new mom LIVING ROOM MAKEOVER (that’s not sad beige baby)

new mom LIVING ROOM MAKEOVER (that’s not sad beige baby)

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[Music] hi guys good morning we are in the car we are on our way to scout a location for a very very special shoot today we're going to the abiona center this is a young women's and teens center for the pregnant the recently given birth a support center where they can have resources and a safe space to live as they go on to this next chapter of their lives we've seen some photos of their space and it looks as though some of the spaces there have not been updated in a really long time and while the work they do there is so important it helps so many people I feel like the common rooms are just not like reflecting of how great that place is it's a really exciting project I think we're going to use our skills to make this face beautiful so that they can have a great common area to gather be their best cells these are like absolutely the kind of makeovers that we love to do like we do a lot of work on our own places but when we can help others is even more special I'm so excited right now and we have Rochelle with us and um we'll see you guys there [Music] she's always making me sad why they just look like sad old men you don't get that vibe [Music] good morning [Music] and that is okay so we provide we focus on services for pregnant and parenting teens anywhere from 13 to 29 and we also focus on the needs of families in the broader community that have children between zero and six as you can see from the new name it's the abbiona center for infant and early mental health that's been a big Focus for the organization and we want to make sure that the babies that are born to these young moms who face so many barriers that they have a good start that they can feel secure feel loved and all those things will help them their brain get a healthy Foundation this is a place where they can come and get completely supported we provide housing we feed them we're responsible for their clothing we're responsible for their health care and their mental health care so it's a comprehensive program where they can get all their needs met so where you are is what we call the mother's lounge and so this is a place for them to hang out and just be themselves create Community they're teenagers in in most cases and so Mom and baby can come and hang and meet with friends and you know socialize at the same time and have both their babies and their needs met so we want this to be a room that they can't resist yeah we don't have children and new muscle here so I mean you know obviously we need couches we need coziness you know rugs Tubby Time things that they can feel different textures would be great if you don't want this room to continue to be in dark space I know lighting is important for them because I think about my daughter you know they have these tracks the LEDs we tried it a bit more with Aquia and the abiona team to get a real sense of what the room needed and now we have our work cut out for us [Music] so so much that we can do here I'm very excited I mean obviously we have some like the very classic thoughts of like you know let's frame the windows better let's you know raise our curtains and stuff but I think one thing that's the hardest part and that we would need to start with is just the layout my thought is TV goes here okay and then it's like you know maybe sectional or something this or the couches are around the TV there we need to think more about to like a place for like children to play because right now it's very like adults sit around but I'd love to have like I know more happening on the floor but I weirdly think that it needs to be like there can't be a space within this space that's just for kids it's like the whole Space is adults and kids which is a challenge I'm excited to modernize some of this stuff too like the electronics maybe we can like build this out Rochelle is so down Michelle said that's a project for me and really a lot of color is what's lacking like it's nice in the fact that right now it's very like calming which is nice but I think if you're thinking like you know babies like to see a lot of bright colors that's right here yeah that's what I think yeah that's what I think yeah um and and also like putting yourself in that like younger mindset too yeah like I might like this color palette now but did I like this color palette when I was like 18. I know no we got we gotta interview some people I mean it already feels much bigger it does would you have the other side go this way then I think those are two options you run into some issues with a little bit of unused space here and like in that corner yeah what would you do about that I agree okay let's think about a different layout then [Music] the card room actually yeah usually I'm like I got it I wonder what we can do on this wall like it's not a TV like do you do like if a mural or something [Music] let me time mats you show us some tummy time I knew you were gonna ask that you walked right into it I'll do it if you do it okay we need to put ourselves in the mindset channel the clients yeah this is what we do for our client and then babies are often like that oh yeah they're all over the place what did I say shut up make the design cute yeah like look it it's a whole new world from this level we need to find like cute plastic carpets yeah that's hard [Music] okay so there's lots to think about as the space is unlike anything we've ever done before we've got our photos and measurements in hand and we're ready to get back to the office and start planning [Music] I started with Gathering some inspiration I think this is always the funnest place to start so I was thinking of keeping the room neutral and using pops of color in the furniture as well as other elements when I saw this flower design and versions of it on Pinterest I thought it'd be so smart to do something like this on the closet doors of the space just to bring some interest to them without having to change or paint them I don't know how this checkered image is going to help me but I really just love the color palette and the vibe that it's giving off this neon orange acrylic bookshelf situation somebody sent me a little while back and it just showed up on my Pinterest and I thought that was really interesting so I feel like the world is telling me to make something with this once I paired that with the idea of a neon film on the Windows this neon color is definitely making its way into the space as you can see here there's lots of great images of neutral spaces but full of fun colorful furniture and it's just reassuring me that it's going to look great [Music] and then of course just bringing in some funky lighting and other cool pieces because I know that we need to elevate the lighting in this space so with those ideas flowing I moved to our layout Rochelle took our measurements and Drew them to scale and digitized them so that now I can add in and figure out our furniture sizes such as the couch or rugs or flooring as well as other built-in and wall elements foreign and then I hopped over to Twitch where I talked Becky through my idea on our live stream the name of the center kind of means on a journey yeah on a journey and I'd love to like include that into the room somehow so um I didn't know if we could like commission someone to make an art piece that is like a portrait of like a woman or something that feels like they could have that name that's interesting hmm from there