorgeous it's been known pregnant women among   the most beautiful women in the world M so  that's a very interesting fact I never I   never even thought about it that way but yeah I  guess I guess that tot totally makes sense it's   not by accident um so you mentioned that medine  is a big hub for medical tourism and that's very   obvious I mean people come here for like you  said like for teeth big time is really good   for that there's just really high quality really  lowc cost Services here in not only medine but   all of Columbia so what I want to ask is why do  you think it's better to come here than to go   to maybe Thailand or Asia well you know going to  Thailand may be a good good solution for you but   it's 25 hours um I think hair Turkey is a great  place to go for hair we do hair here as well um   but I think in beauty medene is the location for  those you don't know medene is known as the home   of the Pisa a Pisa which is more talking about  women than men are always looking good so the city   is every girl in the city has had their teeth done  braces they're all maybe not V years but they've   had you know they had braces they all dress  really nice I I don't care if they're getting   in the Uber to go home at the end of the night  they're getting dressed they they're doing their   hair and their makeup again there's a fascination  of beauty here it's really important so the uh the   natural beauty that he mentioned I'll definitely  share a little point that I can relate to I go   to the um Brazilian chain the gym chain smart fit  and every single girl's wearing makeup they have   perfume on them like for me it's just you know it  is a little bit weird I go there to exercise you   know and you know that's I I'm more practical  I'm a man right and then other other men men   do the same thing as the women I mean they dress  up really obviously not makeup but they dress up   really nice they wear really good clothes and they  wear a ton of coloon on them like what would make   sense that medical tourism would be here from  for beauty yeah so think about some people just   they love looking and smelling beautiful and doing  that thing to have like that that basically that   characteristic and that that that is very obvious  here so he's totally right this is kind of the the   the Cradle of beauty almost in Latin America you  think about if you live on the east coast you go   to Miami Miami medine go the West Coast you go  Panama Panama medine if you're in the central part   of the country you go Houston P medine this is not  it's no excuse for not coming here and there are   direct flights from Miami yeah that many flights  within the US to make it really really cheap you   can go just to Miami straight in Miami what is it  like 150 sometimes you can you find on probably   Spirit the cheapest ones man they're they're crazy  we have so many people from Florida here because   they all learn about medine they all come back and  back and back it's not a secret here there but in   other parts of the country because many actually  where I'm from it's actually further from Miami   than Colombia is I looked it up I'm like what  how is that possible but it is is a it's it's   a faster flight and in distance it's actually  closer you obviously have a lot of things to   offer people that are coming here to medine for  medical tourism can you give us a couple of the   ways people can contact you so like website or  social media yeah well uh the best way is our   website which is Ru that's re EJ medical tourism  t o r ism.com uh you can also contact us at us   31791 1259 uh and the last thing I want to say  is people ask me about cancer a lot a lot of you   guys don't have issues but your mom and dad does  or your grandma and so cancer is not it cannot be   treated with stem cell therapy currently however  there is a new amazing therapy in the market   called NK therapy it's in Thailand uh it was from  China China is way ahead of all of us in Med in uh   research in medicine Chinese are research monsters  and they have really uh gotten ahead of all of us   so and plus they don't their government pays for  everything so enk therapy is where they take the   natural killer cells and they replicate them  and they modify them for the cancer that you   have and they put them back in your body we do  send patients there so if you have it some with   cancer and it's not over stage two uh we can help  treat them oh it's very very useful information I   didn't even realize that that those things were  were available that they're working on them yeah   oh trust me the pharmaceutical companies really  want you to know this right one other advantage   of you know being a medical tourist is you know  getting out of the realm of just being you know   being told that you really can't fix things that  actually are fixable outside the US well one of   the big things is autoimmune and that's one of  the great things about stem cell therapy whether   you have limes disease or any of the autoimmune um  Blends uh stem cells is one of your Solutions so   you should really look at this therapy whether  it's with us or with somebody else that's credible so my name is Richard and I am a stem  cell success story so I was diagnosed with   Parkinson's disease about 2 years ago and today  is my first day back at the him I am completely   normal with no symptoms after getting two drips  pretty soon after diagnosed with Parkinson um   none of my symptoms returned then finally I was  getting a