REPLAY S3:E42 | Piece of Paradise: The Philippines' First Tourism NFT | Money And More

REPLAY S3:E42 | Piece of Paradise: The Philippines' First Tourism NFT | Money And More

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the new channel [Music] the new channel #tncnow [Music] opinions and insights expressed in the following shows are those of the hosts producers guests and viewers they do not necessarily reflect the position of the channel viewer discretion is advised hello and welcome to the new channel our passion transforms hello right hello and welcome hello and welcome to the new channel our passion transforms a community that sees all things new I am Sunny hold on and I am streaming live from San Jose California and this is Heidi haldon streaming live from talisay City Cebu welcome to money and more [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] good evening good morning good morning everybody welcome to the show Heidi commercial I'm very good but I'm so sorry my I might get cut off in once in a while I have a very bad connection in here but uh while it's there let's go honor the show how are you sunny foreign it's been raining for the past three weeks and um yeah I get getting into the parang the tail end uh we're already at the tail end of this uh [Music] so we're looking forward to a better weather this uh um this week yeah yeah but it's a it's a it's always uh it's always a great morning it's always a great day it's always great to start talking about uh new things and new technologies and that is exactly what we have right now here's uh on the show now um so the the buzzword for the past two years now especially in the realm of uh of of emerging Technologies would be the they say the the the the the the proliferation no of um of what we call uh uh the use of the the blockchain um cryptocurrency no yes no and um there's a great potential potential for these emerging Technologies like this to um let's say to change the way that we do business and the way that we uh and uh the way that we got do our business you know and um here on the show tonight we have a very special guest who will talk to us about a very unique thing no um this is going to be the Philippines first uh to them NFD agree agree no I'm very excited for tonight's um topic because it's something new it's very unique and we are very privileged to have um our guest tonight the founder of air media nft and chargal nft we have on the show Mr David James Gomez hi guys good evening thanks for having me and uh good morning good afternoon and good night to all the viewers live and at replay so right yeah uh James now and I hope you are well jansa Manila we're glad to have you here um how about you introduce yourself to our to our audience let them know a little bit about you yeah um so basically I'm an entrepreneur I'm a hotelier so we have a family business into Resorts and I started my own Resort in siargao back in 2018 start and journey Nico and then when pandemic happened um that's the time I explored more into crypto I was able to try to play around crypto buy some Bitcoin um other coins and tried nfts that was the time when our resorts are all closed down Casino it's pandemic so I was able to you know learn a lot about the industry um web 3 crypto so I started this company called uh air media nft so basically air media nft is an nft Studio it's an end-to-end web3 Studio that helps you you know we we onboard Brands and ipn companies to go to a switch from web 2 to web3 right yeah okay so um uh this is our first time uh in the show that we would have a guest that will talk about um a business that is linked to create to the blockchain blockchain and you mentioned that uh you're interested in in this nothing blockchain crypto and nfps happened during the during the pandemic um like maybe for many of us who were also on lockdown because this was something that was happening online so we had plenty of exposure and there are still plenty of uh let's say uh Incheon misinformation and uh um questions not about about this emerging emerging technology all right so you're out there in one hand and you have the blockchain and uh what's what's what how did this idea of putting these two together no um tourism and the blockchain technology together yeah because you know ever since I started with hotels I'm we always want to move forward and we always want to be an advanced compared to competitors so normally I remember before a few uh decades ago OTAs or online travel agencies we were able to be Pioneers to enter Agoda this and that so now that we're going into a new phase and transformation from web to to web3 I want to Pioneer this uh thing in tourism where imagine people booking rooms staying in in Resorts uh by just using their nfts so so young I was able to think of why not convert the resort in Cherry Garo uh play around with it and try to to create like real life utilities and value so um it's something new um it's not not everyone knows about it yet but this is a good start so it's quite similar to how the internet was back in the 90s okay um I'm sure a lot of people were like they're not sure what what happens to the Internet so similar then with this one uh we're in the web 3 space and it's quite an unfamiliar ground yet but you know slowly people are trying to get into it try trying to learn a little bit more about it so that's it uh tourism and crypto nft I tried to merge it and um play around with it yeah that's something very unique no and I understand that this has not been launched yet no uh we are oh that's great so anyway angeling so can you tell us more about charcoal Villa nft Yeah so basically shargao Villa nft it's the very first web3 crypto Resort in the Philippines giving holders rewarding time share Utilities in the island so it's about it's a community-owned resort operating