The Motorcycle Portraits Photoshoot with David Goldman - EP. 171

The Motorcycle Portraits Photoshoot with David Goldman - EP. 171

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okay last task for today we're going to the location where are we gonna have little photo shoot down well David's gonna take some pictures of me for his little project he's doing portraits of bikers from around the world anyway we explained to you what's going on in a second [Music] thank you foreign [Music] okay so we are at the location where are we gonna shoot now we got this beautiful old uh fishing Village so I'm gonna Park chili now so she's very presentable how's my hair okay okay so I'm ready okay so come in the front [Music] I was I was thinking what if I sit down how's that maybe like that I like it mate you make me have to make me smile more like try to make some such funny you're such a funny bunny ah okay let me think of something see I'm already doing it what am I a clown yes I'm here for your enjoyment for your pleasure I'm here to make you laugh you think that's funny I think I'm a clown standing chili so let me ask you you're gonna pretend show me how you're gonna stand but like but on the ground right now it's not on an essential so I'm not sure if I should where's your is your head forward or back like can you can you look back to the light like that yeah okay well yeah do you want to put it on the Center Stone oh well I put it on the rock should be all right possibly go wrong right exactly what could possibly go wrong Brett tax could do this violence well the lights ridiculous don't embarrass me that's the [ __ ] epic shot cheese and rice my head good [Music] [Music] it's not just for dancing and singing not about you it's about me how do I look okay what is it what is it that I'm doing that makes me look good right now is it is it in my hand position is it my heads my hips my hips foreign I think that we're gonna do uh we're gonna do the audio recording now for the motorcycle portraits portrait uh basically three and a half questions uh and I'm going to tell you the questions I'm I'm not going to tell you the questions until it's time for the question because I don't want you to have time to think before okay um I'm stressed out don't be stressed it's easy but the first question is basically to introduce yourself so tell me who you are where we are I know that one you know that one you know who you are well you're halfway to recovery um yeah so who you are where we are tell me a little bit about yourself you know my name like for who's me I'm David Coleman I'm a documentary portrait photographer we're here in Bayport Nova Scotia I've been a photographer for so and so and blah blah blah but for you your name where you are where you're from if you want to say how old you are you may we are about to start our interview okay mate good morning good morning are you ready for my little interview I think so because we didn't have the time to do it on the road David thank you so much for having me uh in your beautiful house thank you for having me Nova Scotia and you know giving me the introduction to this beautiful Province uh so David I would like to ask you a few questions please um could you please tell me what have you been up to in your life just like you know I know you've done a lot but yes just the short answer yeah what you've been up to for all these years and why are you here now I'll try to make this short yes uh so I'm a documentary importer photographer I used to shoot music and album packaging I'm from Toronto originally I've lived in New York and La for 25 26 years and now I'm in Nova Scotia um yeah so I used to do music and like that and I shot a pretty famous Blink 182 album cover that a lot of people know like the enema to stay with the girl uh then I sort of transitioned more into documentary work and I moved to New York and I started doing work for U.N women and different ngos and I worked in India and Cambodia and Bangladesh um and then and then after living in all these big cities Toronto and New York and L.A I started was craving more quiet and so this past year I moved to Nova Scotia where it's super quiet and super chill and there is no traffic yes definitely now you're here so what is your project and that I am proudly now to be part of I will be soon yeah so I'm super grateful that you're here you're actually the first person to come to me which is crazy because you're you've been like a Target that I've been somebody somebody that I've wanted to photograph so it's crazy that you actually think yeah um so the the series is called the motorcycle portraits and I know that's a very clever name and basically it started on my travels in India I had recognized how how motorcycles in developing countries were used as utilitarian tool versus in the west it's a luxury item and I just thought there are all these incredible Builders and Riders so I wanted to I wanted to feature them and I wanted to use different technologies that I had used in my documentary work like using GPS and audio and virtual reality and these different elements so I started doing these portraits and I basically would photograph an individual but I describe it as people whose lives are deeply connected to motorcycles so Racers Builders collectors and World Travelers and then perhaps if somebody I meet on the street yes yes yeah that's like the right Enthusiast but not just like oh your cousin Joe who has a motorcycle sure you select a very yes very select few um so yeah so I would do a portrait I would do an audio interview ask them some questions and I would use GPS to geotag the location and and that was it and it started kind of small and the idea was that I wanted to use my motorcycle as a mobile photo studio and in the last few years I've traveled 33 000 miles across the U.S and Canada and are shot a little bit in India when I was over there and I have close to 100 subjects right now and the goal is to do a book and and to perhaps do a show and that's it and it's it's self-funded for the most part I mean I've had some support from sponsors but for the most part it's self-funded and it's self-directed so nobody's breathing down my neck telling me what to do or who to shoot or anything like that and I like these sorry I like the autonomy of that so could you show me now an example I can so there's a dedicated website called the and here's an example of I love that picture this is Vijay Singh yes in in India in Rajasthan his company is called rajputana Custom Cycles he's an incredible Builder um so basically you would go to your website and then you see his name and then you see where you met him location and then you can play on audio while you're looking at the picture I think that's so clever yeah in the bottom corner there's a little a blue microphone you click on it and you hear the audio interview can you subject sure my name is Vijay Singh I have done a small custom motorcycle Workshop out of Jaipur Rajasthan and it's called rajputana Customs we've been building bikes for the last 10 years now I started in 2009. you want me to like

