Sydney Day 6: Quatre Cafe Unique Breakfast, Al Aseel Kitchen & Lunch, Inspiring Stories

Sydney Day 6: Quatre Cafe Unique Breakfast, Al Aseel Kitchen & Lunch, Inspiring Stories

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We came back to the scooter, I feel like I'm playing treasure hunt. He sent me an address and told me to meet me there. 11 minutes of walking, almost 900 meters. We are having a hair cut today Sydney is waking up, here they call it the city, not downtown.

We are used to the word downtown which is the center. You go to London, it's very big. You visit it and you only see a bit of it.

The same for New York and maybe the big cities. Here in Sydney, it's true that it's very big. But the center, the heart, where we are sitting now, everything is close to each other, the walking is very nice, the buildings are very nice. People are waking up on this amazing day, the cold is crazy. The weather is very nice. I am walking, wow.

It feels fresh. I am not sleeping, I am very very tired. I am very very tired, and the morning activity is like a horse. We are going to have to go in a hurry. My father's family is from Arishij and my mum's family is from Zaki.

You have to go to Toowoomba and meet my uncle Michael, he is always watching the YouTube channel. My mission is all about you, about hardworking people, about people who make a difference in the life of others, but probably are not awarded enough, because they are not in suits and they do not have millions. It doesn't take much to be a hero in this world, to do good. You can be an average person and be doing great things, to do anything crazy, spectacular, to be amazing. My grand-grandparents were Lebanese.

Thank you. My name is Shane Gaha, my name in Arabic is Hisham. I am a descendant of the Bishmazini Gaha family, and I am very proud of my heritage from Bishmazin and Kura. I have been in Australia since I was 12 years old, and I still call Lebanon home, but of course Australia for the best part has been my place of residence.

And I was educated here in this country in three different disciplines. I did a Bachelor of Engineering at the Uni of Sydney, a Master in Land Economics, and I did finally a PhD in Town Planning at the University of New South Wales. I work in a company called EG, which I founded 23 years ago, in the property space. It's a multi-disciplinary property company, and I also teach at two of our leading universities as a Professor of Practice at the Uni of Sydney in New South. And I've also lectured five times overseas.

I've lectured at Shanghai University, I've lectured at two universities in Lebanon, and I've also lectured twice at Harvard. About two and a half years ago, I decided that I would take on the post of President of the WLCU, the World Lebanese Cultural Union in Sydney. This was kind of interesting to me because one of the founders and the author of the constitution of the WLCU is a guy called Dr Charles Malik, who's of course a Lebanese identity of great distinction and the author of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

He of course was educated in the Bishmazine School that my grandfather founded in 1927, and therefore there was a very deep connection with me. And of course Dr Philip Salim, who's his student and still quite active in the US as one of the world's leading cardiologists, he was also educated at the Bishmazine School for a period of time. And the World Lebanese Cultural Union for me embodies two very important themes. The first one is that I like to think that we are working hard on improving Brand Lebanon, and Brand Lebanon is always in need of improvement because we are people that have a diaspora with so many brilliant people, but also that the messaging of those people needs to always be positive and good. And I try to concentrate primarily on the things that unite us rather than divide us.

I've looked at doing functions of exceptional brilliance in terms of their quality and their aesthetic and their knowledge base to try and educate both the diaspora and enjoy at the same time a great party. We had a party last year called When Rome Comes to Lebanon and the Romans of course were in Lebanon 700 years. We talked about the six Lebanese emperors that had ruled the Roman Empire. We talked about the largest temple ever built in the Roman Empire is in Lebanon. We talked about the colour purple that comes from Ta'a Sur in southern Lebanon, a colour that every Roman emperor wore from 44 BC until 1453, the fall of the Empire. So for me that's one part of it.