little bit of the tremblers back and   did another drip I am now on 9 months after the  last drip I've had thank you trust them and Dr   Escobar and their amazing stem cells and I I have  no signs of Parkinson's I'm completely normal and   thank God today is my first day back in the gym  and I'm really excited to get back at it thanks   again um trustom Labs Dr Escobar thank you Dr AOA  and God bless everyone have a great day speaking   of all the different Services you do offer can  you give us a couple examples of what they would   be and the prices that you offer compared to  your competitors yeah so pricing everyone's   always worried about pricing because you hear  in the market it's so expensive and it can be I   mean there's no question so my competitors I'm not  going to mention who they are but uh they will not   treat you if you don't spend more at least $25,000  they it's the reason it is they don't have enough   room in their Clinic they have to maximize their  Roi their return on investment so they do it that   way it's not that they're bad guys um so we we  don't play that game if if you need a procedure   that's three or $44,000 we we consider doing it  however I'll also pitch you on if you're going   to do your shoulder let's do a general IV I'll  give you a deal we call it bundling but you know   prices run anywhere from $33,000 up to you know of  course you can spend $20,000 but it'll be half any   of the real competitors there's some companies I  don't even consider competitor but the ones that   actually produce a decent cell and they're well  recognized in the game uh we we beat them by 40%   every day I will guarantee it wow that's crazy  information and when you mentioned um flying into   the airport and someone picking up the patients is  that included in the presses one of the things I   want you all to know about medical tourism is  that most of these companies are smart enough   to be able to Pro provide great con a service  we're not alone in that area however the person   you talk to before your trip the one who does your  onboarding and your uh facilitation typically is   at the airport with a sign with your name on it  you know somebody who's really well dressed well   put together uh and they're there and they will be  with you through the whole experience dropping you   out the airport picking up in the morning having  somebody pick you up we have a bunch of drivers   that drive for us so you really don't do anything  without us so would a typical like package include   the accommodation and the pickup service so the  typical package includes pickup service I don't   like to include the the hotel but I will sometimes  if it's some if it's necessary um because there's   a lot of choices here and you should be able to  make your own sure but we'll we'll talk about it   I mean it's all part of the negotiation of the  of the of the deal um but I will tell you this   much not only will we give you the best price of  any of the our competitors uh but we also have   the best sell line so we have the best cells and  the best price so if you don't at least look at us   you're really not doing yourself a service when we  talked about the stem celles before you mentioned   that yours are higher quality is is there a  reason why yours are higher quality compared to   your competitors you one of the things I think is  unfortunate in the business is that the consumer   doesn't really have the right information to make  a intelligent decision if I was you looking at   stem cell therapy is my option I would make sure  that the cell line where the laboratory the cells   are produced at does not go beyond four passage  that means it it doesn't replicate more than four   times in these replication boxes little box bigger  box bigger box bigger box every time you replicate   it it doubles in in yield it's good right but it's  not good in the sense that the cells get watery so   I don't like to use a cell over 12 replications  and I don't like to use a box Passage rate more   than four that means each time it gets pass to  another box and replicates up to 80% of the wall   of the Box because it the sells like plastic they  stick to plastic I wouldn't do it that way if you   do you may not get as good a result and I see  the complaints online come from companies that   replicate 12 time they're 12 passages they can  do that because they want to cheat and make more   money they still it's they're still stem cells but  they're not effective do not go beyond six at the   most and I'm going to give you a three pass so you  should at least call us yeah so what you're saying   is basically not only do you have probably double  the quality but also half the price yeah we could   argue it's double the quality although maybe not  completely true like a six passage sell may not   be half as effective but it definitely isn't as  effective and I wouldn't take any risk look at   guys if you spend $112,000 a lot of money get the  biggest bang you came for your buck seriously and   I don't you know even though that 12,000 may  be half somebody else's still ,000 you know or   8,000 or 20 or whatever it is well all of this  information is fantastic and is there anything   else you want to add come come come come when  you come to medigene stem cell therapy is not   like surgery you don't have a long recovery window  typically within 48 hours you're completely back   to normal and you're starting to feel better so  you should come down here spend a few days to get   