OUR MOST EPIC CAMP EVER | Meeting Cool People And Reuniting With The Adventure Guy // EFRT S8 EP38

OUR MOST EPIC CAMP EVER | Meeting Cool People And Reuniting With The Adventure Guy // EFRT S8 EP38

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family road trip you guys are the best see him  in [Music] there we just had an amazing time   with our family and um had so much fun we miss  everybody already but uh today we just left and   are heading back Eastward now that we've been  all the way to the coast um we're currently   in the Mount Hood region we're actually climbing  up to a place called Government Camp on the edge   of Mount Hood and The Views are spectacular  and we're hoping to find a camp spot up here   on the Oregon bdr to spend the night and uh  we're going to bring you some of this amazing [Music] scenery [Music] [Music] found a pretty good spot wow overlooking  Mount Hood this looks amazing we had to   climb quite a ways up the mountain but  uh this looks like it's worth [Music] it [Music] h [Music] I know about you but uh I  think this is probably the most spectacular   [Music] Camp spot we've ever had the privilege V  of camping at um we just kind of found it   by luck we came off the road came up a really  steep Mountain Road took a side road in here   and just one of the most um privileged views  of Mount Hood in the background it's just   amazing we just watched the sun go down it's  uh absolutely spectacular I hope we can bring   it to you on camera because it's a it's a joy  to behold if you ever get a chance to come up   here you're going to want to find this Camp  spot and if not I hope our video does [Music] [Music] Justice [Music] [Music] River seems forward just EMP the so good morning I'm just here taking a hike  um Pete is working on some reels for you guys   but I always like to when we come into Camp just  go out and explore what's around us and we had so   many deer like you could hear them around our camp  last night their Hooves on the ground and then now   that I'm walking I can see it on the trail here  but what a breathtaking Camp spot it's kind of   special to be in or again the state I was born  and raised and get to explore a little bit of   it I can't wait to come back with the kids and  do a lot more exploring and Hiking for sure but   yeah it's another beautiful day I think this whole  time we've been in Oregon the weather is just hot   and sunny most people think it's all rainy but I  mean they do have their rainy months but this has   just been amazing so it's nice to get out in the  quiet you can't even hear traffic nothing and then   the mountain is just right over here it's just  breathtaking so this afternoon we're going to be   making some lettuce hamburgers and I'm excited  to be using this seasoning salt with it and if   you guys get a chance check them out awesome um  Instagram page and I get a lot of good ideas from [Applause] him sitting there editing in the dark and I  heard something Galloping into the into   the camp here like galloped right up and then  turned around and uh I jumped up and grabbed   the light I I thought I didn't know what it was  but a big old deer just walked up into the forest there hey buddy have a good night dear that made me jump [Applause] though so we had another amazing sleep overlooking the  spectacular Mount Hood um I still can't believe   that we were able to Camp right there with that  view but um yeah it was a beautiful place we   spent all day yesterday just lounging and um I  even took a nap right know haven't done that in   a while and um just yeah did nothing and enjoyed  the view so that was fun um today pretty early   7:00 we're heading out we're still working our  way back to Boseman um we've got some exciting   things that we're doing mods on the Jeep and  then uh and then we're heading back to reunite   with the voice but we have one more surprise in  the meantime which uh you'll have to stay tuned   to see what what I'm talking about but uh we're  looking forward to getting back to seeing the   kids we had an amazing time here on the West  Coast and I hope you have been enjoying the adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a long haul this morning we were in the  Mount Hood region over overlooking gorgeous Mount   Hood and we are now in Montana cross part of a  good chunk of Oregon a good chunk of Washington   the top Panhandle I guess you call it of Idaho  and we're now in Montana butth we're going to   stretch your legs and then get camp set up good  morning had a great sleep here last night we're   at about 3,000 ft so not too high we came  down a big long um hill yesterday so from   the summit which I think it was 7,000 ft but  uh it's still chilly here um for this elevation   really you can really feel fall coming on um  it's all uh mostly Pine and Spruce here but   there are some poppers which are losing their  summer color so we're really feeling the fall   