We have a culinary journey called En Route to Beirut, which was a concept invented in the WLCU Sydney, where we have an imaginary Lebanese taxi that travels through Lebanon and wherever we get the taxi to stop, we get the five-star chef to prepare the food of that region. So if he stops in Zahle, we eat the Zahle food, Batroun we eat the Batroun food, the Arras we eat the Arras food, and we wash that all down with the 2015 Chateau Moussa and the Lebanese whites, Arak. We also last year added a beautiful Tasmanian scotch owned by Lebanese people, so we had a Lebanese connection, which we enjoyed very much. For me those cultural exchanges show Lebanon in the greatest light, in the most positive light, and the purpose of all of this is of course very important, and that is to raise funds that we collect here as a charity, as a benevolent institution, to send back home to buy mostly food and medicine for the poor in Lebanon. But we've sponsored the Lebanese Rugby League Australian team, we will shortly sponsor the Lebanese Basketball Women's team, we have sent baby milk powder tins, almost a thousand of them to mothers who couldn't feed their children, we've now distributed nearly 2,000 food boxes that feed a family of four for a month each, we have done I think nearly $80,000 to date of medical supplies, we buy prescription medicine, we've ordered blood tests for people who couldn't afford them, so they're the sort of things we do, and I'm proud to say that we will continue to do these things to help the people in need.

I was having a joke with former Premier Bob Carr at our last function, and I said to him that he was of English descent and I was of Lebanese descent, he's a good friend of mine, Premier Carr, I said to him, I said to him, Premier, I said jokingly, I said, you realise there were six emperors of the Roman Empire of Lebanese Phoenician descent, and there was zero of English descent, so the score at the moment is 6-0. And the six emperors were, so the first one was Septimus Severus, Septimus Severus was a great emperor of the Roman Empire, end of the second century, early third, 193 AD to 211, a fantastic emperor. He actually came out of Libya, and that was part of the empire that the Phoenicians had built when they had Carthage. So this was a Carthaginian blood, with real Lebanese blood, emperor. His son, Antoninus, better known as Caracalla, Caracalla was the name of the coat that he wore, the Spanish coat that he wore, and he ruled straight after. His brother, Gita, was the next emperor, so that's emperor number three, so he's at around 2-3.

210 AD and then you had an interesting emperor, a very interesting emperor called Eli Gabalus who came out of the Syrian region and a lot of these people had Syrian slash Lebanese mothers and then after him came a very good emperor called Severus Alexander and of course the final emperor who came a few years later between 244 and 249 AD was a guy called Philip the Arab. So they were the six emperors that ruled the Roman Empire that were all of Lebanese descent. Now we did replicate these coins for people that came to the function in bronze.

So this is a pure bronze coin worth $20. We replicated them in gold and silver but what we did is everyone who bought a raffle ticket basically got one of these coins done in the original shape of the coin. You see how it's not perfect but and because you can't tell which emperor that is on the back of the coin I write for you which emperor that is. So

this is Severus Alexander and the years in which he reigned. So that's it, Lebanese emperor. Today we are going to make you a dish called Mr. T's Morning Star. We named it after my brother Tony because he has it every day. So we called it Mr. T's Morning Star and we're going to give you a beautiful Moroccan lamb salad. No onion,

no garlic. 100%. Perfect. What do you like to drink? What do you want? You tell me what you want. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you

a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll

get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll

get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll empty shop in our community in a quiet part of Strathfield and We thought why not a cafe? Veronique loved cooking eating people And we knew nothing about cafes. We had a friend who did we approached him We said would you go into business with us? He said yes Took us eight months to open the cafe we're coming up to our first year and And we love it. It's going extremely well the primary purpose

is to honor Veronique and her cousins But we've created a broader purpose for the cafe. We have a love wall inside Where anyone who's lost a loved one and everyone has lost a loved one? Can have a photo taken with our Polaroid camera and pin it up onto the love wall to honor their loved one so we would have over a hundred photos in there on the love wall of people With their loved ones, but more broadly this place is a place where the local community comes to engage with their family over a meal over a cup of coffee to see their neighbors to see their friends and After covert it's brought people together in a in a warm Family environment. So the the proceeds from the cafe will go to Fund a girl to go to Veronique school Santa Sabina College Where she would otherwise perhaps not have been able to afford to go So the profits will go to support a young girl go to Santa Sabina next year year 10 in 2024 and it'll be called the Veronique Saka scholarship award I don't know what to say in Arabic We have a big breakfast and a Mediterranean breakfast and a Moroccan lamb salad and The habs I think you tasted the habs last time. It's still one of our famous Pastas I Named after one of our Customers over there. Mr. T. Mr. Tatak. Mr. T's morning start

