travel vlog | tried out being an earthy babe for a weekend. 10/10

travel vlog | tried out being an earthy babe for a weekend. 10/10

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and onwards to the whales wow [Music] I think we're good to start now yeah roll the tape Jerry okay good morning everybody I'm on a late start but I journaled I finally got out of bed I used my bug spray and it like totally ruins plastic so it's really strong I haven't looked at myself this morning so sorry if you see krustees but this is where we're staying it's so pretty and we just used this path to get to the cabin so I'm gonna go look for breakfast and then we're supposed to be going on a tour with some people there's Jennifer okay so we're walking to a place called hey dog hey camera you can go back yeah yeah okay good no way okay so we're walking to juanchaco when I think it's really hot and I'm wearing long sleeves because of bugs and sun I learned in Santa Marta it's always good to wear long sleeve so here I am so I'm wearing long sleeves and pants it's freaking wet and I'm excited I'm gonna try not to isolate myself from the group which I do all the time so okay no yeah that's so cool [Applause] Rio okay cool see oh wow [Applause] oh my God look at this oh wow oh my God okay so I've got my Crocs in hand I'm about to cross this water I don't think it's very deep but we'll see was it Dean Jennifer it's okay oh it's not deep it's not deep at all I thought it would be deeper it's like clay yes yeah this in here is really soft and like a non-grainy way so we made it finally to Juan Chaka how do you feel Jennifer I'm glad I made it down those stairs without busting my and I'm sweating like a pig right now so I'm looking forward to jumping into the ocean me too we're gonna go to a mangrove tour with these people from the hostel and then they're gonna take us to a natural pool let me know where she's back on don't worry natural pool and then later we're gonna try to see the whales let's see what time permits but yeah this is one choco a little Beach town so apparently a lot of people from the hostel that work there live in this town and those are the stairs we just climbed it's not a horse brother yes it is in fact a horse okay so there's like a little downtown area of Juan choco and a little port and it's like a story over here hats oh they're throwing a bunch of stuff so this trip to Pacifico hostel and Juan choco really showed me that I actually enjoy nature I feel like I identify as a city girl you know I love being in City environments and not really in rural spaces but this trip really opened my eyes to the beauty of nature on the Pacific coast and I really felt like I could appreciate all of the cool learnings experiences and fun that we could have in nature so I just want to put this little audio at the beginning of the video to say that you can always change who you are even if you think you're one way you can always be open to being in other ways so this is coming from a city girl who became a crunchy girl or the crunchy babe for three days and had a blast okay so we can always modify what we think we are I think that's something it's good to remember okay enjoy this video thank you for coming I'm watching so far [Music] hey that's hilarious oh wow oh my God so we're on this tractor and they're gonna take us to a boat and on the boat wheel goes to the main girls it is [Applause] okay we're at some sort of water source this is exciting The Mangrove thing so I think like we're all gonna put on life jackets in Charlotte performance and then we're gonna get in these little boats for the main drove tour yeah let's see it's so pretty foreign foreign all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys [Music] [Applause] foreign okay foreign [Music] was able to help us really visualize and imagine the way that humans are interconnected with nature in this region of the world so in the Pacific coast they eat a lot of seafood a lot of not just Seafood but like aquatic animals like fish or shrimp or lobsters or crabs that are either in the ocean or in the rivers and this store really showed me like wow we're really interconnected with nature in the Pacific people live very close to in proximity to Nature they eat from the land as well as things that are imported you know by both from other cities but it was just an amazing thing to really see like wow this is a place where a lot of their food reproduces and they appreciate that [Music] should have wore shorts for this okay we're all getting out to walk to the Natural pool let's see what happens okay so the water is low so some of us are sitting in the water and some are pushing with their feet here's a dog [Music] how's the ride Jennifer and the water is so clear okay yeah [Applause] okay so now we're walking from the [Applause] Moon oh man [Music] okay the people who were smart wore water shoes and shorts okay I'm gonna record a little and then I'm gonna hold my pants because I don't want my pants to get wet I didn't bring a second pair of pants which is silly luckily the water's not very deep though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay we just finished the tour now we're going to get on this tractor to go back but we can't hope we're gonna go straight on to another tour if we're gonna have lunch first so we'll see so this place is interesting on Chaco um I think what I find the most interesting is that I see a lot of like ads like discover Pacifico and stuff like that and it's cool but it's also interesting to see like the contrast between like the tourism the ecotourism that the country or certain institutions would like to promote and then the way that they leave the communities that live in the Pacific that are kind of the hosts of the tourism so you can see the beach is dirty it's a lot of everywhere and some houses that are right along the beach have like a lot of damage which is fine but it seems like if anybody's gonna promote tourism over here they should also invest in the infrastructure of the community which would be cool but that was strange but it's a cute little town very black lots of black people everywhere and lots of water everywhere a lot of wooden houses and a lot of trash I think that's also coming from the ocean and of course the entire town didn't look like this oh we crossed us by foot earlier it's not crazy [Music] but yeah I don't know that's what I'm thinking right now don't really know what else to say about that but yeah [Applause] okay so we're going to try to catch a launcher to get back to our hostel because we walked up this staircase earlier but now the water is deep enough for about two pastors so you can't really walk there anymore okay ciao okay we're coming down the same circus again to now go to see the sunset and this time the water is actually high so we cannot walk across I'm not walking across so I did not bring a bathing suit to swim foreign so now we have to see if somebody will pick us up in their boat let's swim you want to swim it's dirty in there you know Mama Savage there's a whole bunch of trash in there [Applause] okay so Jennifer and I joined with a group of strangers and we're going to La Barra to see a really nice Sunset apparently I think the ride was like what 25 minutes 20 minutes foreign I'm excited to see the sunset it's a little cloudy but I think we'll be able to see something here's to saying yes to going to things with strangers the couple is so cute it was so cloudy so we didn't get to see any good Sunset but we still got our photos in yeah okay we only have eight minutes left in the freaking storage we're going to see the whales but you better say something my hair is dirty but but this is our beautiful last day and I'm excited to do the whales I think it'll be nice we're getting on the boat down there [Applause] and onwards to the whales okay we're taking this boat let's see what happens and we're going with these people that we met yesterday and the tide is still pretty low I didn't get to see this in the morning but I recorded it on my phone onwards [Applause] foreign thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you oh my God [Music] thank you wow oh my God oh my God we're looking at Willows right now thank you guys so much for watching this video the real footage was like the last you know memory storage of the camera so I don't have any more of our journey back to Cali but I hope you guys enjoyed this video so much please when you think about traveling to Colombia put one choco on your list one choco is a beautiful kind of sightseeing place especially for ecotourism and the food is very tasty there um and you get to immerse yourself in a new environment that's different from the Caribbean coast which is often where people go and visit so think about one choco and think about you as a person like who are you and who do you want to be and once you decide who you want to be you can take as many steps as you want to make that who you are okay I hope this makes sense I hope you like this video and thank you so so much for watching and stay tuned for the next video coming soon bye

2023-03-30 07:22

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