GLASGOW VLOG! Highland Cows, Museums, BEST Cocktails & Scotland History UK Road Trip 6

GLASGOW VLOG!  Highland Cows, Museums, BEST Cocktails & Scotland History  UK Road Trip 6

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[Music] welcome to Glasgow a port city on the river Clyde in Scotland's Western lowlands known for incredible architecture whiskey ship building and the World's friendliest city we were Keen to explore and see what we could achieve in 2 days this is our final stop in Scotland on our UK road trip series and we have had a great time if you're new I'm Brogan and this is my husband Benji we love exploring the UK and hope you'll hit subscribe and enjoy coming along on our adventure we have just arrived in Glasgow we are at Pollock Country Park which seems to be a massive ground just outside of the city center not far like 10 minute driveway like an old Mana house kind of thing and you can now explore the grounds and the stables and things like that there's a mountain bike track a golf course there's also a house that is closed you can't explore that right now but the main reason we're here is because lots of recommended that we can come and see Highland cows here so what say Highland cows you say it your better Highland cows he's got the accent yeah cows with the c o yeah and they always SP it with C so that's now my new thing yeah so that's what we're going to do we got to go little walk cuz we've been on the road driving for a couple of hours we need to stretch our legs so we're going to go and walk around the ground see the cows and then we're going to check into our hotel we're staying in a premier in which is just in the city center it's only about6 per night so wasn't too bad seem really really Central is it the Civic Center no it's Buchanan Street isn't it yeah was the big building called Civic Center isn't it I think oh I don't know but we're staying in yeah Buchanan galleries cuz there's two premier RS and tonight we're going to Miller and Carter for a steak date night dinner which we're very excited about we had some um gift cards for for our wedding from some lovely friends and family so yeah going to make use of that tonight aren't we yeah cuz we spent obviously lots of money on the go and we told them that we would enjoy a nice meal on this road trip with their vouchers so thank you very much cuzz that was a lovely wedding gift and I'm really looking forward to it I know it's a chain we've been trying to show as many Independence and sort of restaurants that are exclusive or Niche to certain towns and cities we've been visiting but in this scenario it is like a 2 and 1 half minute walk so and it saves us some money we've got a full day tomorrow here in Glasgow as well and we've booked two day pass for the Red Bus if you watch our Vlogs and you know us even a little bit you know we love the city s sit seeing open top hop on and off red buses which a perfect way to sort of get familiar with a city listen in your headset with all the history and tips and ideas so we're going to do that this afternoon massive convert we completely Chang we love not not spawn at all no nothing if they want to work with us though that's no gladly anyway let's go see these Highland cows shall we Highland what I can't do the accent Highland cows oh what lovely area so the house Pollock house is temporarily close so we can't go inside today but the grounds are gorgeous we've made a boo boo already we've gone into the grounds and The Gardens of the house and the cows look like on the map that they're here but they're not quite manage your expectations on this Vlog because I feel like we're going to have scatter brains so we're going to try and find these cows just somewhere else right this is looking more promising I think we were in the completely wrong car park it's also just started to rain so at least we got to see the house we don't have to walk all the way down to see the house now you did see the house house it looked like a house mhm right this is the map and I think this might be some sort of art gallery or something we originally parked down here next to that house and what we've had to do is drive all the way around the park to come into here and park here instead because we couldn't go any further it would only let us walk around this Woodland Garden so we were just circling here now we're parked here I think we're about to go over to Deer Park or some of these areas down here where looks like there's cows also up here hey fi that's the plan but this field is ginormous I am going to go into the Boral collection place and see if I can find some bathrooms and benj is calling me he's gone to park the car why is he calling me I had the car keys meaning he couldn't lock the car leave this is the bural collection I have no idea what's inside looks like art could be a library we just popped into the gift shop cuz we love a gift shop and we found the cutest mug with a little Highland cowl on it look at it how and for both of them it was £150 503 that's a bargain it is for a nice marug love that and it's