Medical Tourism in India

Medical Tourism in India

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Healthcare in America is out of control. I can see  why people go bankrupt having to pay you know for   medication or going to the doctor's office I  I honestly cannot afford to go to the doctor's   office here in America . today I got my bill from  my dermatologist and I just got to show you this   I had a mole Frozen off and that cost two hundred and  three dollars and then they wanted to remove   a freckle from my ear and that was sent for  biopsy at 159 dollars and then the visit itself was   129 dollars for a total of 491 dollars for something  that took less than five minutes for all of   it and the insurance made some adjustments and I  love this Blue Cross Blue Shield payment of 34.57 you know I put together a video of  the cost of Medical Care in India and   I cannot believe the difference and if they  can do things so cheaply why can't we….greed! 

America is full of greed and I'm tired of it  because we're the ones that end up paying for   it I hope you enjoy the following video because  it really shows how much you can get in other   countries for health care I'm not surprised  that people go to different countries to get   their health care done and I'm gonna  have to be the same because I can't afford it   here anymore why am I paying so much a month when  they pay so little it's just absolutely ridiculous thank you for watching another edition of Timmy  talks today we are going to talk about medical   tourism and how much things cost in India come  along it'll be very interesting so the last time   I was in India I had the opportunity and missed  it to go to Med Plus Diagnostics and today I'm not   missing my opportunity it is a laboratory slash  medical building where they allow you to have all   sorts of tests all sorts of scams to evaluate your  health and depending on how many tests you want   to have the amount of money you want to spend you  can choose different Services one some are for men   some are for women some are for men of a certain  age some are for younger men older men this one   has 89 parameters that check you know different  laboratory work and ultrasounds and EKGs and you   actually just kind of go through the pamphlets  the brochures and pick which one that you would   like so I've chosen the 89 parameter and this  cost me 5025 rupees which is a whole 62.51 cents   so all I did was go up to the front desk  provide my Indian telephone number which   is very helpful, you can still get it  if you don't have an Indian telephone number   but it just makes things a lot easier I told  them which um service I wanted to engage and   they gave me all of the paperwork I had to go to  multiple rooms and you'll see that in a second number one, this copy for room number two and  four okay and this copy for room number seven   and nine and this copy for room number ten. wow okay  wow okay this is your bill sir. okay and um I can get everything   done together yes okay thank you. Welcome sir. all right the  rooms are documented well here's room one and this   is for a blood draw this is where we started all  I think they took a total of six vials of blood Bring to you here?there's a tray in  there…okay very good thank you   okay time for your analysis that's got  to be with every complete visit right   okay it was off to my second room which was for  radiological visit but I wasn't quite sure how   it worked there were a lot of people there  and I had a lot of different rooms to go to   I I get that you just go to the different rooms so  just be aggressive and knock on the door they'll   take your paperwork and now they're expecting me  so here we go. always got to get on a scale why ugh

so in a lot of these rooms they really didn't   want me filming but so I'll I'll  describe what's going on this is   um checking my capacity of my lungs where you  blow into a machine and it actually tells you   you know how much lung capacity you have and if  you're having any issues with that and then also   in the same room I got an EKG done and it's the  standard same EKG that I have done in the US so now I'm going to room seven for an ecg and an echo So there people waiting right now my turn and here I  think that sounds like an MRI in progress I think it's funny how they want you to take your  shoes off in the doctor's office is that hygienic? Okay I just came to the ultrasound scan fan room and I gave them my paperwork but  I have to come back after three which is going to be three hours from now that's kind  of a long time to wait for ultrasound but I   guess I can try and get these other tests  done and if I need to go eat I'll go eat   let me jump over to the audiologist  and get my hearing checked out so we'll just place this this will be a little  tight sure so if any discomfort let me know sure is it comfortable yeah time for complete chest x-ray multiple views okay and in this room I got a complete  ECG echocardiogram of my heart now this   test in the United States cost me out of my  own pocket 1400dollars and it was included in this   Suite of services that I got today this  was one of the tests that they did not   want me to film in but you know it was the  standard sort of Doppler test that showed   my heart and the blood flow and I actually  was able to speak to the cardiologist right   after where he went over the results with  me and everything was looking really good it was nice that test cost me a lot of money at  home and on to my next test which was a full body   bone density scan I can't even imagine how much  this would cost to be done in the United States   you lay on the table and the Machine scans from  above and below and checks all your bone density I have never had that done. That was cool okay it was just requested to drink a liter of  water because they're gonna do ultrasound of my   bladder so that these cups that are about four  ounces so I just finished the last one I did   nine of them a little bit over a leader I think  my calculations correct but uh water logged and   I really need coffee I haven't had coffee today I  need coffee but okay we're coming close to the end   here okay so my bladder is not full enough  they were ready for me but only 55 full so   she said come back when you really have to  go to bathroom so I'm gonna grab some coffee   because I have a headache from not having any  today or eating so I came to Barista Coffee it's   not my favorite but it's coffee I needed it so  bad I could already feel my headache lessening   okay headed back from my last test cross  fingers I can do it because I gotta go pee Waiting for rom ten last one so before these last few tests  they did an ultrasound of my liver of my   bladder of my kidneys and my prostate it  was thorough and amazing that I got all   of this done under the same 60 some odd  dollars okay I'm done with the last test   let's go back up to the counter and find out  when I have to come back to get my results stay tuned we will get our  follow-up and find out how we did   hey off on another Health thing let's  see how we do with this one okay so I'm at maxvision Super specialty Eye  Hospital I want to get a comprehensive eye   exam so let's see if they can accommodate a  walk-in and how much it'll be so come along   so I've been here before so they should  have all of my information on file and my visit today is 200 rupees 200 rupees  which is about two dollars and forty cents okay so it looks like that  female doctor I saw before   is in here. so I think it's gonna be, it should  be all the same but it's always good to have   your vision checked. Here my technician, what's your name ? My name is Shavan. Shavan, thank you very much.

