Touring Russian Girlfriend around my Hometown for 24 Hours

Touring Russian Girlfriend around my Hometown for 24 Hours

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new episode here in Hong Kong today we're actually eating snake snake yes it looks so fashioned and so luxury yeah anyway let's hike in this secret spot that not a lot of people know so let me show you guys hello guys this is Justin and Alina and welcome back to our new episode here in Hong Kong it's in the last episode we arrived in Hong Kong so Hong Kong is actually my hometown I lived here for over 17 years and I moved to Australia when I was 2017. today we're going to show you around Hong Kong especially Central the financial Hub of Hong Kong actually what it's like traveling in 2023 in Hong Kong right now we are super hungry and as you can see in the background on the side there are a lot of people walking past us because right now it's Peak lunch time and in central if you haven't booked a table or reserved anything then bad luck for you it's very hard to find a restaurant at this time if you want to eat here before you need one day the day after one day one week or one month in advance in your pocket yeah that's a nature of eating in peak hours at lunchtime here in central is that there are many office workers here so everyone is on a tight schedule it's like they allocate an hour of time slots like from 12 to 1. this is a period of time you need to go lunch that's why everyone at this exact same time they rush out to have lunch so you can see most restaurants here in central especially in shopping malls there is no chance where you get any tables but if you get a bit further out of central the commercial hops then maybe throw them down you could find restaurants that are not full yet but maybe sometimes they have to wait for 30 minutes so if you venture out of central a little bit then you'll likely come across the mid-level escalators here in central they are very famous especially because office workers in general they're always in a rush that's why escalators on the set of stairs is very important it enhance the speed for you to get to restaurants even faster during these peak hours so as you see everywhere you go there are a lot of people during peak hours and according to my auntie he worked here she told me basically it's impossible the first few sets of Escalades that's impossible before you find any seeds because people like me for office people they just want to go to somewhere that's accessed easily so it will be the first three sets of escalators the place that we go today is a little bit further up this set of SQL later so likely there'll be less people and when there's less people you probably don't have to reserve that's why hopefully it's not cool later we'll see you excited so I'm so excited about it place where you bring me today it's a mystery place because one month so there or when we went home we go to Hong Kong we could try this fish but I don't tell me what it is I hope I will like it what Alina doesn't know is that today we're actually eating snake so snake is actually a local delicacy here in Hong Kong usually eats it in winter but because we came in the summer time so anyway I want Elena's experience this eating snake experience so uh yeah I haven't told it yet I've been hinting about this for one month let her guessing we have arrived our first stop for the day for lunch and this place is called fun I'm still not gonna tell you what it is until you try the famous soup here okay all right let's head in our game this is a very traditional Chinese style kind of restaurant yeah you can see in the Chinese Cuisines they're always Brown tables the reason why Chinese Cuisines were always Roundtable is that it represents like a reunion a family kind of tradition where usually plates are shared in a circle I love how in Asian culture especially China and Hong Kong have like this ring taste yeah exactly because in Chinese Cuisines dishes are usually shared amounts everyone instead of eating your own plate so that's why in circle it's easier to share the place [Music] oh okay basically today the main dish is actually a soup dish it's a thick soup dish and we were debating whether we should get individual bowl or we could get a big pot then we can share it together maybe it's better in terms of so here the first line it says each boat it's 140 Hong Kong dollars but for a small pot it's 450 for around three to four people so we decided to go to small Park this is and it's for me for my first impression this looks like soup beef mushroom all right yes oh really yes it appears to be a harmless mushroom with meat and soup inside but it's gonna be an interesting soup some special meat yes oh okay okay it looks like a chicken how did you know it is chicken it is chicken oh really so the meat inside is actually snake you're eating snack today snake yes oh my God don't worry usually the snake that they use in these kind of restaurants they are not poisonous snakes so they're harmless snakes yeah so no Venom wow yeah first time in my life I eat snake yes exotic experience like I said I'll stop this walk amazing so apart from the snake there's also this ingredient here which is fish more which is very good for collagen I mean I love it or skin yeah in Hong Kong Cuisine there are lots of healthy ingredients that usually use in dishes that's why Asian live longer life yes express your Hong Kong people average 87 years old highest in the world at this snake place you can actually order barbecue pork with rice so this is how it looks like for standard Hong Kong barbecue pork the meals in Hong Kong are very balanced usually it comes with meat veggie and there is rice everything you need for a meal it's well well done well balanced so different what's different I think here pieces it's like more fat more tender more soft more salt and