Off-Grid Agro-Tourism Haven in Northern Portugal | Agritourism in Portugal? Family Farm? 140k

Off-Grid Agro-Tourism Haven in Northern Portugal | Agritourism in Portugal? Family Farm? 140k

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Good morning Sarah and wow what have we got  today we have at last beautiful stunning weather   after all that rain but we have a really wonderful  wonderful property we're in a completely different   area we're up in the northern part of Portugal  20 minutes from Guarda so hospitals huge City   everything you want within a short distance but  as Paul will have shown you from the air well   he's going to show you in a minute we're in this  massive two 20,000 it's 19,000 hectares of no it's   16 hectares and I've never seen 16 hectares  16 is it sorry getting carried away with my   hectares (laughter) I've never seen lichen on  the trees like it they're like fluffy green   sticks the air must be so pure. So Paul's going  to show you from the air and then we're going   to take a little walk up along the aqueduct  up to the house yeah we've got a we've got a   house with an aqueduct go on then fabulous. If you are looking for an off grid farm in   Portugal then this may be perfect for you. 16 Hectares of land including Oak trees on   the slopes and large meadows fed by an aqueduct  and water mine. It has been used for crops and   pasture in the past so it is safe to say that  either of these options remain. A pond has   been created mainly for wildlife conservation  and it has certainly worked for the wild boar,   but for the birds too as there is an abundance of  birdsong. There is ample space for extra buildings  

if you want to make it a more communal experience  or an agritourism business. You can see buildings   beyond the farm from the drone footage but  when you are there you could be transported   back in time as there is no human infrastructure  visible from anywhere. It is hard to exaggerate   just how peaceful this place is. While making the  video we both had a smile on our faces during the   whole process which speaks volumes. You can  see the aqueduct clearly and although it is  

in need of repairs they are not extensive. You can also clearly see the stone built   farmhouse which is of a decent  size and can be extended, it is   made of granite and could be genuinely stunning. So where is it exactly? 20 minutes from Guarda,   2 hours to Porto, an hour and 40 minutes  to Aveiro known as the Venice of Portugal,   you are very close to the border of Spain  here, Salamanca is just 90 minutes away,   which I think may be the closest airport.  But this is no holiday home, it is a farm   in waiting and although you could of course have  electricity connected it is just begging for an   off grid farm to be brought back to life. Access  is via a long dirt track which could be improved   if you wish but otherwise keeps a certain privacy. We now offer a buyer's agent service, we can find   you any house anywhere in Portugal, don't believe  me email us with what it is you want in detail,   be realistic and we will find it for you it  costs nothing but your time. 

We are of course always looking to  add new properties and new videos,   so to make sure you do not miss out then please  subscribe to the channel, share and like the   video it really does help to spread the word. Now it is time to head down to Sarah and we   will explain more in detail about this wonderful  opportunity. A shot straight up the aqueduct all   the way up to the house and of course beyond the  house is the water mine that feeds the aqueduct   the owner was telling us earlier that these  Meadows would have been originally used for   growing potatoes and would have just flooded The  Meadows with this Aqueduct later on it was turned   for cattle pasture. Sarah hop on the aqueduct  Sarah hop on the aqueduct what do a balancing I can't. I can only go so far up if there's a  part where it's broken but I mean that we don't  

know how old this is, the only thing part of the  house was lived in, a little tiny part in the 80s   but this must be much older. yeah be fascinating  to know just how old it is actually wouldn't it   I'm going to have to jump off now. You can have  a video of me jumping off and probably squealing   hang on no squealing oh oh yeah okay I more of  a grunt I think that's okay just landed in the   pile of mud but anyway the Javali the wild boar  yeah all this damage here I'll just show that   all this damage to the ground if you want to  call it damage I mean I'm sure the wild Boar   wouldn't agree that this is damaged whatsoever,  but uh that's just how in nature we are this   happens everywhere this happens on our land as  well. Yeah not to this degree we don't this much   true it's also that you have seen the Little  Pond as we came over with the Drone and that   probably attracts a lot more of them to the area  they've got handy drinking lots of stone walls   to find snails in and and lots of roots to be  fertling up and whatever else wild boars eat maybe   they just quite like it as well what yeah they  could be just drinking in the atmosphere party Point. Wild Boar party point. Quite a  picture there that it's just stunning   I mean I know you've you can't go into  the light I always want you to go into   the light yeah I know it's like a thing  with you isn't it I know I can see it's   just beautiful flat land with the pond  there and then it continues up until you   get to The Farmhouse here now you it's  registered with 400 square meters of build I'm a little bit unsure that you've actually  got 400 there but that's what you're allowed to   build up to certainly yeah and the owner is going  to find out about any other permissions but really   this is calling out for family who want to do  live off grid and really just enjoy nature I mean   the trees in the forest is just it is it feels  gorgeous it feels really nice I love it. I mean  