through Dao management so all the holders will be the one staying okay the next step for this Resort let's put a pool um with the heart shape something like that so it gives holders dividends from room sales and revenue through staking so it's a community-on-factionalized rewarding timeshare model and it's very exciting it's limited only to 300 pieces um it will be on ethereum blockchain and the minting boot will be on February 19th um sorry next slide please oh it's uh there so own a piece of shargao by owning this nft so normally because when you purchase an nft right now um based on my experience my first nft two three years ago uh people just think of the nft that the value will increase uh based on the token value or based on the popularity of artists but there's no real utility that you can use um that you can I mean if if even if the crypto is down with this energy you can fly to siargao and book a villa for your family yourself and your friends so this is the very first um nft that gives you that kind of futility so imagine um owning this NFD and then you can actually also get room sales revenue from it so I'll show you the chart of the benefit utilities yeah all right let's take a look at that again um so number one if you get a full membership package so if you purchase this NFD it's one ethereum on the uh premin or white list and then it's going to be 1.8 ethereum on uh public sale so for the viewers one ethereum right now is around 1 500 ranging around that price um so with that you get 10 nights free accommodation yearly for the next 10 years so that's one benefit and utility the second one is you get to choose a free Island Tour every year so you can choose one let's say this year we want to go to naked island next year we want to go to football Lagoon so that's also part of the utility third one is let's say you're not in the Philippines or in the U.S you're in Europe um you don't live here but you bought the nft you can stake the nft so we'll be creating this taking that speaking app that people can stake the nfps and earn a percentage of your room Revenue by the end of the year so that goes for 10 years um the staking that and the room revenues will start on the third year of operation so for short after we do the minting right now we will improve the resort we will do a lot of improvements and all and we will start already operating it and the fourth uh utility is the Dao or the centralized autonomous organization so this is quite new also um imagine the holders uh there's 300 nfts one holder can maximum uh they can purchase maximum of three nfts so it brings you it boils down to around 100 to 120 holders so imagine that 120 holders will do voting rights uh to all the improvements let's say for example do we want to paint the wall green or blue so all the holders will now vote do they do they want green or blue and then next we'll put a restaurant do you want a Thai food uh Chinese food American food or Filipino food so all the holders will also do the voting process so everyone is um everyone is involved um well at least 50 plus one because I'm sure a lot are just taking and you know they'll just leave it there and maybe open open it again after eight years and see the value of it so and of course the fifth one is um with air media nft and me personally I believe that this can be a driving force for social impact um I've been always helping people helping um not just random people but uh everyone I love helping so yeah 20 of the proceeds of this project will go to a charitable institution in siargao which will also be chosen by all the holders of around 120 and a three percent royalties from trading this nft will also go to them okay so yeah and of course last but not the least uh we will be launching an nfpp it's called non-fungible property tokens in 2026 so that will be the real estate it will be a real estate and if the tokens that will be released soon so if you have this nft this current track route and if you'll be able to buy that that nft line sale in the future so it will be different um in real estate where we're gonna transform tourism real estate in this industry so imagine instead of buying your land or property from Agents now you can purchase it already in the blockchain through nfts using crypto currency okay I think that will be the the future yeah yeah number five um David uh the charitable institution that will be um the only charitable institution that you will uh be um giving proceeds to or that will change every year okay so for the charitable institutions um that it changes every year actually so you will choose in charge um because we have a lot of uh charitable institutions in Chicago that needs help not just uh during the debt but also like it's it's ongoing until now uh we have like for example we have the itas um we have the surfing Community the young kids who need support in their surfing Journey uh we have the kids who don't have books um like we don't have clothing in uh slippers and all so also education in the island in medical health um right now uh there's no like huge hospitals yet for for uh in charge so I think that's what we want to achieve here um this is a small scale project but imagine if this becomes successful we can actually create an nft for uh to build a a hospital there and and also in other areas in the Philippines so um actually that's one of the purpose why we're doing this uh it's not for the money it's not for fame it's basically to test the grounds and see the capabilities of NFD and blockchain and how it can help in the Philippines especially far islands that were not seen so okay yeah well well certainly the promise of the potential promise of uh using blockchain now is the the centralization and the democratization of uh of services and businesses now and uh that's actually pretty that's really