The Taste it's not super sweet like we try last time it's like like perfect yeah so this is how proper Hong Kong barbecue looks like apart from the soup and the barbecue pork we actually ordered more dishes as well so we've got the sweet and sour pork which is one of Hong Kong's famous dish and another one right here this one is steamed sticky rice in Lotus Leaf right and inside ingredients there's octopus and there is garlic and there's chicken as well so it smells so nice this is a kind of cool scene that I grew up eating steamed Lotus rice foreign you can taste the Lotus Leaf in the rice it's so hard to explain but yeah it's tasty it reminds me to cloth Russian cloth I mean [Music] so we've arrived the hearts of central where all the skyscrapers are all the corporate businessmen where they work is exactly here how do you feel baby I feel it's really amazing and pressure because in this place oh people look so fashioned and so luxury I also have so many Brands luxury like a Gucci bra that's your Louis Vuitton everything is it's like it's not so big so because it's not big time yeah but yeah buildings look how they're tall great this is Hong Kong guys if you ever come to Hong Kong this is what you expect to see beautiful massive tour skyscrapers this is your first time seeing so many like tall skyscrapers in Hong Kong before actually why I'm asking you for many foreigners when they first come to Hong Kong for the first time when they see the buildings in central or even when you stay at chimsachi which is on the other side of Hong Kong Island it's a beautiful view guys just kidding just kidding this is how not how we should be Rose in general usually we use gimbal so many of you always ask us in the comments how do you guys shoot stable cinematic footage in your video are you guys ninjas well today we're going to show you behind the scenes of our shooting and show you exactly what we do to get stabilized footage this is a jean smooth fibers Gimbal and it is our go-to gimbal for shooting cinematic b-rolls it is perfect for your mobile video creators and tick tockers to spice up your filmmaking the Jean smooth 5S gimbal has five different modes the pen follow mode locked mode follow mode Point of View mode and lastly my favorite Vortex so I'm going to go over each mode one by one and show you guys some awesome footage for you to better understand how it works starting with the pen follow mode in pen follow mode the gimbal only follows the movement on a pen axis this is good for any shot where you want the Horizon to stay level and you don't want a camera to tilt up or down next the locked mode in the locked mode all three motors are locked the gimbals will not follow any of your movements you can walk down the street turn the corner and a gimbal will stay facing exactly the same way next we've got the follow mode our go-to mode that we use all the time in follow mode the gimbal will follow your sideway movements as well as your tilt movements this is good mode for filming in environments like nature or a city and you want to be able to tilt up and down to capture points of interest next we've got the POV mode in the POV mode all three motors Now respond to your movements this means you have the camera rotate on the road axis just roll your wrist as you're filming and the gimbal will turn slowly and smoothly lastly Vortex Vortex mode allows you to shoot full 360 barrel rolls this shot can be used to add an exciting Dynamic to the shot he also has 2 hour fast charging super versatile panel design with the joystick dial menu and mode switch button and comes with few lights that brighten up your shots even in dark environments so if you look into up your video shooting game then check the link in description and get yourself the g-un smooth 5S gimbal as everyone knows Hong Kong is famous for beautiful skyscrapers and the best place for viewing all these skyscrapers overlooking the Victoria Harbor is of course the famous the peak which is part of a mountain a Viewpoint overlooking everything underneath and today we're gonna go there and for go there when you take bus it's in a bus station bus number 15 so we just need weight it's our after a few minutes to pay we you we will use this octopus card we'll have money there and this is so convenient in Hong Kong you can pay for everything every single Market every single shops and also every single bus Oh Our Time let's see how she's here eleven dollars so the interesting thing about Hong Kong buses is that it's double deck so you could either sit at the bottom floor or you could go up which sees a lot more I personally like to be at the top [Music] all right before when I went to Victoria Peak we always Climb by ourselves like walking there and it's around three hours and it's crazy hot and hard so this time we will use bus right yeah so there are many ways you can get to the pig actually buses there's only one of them you can also take the famous Victoria Peak Tram which started from Central and the good thing about tram is that it does have an opening roof that's a lot like a glass roof that allows you to see the background of the peak but the downside is that in my thinking what's the point of taking a tram at what's the point even going to the Top If you already see the view so that's why we're taking a bus to keep that as a mystery so if everything goes well we'll see you guys in a bit only 20 minutes and we already arrive in this place this is called Victoria Peak but this is not highlights of this place highlights it's a view amazing view to the city but to the Sea this is view we need to go to upstairs and also later inside we will go to this shopping mall inside have some Museum it's called Museum Madame Tussaud that is basically a wax museum where there are lots of wax figures of different celebrities and pop figures and you can take photos of them I don't know