VLOG August 2024 | Pelion Adventures, from Scenic Villages to Pristine Beaches | The Holy Monastery

VLOG August 2024 | Pelion Adventures, from Scenic Villages to Pristine Beaches | The Holy Monastery

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today I'm super excited because we are Hing to one  of Greece's hidden gems Pelion we are about to kick   off a weekl long adventure exploring everything  this magical place has to offer for those who   don't know Pelion is a standing mountain Peninsula  that's famous for its breathtaking views Crystal   Clear beaches and Charming traditional Villages  it's the perfect mix of mountain and sea and   I can wait to dive into it all we've got a lot  planned over the next week from hiking in the   lar forests discovering hidden waterfalls to  relaxing on some of the most beautiful beaches   in Greece and of course we are going to indulge  in some delicious local Cuisine because what's a   trip to Greece without some amazing food another  toll how many of these do we have to pass today   it's like every few kilometers there's another one  it's getting crazy they are so expensive I mean   do they expect us to keep paying this much every  time we hit the road it's like they are trying to   drain our wallets at every turn and where does all  this money even go we already paid taxes for roads   and now we are paying a fortune just to drive on  them it's not like there are other routes we can   take unless we want to double our travel time but  anyhow now let's jump in into something magical   little free libraries like this one are all about  take a book leave a book and they have become a   global movement bringing people together through  the love of reading here in Portaria this little Free   Library is a real gem you will find books in Greek  English and maybe even a few other languages   perfect for locals and visitors alike it's a  great way to discover something new or share   a favorite book with others if you're ever wondering  through keep an eye out for one of these little   free libraries they are not just about books they  are about connecting with others sharing stories   and being part of something bigger even in the  smallest of ways now let me introduce you to some   of the best regions for hiking in this stunning  area if you love exploring on food bilon is a   paradise you can miss first up we have Alli Meria a hidden gem that offers peaceful Trails through Olive groves  and lush greenery next Anavros is a fantastic spot  for a coastal hike the trails here follow the shore line offering stunning views of the Aegean sea for a mix of natural beauty and traditional charm   head to Agria the trails here take you through  charming villages olive orchards and down to   the Sea it's an easy yet rewarding hike perfect  for soaking in the local culture and scenery so   whether you are looking for a leisurely walk  or an adventurous hike Pelion has it all   lace up your boots and get ready to explore these  amazing regions after all that walking it's time   for a little break we have found a local favorite  the tahini pie made with layers of crispy phyllo dough filled with a rich and creamy tahini mixture and  topped with a drizzle of honey yummy starting to   get deep in the heart of Pelion and we just found  a fresh Mountain Water Supply and check this out   a salamander these little guys are pretty common in  the damp cool forests of Pelion amazing while walking   around I found a surprise a local Taverna with  my name on Galene after a fantastic day of exploring   Pelion it's time to unwind and enjoy some authentic  great Cuisine we are heading to a local gem here   in the village Taverna Kritsa is known for its cozy  atmosphere and delicious traditional dishes this   place is a favorite among locals and travelers  alike and I've heard the food here is absolutely   amazing now let's get to know Taverna Kritsa which  is known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious   traditional dishes a place which is favorite  among locals and travelers alike we have heard   the food here is absolutely amazing the menu here  is packed with classic Greek dishes from savory   musaka to fresh Greek salads and grilled meats I'm  really excited to try some local Specialties and   see what Kritsa has to offer I chose beef with aubergines which was absolutely delicious next station Chorefto Pelion's most beautiful beach as per  my point of view for a perfect evening   Chorefto is known for its stunning long Sunday  beach & crystal clear waters it's the ideal   spot to unwind after a day of exploring in the  evening is the perfect time for refreshing swim next day's adventure is taking us to a beloved  local spot Plymari Taverna but first we've got a   quiet journey ahead of us the roads in Pelion  were a bit tricky due to some maintenance works   so it's a bit of a white knuckle drive as you can  see the roads a bit rough with ongoing repairs   and narrow sections it's definitely one of those  hold your breath and hope for the best kind of   drives but that's all part of the adventure  right finally we've made it now that we are   out of the car it's time to enjoy a relaxing  walk to the Taverna the village here is charming   and the view of the coastline is absolutely  breathtaking Plymari Taverna is set right by   the sea and the ambience here is just perfect  we came from that point there whether you're   sitting on the Terrace or inside you're  in for a treat I'm especially excited to   try their seafood as you can see oh and the  broth of these mussels absolutely delicious [Music] [Music]   no matter how hectic things get moments like  this remind me to slow down and appreciate   the beauty around us this is the kind  of place where you can just breathe let go   of any stress and be fully present it's a  reminder that sometimes all we need is a   quiet moment with nature to feel grounded again  whether it's the middle of the day or the Sun is   setting the sea has a way of captivating you  each moment by the water feels like a gift a   chance to connect with the natural world and find  some inner peace these apples are just perfect   sweet crisp and ready to eat there is something so  satisfying about picking fruit fresh from the tree   these are going to taste amazing now for a little  