kind of just kind of quickly scroll through like that and then like this way at the end this team does Natalie there's senior this uh Matias there's bread oh my God so many so many people I'm really honored to be now we'll be soon after after this day yeah there's like world champion Wayne Rainey Kevin Schwann's amazing people David I am absolutely honored to be a part of your project thank you so much for your invite and you know it's been great hanging out with you oh it was such good we like besties we like besties from the same rank that's right it's been an honor it's been so great to have you I'm so great we just had such good times and he's a funny bunny I'm telling you he's so funny he made me laugh all the time so I really needed after all this traumatic experience the last few days so thank you thank you I'm here all week enjoy the deal see you next Friday what are you missing give the code are you ready for our little Adventure okay one more day uh of riding with David so now we're going to a town called Halifax no Halifax hey oh Lunenburg Lunenburg it's a beautiful little uh UNESCO recognized Town we're gonna do a quick stop there and then we're gonna go to Halifax because I've got a problem with chili her starter is not working with flying up a bit and he's been doing that for quite some time so I yes I got in touch with a mechanic from Halifax and then we tried to sort it out there but that's the problem for later but now we're just gonna enjoy the ride wow this is pretty picture yes please yes [Music] yeah foreign this is pretty sure right so what's behind us David so behind us is uh the town of Lunenburg it's a UNESCO recognized town it's a beautiful old fishing Village here in the South Shore of Nova Scotia so this is the view from like from the sort of like it's from the bay so beautiful I'll show you [Music] foreign are we riding through the part of town look at this it's so beautiful [Music] super cool huh [Music] oh wow oh look at that these little houses Circle I love the colors German flag French flag English flag American flag where's Aussie or polish unbelievable [Music] huh very cute and this is the part okay all right so here we have a part on the left hand side oh hold on we're gonna have some little commentary I'm gonna go take a picture over there that's a pretty famous uh Schooner yes but we can't drive in no but we could park right between that black car those two cars yeah let's do that and then I'll walk yes please now we made it to the heart of town good careful yes so we're gonna see the famous blue nose tall ship right or maybe this isn't it this is Teresa O'Connor so I guess that's not the blue nose the famous Teresa O'Connor a lot of people know this is the famous Teresa O'Connor the most famous Teresa O'Connors of all the trees of all the O'Connors on planet Earth on planet Earth yeah there are other universes with more popular Connors there was that Sarah Connor yeah but that one but no this one is this is Teresa this is this is Sarah's sister that not a lot of people know she's as big as a boat thank you thank you we'll see you next Friday all right so today we're on the South Shore of Nova Scotia in Lunenburg where the most famous Schooner ever was living and it's called the blue nose too and here it is the blue nose oh this is the Teresa Connor uh Sarah's sister never mind hey thank you right so we are now going to Halifax it's only what 100 kilometers from here not too far [Music] so now we have to find a mechanic close by we're very close uh-huh that's us RPM motorcycles I don't know this is the collection here it was like the place maybe I would say so one of the places oh sorry that's okay [Music] everyone me Jerry my another my Lifesaver sorry yes so Jerry has organized so okay the story is my Julie cider is playing up so definitely the one one way bearing it needs to be replaced who knows maybe some artifacts right so Jerry contacted Barry from RM RFP to RPM RPM cycles and berries got exactly the same bike just for parts yeah someone directed inside yeah everybody for fast yeah this is gonna be right the door Barry's gonna sort of transfer you know whatever needs to be transferred from from the Outback to Chile and now we sort of undressing chili and we're gonna leave her here and hopefully within a day or two she'll be ready and good to go you're ready to go thank you so much for your help you're welcome and now I'm heading to this guy like yes so he's this is my host in Halifax Halifax but why I can't say this oh my God nervous I am so nervous right now because for what because you're getting off right because you're leaving chili because you're getting on this or because you're leaving I'm getting on this yeah [Music] Jesus Christ let's follow Jerry [Music] right so now we are going to Jerry's and we arrived to Joe's Place what a beautiful area you live in and it must have come so pretty it's like you're on holidays all the time look at this so cool well thank you so much for for dropping me off uh thank you that we didn't die oh you're welcome thank you for also that we didn't die here man oh Kinga David is going now what a joy to hang out with you no until next time thank you for everything yeah yeah it's been my pleasure it's been my pleasure King it's been really sorry so I'm talking to you it's been really nice to hang out with you and talk to you so I'm talking to somebody I'm actually I'm pretty busy can you can you give me a call later because I'm actually just talking to somebody you talk to yourself safe travels thank you enjoy you need anything let me know whatever thank you so much for everything all right take care brush your hair bye [Music] and he's gone [Music] foreign [Music] listen for 75 you look pretty amazing thank you it's my polish jeans 75 or 17.

2022-11-16 11:08

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