treatment anywhere from 3 to 5 days for treatment  and then maybe spend a few days exploring the city   uh meeting people here there colan people are  really beautiful people and this location of   the clinic as well is in one of the best places  in the entire city if not the entire country pobl   is a really beautiful place and there's a lot of  cool things to see nice places to stay at nice   places to go have some you know drinks and food  and everything like meet some new people you know   it's it's probably 75% less expensive here than  the US so about one quarter including the steak   that you get that's $25 is this big and you just  you you you'll spend the whole time going I can't   believe all I can't believe what cheap took me  a year to stop saying that I can't believe what   cheap it is you can't believe I've never been here  before and then the other next thing is why didn't   I come here before well cuz Pablo Escobar was here  30 years ago yeah he was we ain't here anymore and   the people are actually very docel they're that's  why dictators can take over because they they're   just not Alphas here and they they're beautifully  kind people so one other thing mentioning Pablo   Escobar and for people that actually do fall in  love with the city that they like the place and   they want to check out areas I mean going to  K is where as a cool tourist attraction I just   went made a video there last week and it's a  really cool place it's been really growing and   there's a lot of interesting history there  it's like the graffiti art capital of the city so Dr Mia choa who we're blessed to be  working with is a US trained Doctor Who's got   a double degree she's very bright um and you  would think that these type of doctors aren't   going to be located here but that's not true let's  go ahead and talk to one of the professionals that   works with Eric in his services so can you  please introduce yourself what is your name   my name is Mia chaab and where are you from I'm  from Columbia okay great are you from Med yeah   I'm from here born and raised raised here what  type of job do you do in uh partnership with   Eric okay so basically we Eric we are doing a  lot of treatments and we're performing a stem   cells treatment since like two years ago that we  opened the facility here in M Colombia before I   was studying in States for is learning about  new devel new new techniques new things that   is happening in all this stem cells industry so  the idea is we can bring all the best quality   treatments with reu and with our partners so our  patients are really happy with them awesome and so   you did your doctor training as well in the United  States yeah know like I do my medical degree here   in Colombia then I moved to Luxembourg do plastic  surgery for two years and then I moved to States   and I to get my PhD oh wow so it's a long process  to get where you are H has been many years studing   and so you are the golden star that is doing the  the work for for Ru right exactly fantastic well   thank you so much for introducing yourself pleas  guys this is who we're dealing with this is the uh   the star behind the uh behind the curtain a lot  of them live here because they first of all she   is Pisa she's from here but a lot of them live  here because it's so inexpensive they they can   charge less and help more people a lot of them  are very kind to be here so take advantage of   that take advantage of the great doctors in the  city besides Mia that you're working with um   how many other other types of um professionals  are you working with well you know most of the   procedures are done through Dr AOA but we do have  you know Specialists for hands and feet and things   of that nature we have of course Hyperbaric that  we do uh that there's another technician for that   and then for our surgery room when we have to do  the back we use a fluoroscope an anesthesiologist   and two doctors Dr AOA and another doctor so  that we get get it really well because backs   are delicate you need to be really on top of  your game um so we use a number of different   Professionals in that regard speaking of fixing  backs this actually hits a personal point for me   because this is another reason why I wanted to  partner with you to show what you offer and to   help you you know reach a bigger audience  and help people get your services and get   your healing because my dad when he was alive  my dad passed away three years ago and uh he   had back pain that literally debilitated him for  probably 20 years and if he would have been able   to take advantage of this new technology when  he was in his 30s in my 30s I'm 36 so if he   would have you know he he died at 57 so imagine  at 37 20 years before he died if he would have   had 20 years of better quality of life he had  a I think it's called a slip disc and he just   you know just had such a bad quality of life  from this one thing that happened to him some   accident or something I think it was actually  work related so it's just like it kind of hits   home to me like seeing someone really passionate  about helping everyone else and you know wishing   I could have helped my dad do that in the past  so yeah I really appreciate you uh you know help and what we're going to do now is we're going  to show you a little bit of the facilities that   we can show you here at the clinic here in  Las Vegas so let's go ahead and check it out [Music] a [Music]

2024-09-02 14:26

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