it could be more than one family as well I mean  you could have an off-grid Community here, true   I mean you really could that's true actually yeah  a little bit of work would need to be done on the   access but where there's a will there's a way. I  mean this pasture at the moment is mainly used for   grazing sheep isn't it there is a local Shepherd  that comes and grazes his sheep on it. I mean   Sarah waxes lyrical very often about stone work I  know I haven't mentioned any of it no but you bet   yeah you're already famous for it so but look at  this I mean look at that that's Granite very old   very old big granite and that was put up without  Machinery I can assure you you see you got the old   windows here now that's been blocked up because  this when it was used so this is probably of 1980s   build this was put on around the outside for the  castle feed you had to be 60s 50s 60s 7s I imagine   okay well you see there's the old your old lintel  I mean look at the size of for lintel I mean just   look at it yeah how'd you get it up there, look at  that one I mean that's probably the biggest lintel   I've ever seen over a window that size incredible,  look, yeah but look at a window of that size, it's a lot of Lintel for a little  tiny window yeah going to get a little   bit more of this in yeah but because it  is outrageous really yeah but it's get   really really exciting around here oh I can't  wait. Right, you can look that way can't you,   I can you can see there's the stone tank yeah  okay and then behind there there's a it's Granite   build again but a little bit of block work on  top that's the natural water mine so that has   water all year round throughout the summer as  well so you do have your own supply of water   and then it goes underground so that tank would  have been filled up and then it would have come   down to the aqueduct that I've just walked along  and gone to the bottom to flood that field, but   look at this I couldn't even get in here I decided  the brambles and me weren't going to go together,   but look at this but I did take some photos yeah  see if you can stick your head around there.