but for me it's so interesting because inside even have boogers with BTS before we begin the tour I just want to quickly tell you guys about the main the hearts of the peak so this surrounding me here is called Peak Galleria basically there are lots of restaurants and different Cafe options and lots of shops in there as well but these stores are mainly rotational so every few months it could be at different restaurants again but you can experience all kinds of hunger scenes from dim sum to chachan tank options over there but one place that has been around since I was born is the one over there this one right here is the peak restaurant so it's been around since I was born probably even longer than I was born and also in this infrastructure inside there are actually lots of other local Delicacies as well for example one of the famous local snack in Hong Kong is of course the Hong Kong waffle so let me show you guys so right off the bat the first store when you go into the sacrament Center is they sell Hong Kong waffles here but the thing is for me as a local Hong Kong person if you come to the most tourist place you will likely find fusions that is tailored to truest taste so for example this one here they have ice cream kind of ice cream but and different flavors of Hong Kong waffles as well I can tell you the traditional Hong Kong waffles don't have ice cream don't have any cream don't have any other flavors oh no what have they done to Hong Kong waffles pickles bacon and cheese coriander peanut butter chocolate oh wow oh it's so nice to make it's more like different flavors for everyone no God please no and of course all of these are traditional Hong Kong desserts usually home desserts very commonly they are some sort of soup and paste for example this one is black sesame soup with tofu pudding this one's almond soup so you can see Hong Kong desserts a lot of them are surrounding suits since you guys are our loyal viewers and subscribers let me show you where the secret spot is but first of all there are a lot of race cars premium luxury cars usually at the beach because actually many high-class office workers they actually live in live at the beach similar because for one it's very easy to access Central which is where most business or bankers and accountants work in skyscrapers in central so it's very easy for them to Access Transportation just basically you can even walk down or take taxis like 10 minutes down the hill then you arrive at your office another thing is also because of the view that you're paying for with a higher rental you also get to see the Magnificent view of the Hong Kong skyscrapers that's included in the price so five minutes into the walk how are you feeling baby I feel so so like I'm am I taking shower yeah anyway let's hike it I'm already here hiking with two meter shoes is no comfy the next Landmark you see we see big Gardens just keep going up up up up up up up up up the hill for 20 minutes then you arrive at secret spot now this is where the important point is if you choose between left or right make sure to go up this set of slopes many of the tourists will miss this place a few moments later I think it was around 20 minutes walk just then and we finally arrived the secret spot that not a lot of people know so let me show you guys so I remember when I was young I would come here do some camping overlooking this view right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we just came down from the mountain and at night at the peak it looks really busy with lots of people and always Hong Kong at night everything is more beautiful so now we're gonna go into the peak Tower and see what's inside basically I it's been almost five years since I've last came to the peak Tower and that's also where the wax museum is located so this is Museum in a P1 floor this is entrance and you already can see is famous and also here have some few guys that looks like real men so we got this man is actually a famous Hong Kong singer his name is Leah kanashi grew up listening to his songs [Music] already I'm so bad with names by the way just a heads up when we're in this waxing Museum very likely I'll forget all the names of these celebrities for example this one right here is very popular I think you guys would know him as Sherlock Holmes or Dr Strange from Marvel's something Benedict Cumberbatch I believe that's his name but don't count my words on it and then there are also a lot of other celebrities around this I know so as a quick look as usual like we mentioned just saying we always buy our tickets for o'clock so make sure to save money using our code project where Piper okay okay let's start from the this one do you know this guy [Music] honestly everything here looks so real it's kind of creepy not gonna lie the eyes is reflective the skin texture looks good as well yeah the quality is just amazing yeah everything looks exactly like real life drama queen King [Music] [Music] okay okay okay [Music] I think to be honest from this part almost we need to be more respectful because these are all the precedents and historical leaders I need to be more respectful so uh yeah bro it's so cringe she's the one who is really good at making all these wax oh this is yeah it is wow she's so beautiful yeah she's really beautiful and basically they're telling you how they make all these waxes all right let's start them from the first step first step First Step you need to have a silly so they measure your body your length your your everything measurements and in the second step is they make the sculpting or the details of Bones the muscles and in the third step it's molding so the finished clay bodies are molded and the fourth step ah fourth step is hair so they make the hair which takes around 140 hours they said here and then fifth step is coloring so they're going to color the wax the eye colors and the