We'll get you to try that Anthony another dish named after another customer Habib. We call it the hab special Good Mediterranean feel I think we also have a Moroccan lamb salad for you to try later today as well I love my brother so much This dish is called Okay, it's made. Mr. T's morning start Okay, all right because it'll be I do Mr. T I'm a mr. T. I'm mr. T mr. T. I'm mr. T. I'm a mafia sick of

Natural killer type of it's not run below Kill Mara but by the way, the marine jeep at our one mafia sick of mafia shake it up They be Johnny shot on the home head. I had a yogurt. Okay. Okay. Well the muesli loads is made fresh home mafia Ad standalone because my But Please work up my sweetheart with no sugar another Award very low in calories Come have one every day. Yeah, every day. I do I have one every day. You don't recommend it? No. If someone wants to wake up, he should eat Mr. T's morning salad.

I like you. This is the Moroccan lamb salad. No onion, no garlic. 100% This is Australian lamb, the best lamb in the entire world. I can guarantee you this. We started right away. Last time, I really liked what he does.

I liked the vibe. There is vitality and positivity coming out of the walls. It's a cafe with a cause. There is a principle. People who come here all love each other

and know each other. There is a smile and people are happy. No one is here to eat or leave or complain. Everything is here to take energy. I am not saying words. It's not just that. It can be the best place in the world and the coffee is good but the food is not.

Here, the food enters the heart because it is made from the heart. You feel like you are eating at your grandma's house but you are in a restaurant. The people who work here.

Ok, next. What is this? You eat this in a gourmet meat shop. You eat this in a restaurant where the meat pays you 100$ We are talking about charcoal flavor from outside We are talking about super tender meat red without bleeding Extremely tender Mustard Couscous Vegetables Sweetness Flavors, freshness, crunch Spices It's called Cafe Karasi Cafe It's small, it's not a high end restaurant It's not fancy But it's food is fancy It's food is high end Did you notice the colors? The details, the ingredients The generosity Each plate is made to impress I came here 6 months ago And I came back here And it will be a promise every time I come For many reasons Because I liked them, because their food is good Because the place is amazing Because it's a cafe for a cause Because they will give everything they get to teach the students Because they forgive as well I forgive A community that is growing in Australia And I hope it will happen in the whole world And I want to be one of those who support them My name is John Shorab from Karmel Mher Welcome I am Paul Tarta from Michael's brother And I was born in Sydney I hope he will take from Sydney but from Sebael I met you I am Tony Tarta, Mr. T Also from Sebael, from Michel's brother Welcome Hi, my name is Steve from Sydney, Australia Originally Greek, married a Lebanese woman From Baqafra in Lebanon She is a Makhlouf, St. Sebael And you learned Arabic? I speak Arabic, I met an Arab He is like a sheep He is like a sheep Welcome Welcome I want to tell you something These are delicious food We forgot the coffee and it got cold Oh no It got cold? How did it get cold? We left it alone But you came to a place called a cafe Yes People go to cafes and drink coffee before I know But the food is so delicious Don't say that, you are the problem You like to talk He caught you I am Ahna from Hardeen I was born in Australia I work in Makri Say that And I also work in photography And you have doing this I help them with the menu for Kottre In honor of all the 4 beautiful children And very neat I don't eat alone And whenever I have something, I tell him to sit On the camera to taste He ordered Asai, my favorite It is not left behind I don't know Very good one Very very good one The real deal Exactly The Asai is correct I will show you It is mixed It is not frozen The taste of peanut butter Oh my God Does that thing to your teeth You have to wake up It is time to wake up Recommended All the way recommended Done Best thing It is delicious Thank you I hope you will always have the grace Especially that it is called Lebanon And the whole world What did I learn today? I learned that a Greek person Went to Bekaa Kafra and felt that This is the village He learned Arabic and married his wife He speaks Arabic and I didn't know he is not Lebanese I learned today that everything happens for a reason Again and again And 4 children What is happening after them? Bridget who is saying come to me If you lost someone, come and sit with me To teach you how to pass this stage To those who are growing up And you will hear about us Those who helped Lebanon And didn't accept to be with me And how much they built in their village The church and the mosque The solar panels How each one here Most of the people I meet are born here They still have a heart in Lebanon And they still want to help What I learned in the last 5 days Is how we can all help each other It is all about giving It is all about supporting It is all about giving back To those who are learning more and more To those who are able to film And those who are not It is about Doing things If you are more than us We are in the Assyian Central Kitchen In the Green Aka We are going to take you inside Our kitchen is 1000 square meters We prepare everything for the Assyian people here And we prepare for other places That are in the market And all the food comes from here And goes to the restaurants And we prepare it And we serve it to the customers And we prepare all the Mazatec brands In this kitchen And it is distributed to all the supermarkets Like Green Valley Abu Salim Abu Hussain Herkola All the Lebanese markets And now we started in Wolwos We have a shop in Sydney And a shop in Melbourne All the Mazatec brands are present We have frozen finger food We also have Kebbeh and Samosa Kebab And Samosa And Kebab And Kebab And Kebab And Kebab And Kebab And Kebab And ק 474 0:28:14,000 --> 0:28:11,840 Tab And And Tab Tab And Sub Tab Test To Test Very fresh vegetables.

