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all right Welcome to our last stop and the  jinko monola and it looks like it's a village   on the side of the mountain overlooking the  Mediterranean Sea we just got off our train   ride and we are hungry now there are five towns  here if you follow our journey you know we've   already been to four of them in our past two  videos if you're new to our Channel and you   want to see all five of these amazing towns you're  going to want to check the description and watch   those other two videos maybe watch them first  no you can watch this one and then watch those   let's go see the last town There's a trail that  runs the whole distance of this jinko from the   south end all the way to the North End which is  where our van is parked and a lot of it's closed   we're here in the off seon which is really great  I can't imagine seeing this place when it just   packed with people it's been a really T nice  time of the year the weather's been great it's   cool enough where you don't get hot and sweaty  and yet warm enough where you're not freezing   your butt off and uh there's enough restaurants  open where we can just kind of get in there and   so it's really worked out well but guys I'm  excited to see this last [Applause] [Music] City to get to this little village there's a long walk  through the tunnel and you pop out right here   at this beautiful restaurant with some narrow  roads up the hill and it looks like up to the   left is a nice big Plaza but the first thing  we need to do is find a place to [Music] eat [Music] take a breath open  your eyes it's a beautiful light take a step arms out wide  into the sunlight do you see what   I see there's a glow all around I  can feel it in the air it's like magic this whole big world is our this whole big world is our W near and far oh this whole big world is our so this is  definitely another little village down by   the sea and we can see all the little twisted  rocks that have pushed up from the ground and   the Beautiful sea out there kind of charcoal  blue this time of year this is the one that   has the only natural Harbor now it's small  but the small little boats can come in here   and drop you off really easy with the fairies  they got a nice place to protect a place to   put their fishing boats in the water  and you can tell because all the boats   are parked in the little Main Street coming  down here and all along here but uh this one   is more designed for easy fairy stops so  during season you can take fairies to all   these towns instead of just the train they  also swim here of course in the summertime [Music] what is your name Lisa Lisa nice to meet  [Music] you all right let's start by saying the   music in there was too loud we could not play  it but we ate at the ill portic Colo and the   food was delicious our waitress our helper Lisa  Lisa she was from the Dominican Republic and so   there she speak Spanish so we brushed off our  Spanish a little bit so we were able to almost   speak like normal here it was so cool and so  different so we started off our meal with a   wine a white wine that's very sweet with hints of  Citrus and it is grown literally on The Terraces   around this little town and um it was perfect we  ordered one of the little baby half bottles I had   one glass Kurt had a glass and a half a little  Loco Veno yeah it was a nice way to start off   lunch especially since we're literally drinking  wine that was grown right here in this town so   that was nice and then I ordered a pizza go figer  and it had sausage really strong aged delicious   parmesan a little bit of tomatoey sauce drizzled  with pesto so I was very pleased with it very   very thin crust very good definitely a pizza you  eat with a fork eat with a fork had a little bit   of it it had sausage on it SAA I think sa anyway  sausage which snow didn't care for too much it was   my favorite sausage worked out well for me I love  sausage no matter where it's fromed off my ate it   so and I had I had a pasta dish and it had Ragu  of rabbits so rabbit Ragu and it had beetroot and   cabbage it was a spell pasta and a light sauce and  it was delicious I was able to sort of soap up the   sauce with the piz crust and it was really just  a delicious meal it was a beautiful atmosphere   and Lisa was charming and a nice waitress and we  really enjoyed that it wasn't a super expensive   meal on the grandel things but it was definitely  a Splurge for us in the way we budget travel but   if you're going to do it doing it surrounded by  a little town like this sitting 50 ft from the   Mediterranean Sea in these tall buildings was  a good place to do it it was good food it was   a nice experience but now we're going to take you  up the hill yeah we're going to enjoy the rest of   this town guys so Kurt is heading on off but I'm  going to have to pace myself cuz look how steep   this walk up is supposed to be the best view in  all of [ __ ] Terry up here at the top this place   boasts of one of the most scenic outlooks of all  the cities but you got to work for it you got to   climb up this hill and you can see us around the  corner we get to look back at the town all right   guys we were able to get up some elevation and  wrap around this Trail a little bit around this   Cliff side and we were able to get some epic views  I hope you guys enjoy it this