exciting to have a real world application on something that is as you mentioned that is digital because a lot of things that are there is an actual Resort in other words there is an actual Resort an actual physical Resort in siargao that you can use uh that an investor an investor would be able to uh invest in you know but using uh using using blockchain technology so that's very interesting because right now applications for for for blockchain nfts or even cryptos is kind of limited to say U.S now limited use because there's no let's say physical assets to to back it up because it's it's blockchain it's it's it's it's in the air so you have a you have a you have a digital footprint but you have an actual physical Resort that uh and that you invest into all right that's interesting that's also probably what's uh over the future is happening on the future so uh interesting application to the to the promise of uh on off of blockchain of blockchain Technology that's great and of course I want to add uh this is not for everyone I'm sure a lot of uh even in the crypto and nft world most of them they just want to trade easily and just buy low tell High you know they do building and also if you're that kind of a crypto person then I don't think this is for you because if for me this is for the long term um we need the best course we want investors we want um people who really value uh this project so yeah I I think it will be very successful because it's it's the first in the industry um yeah and it's exciting exciting times now so we'll be talking about that more or not uh we'll be talking about that more uh when we come back uh about this business concept now and when we come back uh from this short commercial break [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign field District the Future Ready District home to Greenfield Tower with its state-of-the-art Fiber Optic internet backbone connectivity is built right into residences like Twin Oaks place 15 flourishing hectares right at the heart of Metro Manila so that at work and at play we can plant the future where dreams grow field District the Future Ready District [Music] foreign [Music] alternative New Media platform for online shows for people on the Go please watch all our shows as seen on the screen imagine having your own show your own playlist your own content but we make it easier for you BNC Ames to transform the lives of our viewers through engaging authentic and original content our channel is a responsible Global 24 7 platform that showcases Filipino Talent global influencers cultural intelligence and ingenuity you can watch money and more a live or a replay via Facebook or YouTube Every Tuesdays uh 8 30 pm Philippine time or 4 30 a.m Pacific

Standard Time follow us on IG listen to us on Spotify and applebotpass just search for hashtag DNC now for sponsorships please now at the new channel or send us a VM enjoy these life-changing shows because we made them for you all right we're back hi all right yeah we are back uh welcome back Heidi and we are back very challenging connection with anyway we are back in money and more on TNC and we are here with the founder of shargo villa nft Dave James Gomez all right so uh hello um hello sir James now so we begin this discussion on uh on uh Villa NFP no and it's a a very interesting discussion on on how we actually use um this new technology now for for something tangible no I'm sure our audience has questions about this business model primarily how is this differentiated the house is different from let's say a regular timeshare all right a regular normal timeshare um you would pay a lot of juice like it would be Association juice maintenance cost taxes blah blah blah and then let's say sometimes you use it sometimes you don't um but you don't really get to stake it or yeah so for this one the difference between uh the normal timeshare and this one is uh with this one you don't have to pay all of those costs so once you make 50 once you mint it at one ethereum that's it no more extra hidden costs than others so I think that's one the second is um we're using blockchain so it's a new technology um we're saving uh a lot of uh we're saving the environment actually by not uh doing other stuff like they invite you for dinner and then they talk to you for a long time and then uh investment and then they're gonna act in the end until how much can you go and yeah so at least this one it's a one go project and it's seamless uh transparent to everyone and yeah it's something new it's amazing it's an nft but it's cool yeah yeah you are also promoting to room right so you made mention earlier and uh how does this new uh business model um benefit no uh tourism sector well I think uh we're in the Philippines we're an archipelago so there's a lot of islands here and one of our contributors in rgdp is not just OFW remittances but also um tourism so since we launched this project actually a lot of resorts owners all around the Philippines called me up um there's one in uh sikihor one in Dava one a lot of them are want to they want to copy this kind of trend because they want to promote their establishment because 2023 is already a travel free zone for all of the countries in the world so they want to take advantage of it so I think one big advantage to help tourism is to uh make this a new technology in getting more bookings worldwide to promote uh the blockchain and nft all around the world so a lot of foreign investors would uh come here and try to visit our beautiful islands here in the Philippines we have 7007 islands and normally they only know a few Boracay Palawan so imagine if we maximize all of our islands and turn it into a real Gem and create more you know more economy for our country because there's an actual physical Resurgence at shargo all right now oh yeah uh like like