Rome, Italy Walking Tour | The Historical Capital Of Italy [150 min Captions & Subtitles 4K UHD]

Rome, Italy  Walking Tour | The Historical Capital Of Italy [150 min Captions & Subtitles 4K UHD]

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Welcome To Rome This very special “time travel” will make you live an amazing and immersive experience through the history of one of the most beautiful cities in the world According to legend, Rome city was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus in 753 BCE The city is located on the banks of the river Tiber and was founded on top of seven hills Palatine Hill, Aventine Hill, Capitoline Hill, Caelian Hill, Esquiline Hill, Quirinal Hill and Viminal Hill Particularly the area around Palatine Hill and Capitoline Hill would later become the centre of power of the enormous Roman Empire You can find many ruins and excavations here of the Forum Romanum and the Colosseum gives you an impression of how gladiators had to do battle in this enormous Roman amphitheatre The Pantheon, which is now a church, has its characteristic round open roof and is one of the best kept buildings from Roman times And the Via Appia takes you back in time along one of the oldest roads of Rome Italy Basically, the city of Rome is one giant museum. It is therefore no surprise that the complete historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List Unique is the ministate of Vatican City, of which the pope is the head of state This tiny state has an area of just 44 hectares taken up mostly by St. Peter’s Basilica and St Peter's square, known for the ‘Urbi et Orbi’ speeches by the pope For many visitors to Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel part of the Vatican Museums will be the highlight of their travel The space, where cardinals hold the conclaves to elect a new pope, is adorned with beautiful frescos by Michelangelo The ‘Fontana di Trevi’, or the Trevi Fountain is perhaps the most famous fountain in the world and definitely in Rome The baroque fountain on the Piazza di Trevi square was initially designed by Bernini for Pope Clemens XII. However it was not built until 50 years later after a (less expensive) redesign by the architect Nicola Salvi Construction lasted from 1732 to 1762 The fountain's fame is in part the result of the many films that featured the Trevi Fountain, including La Dolce Vita Angels and Demons, The Lizzie McGuire Movie and Roman Holiday The almost 30-metre high Trevi Fountain was built against the back of the Palazzo Poli building In the centre underneath the arch stands the statue of the nautical god Neptune being pulled to the sea on his shell-shaped chariot pulled by two winged horses and tritons (young gods of the sea) One of the horses is calm and obedient, the other is boisterous They symbolise the changing tides of the sea The two statues in the niches next to Neptune represent Abundance to the left and Health to the right The name ‘La Fontana di Trevi’ is derived from tre via, or three roads Three roads used to come together at the site of the fountain According to legend, the person who throws the coin will one day return to Rome Did you throw two coins into the fountain? You will find your love in Rome Prefer to get married (or divorced)? Throw three coins into the fountain Every week, the municipality of Rome cleans the fountain and donates a large portion of the proceeds (1.4 million annually) to a charity that helps poor families La Fontana di Trevi, the most famous fountain in the world Rome is truly a magical city and is called the Eternal City for a reason Many of the most beautiful cruises around the Mediterranean depart or end in this beautiful Italian capital Those incredibly small and picturesque streets are one of the many reasons why I love the Italian capital so much! There you feel the real Rome of the Italians The squares where men sit in the evenings playing cards, where ladies gather to discuss the local news The smell of fresh pasta. It’s all about experiencing, breathing in, enjoying it Rome is not the place where you should only drive around on a tourist bus Rome has the most beautiful streets to wander around for as many hours as possible! Via dell’Umiltà collega via del Corso a largo Pietro di Brazzà e prende il nome dalla chiesa di S.Maria dell’Umiltà

