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[Music] i'm almost ashamed about this intro by the way it's malachor [Music] welcome to something with hola [Music] [Music] what's up everyone and welcome to sunday with ola number 63. you might think that oh ola has been super busy recording videos and whatnot in this new amazing office well that's where you are wrong i haven't recorded [ __ ] since the last time truth be told i haven't recorded [ __ ] since the last sunday with ola uh you know i've been on a tour doing some [ __ ] with the haunted and you know just i've just been taking it easy trying to get [ __ ] rolling up here can you see where's the camera over there look at this shelf is it on an amazing shelf oh i'll see if i can like do a close-up or something uh a b-roll you can watch the b-roll and it looks super amazing how about that we have new solar guitars but you have to wait for the adventures with ola to know what the new guitars are okay so uh stick around baby yay i [ __ ] love this room may i just say so i love this room it's really cosy in here let's just say that i'm did you see this this is my new wall i i i put my favorite guitars on this wall you know can you see i have the uh it's not the sound cross but it's the cross over there you know the indonesian version i have my jpm abness right there uh my fender custom shop strat what uh the dean cadillac v that i just uh made a video with the testament i like that guitar it's it's great dyna3st i have an esp m2 over there i i'm gonna show that in another video that's fairly new it's for a reason i have it my e-type with the viking theme then i have the gary holt dimebag guitar steve ibanez universe my dimeboltz washburn dimebag and my dimebold washburn solar that's a jp guitar another watchman dime and evh over there so you know on this wall it's like the inspiration for what i'm doing on this wall it's like the knees someone's at the door anyways we have a lot to cover today so let's just start okay how about that you know someone was ringing a doorbell just now and you didn't bark at all it's one hell of a guard dog right there just saying that news [Music] all right i have to be completely honest it's been really dry these past weeks am i right or am i wrong it's just been really shitty news to be honest but i i managed to scrape up some [ __ ] for the news today hang on to your seats let's go we can start with fender teams up with luxury car brand lexus for a hot rodded custom shop strat designed by ron thorne you know lexus is a brand of cars i don't give a [ __ ] about cars you know fender has been really good at collaborating with things you know i personally enjoy you know the anime stuff and the video game you know kind of crossovers that they're making the final fantasy and you know evangelion or evangelion people can call me off because i say evangelion but it's evangelion and uh no i'm going to keep on saying emangeline anyways now they're teaming up with lexus not as cool in my opinion the guitar though looks kind of cool i'm just not sure what is very lexus about this guitar right there except for the back plate where it sets like this so uh i'm just saying i'm just saying okay i'm i'm just it's a nice guitar but there's nothing really saying that it's a lexus you know at least the final fantasy guitar had some cool you know graphics and the you know the evangelion guitar had some cool graphics as well this is just like it's just like a special lexus blue i don't know anyways i thought it was pretty cool and that my friend is just the start of showing the level of news for this week we're just gonna head over to the next piece of news which is thank god the fart pedal you know when you're so over saturday with gear in the market today then when someone reaches a fart pedal people go absolutely ape [ __ ] about it but for a good reason obviously farting is cool and it's fun so there's a kickstarter for a fart pedal and uh hey it's this guy can't please hear him i am proud to introduce to you the fart pedal you know there was actually a member of mine that had an idea to make this pal uh two years ago and i was like yeah i'll send you my burps and parts but you know this guy was faster some good play [Music] wet mode and dry mode how about that thank you i have some great piece of news though they have been sending me my own fart pedal so i'm about to demo this sucker let's just say that so there you go that's the fourth pedal everyone i'll put the link to the kickstarter down there in the in the description of this video if you guys are interested uh i don't know let's just head over to the next piece of news you know it's not easy being a singer nowadays and also being old and being a singer today you know this is the first time i record a video while being 40 years old how about that well you know vince neil has been getting a lot of crap lately you know vince neil of uh motley crew for uh being absolute horseshit live so more and more videos and reports are coming in that he's not that good uh live i thought we would check out something from one of these clips and just see how it fares when he's playing live okay [Music] i am feeling good over here thank you [Music] all right so i mean a lot of people claim that he's out of tune i don't think the out of tune is the problem it's that you can't understand what he's saying [Music] to use hand