it's time to source and finesse the design as we find products and the pieces that we need [Music] [Music] all right okay let's go [Music] thank you [Music] Rachel yeah can I get your eyeballs on something absolutely so I have this acrylic project for this makeover and you know way more about this than I do Rachel has done lots of projects with acrylic so I wanted to tap her brain in order to figure out how she might tackle this bookshelf after discussing she gave me some great ideas on the best way to make it happen look how good this room's gonna look what a fun mood board that's awesome I can't wait for you to see it yeah I'm really excited guys so you're gonna kill it foreign [Music] Center and we're ready to start moving things out we've done a lot of our prep work so now all we need to do is make the plan happen which is a lot there's a lot to do in here and a lot of pieces to move out so all of this is going right these are going to yeah most everything is going easy no problem [Music] you've got a whole new curtain rods right yeah whole new curtain rods and I'm planning on hanging them from the ceiling just because I think that'll look cool we could use this one Michelle was saying they need to be refreshed but this is literally the one I would be buying elbow grease okay great we're keeping it put in the keep pile [Music] um should we find that this doesn't do anything right Rochelle asked about it and as far as I know it doesn't so if I take the plate off and then we just get like a plain plate and like covers this button that's what you want to do like I just I don't want you to press the button and let the whole building collapses you know you should fix that situation why people paint over outlet covers is beyond me outlet covers are there Ally covers are like 99 no not even I bought some for my kitchen they're like 50 cents [Music] had a deep lesson for today it is [Music] we're gonna have to make these aesthetic I thought [Music] it's actually a nice table it's beautiful and I mean is it the plan for us to take it I hate working with TVs it's so scary [Music] ready to see something magical yes oh right look at that super easy painting is this for them I don't know who knows just to look in on the radiator sure see how it's doing today oh yeah that's great plan for the paint we're gonna do a half wall white on the top half and the ceiling and then like an almond on the bottom I don't mind but I don't know where we want to stop it I don't know either I think we have two options well we have Infinity options but one of the obvious options is like does it go like here kind of all the way around yeah do it like a random height like here or something that's my height too okay great you see that how we picked the same height a random height okay great we have a laser level I think that will make the job easier so randomly laser me oh my god did you randomly pick this Rochelle that actually was random though let's bring me back to like a Facebook status I probably had in like 2005. what feeling so Random tonight I was feeling right so the floors aren't really level here so it seems like the way to go is to actually just measure by hand a certain distance from the baseboard instead of trying to use our laser level to get aligned all the way around the room [Music] foreign [Music] hopefully it's gonna dry darker right should we have just baked at the top white and like left the bottom because like oh my God we were like we hate this color it needs to be fresher picks the same color see look it's drawing a little cooler like this is a bit like you know cream yeah [Music] I read a sign that said don't ignore the fire alarm was it us there's a fire alarm like right there [Music] are you the only ones that care is anyone else concerned go to the front door maybe back to work just to draw just to draw this foreign so we don't have a perfect crisp line yet but Rochelle is back with our how to go do Series where it's like how to do anything and this episode this week is how to paint a crisp line she's going to tell us how all the tips and hacks that you need to know in order to get a perfectly crisp line When painting with two colors are you subscribed I don't want you to miss that it's the next day and Rochelle and our good friend and Craftsman Chris are back at the center to finish up the paint job and to box in our exposed metal vent [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so today's plan is to get a bunch of things ready for install um we have Ikea coming shortly organizing things diying things it's not too much it's not too bad really you think building Ikea stuff and painting some things I think there's a lot and we have to load the truck today yes let's get to it Ikea is that you how's speaking [Music] so one thing that we are doing for the space is making a custom vinyl decal for the wooden closet doors I've never printed something as big on a Cricut before in my life so I'm a little nervous that this is gonna go well because as you know with the Cricut Machine you kind of just get one go at it and hope that it cuts well we're doing flowers and I've broken them down into Parts like this that the machine can cut out and we're going to reassemble on the doors on the day so I think all I'm left to do is just send it to the printer cutter plotter and hope for the best I've also never used this vinyl before which this is just one continuous roll instead of loading it in pieces on a mat you just put the whole roll in and hope for the best as well measuring the length but it's gonna okay it's gonna do the whole thing I guess what do I do with this [Music] [Music] it I've been trying to figure out the best way to paint this light to get like nice even coverage I might have figured it out [Music] foreign [Music] with the truck yeah oh exciting do we have help to bring this all in I know in the middle of the snowstorm what do you want to start with I think we start with the floor because literally what's it called when it's regrets but it's tiles oh my God no tiles no mats no time it doesn't matter it always matters it always matters help us out in the comments I know there's a good one there okay all right yeah here load me up can I give you more uh I guess okay I'll see you in there okay bye I lift I can't see anything okay we are here oh this is looking good I like it the White's not too white no actually this one's gonna look good oh yeah let's see how these looks this is the real question oh my gosh it's like the perfect in between it's not too creamy it's really good so we struggled a bit in finding a rug solution that would ground the living space of the room while also being super baby proof after lots of thought we present to you the checkered board foam flooring a mix of the washable tiles from your childhood and the trendy pattern of now [Music] [Music] you're doing great the baby one [Music] nice just four women looked at a pink couch happy women's day [Music] okay okay [Music] that was the easy one cute look at that [Music] so excited to do the orange health it's gonna be weird foreign [Music] [Music] yes yeah we should do our Grace Club [Music] I don't know if that looks bad at all they look bad there was a question of a clashing phrase right yeah they're nice put me to sleep I get it babies I get you now so we made a ton of good progress but there is still a lot to do subscribe and hit the notification Bell and make sure you check the description for the link to part two [Music]

2023-03-10 01:00

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