uh resilient yeah um we're back so there have been around one year of trying to rebuild the whole island but now uh sure GAO is booming uh the bars and restaurants are all open um there's still a lot of developments going on malls warehouses Resorts um it's it's gonna be it's gonna go up from now and uh there's no slowing down and I think it's the perfect time to to invest in check out okay so let's say I'm an interested I'm interested now now in uh in on in obtaining this uh this nmp what are the steps that I need to take to be able to invest in this venture so step number one is you follow our Twitter um it's at NFP sure go uh you'll know all the all the details and all the uh updates there and then also follow us in our Discord okay yeah so our Discord this is very important for for web3 it's sargo nft so we'll be having uh weekly sessions for uh beginners or newbies we're gonna teach you how to what is NFD crypto 101 how to Mint an nft um how to create the binance wallet how to purchase cryptocurrency how to purchase ethereum how to create your metamask and also how to protect yourself from from scammers and how to um to know that what what you're dealing with is a legit um company so just follow us in Discord sugar anything and Twitter uh at nft Chicago and also our Instagram uh air media air media pH there you go and in Facebook it's G Villa shargao so follow our web 3 nft Resort yeah yeah okay I I know there are also a lot of questions about um potential rewards and risks so what are what what are the possibilities where uh well of course uh there's a lot of uh potential um Pros here and when it comes to risk I think it's more uncalculated risk so um yeah number one uh one one of the benefits are you can travel to Chicago anytime and use your stay I haven't been there let's go and then number two instead of putting your money if you have extra money instead of putting it in the bank that gives you a really low uh interest rate at least with this one you can invest in crypto you can invest in this new technology blockchain and at the same time uh get an Roi a huge profit years from now so it's that's why I said calculated risk because of course we calculate before reading this and as long as you do your own research you know that the company behind it is a legit one there's an actual Resort uh right there already uh going on so and and also you have to check if the founders and the team behind it are real because most of the projects in the space are just um they don't even show their face and they're just uh in the background so yeah I think uh do your own research is very important for risk management in this kind of Investments right because as we said no um whenever there's a disruption in in whenever there's a disruption people tend to become skeptical no right and especially for uh especially for emerging Technologies like I mean during the the pandemic that uh it grew up into the mainstream right um in crypto and and even nfts a non-fungible token is right so yeah I was scammed you know when I was starting in the space I was scam I joined this nft back in 2021 2020 2021 my first few nfps were a failure and uh based on that I learned how to look at projects so so most of those scam nfts are they don't have a real founder behind behind the project they don't have real-life businesses or they don't even show their faces in interviews like this so um it's really Union my important factor to say if you only think of um you know fomo or fear of missing out right you know all of your friends are buying this anything because it's trending on Twitter if you do that then there's a big opportunity that you you'll feel but you you really have to study who's the founder who's the team behind it do they have an office is the is the resort real is real Island uh out in Bahamas and that and then in the end you don't even know if that's real or buy it's a virtual beach in the metaverse what we're doing is uh it's in charge it's in Mindanao and it's a beautiful it's a paradise they actually fell in love with that Island back in 2018 so it's really magic oh you have to go you have to go there we should you know but but um every other else here we go for the nft so you can purchase one shargao Villa nft correct wow is that right yeah I'm just curious David you made me during our off cam interview uh you made mention that we have uh in um Boracay and in Tagaytay right why did you choose to um uh uh why did you choose our goal for this particular project and not with Boracay and Tagaytay and even sikihor I love sikihor well um well uh it's called Fat Jimmy's Resort my father started that uh so um that's his business and uh eight suits It's a combination of my dad and my business so that was my thesis in college but my dad was the one who um land uh he was the financial for that to be honest uh of course uh it's it's his you know uh but far GAO is my own so I think I can be free on what I want to do with it if I want to make it a crypto nft Resort then I have the free hand of um playing around with with the whole concept um and also at the same time sure GAO is really known right now in all over the world it was a voted top one in continent uh back 2019 2020 yeah so yeah so I think if uh you haven't been to Chicago I think you need to buy this nft and then go the visit track out every year I know um multi-ownership mean more than one one to own to buy and okay yeah Yeah so basically uh if you buy the nft it goes to a wallet it goes to a wallet crypto wallet so it's really up to you uh your friends you know that you will use your wallet and then internally you can just borrow the nfts if you want oh yeah yeah it's up to you or let's say one family can just purchase one and if the using one wallet ownership that one wallet can do is three so they already plan on using one and staking