This Is THE CITY Of LOVE | 7 Days itinerary: Things To Do In Paris

This Is THE CITY Of LOVE | 7 Days itinerary: Things To Do In Paris

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welcome to the city of [Music] love where art food and wine goes hand in hand the city is known for its romantic Vibe and the icon of Love Eiffel Tower but there's more to it than just that come join us on our journey to Paris in winter [Music] on your arrival at Charles deal airport also known as Ry airport you can reach the main city via the rerb train airport shuttle or by a private transfer a private private transfer is a hassle-free option we've put the link in description so that you won't have to hunt for Cals on your arrival with the hum of the engine we are off from the airport to the heart of Paris Paris in winter is a season of contrasts where the city takes on a unique charm even when the temperature drops the average temperature in Paris during winter typically hovers around 3 to 7° C it's not the bone chilling cold some Northern cities but it's enough to Warrant a warm coat scarf and gloves so grab your coats and enjoy the citycape unfold before you and watch the bustling streets as you make your way to your hotel the sofel Paris Baltimore tour Eiffel is nestled among the most beautiful districts of Paris close to the Champs eles the ark to Triumph and the Eiffel Tower it is a perfect example of a Parisian residence in an an intimate warm and cozy atmosphere a typical townhouse dating back to the end of the 19th century mixing French hospitality and Parisian chick with a restaurant and an exceptional wine seller unwind in the authentic and contemporary refinement of the French lifestyle as we have planned a whole itinerary for your visit in Paris [Applause] our first stop is the iconic Eiffel Tower a must visit in any season the crisp winter air adds a special charm to This Magnificent structure take an elevator to the top for breathtaking panoramic views of the city or if you're feeling adventurous climb the stairs for a unique workout this iconic Landmark stands at 324 M and is an engineering Marvel it's divided into three levels each offering a unique experience we begin our journey at the first level where you'll find an array of dining options including restaurants cafes and a glass floor observation deck that allows you to gaze at the city beneath your feet from here you'll have an excellent view of the sprawling champ dears Park and the scene River moving up to the second level we're greeted by breathtaking pan Amic views of the city the iron lattice work of the tower provides a mesmerizing frame for the bustling Parisian streets historic buildings and the scene river flowing gracefully Through The Heart of the City finally we Ascend to the third and highest level here the view extends to a radius of nearly 40 Mi offering an unparalleled Vista of Paris and its surroundings the Eiffel Tower is more than just an iron Marvel it's a symbol of love Ingenuity and Timeless Beauty next we are headed towards the Mig greving as we enter the musy grevin the first thing that strikes us is the Exquisite architecture of the building itself established in 1882 this Museum holds not only a collection of lifelike wax figures but also a piece of Parisian history as we continue our exploration we find ourselves standing face to face with some of history's most illustrious individuals there's Napoleon bonapart resplendant in his military attire exuding an air of authority and Charisma it's as if we've traveled back in time to the days of the French Empire the museum isn't limited to figures from the past we also encounter contemporary celebrities there's Leonardo DiCaprio looking Dapper in his tuxedo the attention to detail in the figures is astonishing from the glint in their eyes to the texture of their clothing it's all impeccably crafted one of the most fascinating aspects of mic grevin is the opportunity to see behind the scenes the Atelier grevin exhibit allows you to witness the meticulous craftsmanship involved in creating these lifelike figures from sculpting to hair and makeup it's a journey into the Artistry of wax figure creation to add a touch of Whimsy to our visit we step into the Hall of mirrors where countless Reflections and optical illusions create a sense of wonder it's an enchanting space that kids and adults alike will enjoy whether you're an admirer of History a fan of celebrities or simply seeking an engaging and entertaining experience in Paris the musy graving is a must visit destination to commute between locations Paris offers an efficient public transportation system the Metro is an excellent choice purchase a daily or multi-day pass for unlimited travel making it easy to hop from one attraction to another the center Pomo also known as the pompo center is a renowned cultural institution located in the heart of Paris named after the former French president georgees pompo this iconic building is a masterpiece of modern and contemporary architecture unlike traditional museums and cultural centers its structural elements are Exposed on the exterior the building's most distinctive feature is the Inside Out design where elements like escalators air duct and plumbing are placed on the outside of the building creating a futuristic and Industrial appearance the center pompo serves as a multi-disciplinary cultural Hub combining a museum a a library a cinema and a center for contemporary music and Industrial design it is home to the National Museum of Modern Art which houses an extensive collection of artworks spanning the 20th and 21st centuries this collection includes works by renowned artists such as Picasso Kandinsky Duchamp and many more the