Chinko tattery is   definitely some eye candy and uh definitely some  stairs some altitude some climbing and some going   down but definitely definitely worth the views  and the visit what an amazing time I got to go   catch back up with snow and see if we can find  where she is we have whined and we have dined and   we have found one of the most beautiful outlooks  I think that this city has to offer in the whole   five cities and I notice as we're staring at  them they're staring at us all the windows in   those tall buildings and balconies kind of have  a perfect view for the sunset we're not going   to catch the sunset here although this supposedly  is the place to see it we're going to go down and   get one last look at this beautiful sea down by  the water there's some steps there's some rocks   to play on we're going to get down there before  we wrap it up here at sin Tera snow snow what's   been your favorite place so far we've been to  five cities so it's definitely the whole place   is bucket list worthy and they all have their own  unique characteristics so as far as uh for more   casual and getting a more local Vibe I liked  the hilltop city of cogelia cogelia Cornelia   Cornelia um as far as the picturesque postcard  view I think we're standing at my favorite spot   I like the northernmost town because it's where  we're camped and it's perfect because we could get   there with our van uh the city to the South Rio  Mario uh was very unique it it had a lot of little   narrow cool Alleyways the one we did earlier ver  Naza had that one Main Street straight down to   the water I love them all I can't pick a favorite  if you come here you need to see all five and you   could try to pick your favorite but they're all  beautiful and you need need to leave time as we   said there's trails that go along here you can  generally hike the whole thing from City to City   a lot of them are closed right now and some of  them have sort of like Avalanches or whatever   and are intermittent the close so you'll have  to check that the train is super convenient and   easy and cheap but to be honest with you you got  to spend some time here I don't see doing it in   one day or two days I mean I know some people  have to because they have careers and jobs and   they're very limited on their time but if you can  do any kind of slow travel spending three days in   this area and being able to just casually stroll  through these little narrow Al Alleyways that may   be a bit off of the tourist path that the tour  guides take you on I mean you don't want to just   get off here come here go there and leave there's  just too many little nooks and crannies that you'd   Miss if you can spend 3 days here and do it slow  do it and I just felt a couple raindrops we got   to get down to the water and get on the train and  get out of here let's go check out the sea G guys together through any weather you  and die side by side we can go anywhere when the sun is shining and the world is [Music] sming look at this boat ramp I don't  know if they use those little laes to get down   here to pull their boats or 4x4s or if they push  him up unfortunately we're not here when we can   see that happen but it does allow us to get  down by the water which is stunning you can   see the waves kind of crashing up against the  beautiful rocks here and I will tell you that   this is the roughest we've seen the sea since  we've been here and that's not very rough at   all but it really kind of gives me a perspective  on how high and Tall those buildings are as you   come down here by the water and you just see  them towering up above but snow was telling   you that this is the only Village that has  sort of a natural Causeway and you can kind   of see it right here and there's a natural break  from the water and obviously the boat ramp that   we just walked down you can see a little boat  down here in this little Causeway and opening   and we'll go all the way down here to  the wind all the way down here to the end wow pretty epic I do have to say and here comes  snow I think I can I think I can [Music] woohoo   how about snow guys a year ago heart attack  little more than a year ago battling back what a [Music] champion now I got to make it back to   the train though which is way  up there I can do it I can do it [Music] [Music] one last mention before we leave this beautiful  town and head back to the van is there is also a   water taxi service that will take you up and  down the coast to all these cities in Chico   and more however we are here in the off seon  and the water taxi services are not running   so that is one reason to Brave the crowds to  get out here so you can see this stuff from   the seaside from looking back and I imagine that  is stunning something we're not going to get get   to do but just after talking to snow we wouldn't  have it any other way good morning we are leaving   our wonderful Beach parking lot Camp here in  monteroso we got to climb back out of here and   then we're headed south we got a supply up we've  been hanging out here for a while got to get some   groceries we got to get some water well we spent  three nights here and we just paid to leave and   it was $58 right so not too bad considering the  location I was expecting more like 75 I thought   it was more per night so we did pretty good  let's get on the road so I got to tell