gauge evil man [Music] i wanted [ __ ] dr phil good okay so you can hear during the chorus parts that obviously the backup singers are carrying everything the backup singers are actually louder than this neo some people might laugh at this but i think it's you know it's it's a little bit sad let's just say that i mean at some point some of these guys might just you know need to stop touring let's just say that [Music] [Laughter] i was not ready for that sorry all right right i mean at some point you just have to oh you know a lot of people including me i was laughing at this i i did not mean to laugh okay i don't think it's that necessarily funny i think it's actually more sad that he's still going on on tour and you know his voice is shot basically at some point you have to kind of realize that maybe it's time to retire you know with some dignity at hand let's just say that i mean maybe it's a thing he might need to just go back and practice a little bit just to hit those high notes but at this point we've been seeing so many videos uh and hearing so many videos of him just watching it live maybe it's just time to quit you know just saying why is this a piece of news i don't know i said earlier it's not a piece of news because there are basically any news the next piece of news is how to play the james bond guitar chord and double o double seven ways you can solo over it okay here we go here is the classic james bond chord right there you have a zero four three two one at the seventh fret you have one right here it's a beautiful chord and it's funny that this is a piece of news because i actually use this uh without shame on my soul album in my blues song [Music] and it's a really intriguing chord let's just say that so let's just hear it can i this is my song bluesy mcblue's face and it ends with a james bond chord listen closely and it's you know when i put that in there i was like am i really gonna put that in there it's very cheesy because everyone's been using it everyone's been overdoing it of course i'm gonna use it that's why it's in there it's just like it's such a cool chord i mean it's james bond man i haven't seen the new james bond movie anyways just saying uh is this a piece of news no but last but not least there is one awesome piece of news and that is the new hypocrisy song dead world holy [ __ ] i hope i'm not getting demonetized right now by the song it's awesome and uh petr ted kieran obviously the singer is amazing like always one of my favorite swedish growling singers let's just say that together with mario you know mario feared he's top of the line one of the best growlers on the world in my opinion and you know if you've been listening a little bit to pain which is this more you know mainstream band uh it seems like hypocrisy is taking a little bit of the sound from pain maybe hypocrisy have you watched them live lately they [ __ ] kick ass to say and good news song i'm a fan bye and then my friend what's the news how about that old england all right we haven't bought a signature guitar in a good while the last one was the jeff loomis jackson kelly and i made a video for it you voted for the guitar you voted for jackson jeff loomis which made me really happy i made a video of the guitar and then one of my youtube members won it in a sweepstake on my discord how about that so we need to find a new signature guitar and we're going to do that right now uh we have this is swedish by the way signature model and uh all of this is in swedish and i picked signature malls all that's in stock let's go okay okay okay okay we have the epiphone uh slash les paul appetit burst uh i don't think people are very very interested in epiphone slash i had one before no one voted for it but what do i spy beneath it well there's a solo guitar down here that's the third option in the senior section just saying it's very cool that's my brand interesting no but underneath the epiphone we have a prs sc marc tremani hmm how about that that might actually be really really interesting to try out you know mark tremani creed and also tremani the band uh what's that event yes this might be cool i haven't purchased a prs or an psse you know for one of these i'll put this up as the first option let's go let's go prs mark germany standard sc mark germany thank you let's keep on going okay so we're in like the 500 euro range right now with this 600 euros okay okay okay okay what is this ibanez gem another it's a steve i oh [ __ ] this is a classic man look at this but both the new bridge and all uh-huh uh-huh trio live fretboard inlay okay jatoba fretboard body miranti shraya vishwa instance okay ibanez i haven't done ibanez steve i he's cool as [ __ ] let's make this the second option ivan is jem jr junior is it a short scale or something 25 and a half no jim jr is it a junior no it's not a junior it's a full size okay second option ibanez gem junior sp yeah jackson pro corey belly you okay yes hello dean guitars michael ahmet tyrant okay yeah that's cool it's a tyrant man can we please third option it's right there you know it's only uh 324 euros that's a great prize and uh i mean tunamatic bridge probably some shitty pickups that's okay dmt design humbucker pickups i mean look at this bloody graphic right there i think it's pretty sick actually it's not cringe it's sick okay that has to be it right there all those three guitars i'll make a