beautiful in here so if you like an art museum this is a really lovely one right this is looking promising guys we've walked away from the art center and the car park and the little free bus that they have running around and he the bus driver said to go to the Highland cattle at the top of the hill so it's great we've only been here for an hour I love that we've just left the car park our second car park he's not joking either we have been here a whole hour and 10 minutes seen any yet no we were meant to be different schedule by now we meant to be on our open top bus but here we are we just walked around the corner and both went Cs and grabbed each other should have been filming yay three different color ones it's all worth it now oh there one right one over there look oh my God success look at this there one right there by the fence so they have 30 breeding females here and three [Music] Bulls a little scratch is he soft no not really kind of their fur is quite course that's so cute so cute look at this little face look Hello darling the little baby one up in the corner is so cute [Music] you can't feed them anything either they actually wash the cows look we missed them oh that's so cute they can take 40 people first come first serve it would have been on a Thursday as well a it's so amazing being this close to them because they are just constantly eating grass there's one Damian there with people the little baby one and then there's another little baby on that side there's plenty there's obviously some in the back there too but you can see where they've been in this path cuz obviously just nibbling all this grass along the side we looked online and it said you can touch them but just be wary when the moms are with the calves right cuz they get protective so that's fair but you can't as long as the side of the fence don't yeah yeah climb over anything [Music] so [Music] cute it's gorgeous licking me you got the little bit behind his ear that he likes oh you like that nice aome you're definitely his favorite he keeps on walking after you as he walk away away and he just comes back get me all of my highland cow dreams have come true I've been able to see them stroke them see them nice and close their little cute faces cuz the ones we saw on the way to the Alis sky was it Sky yeah I think so they weren't that bothered with us were they no they were just sat in their field not moving but these ones are really really friendly they come right up to the fence you're able to get some really good photos but they're mostly just grazing um but that dark brown one he loved to be scratched around his ears bless him that was so sweet they're so nice that's called a fold and they've had a fold of piling cattle here for 200 years wow and at the moment they have 30 mating females three Bulls did I say earlier wow obviously I don't know how many um carves they have now but their carving season goes from March till June so I expect those ones would have been born a couple of months old well this this one here there's loads more that just chilling over there there's two up there it's me and you up there just chilling watching everyone Hill they colors as well some of them are like a light chocolatey color some of them are really dark brown C really like sandy blonde kind of yeah and their horns are so big and gorgeous and it's the way all their fur goes all over their eyes so cute if I ever need a hair hair transplant I think I know where I'm getting my samples from from the Highland C the little emo flicks that they've got so cute that was about 30 minutes of uh entertainment for us we were there for quite a while obviously just watching them and taking pictures but yeah I don't know why I thought there was parking at the premier in there's not which makes sense cuz we're right in the middle of town we parked at concert Square car park and the hotel will validate at 12 per day the world is it the cheapest parking we've done overnight so far in any of these cities oh it's just gone three qu plus three so we can go and check in I don't recall booking as a premier plus room maybe I did so we've got some hooks on the side a mirror and a little store so I can do my makeup nice F length mirror little wardrobe on the right here lovely bathroom with a nice shower that's actually a really nice big bathroom in there and then the main bedroom oh that bed looks really appealing doesn't it much better much better than our last place which was a little small we're jump dumping and going yeah a space to put my things here TV huge desk this is perfect love the premier in like budget Choice your budget Choice yeah I like this a lot very nice this is the view it's bit echo in this window thing here but how cool is that and that is of BU Cannon Street right bench is that it no that's not banon Street I think that's the other way that's the other side but that to the right is the tallest Cinema in the UK yeah Cy world so this is George Square our first area that we've come down to so I know it might seem redundant to just get on the bus and sit on