you I   am absolutely excited that we were able to get  down to monosa and park the van and properly   explore the five Seaside cities of Chinko and it  really really really made my heart smile to see   snow and how excited she was as she checked off  one of the lifetime bucket list items of visiting   these different coastal cities you guys probably  know from watching she loves the sea she loves   the ocean and this was just an amazing time  for the both of us but now it's time to drive   up out of here and I got to tell you not only is  it awesome that we could get down there and park   the van but one of my favorite things about van  life and I think snow would agree is that we can   drive through and see the countryside and this  National Park of sink ter this National Park is   more than just the five coastal cities there's  Forest there's mountains and there's other small   towns too that don't reside on the coast and so  we are going to take this windy road through the   national park now this is going to be up and  down and slow and windy and narrow and well we   don't even know and the weather's not the best  today but we absolutely love getting out there   scouring through the forest with our eyes trying  to pick up on Wildlife Birds staring down into the   cities to see look for for Farm life for people  life looking at the houses the structures and all   of that and more and so we have to go down to the  town of laspa and Supply up on our way to what is   going to be a very special campsite and at this  campsite that's where we're going to wind down   the video so come on with come with us on this  little Scenic Drive and enjoy this side of Chinko T so we climbed our way out of [ __ ] ter we  started driving South on a beautiful curvy   Road uh through some little towns back here in  the mountains and trees Little forested Mountain   area and it's kind of rainy foggy Misty wintry  and oddly just kind of beautiful driving through   here I mean you're coming along a little town  pops up and sometimes it's like a little mix of   modern and then all of a sudden you have a old  building where you can just see all the stones   and stuff the way it was constructed and built and  a church dep popped up and and then you're back in   the forest again and it's just uh really curvy  hilly fun ride it is beautiful and we picked a   good day to do some driving because the weather is  dreary looks like we uh squeezed in our visit to   [ __ ] Terry just right by missing the rain  but ctt's right the rain makes this kind of stunning we're working today we have to have  someplace to put all these videos yeah we   have filled up I think four and a half of these  external four terabyte hard drives with all of our   videos from Latin America time to get two new ones  lots of video footage guys it ain't cheap being a YouTuber €240 so man 260$ 270 US ouch we're stocked up on groceries we got a  new litter rug which is very exciting we'll   see how that turns out in a minute lots of  cat food for the kitties a new phone cord   cuz somehow in our move from South America  to Europe we lost all our phone cords and   we're still trying to discover what's the  best litter over here in Europe so we got   some new litter to try everything went good  except for Kurt forgot his breakfast sausages   so we're going to get everything put away  check out our new litter rug and get on the   road but chores are done or errands are done  right I think so we just got to find a camp [Music] spot all right we made it to our wife Camp spot  and it is at the base of a fort and the fort is   currently closed so we're going to be wild camping  up here which is really cool cuz my buddy me and   my buddy get to explore and learn about this  place and what happened here but this place I   believe is a medieval Fort and uh the only problem  with it is there's a lot of rubbish I've already   picked up a bag of trash and there's no way I can  Dent all all the rubbish that's up here but we   did clean up around the van and where we parked  and there's no one else up here so we're pretty   excited about that we're pretty excited about some  of the views that we have and this actually might   qualify for one of the best wild spots we've had  since we've been in Europe all right I was out   walking G money and some people came down and they  said the fort was open and there's an echo in here   as you can hear look at the different flags but  it's only open till 1 so I had to shoot up here   real quick snow wasn't quite ready so I'm going  to give you guys a quick tour of this but this   fort is from what I know so far A little over  500 years old and so we're going to take a look   and learn about it together but look at this  wow and we can get right up in here and walk   and look and you can see down below and this fort  has Fortress has a moat around it for protection   and has several towers and I think we're going  to be able to go into some that's laspa and of   course we supplied up there last night we stayed  the night there and sort of just like a a humble   Campground or whatever it was just to fill up  with water we weren't there for long didn't   even film it but we had just left Cinco and  so we were looking for a place just to kind   of settle in for a couple days rest and recoup  and we found this place on the Google Maps and   it looked like there was some