voting thing for you you guys can vote which guitar should i get and demo yes okay great i'll put a link down in the description you can go vote for which guitar you want to see me demo and then do a sweet steak for online membership old language youtube remember you can become a member you can become so that's it that that went pretty fast today great then we can head over to something else [Music] [Music] stay i'm getting a shipment of guitars today except nate come all right so we're getting a full palette of guitars today ladies are already on it they're already stretching their backs they're ready to to move some guitars which is good hey you know what is really exciting the first example it's gonna be exciting to unbox so we received seven guitars and uh what's cool about these is that well first of all i'm getting the first type x sample and then the rest are guitars that we're launching and one of them are actually launching today so i'm gonna unbox that one uh we have to take a picture and then we have to launch the guitar so let's do that right now which one is it all right so these two guitars were actually uh released last week but we didn't get them in time to make beauty shots so that's what's gonna happen right now that's why i'm unboxing now instead ready for this all right let me take that into the bright light look at that it's an e 2.6 put the ups stickers on there so it's uh this line burst in an e 2.6 this was

released last week look at that i don't know why did why they put these stickers on it says ups i don't know if ups put them on here or whatever they did but then we have this one it's a v 2.6 that's very cool right there so these were launched last week and uh we just didn't get them in time to make some photos so we're gonna take some photos right now but i'm actually more excited right now about the x shapes because it's the first time i will try one of the prototypes in person now these are just prototypes you know these are not the final products so i'm just going to check the balance and whatnot you know and see if we need to do something about the design of the guitar i'm probably not going to show you anything luis is opening up the guitar that gets launched today everyone's excited even the dog i got all sweaty we all got sweaty from carrying guitars up the stairs all right this is the e 1.6 a a n nice bring it into the light look at that dude that looks sick you have every tune fish my pickups holy [ __ ] yes dude that looks great so yeah we have to take pictures very quick now because they we have to watch the guitar in like a 10 minutes so uh maybe you can just put it on the white floor look so small on that floor over there but it's because the room is very big i was playing cyberpunk right now for my friends on discord my son is playing gta and uh for you guys who watched my sunday with ola previously where i sort of have announced the type x it's still in the prototype stage so uh you know we've been designing this for a full year and this is the first one of the first samples we have and uh i'm just gonna try it out and you know see the balance and whatnot i have a strap here i'm gonna use first time i'm checking out an x guitar at solar x oof oh that is pretty [ __ ] sick right there okay let's i have to try it with a strap see how the bounce is that's a good balance right there just saying it's pretty cool man i must say holy [ __ ] dude i really think how this one came out holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] badass right there [ __ ] so there you go we're just about to launch this guitar it's gonna be good and i got an adventures with ola you got to see the guitars i also got to try out the x-shape which uh i'm really excited about but i can't show you anything of that because it's too early it's still in sample stage and i feel that you know we're not done with the with the x we have to make sure it's you know [ __ ] kick-ass i don't feel like we need to rush out anything i like to bide my time when it comes to the designer guitar so there are some things i will change about the guitar just shape-wise right now when i see it in front of me it looks [ __ ] badass from here man looks really cool what's that yes great uh i got some pointers from luis as well you shouldn't take those pointers for granted let's just say that all the opinions count kaluwan what do you think about this guitar wow he said wow you saved me for the other blimp oh there's a straight explosion it's good that the kids are getting the right education by playing gta 5 let's just say that so there you go that's adventure with ola for this sunday back to ola sunday with all our rift challenge what's up everyone you know the intro song that i wrote there you can download the drums from that in the description of the video and make some kick-ass riffs yourself then you upload it to youtube to sunday with all the subreddit right here and maybe i'll see you okay i'm going to show two or three in the sun with ola then i'm gonna check out some more on my second channel all language number two go subscribe so right when this video is being aired that video is available there's gonna be more contributions that i'm checking out okay awesome but we're starting here we're hard har hard a hard hard time hard hard had a hard time with zwolle okay what's up this max the machine and he has a pink solar but it's not