it but that's the plan because we like to get our bearings so what we're going to do is just do the whole route make a mental note of the places we'd like to stop or get off tomorrow and learn a bit of History get to know the city it's like the perfect way to sort of get your bearings we don't really have time to do anything really today no so it's more of a making a solid plan for tomorrow we've already got a few things like planned in we need to know where they actually are in comparison to other things yeah but on First Impressions it's easily walkable there are a lot of locals it feels less touristy than Edinburgh oh have we found our bus there it is there's the bus do you know what I really love when the bus pulls up right when we need it yay this is the first one we've not had headphones we got an actual person chatting a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we just got off the bus took about an hour and a half going to talk to you a bit more about it in the room cuz it's quite busy as it's sort of rush hour time now 10 5 so first impressions of the bus great as always always um we had Donna was doing the tour and dun D driver and everybody so good well Donna especially was so live commentary yeah we haven't had that before yeah it was great really cool so we've established a few spots that we quite like the of that we'll show you tomorrow well in this video but for us tomorrow and then we now have planned out of route and we can see how far things are because it's hard to gauge like can we walk there do we need a taxi and the bus goes one way so we could easily like get on Hop Off get on again we just sort of like got a idea we we saw those of things and you get a better Viewpoint than on the street as well so yeah and we've just seen in the little guide you get we get 10% off a deep fried Mas bar at Blue the whole menu but they also serve a deep fried Mas bar we've had so many people we really want to try it maybe we'll try and find that tomorrow or tonight we'll see you also get discount in some of the um museums but a lot of them here and in the whole of Scotland are actually free aren't they they are yeah a lot of free museums here so you could easily go and appreciate all the different museums there's also quite a lot of beautiful murals and art on the wall there are some areas that are under construction or being like like you get in every city yeah so some areas you can see are thriving and some that are being redeveloped but a really beautiful city on First Impressions with lots of lovely architecture buildings yeah like it's quite big actually it have like a really big industrial history that just unfortunately isn't there anymore and I think that's kind of why some areas struggle because you have massive ship building yards well they had 80 ship building yards they've only got two now which is a massive shame quite nice so far isn't it it's been really nice so we're going to have a chill for a couple of hours then we're going out for some dinner we popped into a wh SM and I found for the very first time Cadbury's creamy chocolate milkshake and this one is the saled caramel and I've just drunk most of it and it was really [Music] good oh wow what a lovely mow and Carter my gosh [Music] [Applause] so this Mo C Used to Be an old Bank oh my gosh that is so cool oh it's a proper vault that is so good wow that is really cool so the toilets are in the old Vault where the money used to be how clever is that good morning we are about to do our first full day our only full day actually here in Glasgow and we have made a fun little itinery I thought I'd run you through what we're doing today so we're going to Buchanan Street for a mooch this is like the main Hub with all the shops lots of restaurants and things so we're going to go down there first then we're heading over to the cathedral we're doing the Police Museum possibly it's free and small we sort of be quite cute to walk around there we've also put on our list one under mini golf which is like a neon dark mini golf experience she what we did in Dubai Dubai so we'll see how that is potentially lunch at a place called bux bar which was recommended to us quite a few times I'm really craving chicken and waffles so we had a little list of places people suggested and that's like an American style bar so apparently it's great so we're thinking of going there we're going to also go to the Calin Grove Museum like I said yesterday there's so many free museums and so many beautiful ones I don't think the celvin Grove is free I need to check but it look beautiful outside it's right next to Glasgow University so I think we're going to go there see how the evening goes and then we're going out for a pizza tonight which we'll show you later so that is the plan we're going to be hopping on and off the bus as we did yesterday all of them stops are on the bus and they're all CL as well so yeah we've planned the route so that we can get on the bus and use it that way we've got two big lunch and dinner ideas so breakfast will probably have something light