parking there that  uh might be free a little wild camping spot and   that's how we ended up here at this little fort  but just walking around it I thought this would   be a place where we would be able to take in  some history at a little known spot and also   kind of R up and get caught on caught up on our  editing so that's what brought us here but what a   special place look at this view that they have up  here and you can see the hills and the mountains   all around us and they just shoots up and in this  area in this region there's still some leaves left   on the trees and this late in January you'd think  they'd all kind of Fallen away we've seen that in   some regions but there's some kind of tree that's  still holding the leaves you can see the van down   there that's our camp spot next to this little  house here and they've got the little garden out   back but there are just so many Vineyards down  here in this region that push up the mountain   Mountain Side so many small farms and as you  get out in some of these rural bits where it's   not able to build you get some spaces or some  farms and then all of a sudden up on the hill   you look out and you just have this big city up  there so it's really kind of a unique environment   all around this area really beautiful and actually  for this time of year for me it seems very green   and Lush and then you have this big fortress on  the hill right in the middle of it all so let's   learn a little about this Fortress and I think one  of the most fascinating things to me is not only   is this a trade route up from Northern Italy to  south of Italy and O has been even to today the   highways and the trains run through sort of  this this Plateau along the coastline here so   it's always been a very important trade route but  also the shape of this here Fortress and how it   was made to deflect the cannon fire of the time  and how it faces kind of a direction where the   mountain kind of juts up and so the easiest point  of attack basically to The Fortress and how the   main point the main Arrow I think they call them  Merlins faces that but really kind of the shape   and the direction and the taper of the walls the  angle of the walls to deflect the cannon fodder   was really kind of fascinating to me and then a  lot of these places where they have carved out for   the for the sort of the gun holes or the Cannons  or whatever are also made from Marble which again   I find fascinating because there are the marble  mines very close to here and spoiler alert we will   be taking you guys to those in our next video  so make sure you hit the like And subscribe   button and then finally I'll say and this is  not so much in the audio tour but if you look   around there are a couple of Castle buildings  and other fortresses that help fortify this   particular area so really just a fascinating tour  and a really cool wild camping spot for a couple days all right guys we're headed down to the dungeon so these are little rooms right here for  the dungeon and you can see these little   holes right here are toilets so they had little  makeshift toilets in the dungeon and it was said   that these places are not really for prisoners of  War but more likely to punish for insubordination   failure to follow orders and things like that  so you could see sort of the tunnels for the   the makeshift toilets and it looks like this  might have been a little place for a little   fire for a little heating wow just absolutely  fascinating all right the last part of the tour   and my learning of this Castle is around the  commity communication trench now this trench   runs around the entire wall of the Fortress  so kind of inside the wall and what they say   is even if this tunnel collapses that the walls  will still stand so kind of it's built inside   independent of the walls but this allowed them  to run around and there's all sorts of different   little Windows through here where they can peek  their heads out and see where the enemies are and   whatnot but this allowed them to run around and  to protect the fort and this is actually pretty Grand look at this guys back in the day this was pretty  much an almost impenetrable Fortress   but obviously when planes and bombs and things  like that came along these things were no longer useful [Music] come how come the stars come to shine when  it's dark from so far away show us where we   are come on what makes the sun go to sleep  sleep every night and what's it dreaming of I [Music] wonder how come the  sky sometimes hides behind the   clouds maybe it's just like me a little  bit scared of heights why does the rain   always keep on pouring down when it's  gray outside girl it really makes me wonder good girl yeah it makes me wonder good  girl it really makes me [Music] wonder what wonder how come the trees gets unrusted when  it's cold and don't they miss the leash they left   behind could it be to make the ground shine like  cold until winter comes until winter comes until   winter [Music] comes it really makes me wonder if  you like this video be sure to subscribe to our   Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys  know when we put out new videos and don't forget   you can always follow us over on Instagram to  see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2024-02-02 01:06

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