playing a pink solar [Music] that's okay you can use whatever guitar you want in your videos [Music] okay nice i like the piano it's a nice touch [Music] there it is the at the gates riff that's definitely like one of the most chaotic wallpaper i've seen in a good while it's in the other room too you know [Music] that's cool beautiful he's feeling it man he's feeling it max the machine baby well done huh okay penfield [Music] last week was a little bit complicated because it has grinding in it but it challenged you guys to think a little bit which is good i mean the obvious thing would be to just you know do some travel picking and go full out blackmail but the cool thing about grinding that you can do ripping over it and it'll probably sound cooler actually just like this guy [Music] yeah baby that's cool [Music] a little symphony x maybe [Music] that's actually really cool [Music] well done that was penfield and then we have our own mike owens on the top of the list what's up mike michael's fart camera [Music] nice oh what happened to your camera it's watching [Music] what is happening okay artistic break as we call it [Music] just like always man it's like listening to three completely different songs even though you know the drums are exactly the same which is really cool [Music] mike owns everyone thank you so much those were the contenders of sunday with all of 62 right there if you want to see more of them go to my second channel it's up there somewhere there and you can check out a longer clip of me checking out some contenders how about that thank you so much if you want to be a part of next sunday with ola download the drums in the description of this video make your own riffs be cool okay awesome recommend me good [ __ ] okay there's a camera over there hello uh so last week my recommend me good [ __ ] uh playlist got nuked why was this well someone reported my image for the playlist as being hostile it was someone falling off a horse and it looked like it was really painful so i made a new playlist recommend me good [ __ ] version two okay so this has become my favorite segment of sunday fallout it's basically where i check out new music you know you guys put up some music that you would recommend to me in my recommend me good [ __ ] playlist and i check it out in the sun with ola how about that i've discovered a lot of really cool bands this way let's just say that and let's go we're listening now to behold the void into the bliss sounds a little bit more modern it's like a little bit like velvet and uh you know humanity's last breath or manatee's last breath it's the real name it's heavy [Music] [Applause] it's glitchy [Applause] it's very modern but they get it's heavy as [ __ ] this is into the bliss by behold the void let me see where where are they from from moscow russia how about that holy [ __ ] behold the void russian mel that's where it's at baby awesome behold the void okay next strike nine with their song sacrifice by the way if you guys don't monetize my video i'll remove the music and put in some you know happy birthday music or something just saying from tartu estonia cool i'm hearing a lot of cool influences here a little bit of children about them yeah definitely reminds me of children about i'm just saying this band doesn't seem that they're that big and well known which is cool so i highly recommend you guys go check out strike nine go like their page okay i thought it was pretty sick next grave swedish death metal baby grave obviously is not anything new it's an old classic swedish death metal band it's a great band the singer same name as me it's an old legend and it's a great death metal bat if you haven't checked them out please do and that my friends was the spotify playlist which is super great and super awesome you can add your own songs to it or you know bastard you want me to check out on the list i'll put a link in the description this video you can go put in your music right there okay how about that great thank you anyways my good friends that was sunday with ola for you right there i hope you enjoyed it if you like this video maybe consider subscribing to my channel you know i'm gonna make more videos now i'm still trying to set up in this new office and uh maybe i'll do a little short little adventures with ola showing you the progress at this point you should go to my second channel ol england too and check that out while my what are you doing because that's where i post a lot of these you know progress updates and stuff like that so i highly recommend you go and checking out my old language second channel if you don't want to see more of me then don't don't bother man don't bother subscribing to my tech channel but if you just want to see more go there okay so guys thank you so much for watching i hope you have an excellent sunday and i'll see you guys uh in the next video i guess i still have a lot of videos from the old office that i have to unveil or unveil and uh but but there will be videos from from from the new place i promise you know i've been touring i was out on tour with the haunted it was rough we haven't played a gig in like two years but we did and it was great and people were happy as hell and that was too let's just say that okay thank you so much for watching everyone see you next time goodbye you

2021-10-12 10:00

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