and quite fancy of coffee and a pastry or something yeah we'll take this tote bag in case we buy things that dinner was so good last night was was amazing oh I didn't talk about it cuz we went straight to bed after well we came back and we watched some Netflix and then went to sleep but watch specifically we watched Dallas Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders we finished it what a great show great uh yeah Min and Carter beautiful venue beautiful old bank with the Vault downstairs that Vault so and the actual food was amazing we skipped on the desserts cuz we were just full but we had lovely cocktails and wine it was just a nice date night so yeah thank you to the friends and family that gave us vouchers come outside and it turns out it's much sunnier than we expected so been just gone back to get his sunglasses but I've just been having a little mooch through some of these little shops and I think we're going to try and figure out where Buchanan Street is because that's the street where everyone has suggested to go to but this street down here actually looks pretty good as well we've been so lucky with the weather like it's so nice and it is the end of July right now I'm very grateful for some sunshine so we just W around the corner our hotel is just around that corner this is buan and Galleries and this is the Glasgow Royal concert hoil this looks beautiful we're starting here aren't we they got Star Wars Orchestra here in September oh I'm going to walk on down and find somewhere to have a little bit of breakfast we are not going to be using the subway today but we were recommended that it's very easy to do so if you wanted to we're obviously using the Red Bus which is just easier for us but I imagine the subway is probably just as easy to be honest we've said this a few times but if you see one of the um information centers these are great for little gifts obviously for info and we've been finding pins and postcards in here oh this building is beautiful I'm sure we saw this yesterday but look at this around here stunning architecture isn't there really stunning about 5 minutes ago I ran back to the hotel to go and get my sunglasses what has happened within literal minutes Sun's back out I can smell the Lush before you see it but look how nice it is it's like a really big one actually haven't seen a lush door this big in a while how cool is that Gorge wow that design is so beautiful beautiful princess Square shopping arcade wow I love that a sweaty buty in never oh was a shopping arcade inside the shopping strip it said eat drink and Shop so maybe there's pastries in there a coffee shop oh my goodness I had no idea it was so beautiful in here oh it's so nice well I never that is lovely so this is called Mesa and it's beautiful and it smells amazing so we're just going to get a quae a quae a Cup of Jo cup of Joel they sell pastries did she say lemon merang today yeah you can sit up on the pedest there oh wow Benji has an orange juice I've got a cappuccino and it came with a little macaron no you would not do you want to get had my life was good right M oh that's lovely that's really good coffee yeah light light light here's my cinnamon bun I wish you could smell this it is so strong and Benji's got a pan OSS on we've also ordered a panach shoger that looks so nice and fluffy doesn't it exciting that is such a beautiful crumbly like sweet but not too sweet cinnamon bun like probably one of the nicest ones I've ever had we're also going to share a pan of chakola I wish you could smell this like it is beautiful look at that that was such a lovely little breakfast really good and the waitress was the FL EST person ever she was so nice I'm not surprised that Glasgow has been named like one of the friendliest cities she was like ask yourselves a questions everyone's keep for a little chill AR they yeah they like KN where we're from is it your first time in Scotland what are you guys doing today give us suggestions it's so nice um I've loved it in here we great find maners could just cost nothing do they exactly that's how we always train them our life we are walking down towards the bus stop to get on our bus and carry on our adventure cuz we've had to look do some of these shops now can hear the B pipe so all is restored this is the Wellington statue and some of you might already know about this with the cone on top of his head but our tour guide yesterday on the bus told us that the council keep taking taking it off so they they just didn't bother now they don't bother cuz we will keep climbing up and putting it back up again at night so they just leave it up there now and it's just become iconic so yeah there we go and this is beautiful what is this an an art museum a gallery of mon wow stunning though I don't know if we will have time we're going to try but this is the place where we were going to get a deep Fri Mars it as well has to be done it has to be ours um and this is a place called Blue Lagoon is it also the website is not updated it says that the hop on off bus finishes at 5: to 4: but