They're fresh for sale. Amazing! Wow! Without bread!! Yeah! It's still hot. Without bread! Carefree ♪ ♪ you Chef Meher As'ad, 20 years experience in the Middle East, 10 years in Australia, I'm from Syria, from Mashtal Helo, beautiful mountain, trained in Damascus, in Sheraton, Damascus. Thank you for coming here. Welcome to Al-Assif. Meat with vine leaves, still cooked as a traditional, as we cook at home, as my mother used to cook and make.

It's still cooked, 24 hours on the fire. The same thing with the vine leaves, pressed and cooked for 24 hours on a low fire. Al-Assir Restaurant, we started almost 20 years ago, we have 6 restaurants in Sydney, we prepare the biggest Lebanese kitchen in Australia, we cater, we do parties, we do funeral in Eid Al Sharj, Christening, Awal Erbani, everything comes from this kitchen here. I saw in our eyes a lot of cleanliness and order, and everything is on its origin.

Maybe the biggest filling mix I've seen in my life, and maybe the biggest pot of hummus I've ever filmed in a kitchen. It's a true kitchen, it looks like it's cut together, cleanliness, order, the machines are very big, and passion. And passion. Big pots, working as if you're at home, but on a big scale. Look at this, I've never seen anything like this.

This is kebbeh filling, we do it this much at home. I want to film quality control at his place. Look, now we're baking. Yummy. Yummy. Yummy, yummy, yummy.

Everything is color coded, yellow, red, green, from room to room, the door closes behind you, it's cold everywhere, as if you're sitting in an AC or a big fridge all the time. The smell is so much better than that. Maybe the smell of the tabbouleh that we got, the smell of the chicken, the meat, and so on. A bit of the smell of a foaming cleaning agent.

Top. Work, health. We provide some food for the airline, you have it on very high in the sky, you can have ala seel inside the airplane.

This is fresh from the oven. I've been in business in Tripoli for 17 years with Faisal Bel Hasseel. Not only restaurants, we also sell wholesalers, we support the business, we support the people in Lebanon who need to work and provide for their families. We import all these things from Lebanon to support Lebanon. A tour of a factory is not only that, a tour of the big kitchen, and then comes the food.

The smells followed us from the bottom to the top, I thought that Lamb is going to the restaurant. Yes, they prepared it for us. The bone is broken, and then the meat is broken, pulled lamb in a very nice way. The knife doesn't need it, it's not dry. Wait, I'm going to dig in more.

Oh my goodness, the skin. This is what closes the veins perfectly, this is what is needed. I'm not kidding, don't do this at home. The salt and the spice inside, the chef knows what he's doing. He knows what he's doing right. Right, right, right.

There's something that caught my attention, they have yogurt, a kebbeh to open it. The ladies who are working down there, you saw them a while ago. The very thin kebbeh. The hard yogurt that stands on the kebbeh. I met them 6 months ago. A new restaurant, Paramata, the food was very delicious.

I remember the rice was delicious. I remember there was passion, and now we understood everything. We understood that even if the quantity is big, the work is done correctly. Wow, the spices, I hope you can feel them. Wow, unexpected. It came out of nowhere.

In the end, the hummus, from the machine or the plate. It's all about love. Let's see which one is the best. Oh, honey, honey, honey.