twist we are going to wash these apples in the sea   it's not the usual way to rinse fruit but it's all  part of the fun here in Pelion plus it's a great way   to enjoy the gorgeous coastline just look at  that the sea water is so clear and refreshing we've got some fantastic beach evening ahead  of us tonight we are lighting up a fire on the   beach and enjoying a cozy funfilled night  by the Sea first things first let's get   our fire set up we've got some dry wood and  kindling here and we are going to build a nice   little fire remember safety is key make sure  you are in a designated area and have a way   to extinguish the fire if needed nothing  beats sitting around a beach fire with a   good company we've got some snacks and drinks  ready and we are all set for a great evening and here's our buddy he joined us suddenly  and he became our friend this is what it's   all about relaxing by the fire soaking  in the seaside ambience and having fun   with friends the other day we decided to  visit the beautiful Village of Tsagarada   which is located at an altitude of 500m on  the Eastern side of the mountain in a lush green environment with magnificent views of  the Aegean sea nature dominates here as chestnuts   and plane trees embrace almost all of the  villages buildings and houses just look at   this magnificent specimen the Platanus or plane tree is known for its distinctive bark and wide-reaching branches don't forget to drink coffee  in the Central Square of Agia Paraskevi where the   well known great Platanus counts a millennium of  life and is the oldest tree in Greece [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we finished our drinks and we decided to go  for lunch at Itamos restaurant  Itamos restaurant is nestled in the heart of nature the name it refers to the yew tree a symbol of longevity   and resilience a fitting name for a place  that has stood the test of time serving up   traditional Pelion Cuisine with a modern twist as  you can see it's a value for money menu that   lets you savor the authentic flavors of Greece  without breaking the bank let's take a closer look [Music] so we decided to order the Greek  salad, saganaki the cheesy delight   and for the main course the Lamb knuckle  accompanied with mashed beetroots it was   absolutely amazing you need to taste  it let's change page now let's go to   Pelion's best kept secrets Parisaina beach  a secluded paradise accessible only by a   hidden path that winds through the the dense  forests of this enchanting region let's go explore as we continue the path starts to descend  and you can just begin to hear the sound of the   waves we are getting close now Parisaina beach  it's just around the corner the anticipation   builds as the forest begins to thin out revealing  more of the coastline with each step offering a   peaceful retreat with standing views of the Aegean sea the water here is crystal clear and the sand is  soft and the cliffs provide a dramatic backdrop  that makes this beach feel like your own private   at paradise this is the reward for taking the road  less traveled a pristine Beach that feels like   it's all yours today we are stopping by a local gem  a cozy cafe known for its homemade pies these aren't just any pies they are a taste of Pelion's rich culinary tradition made with love and the freshest   local ingredients the first thing you notice is  the flaky buttery crust it just melts in your   mouth then you get hit with a rich savory feeling  the chicken is tender and full of flavor while the   paprika peppers add a sweet slightly smokey note  that ties everything together this is comfort food  at its finest but with that unmistakable Greek  twist apologies for turning my head all the time   but I was a bit anxious about my So being  visible in the camera if you're looking for a   place where nature meets comfort and every morning  starts with a view that takes your breath away   then let me introduce you to Hotel Agnanti Horefto this charming hotel is the perfect retreat   for anyone wanting to experience the beauty and  tranquility of Pelion let's take a closer look   one of the highlights of staying at Hotel Agnanti Horefto is  the breakfast a delicious spread of homemade   locally sourced dishes that will fuel your day  of exploration every morning you're treated to   a feast of fresh Greek yogurt drizzled with  honey warm crusty bread straight from the   oven and an array of seasonal fruits bursting  with flavor everything here is made with care   using the freshest ingredients from the region  the pastries are light and flaky the fruits are   juicy and ripe and the yogurt it's thick creamy  and just perfect and the best part you get to   enjoy your breakfast with this incredible view  it's a perfect way to start your day in Chorefto forgot to mention also about the flies and  the mosquitoes we somehow co-existed Let's   Get serious and talk about the 15th of August of  each year Greeks celebrate the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary known as the "Dekapedavgoustos" in Greek this is one of the most significant   religious holidays in Greece often considered the  summer Easter the day commemorates the Dormition of Theotokos   falling asleep or the Assumption of the Virgin  Mary when she is believed to have passed away and   been taken up into heaven it's a time for both  religious observance and celebration so due to   that day we decided to visit the holy Monastery of  Panagia Gorgoepikooy in Mandra Attikis which is actually a region near   Athens we arrived a bit earlier and waited for  the monastery to open its gates this monastery   dedicated to the Virgin Mary is not only a place  of deep spiritual significance but also a site   of stunning natural beauty and profound peace we  are going to explore this holy place and uncover   the rich history and traditions that have made  it a cornerstone of faith for so many people it's too hot today too hot so I would like to thank  everyone for watching August's Vlog   we really enjoyed ourselves we visited  Pelion I think that the footage speaks   itself and I really appreciate  your comments, your subscription   and see you next month with more  interesting moments and of course myself :) [Music]

2024-09-01 23:26

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