in the summer it actually finishes at half 6 well the last bus is at half six so in theory you've got an hour and a half it's every 12 minutes in till 5: when it's every half an hour until half 6 yeah we're just walking through George square and there are so many statues and monuments and this building here is absolutely stunning what is this building did we know City Chambers what's that like a town hall ium so I will say that this bus is actually very busy like there's a lot of people that are getting on it blame exciting we're only going One Stop though aren't we stop number one well actually it's number two but our first stop off the bus we've come to see the cathedral look how beautiful this area is with the trees lining it this is lovely do you want to go inside have a little look the oldest cathedral in Mainland Scotland founded in the 12th century wow all right let's go on in gorgeous oh wow that is beautiful oh look at the sting glass windows you feel the AA of it can't you yeah wow imagine getting married in here oh bus is here ready to take us to stop number three love this bus so much so we missed the Turning for it but you see down here there's little strips of colors that's to signify every band that's performed here since 1990s something like that something like that but it's massive it goes all the way down from down the stripes too down there through here and through there it's very cool so so this gorgeous Tower here apparently back in the day they used to nail a criminal's ear to that door the town's folk would then throw rotten fruit and veg at the criminal before he he or she was then marched down this street down to Glasgow green and then hung on the green cat he's doing a little stretchy stretch they've got another Cat Cafe here look can't see them with the glare can you three look at this one this one looks so cozy hi telling hello puppet hello can you get a cat to take away or jokon that's just for food sorry but I love that one hi t look how gorgeous it is all right we're popping into this little Police Museum on the first floor that was so lovely really enjoyed it I think it's the first Museum I've went been in where you go in each person gets a little 10-minute chat about the history and then you wand around and do it on your own time L we gave a donation because we felt like they were just so lovely and it was really beautifully displayed there was a bit of everything and it's owned by two ex policemen and they're very passionate that one room where it's got different piece of uniform or or badge or something from every the majority of police forces around the world and they even got a North Korean police cab which I don't know how they got I don't know either there's also a policeman that won the Victoria Cross really really interesting worth our time for now wasn't it this this is really cool in here it's a really beautiful Courtyard area with loads of restaurants there's an advertisement board for it so maybe it's just around the corner for our mini golf okay let's go find it here's our mini golf it's actually outside of the Merchant Square looks like it's inside on the maps but it's just around this corner here we go one under we are the only people in here oh brilliant it was 34 for us both to do both courses so this is the first one this is cool Coy though isn't it yeah it's quite nice having it to ourselves when have we ever had a mini golf to ourselves pink yeah I'm going to be the pink [Music] yeah oh oh no not a good start get it up up and out around there yeah oh so close oh go on five go on go [Music] on oh just made it so watch watch oh oh oh oh oh not for oh no oh I wasn't recording again no I was [Music] so this is the next course and just next to it they have car racing thing they also have some like other games and stuff but yeah it's cool in here we're literally the only customers in here though which I don't know why cuz it's school half time and I feel like this would be a really great place to give to bring kids but we're enjoying it I'm not going to film this next course you know what the mini golf looks like okay that ended up being a really cool course it went all the way around the back and had loads of different things um but bench wants to race these cars so obviously that's what we're going to do oh oh no oh no I haven't even looked at my car I'm going backwards this is so much I haven't even gone anywhere yet [Music] still how to F I honestly can't operate this this is honestly so much harder than it looks he doesn't want to go wow is that you parking your car there right well it's raining again but good job the restaurant we're going to eat at is literally 2 minute walk around the corner we're going to bux Bar that was good fun despite no one being in there we love a little activity we like to do a bit of everything you know it's my fun when it 70 isn't it it's just us well yeah we didn't have to wait for anyone yeah we're in there about an hour where's this bar then cuz it's raining again I can't get over this weather change it's so dramatic like rain