These are the pieces of the meat. All of this. Some of them, some of the meat. Thick skin, it's not falling off with the fork. It's melting. So you focus on the soup, it's very delicious.

Enjoy. I made the lunch. Leave us a bit. These are also delicious.

You can focus on these. Enjoy. Also unexpected. I came to a small, cute, and artelier factory to make some kebbeh.

I went to a factory, I think it's a thousand meters or more. It's very big, and not only that, they bring things from Lebanon, and it opens the heart. I filmed the products and sent them to my friends in Lebanon. The friends of these products, I told them that I am with them in Australia, I have your things in Australia, and they were very happy. And not only that, they invited me for lunch.

It's an unusual visit, we didn't go to the original restaurant, because I filmed it before, but it doesn't prevent that the same service, the same food, the same passion, and the same taste, from this kitchen that goes down, and we ate in the kitchen of the staff. The story didn't end, because a Lebanese without dessert, you say, wow, they didn't give us a dessert. So the food doesn't last, if we didn't eat dessert, and it's time for Knafeh.

Amazing. Everything is amazing, yes, in this trip, everything is amazing. Wow, it looks so fresh.

David, bring the salad. Wow. Cheese, a light difference, it doesn't break like biscuits, the syrup is just right. Wow. Oh my God.

A toast to Hamisk. God bless you. God bless you. They sold out after yesterday.

Crokington, Canada How are you? My name is Elish Deed. I am from Lebanon, from Beirut. I am from Australia, I have been here for 7 years. Recently we opened this nice restaurant, Italian Street Kitchen. We are an Italian restaurant, but we have something special, an Italian restaurant with Lebanese hospitality. We have a very nice menu, we have taken it from several Italian restaurants.

We have been here for a week, in Bharamata. Welcome. We are going to have dinner at Anthony's, I am reading on the street, someone comes out of the restaurant, Anthony, you are here. I told him, of course he is Lebanese, come in and have dinner. We came in and invited him to Italian Street Kitchen. We will start with Italian Kitchen, they have been open for a week only. A very new place, the colors are very nice, the vibe is nice,

it takes you to Italy while you are sitting at the table. Pizza, pasta, the feast is done, and we will continue eating meat at the neighbors. Honey. I will start here, with a plate of risotto, it looks very nice, the color is nice, mushroom, and the smoke will burn my tongue of course, because my hands are holding the plate, they started to burn.

Fresh, creamy, al dente, that's good. I haven't eaten Italian for a long time. That's indeed good. We are all nervous, garlic garlic garlic, the waiters are working again, the waiter knows what to say, the plate is coming, be careful, but there are a few things left on the menu, we can eat them, the pizzas look nice, rich.

Hello, my name is Mona Abrohim, I am originally Lebanese, but they raised me and I live in Australia all my life. I work for Seagrass Boutique Hospitality Group, I handle the PR and media relations for the company, and in our company we have over 54 stores around the world, mostly in Australia, but now we are expanding a lot in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and London. The brands that we have are the premium six head, then meat and wine co, then hunter and barrel, and we have Italian street kitchen, and ribs and burgers, I think that's it for now, it's a lot.

I love what I do, I think it's very special to be in the hospitality industry, because the people in our company, we are in our company because we love to serve. We love to serve, we are hospitable, and I think it comes from being Lebanese. When you have a home as Lebanese people, you welcome them, you want to feed them, even if they are hungry, even if they are not hungry, you still want to feed them. And it's the same as us in our company, we love to be hospitable, and we always say that we are in the people's business serving food, not in the food business serving people. Hunter and barrel, the meat barrel for the whiskey. The most famous restaurant in Lebanon.

The founder of the group is a Lebanese South African, and then you go off the chain, and every restaurant you go to, there is a Lebanese person, whether he is a manager, PR, or wherever, and you feel the hospitality is present everywhere. After we tried the meat and wine company, the experience was amazing, you can watch it on YouTube, now the Italian, and then Hunter and Barrel opened in Firaon for a week, all of the group, 50 plus, the seating starts great. Great start, great impression, the knife is very nice, and then it's called barrel for a reason. Whiskey aged in a barrel, lightly sweet, it has orange zest, the smokiness fills the nose until it shakes the brain, it's that strong, as if someone put smoke on it, and it's smoking and lighting from inside.