the two so young is a different earn on room dividend sales yearly yeah okay so I get into this uh then I have um ownership into the into the resort now in the developments of the resort in the future that's what you mentioned you know in the expansion or in the expression and changes or um developments in the resort as a as a token holder then I have a say or a vote into the developments into this uh and so it's really um democratizing stuff right democratizing the the the the the pro the process of the business now and um that's very empowering for for an investor that which is essentially um in the spirit of uh of uh blockchain technology in democratization and the decentralization I just want to add yeah yeah so what you said it's called decentralized so uh another thing compared to a normal time sharing is a normal time sharing company is centralized so you don't you know um that the reporting are correct or manipulated so with this one it's decentralized so whatever the funds whatever the sales of the resort it's it's open to everyone it's transparent I just want to share the roadmap of uh this project yeah maybe we can Flash it there yeah okay I think it's too small for me but I have my copy okay so the road map is basically uh right now we're in quarter one 2023 so we're in the white list pre-sale and public sale so we're launching this project on Feb 19. um the white list is going on from now until Feb 19. the meaning of white list is private sale so we're launching 300 nfts but not it's not open to the public not everyone can purchase it purchase it so we have also to screen each and every holder so basically this is not for everyone it's not because you have one ethereum you have 85 000 pesos you can already purchase this so we need to screen uh holders uh if they're really uh responsible enough or if this is for them so the white the white list uh starts now and then it's an ongoing construction also and we will launch the crypto uh uh Island Philippines this step four to seven so we'll be there the house of crypto will be there a lot of um celebrities influencers and uh crypto Enthusiast will also be there on Feb four to seven so if you're in Chicago anyone watching here if you're in Chicago just dropped by G Villa chargal and uh we'll give you a free drink yeah so that's open to all this is open to all Yes uh we're launching in right now yeah on Feb four to seven okay and then um so after that we will mint on Feb 14 and then after minting um Quarter Two uh we will finish the construction of improvements the swimming area what does that mean minting okay minting is basically uh buying the nft so steps on buying the nft step one you have to buy a cryptocurrency in finance what you have to buy is ethereum so after after buying it in binance so you have to open an account in finance after that the next step is you have to create your meta mask wallet or Phantom wallet any kind of wallet uh you'll transfer now your funds from your binance account to your metamask wallet it's called a hot wallet and then you will go to our website the minting site and now you will connect your water there purchase this NFC on Feb 19 and automatically the nft goes to your wallet so anytime your wallet is in your cell phone so there's an app uh sample is this meta mask so here's the app of the metamask okay so we need to spread out yeah and you will see the nfts there I have different nfts yeah so automatically it goes to your phone and every time you go to the resort or anywhere to the restaurant there or what just show your nft and you can use it for free okay yeah so that's Quarter Two we'll be launching a town membership in this taking that um and then quarter three of the Year 2023 is um will be doing a holder's island in both party in Chicago so all the 120 holders will be inviting them all at the same time we're gonna do a boat party um like uh uh it's a holder's island party and uh just get together get to know each other and I'm sure most of them if they cannot come because they live in another country um they can send a representative or that's here and then 2024 will be the launch for the charity and staking this island hopping activities um but 2025 will will be releasing dividends already to all the holders down membership is already happening and we're gonna create a virtual beach in the sandbox metaverse so sandbox metaverse is one of the metaverse uh famous metavers out there uh we'll be buying a land and we'll be creating a virtual Beach of siargao in the metaverse and of course 2026 will be the launching of the NFD land sale for Beach uh Beach House owners so if you want to invest in 2026 if you want a lot in siargao then this nft is for you yeah oh for 2026 project is exclusive for uh those who bought the NFP or that's open for everyone uh this is only exclusive to those who bought the nft so what will happen is 1500 yes exclusive to them so so example you weren't able to buy the part of the 300 Win and then at 2025 you decided you want to buy a land in Chicago using this nft what you do is you buy from a resale so it will be open in marketplaces like Open Sea I'm sure definitely the 300 some some will sell you know eventually maybe accommodation and they just want to try a different one people traded people trade the nfts and you know so that's the time you buy the only chance they have yeah so by that time by 2025 the cost of this might go time stand you know we don't know we don't know that's why right now it's already us now you have to purchase it so it you can sell it uh in the end yeah yeah so very promising yeah about this project is that uh you have a long-term Outlook now so you see that uh there are projects that are happening 2025 so this is not your this is not just the um uh something that can happen this year or a short-term gain or uh or a short