beautiful sun 20° 10° 10° 20° yeah here we go bux bar this is we're going to have some lunch it is no question that I am having chicken and waffles where are they where are the chicken waffles oh here there's so many different ones they got mac and cheese on it's going to have to be a classic again yeah with comedian comedian Canadian maple syrup we haven't even had our order yet but I'm already obsessed with this place there's honestly 10 to 15 things I'd have had on the menu this is just the dreams I would have had every other cocktail on there they do Coke floats they do spiked Coke float milkshakes a mint Arrow milkshake or I would have had a caramel one and there's 40% off cocktails Monday to Wednesdays I'm just happy to be around and bopping around and doing things and our little plan is working quite nicely so the next on our list is to get on the bus it's not a plan is it what's it called schedule of fun schedule of fun you say schedule or schedule schedule schedule I say both I think it's a I call it a schedule but things are scheduled in you know I mean I don't know if that's right this is what I think I say well we're going to the Kevin pelvin Grove Museum next after this and what do they have hanging in the hallway spit fire which is World War II plane oh yeah my favorite plane of all time your favorite plane because obvious people need to have their own favorite planes but that's my favorite plane second favorite plane har Harry a jump jet third favorite plane F22 Raptor my favorite plane is the business cast flight we did New Zealand em 38 you can watch our Vlog if you want to see that oh it's so red in here you got the cherries Cheers Cheers mine is amazing no that's insane no mine is amazing no try mine 12 out of 10 oh my God that's so good see try mine oh just scrapped off the rest today we're standing here and getting absolutely Leed right here we go chicken and waffles finally got the co store thank you so much and then Benji's Burger looks so good look at the chicken coming out the side incredible and this is um remember I said before we came here I want to have this this a sweet and sour chicken sweet and sour chips oh chips oh that looks so good they do they do it at a Chinese restaurants up here they're playing thunderer struck I can't not think of the Dallas cowg Girls D Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders sorry woo well it's actually a lot later than I thought now it's half 2 oh God it's all a bit two cocktails down straight sunglasses straight on where we off I just heard thunder struck and all I want to do is kick my high legs and shake my bom boms [Music] two cils and a waffle yeah you are waffle and a part in B tree can I just say that that lunch was banging yeah really good on absolutely amazing I didn't eat all of my chicken waffles cuz it was ginormous I had a after I finished my first I had a a Wham cocktail and it was again equally Divine was great first one was prob the best one but second one was equally good I feel very full up now but we're getting back on our h on bus have at the back of the bus I'm actually looking forward just closing my eyes listening to the commentary taking it to the Kelvin Grove Art Museum yes some of my favorite bit of GL so before the buses so we sat at the wrong bus stop made a boo boo but when we did get on it we've made it but it took an hour in we go this looks like a beautiful building one at a time oh he stop oh wow how beautiful is this inside oh wow this is impressive this is the first room to the left and I believe there's just loads of different sections so this is called life a this is brilliant oh my gosh I wish you could see the scale of this that's huge okay I've got a leaflet this is the floor plan it is free to enter but you can give a donation in most of these places you can and you can just do contactless tapping but anyway here is is everything that you can see here so they have loads of art loads on the life section bit more about Glasco and Glasco stories and wildlife in Scotland so yeah this is interesting let's see how we get on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for a museum that is completely free this is so impressive there is so much here you could spend hours here even just the building itself the VAR the variation as well yeah you got animals dinosaurs wall Scottish history SC history art lot of different countries art as well yeah yeah really good really good we've been here for about an hour so time to head off cuz they're going to close soon yeah I think we can go and see the uni Building from here too so so we're going to pop out what I really struggled to understand is obviously got this gorgeous building here absolutely stunning but then who decided to stick that on the end of it like what I like they haven't even they haven't even tried the inside the grounds is stunning it's very Hogwarts isn't it this is beautiful did take us about 15 minutes to walk uphill up here didn't it but it was worth it I wonder wonder how old that tree is oh stunning though isn't it look at that oh we're