hair and everything and then make the eyes as well and the teeth and seventh step is the final Decor personally I thought it was quite interesting I'm pretty sure they changed all the waxes inside because last time I was here it wasn't the same I think the every time changing to put new uh famous people exactly what do you think uh I think before I think like it's a little a little bit expensive to go there but after when I came I think it's really cool and it's really worth it because I don't know it's just like you see them only from TV and now you see them okay it's not a real person but anyway it's like real uh high and real everything you just can hug and like hello feels nice all right so now it's already nine o'clock so it's pretty late so it was last yeah we're actually last I started with following us turns out before you go to the Sky Terrace you actually need to pay a fee which the ticket you can buy it from ground floor so now we're starting from the bottom again before you did you buy tickets no I think it's something new maybe I've never paid tickets it just go up it must be because there's so many tourists right now that's why they start charging for even going after view we don't think we need to go there because it will be around 30 minutes staying in a line and need to pay to go there the better place it's uh just go to around the loop and we get the same view as we can get upstairs yeah guys it's getting really crowded it's probably the first time I've ever seen so busy my goodness and now it's not charging anyway yeah go to Loop yep 20 minutes later the skyscrapers and all coins always what captures my heart and always when I was overseas I was missing all these guys here as I see from the peak when you overlook the beautiful Hong Kong Island and the night sky is it's just something special my favorite chocolate memories is always look at this View and when I was young in school I like taking a photo of when I'm standing over and on the other side of the harbor I would say this is what building this is what building this is what building this is what building I know exactly all the name of the buildings now I forgot everything but [Music] oh my goodness why so many people all these people troll that's a huge queue it's like a lion we really don't know about buses I think so interesting so normally if we buy any tickets for transportation or activities you usually book through a website called so as we mentioned earlier apart from bus option there are also lots of other Transportation options when you come to the peak and one being is the famous Peak tram for adult price return tickets it's 88 Hong Kong dollars and for a single ship is 62 Hong Kong dollars so you can come up the hill or you can go back down the hill and it overlooks a magnificent beautiful skyscrapers of Hong Kong and if you want to save money then use outdoor project Wi-Fi off to get five percent off your next purchase so after spending a few hours at the peak we actually made it back around our home place and tonight dinner is going to be really special because we're having a very unique type of dining experience it's at an open Aid restaurant and this place is called oyman sun which is around our locations I'll put the Google map location exactly here so because we came really late and they're at a closing time so just time we rush ordered everything so let me tell you what we ordered so this is what in Cantonese called die python so basically you can see there are lots of plastic chairs plastic Stables it's very simple design from the outlooks of it it might not might not look very appealing but from the inside the food the stir fry is the highlight of this restaurant so you can see the main menu is usually hang up on the wall but they're all in Cantonese so if you're a foreigner it might be a little bit difficult for you to understand what it means but in the photo roughly you can understand uh the kind of food that they serve first dish this is a stir-fry clams with black and chili sauce which is a very signature dish in Hong Kong because you know Hong Kong is very famous for its Seafood clams is one of the major Seafood type that people eat in Hong Kong next dish we have is a clay pot with salted fish and chicken and tofu so usually the reason why people order this dish is because they are attracted by the very strong salted fish smell and The Clay Pot it's also is what's unique about this dish and it's very hot actually it's usually you want to wait to served The Clay Pot they would say watch out for your hands and the third dish we're having today is Shredder park with mushroom with bean sprouts and signature fried egg noodle so I'm sure you guys have had a lot of fried egg noodles in the past in soup but fried egg noodles is more special in Cantonese cuisine so you can see the stuff here at the moment they are very impatient because they're closing but this is usually that kind of service you get in a Hong Kong Restaurant so don't expect too much the reason why it's so popular is because their prices are so affordable four dishes combined 374 Hong Kong dollars it's super cheap our last dish is actually coming now no meals are complete I'll come without a balanced vegetable dish so this is a mixed vegetable in the pot with dry shrimp as well with vermicelli some seafood some mushroom this is why Hong Kong people live long because their meals are so balanced everything on the table here is so delicious it brings back all my childhood memories actually wow this is amazing anyway I believe this is the end of this Vlog I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode here in Hong Kong exploring Hong Kong in 2023 so um if you guys want to watch wongo content subscribe now and we'll see you guys in the next episode cheers [Applause] thank you

2023-07-29 23:58

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