oh look at the size of the lintel  on the doorway there lovely,   yeah I mean this would be totally amazing  I have to say I really love it here yeah I   mean can can we just go off piste come  on come come follow me I know you like it, just look at this tree look at the lichen it's  crazy we have lichen all over the trees where we   live we back 2 hours north of where we live but  driving in some of the trees were just completely   green like literally we have to get some on the  way the whole tree is green yeah the air must   be so pure yeah it is my it is my understanding  that lichen can only exist in very pure air or   very clean air come and stand here and do that  swoop that's lovely I can't you you can to a degree may you stand here look where we are we  are in sort of in a basin well now we're in a huge Amphitheatre gosh I can just imagine you  singing in the shower yeah echoing across   the place how mean you could put some special  oh look at that which bit what the mushrooms   yeah look at that baby no that's probably  the first time before get excited about   a mushroom video I know I nearly landed in  the mushroom ate it don't not enjoy that's   the edible mushroom right I've been known to  get excited about mushrooms thank you very much, yeah it's a big old farmhouse isn't it,  yeah but what's exciting to me is it's up like   beautiful right there is the stone work come on  then I've been in this bit here I mean it's a   pretty Valley no getting away from it The Meadows  down the bottom you've got all oak oak thick Land   Oak thick land I have no idea what thick land  is uh but we've got so it was me the waffle   we got like a Oak Forest at the back there and  he did tell me what the name of the oak trees   were the particular type of oak tree but can't  remember I don't know is that camera pointing   at anything in particular yeah think it's like  pointing at you mainly right okay um approx yeah   come on stop pretending you know things about  Oaks come on I think I'm saying the opposite I   don't know anything about oaks look let's just  go back to the building darling but I like them look I don't know what this was for I  don't need to know what it was for I suppose   but look that's an old window as well yeah and  obviously that part was built on later cuz you   can see the join, yeah you can go in here I  mean nothing serious happened to me when I   came in it might be a bit dark For You Second  Time Lucky Second Time Around look at that lintel I might have to do it maybe we do  a Christmas quiz thing how many times has   Sarah said look at that lintel look turn  around and get Stones what like ever I   don't know there'd have to be a prize I don't  know free free I don't know free lintel look   at that wall it is gorgeous. I mean this  place could just be amazing well it kind   of is amazing isn't it but uh can you imagine  those all pointed up beautifully and cleaned,   they would just be outrageous how did people  build with this stuff I it's more impressive   on the First wall we saw I mean some of those  stones God knows what they were but obviously   I mean obviously this was two stories hence you  know just to point out the obvious two doorways   and these are all your old beam points it would  have been the hay loft above and the cattle below,   yeah, unless they had levitating cattle which I  really doubt it yeah which is very unlikely yes I think I don't know which well we might as  well try and go through come on through the jungle and where you see the fences  isn't isn't where the land ends all   of this behind the um the house belongs  right up to you you're on the wall are you yeah I think you might need to  get out of the forest a little bit see all the land right up the top  we're not in the best place to show   I suppose we were better off before when  we were looking up towards the mine yeah   the top of the hill the land goes all the  way up there yeah I mean there's the fence   there the Sarah standing next to so you kind  of get the line there but I've shown you the   boundaries already from the air but yeah  this isn't a boundary there is a boundary fence so yeah off grid plenty of space for  however many solar panels you need plenty of   water all year around which is it's unusual  you need to have an underground water mine   or something not just a little stream running  through yeah yeah the streams they just dry out   in the summer you've got your water source  has got to come from well below ground and   then this s this would have all been put in with  when they decided to breed the cattle here oh I   know you're going to do a stone thing the pillar  behind you I particularly like that one that's   a cracker isn't it yeah yeah Portugal's totem  pole exactly and the other one either fell down   and got remade in concrete or just got covered in  concrete cuz it was falling down yeah Sarah come   just come over here well we've got a hole go and  put your arms go and go and touch either side of   that rock just to show how big it is oh what here  no no no no that Big Stone there on the wall yeah yeah yeah it's virtually the span  of Sarah's arms actually fromlintel   to lintel it's nearly I mean help help how do  you how do you lift that stuff I mean how do   you actually lift it and there are Stones  almost as big all the way up through the wall yeah it is amazing people were way cleverer  than we gave them credit for oh right come on then   so this that's an empty shell which we show you  from the other side I've already tried the do   can't get in and that's fallen down roof and  even I decided I wouldn't go in further here   was actually from this enormous building this was  the bit that was last lived in um by the floor it   looks like it was eventually well I suppose since  it was been empty it's been lived in by sheep will   have come in here but look at the fireplace I  mean yeah imagine this is the last bit to we   live this was the light exactly it's tiny you  got you've got a set set of stairs that go up   there imagine how cold it would be yeah life was  hard no matter what we moan about life was very hard but you've gone upstairs you'd have had  actually probably the animals below to give   the heat from the yeah gases keeping you  warm igniting the fire and sending it all   up to you yeah you'd have been freezing  I don't think they used animal gases to   light the fire no that would have been quite an  interesting site maybe they should have done,   right so maybe are we sort of go through those  Gates a lovely View where do we where do we   summarize well I think perhaps just just on the  other side of the aqueduct okay this side of   the aqueduct. yeah I mean for right you could  easily have well I'm going to say I was going   to say two families but I mean that's what an  amazing place to grow up several families here   I mean you really all in that building no not  all in that building but you know we don't think   there'd be much trouble in getting permission  to erect more buildings as long as it was off   grid um well as I say the owner is going to find  out about permissions but I mean yeah there would   be nothing stopping you well we think we think  that there would be very little to to stop yeah   he he's um he's a bit of an expert um on planning  and nature reserves is the owner of this one and   he knows that this land is not protected at all  um he did lots of checks before he purchased no   no pesky no pesky butterflies or orchids here  pesky butterflies? um since when did we have a   pesky butterfly well sometimes you get you know  if there's a rare butterfly or something it you   know gets you're going to watch this back and say  why am I waffling there little cave under there um yeah I mean it might not be what you're  thinking of but me God you could drag a load   of fantastic gypsy wagons on here and have  a whole you oh yeah you kid ready are you   going to say bye are we saying bye I'm sorry  oh you shooting down that way right okay right   sorry hello goodbye right nice to see you  all again it's a very different property   from the ones we normally look at completely  different region huge possibilities it really   is beautiful uh thank you for watching  we'll be doing more videos now the the   weather's changed and um please do like and  sub subscribe see you next time bye-bye.

2024-01-09 12:18

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