weather coming on and uh we're enjoying every  minute of it we're going to filter some water   we're out of water but there's a beautiful River  back here but first we're going to have coffee   and some breakfast and then we're going to  carry on down the [Applause] road [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] propas all right we made it to our second home  which is Boseman Montana we are now in the back   side of the Bridgers um we are going to try  to find a camp spot up here at a place that we   wanted to go to for quite some time um we've been  back here camping in the Bridger mountains but   not up at this place called Ferry Lake so we're  really uh looking forward to getting up there I   think the cut off is right now and we're going  to head up it's pretty pretty chilly um it was   almost around you know 32° this morning um so we  may get snow up there but we'll see we'll see what happens [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] we are climbing into the clouds now  we're at uh 6,800 ft in climbing almost   at 7,000 ft the road the trail is pretty  muddy and rough um yeah we're doing it again we're on shelf roads again crazy [Applause] [Music]   [Applause] thanks um I think we just passed a guy I think  we're the only ones in the campground he said   he hiked up to the pass and they they had snow  up there so Carol and I are going to have to   make a decision if we stay we could be snowed in  for a day or two um we'll let you know what we decide turn here let see what they say here with the camper [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] information so  I've always wanted to come to Ferry Lake and   do the hike but then there is supposed to  be weather tonight and we talked to Clay   from X Overland and he's like H it's kind of  iffy you know cuz it might be 2 days of snow   might not but I think the best decision is to  carry on back down and then if it's sunny all   next week we can come back up here do the hike  that I've always wanted to do but I think it's   smarter again pulling a trailer and having  no one to help us out I like the other Jeep   so anyways it would have been nice but what do  you do we going to seek some lower [Applause] elevations it's a heavy pump all right [Applause] hopefully it's not that whole rout it  looks like here only mhm hope you're right mhm [Applause] for all right we're back off the Slick muddy Trail  and uh we're down at 6,100 FT elevation and   we're going to find a camp spot up here and  let this weather system pass and then we're   definitely going to head back up there that's  a beautiful place uh very wild and remote and   we've been wanting to do that hike the loop  hike at U Ferry Lake so let's uh yeah let see   what happens with the [Applause] weather  looks like we got off the mountain just   on time as soon as we got down it started  raining really hard um and everything is   just as you can see tur into slick slick mud  so we're just uh right off the Forest Road   here which is gravel so uh no worries and uh  very muddy very wet but we've got our heater   going as you can hear in the background and and  uh going to use that to dry the clothes and warm up all right well we we were just up there  and it rained we got out of the mountains   and it rained down here but I think you  can see up there they got snow and lots   of it so I think we made the right call  we would have been snowed in right now uh   definitely just over that Ridge um and  probably stuck up there for at least a   few days so yeah I feel good about the  decision to get out of the mountains we are uh we got up this morning in the  rain had a coffee and decided to go out   for breakfast so we're about a half an hour  from town and there's a place called Jam   that we really like and uh hopefully it's  not too busy we're going to go get some rooky [Music] sh all right we enjoyed a delicious  breakfast and then we met the most   amazing couple a young couple we'll show you  a quick video clip of that meeting that was awesome Epic family road trip you guys are the  best keep it up you inspired us to do this this   is all because of you and where where what are  you guys doing and what are you driving so we're   from northern Michigan we are 18 years old uh  3 weeks married today no way we uh built out   a 2013 Jeep Wrangler and we took off uh we did  it because of these guys because we wanted to   do what they're doing and yes so amazing and then  we bumped into them right here in Bose oh we saw   the Jeep and we freaked out we were like we have  to find them and here we are here we are to the   Jacker yeah the Jack so I kind of just do like a  pass through system y that's perfect it it works   I mean there's been a couple times that we've ran  out of power where we just do like a library shop   like yesterday we just went to the library for  an hour get 20% that's all part of it I so who   made this for you uh Blake's Grandpa