Travelling in Thailand - Hua Hin to Koh Tao! (Best City in Thailand!)

Travelling in Thailand - Hua Hin to Koh Tao! (Best City in Thailand!)

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[Music] you want to come over here pulling up and it is absolutely Paradise [Music] we're Kyle and Jess Canadian couple traveling full-time since 2021 since arriving in Thailand we have seen some amazing Buddhist temples checked off one of Jess's biggest bucket list items yet and most recently we have toured around some of the most unique markets that the country has to offer unbelievable and that brings us to today where we are leaving rachabiri and boarding a train to travel to huachen as we head out to start our island hopping Adventures [Music] [Music] finished our first train experience and we are in Hawaii [Music] [Music] first couple weeks that we were here in Thailand have been amazing but they've been very go go go since arriving here in Hua hen things have been able to slow down thank you beautiful day today beautiful our Airbnb complex is just down the street from the beach no better way to start the day with the ocean breeze on your face no you cannot not complaining about this at all wow the Tide's in today yeah typically we would have the a much like wider stretch of each but you know what it doesn't go that deep so I guess and we usually walk with our feet in the water anyway so whatever to see is it I'm not you know very scientific and [ __ ] so hello yeah funny good morning have a nice day yeah you do that's another thing about Thailand is we have seen nothing but really nice people here whether it be locals or people visiting it just seems to put people in a Vibe coming to Thailand you can definitely tell the land they have the land of the smiles here yeah the land of a thousand smiles and the nickname Rings true for sure I also love the views you get out here in the morning you get the beautiful view of the long stretch of sand you get all the fishing boats out getting doing their thing it's cool too you see fishermen just kind of on the beach in these little pools of water picking up the minnows and little crabbies or I'm not sure what they're getting but they're like people just floating they just come out in the morning and they'll just float because it's such a peaceful time this is actually like the roughest we've seen it and it's like tiny little baby tiny little baby waves if you're familiar with Patia they do have a big stretch of beach but listen to this in comparison there's no Road no Highway along the beach there's no bump in clubs and bars oh empathia it's a very boating Community like it's the city it's all full of boats and it's not really like a swimming beak when you look out it's just Boat Boat yeah and you can tell that like the water is filled with a bit of that oil and such yeah so we just didn't even go in the water there yeah so we didn't get as much time on the beach down there and Patty as we had anticipated or wanted but this one is beautiful though it's so peaceful it's so clean um it's just such a gorgeous place to be in the morning making up for it here in wahin for sure it's a sleepy Beach town okay but I think it's being slipped and slept and slept on yeah later tonight to a food market that we have been waiting all weekend all week absolute favorite absolutely delicious we're gonna show you that next but we gotta get down to a bit of a workout and then grinded a little bit of afternoon work and then we're taking you to the market let's go [Music] [Music] steps outside of our Airbnb we have two Wicked markets yeah we do we've got two of the best markets we've seen so far in Thailand actually and that's saying something considering we went to job fair yeah the newest and most popular one in Bangkok it was great which was amazing it was great absolutely amazing we haven't seen that check that video up but I mean here there's just so many great things to eat and they've got a lot of other things so we are we've actually been waiting all week because they're only open on the weekends but there's the two markets great side by side just down the street from our hotel and so we're gonna go check them out [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you it's just the cat and the bleeding nipples it's definitely saying something looks like it's have some happy mushrooms yeah I like the vanco Van Gogh inspiredness these are so lost that's one thing I've noticed so far in Thailand too like all the art and artists we've seen yeah this is I'm not sure what they do maybe it's like a really thick type of paint or something yeah all right so now we've come over to The Tamarind Market it's actually just across the street from the sasada market I think that's how you say it the Sada we think it's called is actually like an arts and crafts food drinks uh kind of Market this one is just food so if you're looking to eat you want to come over here yeah and we've been here three times yeah two nights this is our third time yeah yeah we've been here two nights actually no so this is our fourth Fortnight holy it's just like right around the corner from our Airbnb and so when it's open we've had to come check it out because they've got a lot of local favorites as well as a couple of nice Western Foods as well like pizza and burgers yeah it's actually being our favorite food market here in Thailand so we highly recommend coming to check this one out yeah Tamarind is a must-see especially if you're gonna walk in there [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we are back here we're all started a week and a half ago we are at the train station and we are ready to move on yeah station of love as we hit another train off to jump on a place we've heard lots of great things about but we're only staying there for one night because then we're jumping onto a ferry and we're starting our island hopping Adventures but we gotta get there so we are heading off now to chump on and we're taking the train let's go foreign [Music] it's kind of like an airplane almost on some of these trains in Thailand got a little table here fold out