museum regularly hosts temporary exhibitions that feature both established and emerging artists making it a dynamic and ever evolving cultural space the rooftop of the center pompo offers a stunning panoramic view of Paris including iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and NRA Dame Cathedral this area also features a restaurant providing an opportunity for visitors to enjoy a meal with a breathtaking backdrop end your night by getting a taste of traditional French cuisine make a reservation at lules ver located in the Eiffel Tower offering breathtaking views if you prefer cozy cafes La conset in monm Matra is perfect for a warm coffee or [Music] [Applause] croissant day two begins with a visit to the lou Museum where you can Marvel at world famous masterpieces like the Mona Lisa the loues AR Ure is stunning in itself making it a fantastic stop for art and history enthusiasts the Journey Begins as we walk through the iconic glass pyramid in the core Napoleon Courtyard which stands as a modern contrast to the historical architecture we start with the world famous painting the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci following the signs wind your way through the labyrinthine corridors of the museum the crowd thickens and and a respectful hush Falls over the visitors you find yourself gazing into the enigmatic eyes of the Mona Lisa appreciating the intricate details and the subtle smile that has captivated audiences for centuries after our encounter with the Mona Lisa explore the rest of the Museum's vast collection you come across the Colossal winged victory of Samra a breathtaking helenistic sculpture perched at the top of a great grand staircase next revisit the Egyptian Antiquities where mummy sarcophagi and hieroglyphics reveal the secrets of an ancient civilization afterward hop on the metro to our next destination next up we have the mon marra train tour which takes you through the Charming streets of Mont martra as we embark on your tour of M Matra you'll be transported to a world of Bohemian Spirit artistic inspir insiration and breathtaking views our first stop is the Molen Rouge the world famous Cabaret even during the daytime the building's red Windmill and the Allure of its history evoke a sense of mystery and excitement it's a symbol of the district's past as a hub for nightlife and entertainment our next destination is the place du Terra a picturesque Square where artists have set up their easel for Generations the colorful artwork the sound of buskers playing music and the smell of street food all combined to create a lively and enchanting atmosphere it's a perfect place to stop and watch the world go by while sipping on a cafe all [Music] late what better way to relive our childhood dreams than a day at Disneyland Paris the winter season brings a Sprinkle of Disney Magic as you step through the gates of Disneyland a World of Magic and Imagination unfolds before your eyes it's a place where dreams come to life and where you leave behind the ordinary and step into the extraordinary we begin your adventure with the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle the castle spires reach Skyward adorned with intricate details and Whimsical stained glass windows step inside and immerse in the Timeless story of Sleeping Beauty brought to life through beautiful tapestries and sculptures from the castle Venture into different lands within the park Adventure Land beckons with exotic jungles hidden treasures and thrilling escapades the Pirates of the Caribbean ride takes you on a swashbuckling Adventure through pirate infested waters complete with animatronic Pirates and a captivating Caribbean Town frontierland invites you to experience the wild west where you can enjoy the Thrills of Big Thunder Mountain a rolicking roller coaster that winds through an old mining town throughout your visit beloved Disney characters make appearances before you leave you take one more stroll down Main Street USA savoring the illuminated storefronts and the joyful atmosphere [Music] the seene river is a tranquil spot for a winter boat cruise as the boat sets sail you find yourself surrounded by the architectural splendors of Paris the Eiffel Tower Stands Tall shimmering in the sunlight and you can't help but feel a sense of awe as you gaze upon this iconic symbol of the city the Lou for museum with its Grandeur and the glass Spirit entrance passes by a testament to the city's Rich cultural heritage next Notre Dame Cathedral with its magnificent Gothic architecture comes into view along the seam river is a world famous art museum it's none other than the M dor this cultural gem is renowned for its exceptional collection of art dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries and it provides a unique perspective on the evolution tion of art during this period The Muse dors housed in a beautifully restored former railway station was open to the public in 1986 the Museum's collection is primarily focused on impressionist and post-impressionist art and it features works by some of the most celebrated artists in art history in addition to paintings the mie dors boasts an extensive collection of sculptures decorative arts and photography from the same time frame the Museum's layout is designed to lead visitors on a chronological journey through this Rich period in art history starting from the mid 19th century and continuing into the early 20th century next visit Pier lé Cemetery a peaceful and historical resting place for numerous renowned individuals wandering through the Tranquil Pathways of per Lee Cemetery in Paris you are immediately struck by the Stillness amidst the hustle and bustle of the city as you enter the grand