just going to take a moment to soak it all off it looks like a princess Tower this is the other side wow it's absolutely beautiful look at these trees they have on the ground makes you want to whisper it's so beautiful isn't it wow wow look around the back of the uni it's like a little Gate House Coffee Shop thing there what an amazing place to study it has been a few hours we had a shower we chilled we read up books and we just kind of waited to get hungry we just haven't been hungry it really happened no and we're still not massively hungry but we've been recommended a pizza place and we figured well we could always share pizza if we want to we won't but we could we might we might but we won't they're a nice little independent called pesano pesano Pizza I say they don't I think they have two restaurants but they're only in Glasgow yeah I believe yeah we're going to go there show you what it's like and the greatest thing as well is that it's nearly 9:00 but it's still really light here in Scot so it doesn't really matter that we're going out really late or late for us anyway let's do our last little evening in Glasgow and time here in Scotland before we move on tomorrow so let's get have some pizza it's very busy obviously this is pretty plain it's just a mozzarella pizza but it's a wood fire stone bit whatever they they get their um flour their mozzarella pretty much everything from Italy yeah looks good so we're going to share it cuz we're not that hungry but we need a little summon we are going to go and get a deep fried Mars bar but I'm a sucker for a tioo and they have a homemade one it's your favorite dessert isn't it it is my favorite dessert I cannot even stand no they gave us two spoons but who are we kidding it's all for me that might be one of my I've ever had wow what a delight that was a lovely Pizza amazing really nice and it was nice we just shared one really light really light it feels like hav you eating it there it was really good but I obviously deved my herazo and it was incredible maybe the best herazo I've I've had genuinely outside of Italy yes but Benji for his dessert is going to try a deep fried marar which we were told we have to have to try because wasn't it started maybe not here in Glasgow but somewhere maybe abedine I don't know somewhere it's definitely in Scotland I think anyway oh no we don't have our bus map with a 10% discount oh okay in we go Blue Lagoon this is where we're going for it let's see your verdict I can't imagine it because batter is Savory to me oh is it good is the batter sweet oh wow oh it's soft been it's melted isn't it m it's really good isn't it it's obviously melted really soft the butter is kind of borderl pastry yeah Duty yeah no that's amazing I was really expecting it to be really rank yeah and on that lovely delicious deep friy Mars Bar note we are going to call it that's the end of Scotland it's been amazing hasn't it it has been amazing I've Loved Scotland the people the incredible Seafood we had the beautiful balance between the cities and the nature you walk into a shop and they like chat to you I loved the meal we had at the three chimneys on the other Sky I loved seeing the jackaby Train the Harry Potter train that was amazing I think I just could be a I think that's my favorite pit of Scotland oh you L that did you I just loved exploring with you like when we went on those walks and got soaked and there's they're chilling in the cabin always the things that don't go to plan that are always the most memorable Edinburgh was amazing as well I loved Edinburgh and I've really enjoyed glasg go I feel like it's been a good amount of time for us to be here we've had about a day and a half yeah I think we struggled to fill tomorrow and yes we just did a load of museums there are a lot of museums to do which doesn't translate well on Vlogs so just bear that in mind if we weren't filming we' probably do a hell of a lot more museums and also the botanical gardens look beautiful too I think it'd be really cool to do like a stadium tour at one of the two massive stadiums they have here yeah and I would quite like to pick us tickets to see a show either theater or some live music I think that would be a really great way to sort of round off a trip it's been a really lffy time so if you are from Glasgow or if you're from Scotland just let us know if there's any way you'd like to see us do in the future because we can fly from Bournemouth or Southampton so we can definitely come up again loads more North that we haven't done um Mainland Scotland North nc500 Shetland in vanesse abine yeah loads of places so thank you so much for watching hopefully you'll stick around as we have one more Vlog left we are going to the lake district and we're leaving tomorrow so we'll be spending some time there so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it and yeah if you got this fun you've watched all these Vlogs thank you so so so much we'll see you again in the next ones bye [Music] oh [Music]

2024-08-31 14:15

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