our grandpa  he's actually my neighbor um him Blake and his dad   put a lot of work into this they spent so much  time you know measuring and changing ideas but   we ended up with one drawer and then a cabinet  that is half Pantry half closet and we love it   we couldn't be more happy with how it turned out  and then what uh rooftop tent are you rocking uh   the Aspen light I don't know yeah Aspen light  that's all I know it's great how do you like it   I love it I think it works great it the setup  is so easy and so it's Tak down uh we throw   our sleeping bag and our pillows up there and  we just purchase a wool blanket for the colder   night um and it's been working great for us and  your fridge stove set up uh so stove we just take   this out and set it on our table right here and  then our fridge yeah we started instant is right   here we have storage under which is also nice but  our fridge we're just stacked full that's perfect   yes it's perfect oh boy so what's your favorite  thing about uh the last two weeks or almost three   right our favorite thing for me I would say is  just living simple learning what you really need   and what you really don't need I I mean after you  stuff basically your house in a car you realize   there's just some stuff that you don't need so  that for me the best part has been learning how to   live simple uh I would say the challenge and like  anticipation of not knowing where you're going the   next day or like where you're sleeping the next  night I think that's kind of fun um definitely   good learning moments for us as we're just getting  started but yeah we've done well so far so happy   it's both fun and scary exactly it is we've  that so many times and they just like we have   no place tonight and I mean our our worst case  scenario was you could always go to a campground   exactly and most of them have late night check  in so that in the back of our mind gave us a   bit of pieace of mind but yeah we're getting  better over the years at finding places and   then the beauty is once you start going through  places several times like we've been to Boseman   we go you know what we know where our favorite  off Camp spot is and we just go there but yeah   so that's super cool guys well it was fun to meet  you umk you so much thank you for saying hi you   guys make sure you follow them on Instagram it's  at dzor offgrid and we'll put a a link below sweet [Music] awesome [Music] good morning from Montana we had  a wonderful sleep here in the shadow of   the Bridger mountains uh we're just making  a coffee here but today's really excting   exting day for Carol and I because uh Pete  Jr is flying into town and we haven't seen   him since uh well since we dropped him off to  go to Africa so it's been almost 3 months or   yeah getting 2 months and 3 weeks so um he's  coming into town to do some more uh camera   work with uh X Overland clay uh he got all  kinds of projects going on and he needed a   a good camera guy so people was available  and he he's coming into town and hopefully   we'll be able to do some camping with him as  well while we're here so yeah a big day for us all right so we just heard from  Pete he just boarded in Denver and   uh next stop Boseman Montana so we uh  packed up our camp and we're going to   head into town and pick them  up we're pretty excited about that hey PE are you excited to see Dad yeah excited  to go camping with you guys it's been a long   time now I know couple of months well you hit  some beauty weather yeah it's hotter than back   home this is like a surprise it was freezing  cold oh really I only pack warm stuff so yeah good to see him in there look at that yes I miss these things me open the front well heat is back on his bike we're  uh heading to the exh hanger to pick up   a few things that Pete left there that  he needs and then we're going to go on   our first camping trip uh we don't  have the whole crew here but sure   is nice to have at least one of the  kids with us uh good good uh good memories sticking in there there we go Yik W thank you Mom it is the perfect meal for today me and Dan on the way  down we were driving just   listening really I don't think we listen to the [Music] name [Music] wherever you're going wherever you  been follow you [Music] around follow you   [Music] into the dark throw your hair on down like a  falling star colors blur memories F what we   found just TS to stay hold to me and I hold  on to you see the story [Music] through o [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] falling in to a dream swirling sounds singing Sy you're all I hear and you all I can see  I'll be by your side till golden Bells they [Music] ring [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh wh you're going wherever you been follow you   the end follow you into the dark throw  your hair on down like a falling star

2023-10-14 08:26

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