Places to Go - Edinburgh, Scotland (S1E4)

Places to Go - Edinburgh, Scotland (S1E4)

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I'm Matt Griffith and we're in Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinboro. Is the capital, city of Scotland and, Scotland's. Second, most populous, city with, just a little less than a half million people it's. Also unesco, world heritage site, and has, more festivals, than any other city in the world. Edinboro. Is one of the most beautiful, cities in europe with dramatic, rocky hills overlooking, the sea, it, is begging, to be explored. Today, at Edinboro we're, going to go to Edinboro, castle, we're gonna check out a couple of museums we're going to have some really great food and we're gonna do a few other things. We're. At Edinboro, castle today and. This. Is probably my favorite castle. In all of the UK there's, many to love, and I, love, just about every one of them but this, one is probably my absolute. Favorite let's. Go check it out. The. Castle was built on top of an extinct, volcano and, this, volcanic, rock known as Castle Rock made this castle a formidable, one I am. Amazed at the engineering that took place on these structures, that date from the 12th century to the 18th century. St.. Margaret's chapel is the oldest building on the site and also the oldest building in all of Scotland it. Was constructed, in the early 12th, century and memory of Queen Margaret, who is said to have died of a broken heart in 1093. When. She received news of the death of her husband King Malcolm the third displayed. In front of st. margaret's chapel is Mons Meg a 15th. Century cannon. Built in 1449. Weighing. 13,000. Pounds and firing stones weighing, 330. Pounds, up, to two miles away this. Siege gun as they called it was, described, in 17th, century documents. As the great iron murderer, called, muckle meg and muckle, is Scottish for big, if. You believe in hauntings the, castle, is believed to be the most haunted place in all of Scotland. Historians. Have disagreed, over the dating of the Great Hall which is thought to have been completed in the early years of the sixteenth, century. The. Famous Edinboro, Military, Tattoo takes place every August in front of the castle this. Isn't the body modification. Kind a tattoo. Is referred to as a military, performance of music and display of Armed Forces. Also. At Edinboro Castle is the National, War Museum. Admission. Is included, to the National War Museum with, your entry into edinburgh castle the. Museum tells the story of battles lost and won over the past 400 years, there, are uniforms, metals weapons, paintings, and much more that, shed light on Scotland's, military, history.

While. The museum is not very large it adds to the sights to see at Edinboro castle. The. Royal Mile starts. At Edinboro, castle, and extends down well we'll call it a mile and the, thing you need to know is there are a lot of restaurants on this street there, are a lot of attractions. And things to do across the way is camera obscura, world of illusions, there. Are just a ton of things to do in this area but. Because it is a high touristy, area there are also tons. Of people just like there would be at Disney World. The. Cobblestone, streets here are amazing, and they're all throughout Europe but. Here's the thing, they're. Killer on your feet make. Sure that you come with good walking shoes that, means ladies leave, your heels and flats at, home they're, not for here. We're. At camera obscura and world of illusion, here in Edinboro it's just down the street from Edinboro castle, it's, a fun place for kids it's fun for adults it's. A I have to label it as a must-see, for Edinburgh. This. Is one groovy. Place. Loaded. With tons of optical, illusions, including, a tunnel that you can barely maintain your balance in this, place is nothing short of fascinating. It, utilizes mirrors. Lights and other special, effects even. MC. Escher would, be proud of this place. There. Are many interactive, exhibits, in this multi floor attraction, including, photographs, that change from normal to. Absolutely, spooky, depending, on the angle viewed. Camera. Obscura and, world of illusions, is a major, tourist, attraction in the old town founded. By entrepreneur, Maria Teresa short in 1835. Yes. I said. 1835. It. Is located, on the Castle Hill section of the Royal Mile just, steps away from Edinburgh, Castle. Most. People find it takes at least two hours to see everything let, go at your own pace and spend as long as you like enjoying the illusions, I. Think. I've lost my head. So. Why is it called camera obscura and world of illusions. Everything. You see here is the world of illusions part the, camera obscura part, is on the rooftop but, they don't allow cameras, inside this portion, not, even for us so. You'll have to make a trip here to see what that is all about while. You're on the rooftop you can take in great panoramic, views of Edinboro. Of. Course, Scotland is known for its Scotch but, if you're looking for something off the beaten path, the Enberg gin distillery, is a perfect, underground, find literally. There's. Something innately cool about an underground gin distillery, and you, definitely feel like you've discovered a secret treasure of the city when you step in to Edinboro gins West End location. This. Place definitely knows how to set a mood beautiful. Copper stills a well-appointed, bar and private, alcoves make this place feel like an ideal, place to have an event or just hang out with friends. Although. The bulk of their distilling has moved to a larger location they, still brew a lot of their small batch offerings, right here they, offer a variety of Tours we can learn about the history of gin and get an up-close look at the botanicals, Edinboro genuses in the recipes and, you can get to taste some of their award-winning gin. If, you want to mess yourself fully in the Edinboro gin experience, they even offer tour where you get to make some of your own gin and they're miniature copper stills all. Tours also get you a 10% discount at their tiny but well-stocked gift shop but, if you're going on a weekend make sure and book well in advance because their wait list is currently a few months long. Edinboro. Gin shares its space with heads and tails bar which, offers a huge selection, of artisanal, gins from all over and, has. Recommended tonic, barons to help you create that most classic, of cocktails. So. There's a lot of gin distilleries, in Edinburgh, but it's not actually, any legal, whiskey, distilleries, or Scotch distilleries. Inside the city limits anymore that, doesn't stop you from ordering some delicious scotches at bars around the city. Okay. I'm. At Nicholson's, on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and I'm, getting ready to try their fish and chips as, part, of the war of the fish and chips. So. These. Were actually really good fish and chips the. Crusts. On the chips or the breading, was a little plate here, almost. Lighter, and, the. Fish were really good and, they even the the chips or they fries as US Americans, called them, were. A little crisper as well all. In all this was like a really good fish, and chips. Just. Enjoyed, a roast, beef with. Yorkshire. Pudding, at, a. Restaurant. Called the fountain in Edinburgh. It's. Actually it's, a traditional, dish and it. Was really good totally. Enjoyed. We've. Stumbled across the. Flying Scotsman. It's Britain's. Oldest, vintage rally. Like. Most guys I like cars there.