table we're lucky we got the only Outlet on the whole train so we can do some work but right now we gotta get some heat on yes please we got our rice dish which is hot then we've got our chicken curry it's a clocking chicken the last one we had it was like another chicken curry and it was freaking delicious we actually ate that up ate it up last time we actually got fish balls and we weren't too pleased with those ones yeah but this time we do have hard-boiled eggs we do love our hard-boiled eggs so yeah and then we got our banana dried banana yeah like banana chips yeah Kyle really like those so and you can try them we did last time get two packs of cookies pineapple cookies and I love those I okay but we are hungry and we're gonna dig it dig it so keep in mind that maybe read the fine prints if you're booking these trains like just just said not everybody gets it I think if you get a stew it as long as the steward is included the food I think I think this is my second drink read the fine print we had also noticed that there are different people taking the trains and some of them without even knowing didn't book the AC and it was cooking hot yeah I heard they could be incredibly hot but these ones are like three four dollars you won't and it's as much enjoyable life about 100 bottles Harbor [Music] it is spicy which might in and of itself mean Kyle gets a little more just by getting extra egg I might get up in my more curry you know we 've been traveling around Thailand from all Curry now on our train ride we've had Curry twice we love curry so it's great for us you don't like Hari might not like the food that's provided you're not a curry fan yeah it's always a spicy curry oh it's freaking spicy that's crazy the kids they got it yeah he eats the dried bananas I think yeah he likes that and maybe the plain rice that's okay that's okay I think you can take my spice yeah I'm cool clean up your rice yeah you want to just put it online and you have the rice in too much it's so spicy or Neighbors on the train they're struggling too after such a spicy lunch yeah oh wow that's so beautiful out there with the mountains that's one thing about the train rhyme you definitely get a beautiful view of the Thailand Countryside for sure [Music] foreign [Music] might have to get a taxi one thing we've noticed in all of our travels around the world is these ride share apps like uber here it's grab or bolt they are awesome but the the old world does not want to let them in so there's a lot of cities around the world that we've come across that just refuse to allow Uber bolt grab or any of it sometimes you'll go there the app will allow you to make a booking but then there's just no drivers to connect because they will not allow it where we're from in Alberta they're one of the places that don't allow it and it seems like the typical reason why is someone's dad or brother runs a taxi company in that town and so it's not allowed at least that's how it is in Cochrane it's how it seems to be in some of the cities that we were in in Mexico cartel said nope we run the taxis you don't get Uber grab both none of it so word to the wise if you're in jump on be ready to take a taxi and cross your fingers because it's one of those situations here in Thailand that you never seem to get a fair or upfront price it's always just get in we'll figure it out and then when all that goes anyways let's see what we can do all right let's go here we are we're staying at the chalicho resort and it's got like this jungle almost like just said follow you by when you're here in the at the resort this little coffee shop they've got so now we're nice and cool for our ferry ride Optical Town super excited we always love a good boat ride and a good island adventure and so today is going to be a great day cannot wait time gonna finish up these coffees and then we're gonna go pack up and head out let's go Taxi's here perfect diamond let's go you know I would highly recommend for everyone to have a backpacking experience and you're like go backpacking again let me grab a backpack you know live in the same pair of shore [Music] this is gonna be wet right yeah we sat right at the back and we were like we needed the extra space for our extra bags but hey we made it on the boat safe and sound they dropped us off right at the front there's a nice shuttle service included with the ferry ride for 150 Baht per person so that's not too bad too bad another nice little rainy hay it's a nice Breezy ride this is how we'll put it nice Breezy ride I could use it it's a bit hot today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign one of those moments where it's like you see places online you see the pictures you see the videos and it's just not quite enough but then when you get there yourself it's like surreal wow phenomenal like one of the best Islands we've ever been to thank you this looks sweet [Music] [Music] real nice after a long two days between the train and the boat really the long part is dragging those packs around and hanging out in this heatsoft oh my gosh let's show you around this room real quick before we mess it up as you guys can see we got a nice big king-sized bed looks like they got nice towels so that specific blue towels for swimming pool great towels for here they look like nice house too not like stained in like kettle the kettle with some coffee and some tea we got some water nice little fridge you know it bathroom or which actually looks good nice big shower clean everything's looking clean the best part though look at this view we are in Paradise literally the best view ever just so nice and we've got a lot of fun things in planned for our Island Adventures we're starting out here in Koh Tao as you guys know and we've got a really cool snorkeling Adventure could not believe the deal that we got on this but we're gonna be doing that in the next video so if you haven't yet make sure to click subscribe ring a ding ding dong that Bell and so you'd be notified of our future videos and until next time bye forever [Music]

2023-07-18 09:13

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