sell if you will no but there's actually a long-term Vision not for for for for the resort for the investors for the for the for the token itself you know and uh that's something that uh some investors might consider you know what's the long-term sustainability of this uh of this particular project which I find uh very uh attractive you know English uh foreign [Music] and it's very exclusive it's not open to everyone um it's exclusive so it's exciting of course you don't want uh to have thousands of holders divided one Resort there has to be some limits to that now because you can't have too many owners or will it be uh later on uh open open to anybody well you mentioned it it's not for everybody because it's a it's new technology it's uh it's ethereum uh so there are some restrictions so what are um if I'm an investor whether it's some other let's say safeguards that we have well number one if you create your account in metamask and if you do your Discord uh make sure to have a two-step authentication um never engage with DMS especially with uh Bots or because a lot of bots and people are trying to uh can manipulate you in in those uh in those apps so just try to be uh be careful with those yeah if I'm not familiar uh of nfts and I I would want to invest on that no uh at on Project NATO more or less as an ordinary person in layman's term how much would um 1.8 nf2 cost in peso right now okay uh one ethereum right now is let's say around 85 000 pesos yeah one ethereum is 85 000 more or less um and then that's pre-sale so if you reach public sales um that's already 1.8 so you double your money uh that's already around 160 more or less and then it can go up depending on ethereum price you can see right now ethereum is around 1 500 yes um last year it was one nine almost two thousand dollars um it depends it can go down can go up but um we're in the bear market now but slowly go gearing uh going out but there's a big chance 2020 for like quarter four 20 24 and 2025 will be the Bull Run bullish yeah so uh nowhere but we're but up yeah so the best time to invest is now yeah no no perfect so if if ever you if uh or anywhere I mean it's it's the perfect time to jump on um you can just message Us in Twitter uh message us in our Instagram Facebook and if if you need the white list then uh you can just message us and we will see we have a team also uh if you're not familiar with crypto and nft we have a team out there that can reach out to you and teach you how to purchase the crypto how to create your meta mask and all so we have we really have a designated team for that for this project um never pay in fiat currency so I'm warning you if someone else uh gets investment uh from you using in this uh anything we never get pesos we never get uh dollars Euros Philippine password and fiat currency only crypto okay yeah all right so um very interesting uh developments that are happening for you Mr Dave and congratulations on your upcoming launch uh of this project so for our audience again uh the Twitter uh the Twitter is uh NFP Chicago again um get resources there if you have questions um air media pH in IG and Facebook would be uh GBS Chicago once again for more information about this very exciting New Frontier no project no something that has never been done before this is the Philippines first tourism NFP right and uh if this is something that excites you just get into contact with their team and they will be glad to be able to answer all of your questions right all right I think that our our episode for tonight thank you very much Mr Dave Gomez uh for for being with us tonight and enlightening us now on on this wonderful um um development now especially for sure go um and especially for tourism in uh as a in the whole no let's say this is where the future is happening do you have any um do you have any let's say message for our viewers uh well thanks for having me uh Heidi um for all the viewers thank you for watching if you want to learn more about sergav Villa nft or crypto or anything about nft just follow us in

in Instagram we have Tick Tock also um Villa nft G Villa sure go follow our Discord at uh uh cargo nft so yeah just message us and visit our nft Gallery in Katipunan Avenue uh third floor in place one 205 uh we'll I I can teach you about nft anytime so thanks for having me thank you yeah again thank you uh David James Gomez and looking forward to see you in Chicago soon all right we'll see you backstage later on bye bye bye bye all right so Heidi uh exciting times no exciting developments for yes yes a learning no it's also a learning for me tonight uh familiar on nfts but uh the way that Dave has um discussed it it sets uh different from the other nfts up my physical physical assets yeah so you have the promise of another promise but like the potential of uh ethereum uh if you're embracing going up now so that's one way to grow your investment and there's an actual physical resource that uh fund that will grow you know and capitalizing on shargao as we said as one of the Premier destinations in the Philippines so it's owning a piece you know of paradise it's a sign no idea we have one uh viewer thank you for we have one viewer who who commented no um never tried to visit chiargao or you'll fall in love with the island okay oh my God I'm sure it is right I want to experience it myself okay so that is it for us here in uh for this episode of paneer more thank you again to Dave Gomez and despite our technical challenges Heidi we were able to pull it off we did we did all right uh so uh thank you for watching everybody this is sunny haldon and this is Heidi hold on you're watching money and more right and always remember your financial future in your head okay good night everybody have a good night [Music]

2023-01-31 16:35

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