la via per un breve periodo fu chiamata anche “dei Tre Ladroni” dall’insegna di un’osteria, ma, secondo una voce popolare anche in riferimento ai tre proprietari del locale Via della Pilotta Il toponimo di questa via deriva dal “gioco della pilotta“, una specie di gioco del pallone che sin dal XVI secolo si giocava nella limitrofa “piazza dell’Olmo“, corrispondente all’attuale piazza della Pilotta La via è caratterizzata dai quattro archi che la attraversano, detti “archi della Pilotta”, che collegano palazzo Colonna ai giardini retrostanti della villa Colonna I due archi centrali presentano balaustre in travertino alternate con ringhiere di ferro e furono aggiunti tra il 1756 ed il 1761 successivamente quindi ai due posti alle estremità, durante i lavori eseguiti nel palazzo Colonna dall’architetto Paolo Bosi per volere del cardinale Girolamo Colonna possiamo notare un particolare di uno dei due archi centrali Piazza Venezia Built between 1455 and 1464 by Venetian Cardinal, Pietro Barbo, this Renaissance palace is the oldest building that remains on the square, and it’s what gave the piazza its name First used as a papal residence for the Cardinal, who later became Pope Paul II, it later served as the embassy to the Republic of Venice World War I it was acquired by the Italian government and was later taken over by fascist dictator Benito Mussolini Today, the palace is home to the Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia which exhibits artworks from the Medieval and Renaissance periods The Victor Emmanuel II National Monument This iconic monument, also known as the Altar of the Fatherland (Altare della Patria) or simply as ‘Il Vittoriano’, was made out of white marble and is a highly symbolic building It was built in memory of the Italian king from whom it gets its name and also to celebrate Italian unification It was designed to look like a neoclassical interpretation of a forum built on three levels and is topped by a monumental portico with a colonnade Every art piece represents a symbol of the Fatherland, from the statue of the goddess Roma holding the eternal flame to the enormous equestrian statue of Victor Emanuel II, the first king of Italy Altare della Patria Interesting Facts & History The monumental complex known as Altare della Patria, or Altar of the Fatherland and Victor Emmanuel Monument in English was built to celebrate the magnificence of Rome, capital of Italy, and to commemorate the unification of the country into a single nation The white building featuring two chariots on top can be spotted from almost everywhere in Rome thanks to its imposing structure and to the location on one slope of the Capitoline Hill The location of the Altare della Patria is also full of meaning. Ever since Rome’s foundation, the hill has been as a symbol of the greatness of the city At the end of the 19th century, the decision was made to demolish many of the remains on Capitoline Hill to make room for the imposing monument a project designed by architect Giuseppe Sacconi dating back to 1885 – 1911 Sacconi’s project drew inspiration from the great Greek sanctuaries, such as the Pergamon Altar and the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, characterized by a sort of raised terrace As for the materials used for the building, the original project provided for the use of travertine the traditional stone of Rome’s monument However, Sacconi decided to use the white Botticino marble, which can be found in northern Italy and is easier to shape At the top of the staircase stands the actual Altar of the Fatherland, the central section of the monument right under the statue of goddess Roma immortalized on a golden background The Altar was designed by the sculptor Angelo Zanelli and is probably the most well-known part of the monument Ever since the original project, the monument was conceived not just as something destined to be admired a reminder of Rome’s greatness, but also a place to live, with exhibition spaces where for over 20 years were held beautiful seminars and exhibitions Crossing the great gates the first thing that will strike your attention is the glaring white marble staircase which counts 196 steps If you have made it on top of the stairs, then you will find yourself in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier As previously mentioned, this area constitutes the actual Altar of the Fatherland Keep on climbing the monument you will encounter a series of exhibit spaces, part of the Vittoriano museum complex Other stairs will lead you to the middle terrace from where you can spot a charming view of Rome On the middle terrace there’s a caffetteria to rest and admire the view of the Trajan Column The beautiful terrace visible from the bottom of the monument offers a spectacular view on Ancient Rome The path leading to the stunning terrace, the Terrazza della Quadrighe, is uphill The monument is 81 meters in height and even though you don’t have to climb it up to top, it’s better to wear comfortable shoes Piazza della Minerva Rome has many beautiful piazzas many of them so grand and famous to make the list of Rome must-see sites, both for first time and returning visitors However, there is more to Rome than the grand spaces of Piazza Navona Just in front of the little statue sits the beautiful church of Santa Maria della Minerva, overlooking the piazza The church dates back to the XIII century and is worth a visit The church has so many important sculptures and paintings it is almost a museum itself Piazza della Minerva is a fun place to see with kids who are likely to find the little elephant really cute This is one of the best statues in Rome to show your kids Sheshi është kryesisht pa makina do të thotë se ata zakonisht mund të kenë një vrapim të mirë përreth Piazza della Minerva is beside the Pantheon and has several excellent hotels nearby One of these lesser grand yet wonderful squares is Piazza della Minerva, a small piazza just behind the Pantheon While not unknown to tourism, this is a lovely small square with some peculiarities worth knowing All you need to know for visiting the Pantheon, Rome: the best time to go, how to get there the best things to see, frequently asked questions The Pantheon is one of the most famous Rome monuments and one of the most beautiful Located right in the heart of the city, it is at the center of a labyrinthine set of cobbled alleys and small streets and towers above one of Rome’s most beautiful squares, Piazza della Rotonda Visiting the Pantheon is easy and while you may find yourself going inside only once, its location means you will stumble onto it several times during your walks around Rome city center This may sound repetitive, however, the Pantheon is all but I have been living in Rome most of my life and every time I pass by the Pantheon I stop and take it in the light at different times of the day, its details, its timeless and unique beauty make it one of those sites you never tire of Piazza del Pantheon is simply one of the most beautiful squares in Rome and the Pantheon is one of the most beautiful churches in Rome, a real jewel in the crown What is the Pantheon: the Pantheon is an ancient Roman building originally devoted to all Roman Gods and Goddesses (Pan=all; theon=God, in Greek) and then turned Christian basilica Rome is a city and special comune (named “Roma Capitale”) in Italy Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the Province of Rome and of the region of Lazio With 2.9 million residents in 1,285.3 km2, it is also the country’s largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union The urban area of Rome extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of around 3.8 million Between 3.2 and 4.2 million people live in Rome metropolitan area The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, within Lazio (Latium), along the shores of Tiber river Vatican City is an independent country within the city boundaries of Rome the only existing example of a country within a city: for this reason Rome has been often defined as capital of two states Rome is one of the oldest continuously occupied cities in Europe It is referred to as “The Eternal City”, a central notion in ancient Roman culture In the ancient world it was successively the capital city of the Roman Kingdom the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and is regarded as one of the birthplaces of Western civilization Rome has the status of a global city In 2011, Rome was the 18th-most-visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in the European Union and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site Monuments and museums such as the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum are among the world’s most visited tourist destinations with both locations receiving millions of tourists a year Rome hosted the 1960 Summer Olympics and is the seat of United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization

2023-12-17 14:41

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