Were A hundred and four cars ranging, from years 1907. Through 1948. That, showed up for this event with, mgs, Aston, Martin's Nash's, Bentleys, and Talbots, just to name a few, this. Is quite a rally for these aging automobiles, as it, starts from Brooklyn's, Museum on the outskirts, of London and arriving. At the Balmoral, Hotel in, the heart of Edinburgh on the Royal Mile over, the course of four days. We're. At the National Museum of Scotland and. This. Place is great, there's. Art there's, artifacts. And of, course, all the transportation, stuff, and I'm. In a spacesuit. This. Hot-air balloon is an interactive, exhibit that, you control. In the. Science and technology galleries. Our space, aviation. Automotive. And peddle transportation. There's. Also communications. Engineering. And medicine, showing, how science, advancements, have changed, our lives. The. Interactive robotics, display will wow you and, your kids. The. Art design, and fashion galleries, showcased, the best decorative, art design. And fashion style throughout history. Next. Is the world cultures, galleries, where you can discover the diverse cultures, and the people and objects of those cultures. In. The. Natural world galleries, you'll see hundreds of fascinating, creatures, on display from all around the world there. Is even a Tyrannosaurus. Rex as well as a Stegosaurus. On display and there. Is an interactive, adventure planet, gallery for children allowing their hands and imaginations, to run wild in. Addition, our Scottish history and archaeology, galleries. This. Museum is well laid out and easy to get around in and the multifloor, open-air, atrium, gives it a grand, feeling inside. Admission. To the National Museum is free however, donations. Are welcome. This. Is the Royal Yacht Britannia, it, was decommissioned in 1994. And now it's available for tour here in Edinburgh. Just. Before boarding the Britannia, you will be given a handheld, device which, gives you an audio tour describing, all of the nuances of the ship this. Audio tour is available, in 30 languages, the. English one that I received had a gentleman with a British accent, weird, huh, oh wait I guess it's not. This. Is the veranda, deck where, the royal family, could sunbathe, and privacy, and is the largest deck, on the ship. This. Tea room was one of the Queen's favorite, spaces on the ship and she would typically have her breakfast, and afternoon tea here, while, enjoying the spectacular, views, through the windows the. Furniture, in this room is bamboo and was purchased, by Prince Phillip in 1959. During. A visit to Hong Kong. Throughout. The ship there, are little corgis placed around for, kids to find whereas. Adults as well. The. Britannia served the royal family for 43, years traveling, more than a million nautical, miles around the globe this, attraction, now receives, over 300,000. Tourists each year. Seating. As many as 56, guests the state dining room has served many notable guests including Winston Churchill, President. Reagan Frank Sinatra, and President. Clinton. I'm. Eight. Welcome. To the royal ship. Britannia. The. Britannia. Is four hundred and twelve feet long. 123. Feet tall and has two twelve thousand, horsepower engines, propelling. It at 25, miles an hour which, is actually fast for water. The. Crew consisted. Of 21, officers, and 250. Royal yachtsman. The. Ship evacuated, over 1,000, refugees from the civil war in Aden which is a port city in Yemen back in 1986. So. That's been our time in Edinboro we've experienced, culture and the heritage of this great city now. It's time to depart. Steering. Wheels on the wrong side.

2018-06-19 12:43

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