Through Norwegian fjords and valleys on a motorcycle - solo camping trip through Scandinavia [S5-E5]

Through Norwegian fjords and valleys on a motorcycle - solo camping trip through Scandinavia [S5-E5]

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All right it's another morning not the best one if I'm completely honest.   I had some Neighbors on the campground  that kept it going until 03:30 you guys   03:30.. I tried telling them in a very nice way  if they could please at least turn down the music   because they were keeping me awake but they just  waved and smiled. And this you guys is why I   try to avoid campings with a lot of people but  sometimes that just happens. So I was up again at  

7 30. Which means I haven't had a lot of sleep tonight so we're just gonna take it very easy to begin with Other than that it's a fantastic  morning wouldn't you say? So I'm making a little detour Cause I want to check out one of the  most eastern places, sorry Western places and I'm just curious if I'm at the right spot I might not be I'm indeed at the right road. So let's just continue for a little bit further. I'M so used to making wrong turns I  don't really trust myself anymore I can see that there's a bunch of buses  going down here that's like the actual   most western points but I don't feel like  hanging out with three busloads of   tourists right now and I honestly don't think  the view can get any better than from up here so uh yeah I'm happy about this Hello friends how are we this morning Busy blocking the roads are we? Good for you Hello whoa Now that's what you call a good view I found small Valley on a map that I've heard  good things about that I want to check out   it's a little bit further north  and east into the country. I think it's called Nor.. Norengsdalen? Nor.. Something Nor-valley So yeah that's the goal for now This makes me want to take a bath Nope This is Volda! I've never been here before Looks like there's some market stuff going on nice oh look at those old boats And just like that I have arrived at the second ferry of the day Absolutely epic you guys Absolutely epic This is Sæbø And what a location It's not leaving leaving until another hour so yeah  I get to enjoy this View for a little bit And we are coming ashore in Urke um and this is the beginning of a valley called Norangsdalen, that is known for being super pretty   place to ride so let's check that out shall we.  After the valley I come out at a place called

Hellesylt I think, and yeah, there is a sign already it's just 30 kilometers away and that's  where I'll be camping this evening so yeah I can literally smell the  flowers in the road side fantastic I think now I am arriving at a pretty cool destination Here. This used to be, from my understanding um. This didn't use to be a lake but then there was um Rocks coming down there and  oh crap this is my stop And uh.. All right let's try again so  this right here didn't used to be a lake   this used to be a normal Valley with houses  and then at some point it probably says here 1908 there was a massive landslide that came down  and kind of blocked the valley and made a dam here   and ended up drenching houses so they're still   houses underneath old houses underneath  in this Lake and I think you can still see   some of the remains here so that's  pretty pretty cool pretty different "Don't stop for 800 meters", okay is it that much risk of landslides? now that's a wall that's a freaking Mountain wall this is just epic Arriving at the camping I'm staying tonight and this one is a little bit cool because  I've stayed here once before, two years   ago on my very first longer trip where I  rode all the way to North Cape by myself   so that's it's cool too it's cool to be back  I wonder if my spot is is Free by the river I think this is where I camped last time as  well so hopefully I can pitch my tent here Good evening guys it's time to take a look  at the map again to see where um I went today .  So I started today out here on the right north  of Måløy. Took a little detour just to get all the way on   the tip there and backtracked a little bit into  Nordfjordeid. Took the road going north up here 

crossed with the ferry to Volda. Crossed over the mountain here, second Ferry right here and this right here Norangsdalen is the the last sort of mountain pass  or the Little Valley that I rode into   and right now I am in Hellesylt, or approximately Hellesylt. And that's where I'm camping this evening   just had a shower and did some laundry  and had dinner and that kind of stuff and   the sun has pretty much already set this  disappearing behind the mountains there   they say it's going to be really cold tonight  but I doubt that it's going to be any colder   than any other previous nights that I've had it's  been it's been pretty chilly but I have a good   sleeping bag and I have like an extra liner  for my sleeping bag and I have my Woolen uh   underwear and stuff that I wear when  I sleep so usually I'm I'm all good   so yeah the day didn't start very well  I was a little bit pessimistic but that   turned around pretty quickly and it turned out  to an absolutely amazing day with some really   really really cool scenery um yeah it's so nice  to be and ride in areas in Norway that I haven't   been before I've been in the area I've been at  this specific camping before like I mentioned   but I haven't ridden pretty much any of the roads  that I did today I haven't I haven't been there or   anything so that's um really fun to discover my  own my own country so yeah the plan for tomorrow   is to let's see where were we here okay  so I'm gonna go uh down to Stryn and Loen   and then I'm gonna take the first Gravel Road  of the trip which I think is this one right here Gamle Strynefjellsvegen then I'm gonna turn back and go to uh Geirangerfjorden and also I think well Trollstigen  and it's up here but I'm gonna do Geirangerfjorden and come down  here and probably camp in this area is my guess so yeah that's the plan for tomorrow  there's so much good stuff to see in   this area I could have spent days and  days and days and days just exploring   Vestlandet as it's called the South  Western parts of Norway but also I can't wait to   get further north as well because there's there's  just so much good stuff to see so yeah well I   don't think there's a lot more to say than that I  hope you like this episode as much as I like this   day and I hope I'll see you again for the next  one have a good evening and I'll see you soon bye

2023-07-01 15:02

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