gate leads to the Cobblestone paths that Meander between rows of elegant mausoleums ornate tombstones and ancient trees casting a dappled pattern of light and Shadow stroll through the Cobblestone paths and pay your respects to Legends like Jim Morrison in stark contrast to the peaceful atmosphere of piure Lees the catacombs of par Paris offer a haunting Journey Through the city's hidden underworld this vast network of underground tunnels and osies houses the skeletal remains of over 6 million people transferred there from overcrowded cemeteries in the late 18th century the catacombs are a chilling reminder of the historical need to address paris's burial crisis descending into the depths of these tunnels visitors are surrounded by walls made of carefully arranged bones and skulls the Eerie dimly lit passages convey a sense of history and the passage of time in an incredibly visceral way one of the most famous sections the Gate of Hell is a grand entrance inscribed with the words stop this is the Empire of death as a result only a portion of the extensive catacombs is open to the public with the rest remaining off limits for safety reasons embrace the holiday spirit by exploring paris's Christmas markets as you stroll through the Charming streets you'll be immersed in a magical Ambiance the entire city comes alive with the spirit of Christmas discover unique handcrafted gifts and this is the perfect time to collect souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones back home indulge your senses with gmade Delights savor the warmth of Rich hot chocolate and pastries and immerse yourself in the festive entertainment such as Whimsical carousels creating joy for all ages the Paris Christmas Market offers a truly magical experience that captures the essence of the holiday season winter in Paris is a time of transformation where the city's iconic landmarks glisten in the chilly air but there's another enchanting activity that captures the essence of the season the hotel deil and the cham salises are popular options for outdoor ice skating creating a magical atmosphere in the heart of Paris at the Champs ls's Christmas Market you'll find a vibrant ice skating rink surrounded by festive lights delicious treats and the joyful Sounds of the Season but it's not just about the Rings it's about sharing these moments with loved ones whether you're gliding hand in hand with a friend or teaching a child to take their first steps on the [Music] ice begin your day at the Garden of Sarah's do wheel a tranquil Oasis in the city as you step into the grand green houses a breathtaking World unfolds before your eyes these AR architectural marbles house an astonishing collection of exotic plants from around the globe each Greenhouse is a Botanical Wonderland a treasure Trove of colors shapes and fragrances stroll through the Botanical Gardens and admire a diverse collection of plants and flowers it's a serene escape from the bustling City for a delightful evening head to the Highlander for drinks and live music this cozy PB offers a warm and invi in atmosphere perfect for unwinding after a day of exploration tucked away in the vibrant streets of Paris the Highlander Pub stands as a Haven of Old World charm and come out of radie upon entering the Highlander you're enveloped in the Cozy warmth of its interior dark wood rustic beams and the gentle crackling of the fireplace create an atmosphere that feels like stepping into another time as the evening unfolds the Highlander comes alive with live music the clinking of glasses and the jovial sounds of friends and strangers coming together try their famous Scottish whiskey and mingle with locals and fellow [Music] Travelers our last stop is the Paris Festival of Lights a magical event that takes place in December the city comes alive with stunning light installations and artistic displays explore the various neighborhoods participating in the festival and be mesmerized by the beauty of Paris at night one of the most anticipated features of the Paris Festival of Lights is the stunning light installations that Adorn the city streets squares and Parks talented artists and Design designers from around the world create captivating displays that use light color and motion to tell stories convey emotions and evoke Wonder these installations range from delicate ethereal displays to bold and dynamic compositions all designed to leave a lasting impression on the viewers throughout the festival you'll encounter interactive exhibits that invite you to become part of the artwork captivating your senses and sparking your imagination people of all ages come together to Revel in this immersive experience creating a sense of unity and connection through the shared appreciation of Art and light the harmonious blend of visual and auditory Artistry creates an unforgettable atmosphere making every corner of Paris feel like a stage waiting to be discovered parisians and tourists alike Brave the Winter Chill to explore the illuminated City and partake in the joyous f festivities from the warm Golden Glow of the Champs eles to the intimate charm of mon marra the Paris Festival of Lights leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of those who attend there you have it our ultimate winter itinerary for exploring the enchanting City of Paris from Iconic landmarks to festive Christmas markets and cultural experiences this winter trip will be un forgettable thank you for joining us on this winter journey through the city of love if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe for More Travel Adventures from around the world until next time air and happy travels

2023-11-09 20:16

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