Very nicely done, we start with whiskey, a glass, sparkling water, a nice seating, comfortable, we sent the order to the kitchen, I feel like eating meat, wagyu, and fries, and everything in between. Amazing. Excitement, very excitement.

We have, we start with beetroot bruschetta, thick bread, different shapes, very delicious bread, and the beetroot sweetness is great. A great way to start. Duck sausage roll, like croissant. Puff pastry, minced meat from inside.

Delicious. It's fresh, new, the taste of duck and the spices at the end, the sweetness coming from the bread, very unusual flavor, I haven't tasted it before, and I loved it. Cheese in a casserole, with grilled bread, I want to sit on the chimney, and some wine. All of these and we still haven't reached the meat. That's why it's not a steakhouse per se, and there's no word for meat in the title, because it's much more of an experience. Good job.

We started with pork belly, it's a piece of meat, fat fat fat fat. I can take this but it looks small, so I want to take the big one on top. It's a bit expensive so I will cut it. And the real deal starts. It's unbelievable, the fat in it, the meat is cooked properly.

The glazing gives it sweetness from the outside. 746 0:50:13,220 --> 0:50:01,000 It's from the middle. The way it's presented, the salad below. Beautiful. Thank you for visiting 100 Barrel, hope to see you again next time. Thank you so much, where are you from? I'm from Nepal. Nepal, and your name is? Samir.

Which is usually a Lebanese name. Oh yeah, maybe my parents are influenced from the Lebanese people. Very happy to have met you all, you're all great, thank you so much, and I'll be coming again. Thank you. And then comes the meat.

It's tender, and it's not dripping water. The smell of the grill. Quality. It's a big deal. Pleasant flavors, rich, sweet, salty. A trip that takes you and brings you, very nicely done.

And the sides. Good stuff. A very long day. Very very long, every time I look at the clock I'll say, how did I get 4? How did I get 5? How did I get 8 and a half? And we still have a minimum of 3 hours of editing, because yesterday's episode was very long.

So I'll say bye, we won't be having dinner yet, I'm very happy that I came here, I'm very happy that I'm getting to know this great group, I'm very happy that I spent a day with David, I'm very happy with everything. And see you tomorrow on another amazing discovery of Sydney. Day 7, we've been here. Day 6, 7. Now the time is passing. Wow.

This is a bonus, developers conference. We got this bonus with the logo, with David, food, everything is great. And there are Lebanese people, most of them, the meaning of the world. Oh my goodness.

And secret of success. We stick to each other, we sit together, we respect each other, trust is very important, we trust each other, and this way we grow together. And this is what I'm discovering more and more in Australia. Amazing vibes, I don't know what I'm doing here, I know I'm meeting people who love me. Michael Decoe is my name.

I'm originally from Baalbeck, but I'm from June, we came to Australia when I was 19. We finished high school in Lebanon and university here. I'm a project manager and quantity surveyor.

This event tonight is something we started 8 years ago. For education and expanding the right message to the construction and development industry in Australia. So basically, we ourselves and Macquarie Lawyers were the founding members of the developers forum.

And this is one of the, if you like, things that we do to give back to our community, give back to our construction community. So our main focus is in construction and development. And we are proud to be of that origin. We are proud to confirm that most of the development and construction industry in New South Wales and other states are of Lebanese origin. Edouard Dakhoul, born and raised in June, in Ghadir to be exact.

We've been in Australia for more than 40 years. We work in the construction industry. So this event tonight is an event we do for our customers, to keep explaining to them and give them opportunities to get to know each other, whether they are builders or investment people or developers, to expand the industry. Now, for us, Australia is known for having two speed economies. One of them is mining, coal, steel, gold and diamonds.

And the second speed economy is construction. I am proud to say that most of the adults who build, invest and build units, are of Lebanese origin and have been here for a long time. If you think about it, they came from Lebanon as a family that builds, they build 2, 3, 4 units. Now they are building 100, 200, 500 units. They are growing and increasing.

We help them because we are the one who pays for the buildings and we do project management and things like that. So, the Lebanese who contributed to the prosperity of Australia, are mostly the construction industry as a two speed economy, and they are mostly Lebanese who do this.

2023-06-17 23:55

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