so firs I’ll check your distance Visio , so we’re you able to read those? Oh yeah, perfect, same way yeah all right it's done  it's done all right thank you   just perusing through their brochure they offer  so many eye Services here time to meet the doctor hello, hi, how are you?I'm good thank you. The pressures in your eyes are  pretty normal okay good okay so after that   I'll be checking you clinically to see how  your optic nerve and disk is there okay if   I feel anything abnormal then I'll send  you to something called field test okay In field test we will come to know to what extent the nerve fibers have got damaged. I really appreciated that they did a  thorough eye exam checking my optic   nerve to make sure I didn't  have glaucoma or anything Your nerves are fine. great thank you so much thank you thank  you thank you. complete eye exam is done   everything good I only need reading  glasses and over-the-counter ones are   perfect okay medical checkup number three  come along let's see if we can get it done about a 10 minute ride away  is my next appointment at Clove Dental I want a complete cleaning for my teeth We’re going to do a health screening. that's good they're still testing for covid  symptoms so good the office is very proud that   even during covid they had zero spreading of  Covid cases so they're very hygienic in this   office and I appreciate that it's paperwork time  and telling them what services I want done today Strange you have to remove your shoes everywhere  it's not a temple so I found a workaround   for the taking your sandals off let me show you okay over here? Okay I hate going to the dentist. even at home. but it has to be done and you should  do it every at least every six months so the doctors arrived and I love how she had me rinse my mouth out  with mouthwash I mean it kills bacteria and   germs how smart to do that right before your  dental procedures I have never had that done and she did a thorough job of  this checkup she checked all   of my previous cavities look to make  sure I had no cavities going on how   deep any Pockets were the health of my  mouth in general it was very thorough we can proceed with cleaning okay which  will clean up all the food deposits and   little bit of shade correction  for you. okay great. Shall we proceed?please

okay I won't bore you with the entire teeth  cleaning but suffice it to say that it was   a thorough teeth cleaning with scraping and  buffing and using paste and you know just   everything that you get done suction and  spray and spit in the water you know all   that kind of stuff so it was very thorough  and I'm so excited that I got this done today well I've been working in Hyderabad from  past four and a half years okay and from   2006 onwards I have been a dentist  wow long time that's great my name is doctor Parvati. I’m a root canal specialist and orthodontist. I hope I never need one of those yeah but you did  an awesome job cleaning you know it's amazing okay   you're doing the cleaning you're a doctor yeah I'm  doing all the practice like general Dentistry also   I'm doing and specific to my root canal also  I'm doing that's great that's awesome you get   a full gamut of everything but it's nice that I  actually had a dentist Doctor cleaning my tent   because usually just get a hygienist yeah and you  know that I would prefer a dentist that's great   awesome the other thing in the U.S is you cannot  get a teeth cleaning without getting X-rays and  

all sorts of stuff they just won't do it so I like  the fact that I can come here and get my teeth   cleaned because I know I don't have any cavities  I know I don't have any issue so but I'll suggest   you whenever you go to a dentist every six months  you're going right it's a good habit oh yeah so   whenever you go to the dentist Whenever Wherever  You have a filling or anything just follow-up has   to be done okay very good all right thank you  again I really appreciate it awesome job so   your entire cleaning and your checkup your  charges is 1090 rupees 1090. okay very good   um third almost fourteen dollars for my service  today so that's amazing you got to come get your   teeth cleaned serious so tell me uh like I am very  shocked and surprised that I can just come off the   street and get my teeth cleaned for me to get  clean in the U.S it literally takes me four to   six weeks to make an appointment I cannot there's  no way if I wanted my teeth clean no way even if   I said I'll pay whatever there's no way so I'm  amazed that you can do that I am actually working   for Clove from past four years and you don't you  won't believe even at the time of covid we were   working really so and we were fully safe right  none of our workers were infected wow none of   our doctors were infected yeah because we followed  all the protocols that's great and sterilization   is the top most for sure for sure and I'll tell  you I really like it when you're cleaning my teeth   you have me rinse with the peroxide or whatever  that is because you always think there's bacteria   coming loose they never do that so I really like  that yes that is a first protocol to make them-sit and wash their mouth so it works as an antibiotic and I also got a free tube of clove  toothpaste which is really helpful   with sensitive teeth it was part  of my visit and I really appreciate   that the doctor gave that to me  she even uses it herself this is a clove powered  toothpaste tablet okay toothpaste tablet   yes you have seen toothpaste but it's  a tablet okay so what do you do is when   you're traveling and you don't have your brush  or your toothpaste yeah it happens is just   shortcut you just take this chew on every side  and wash it out really is that something you   came up with or something it's it's clove  invention really yeah that's fantastic yeah   wow very Innovative you can try it all right  sure I'd like to try that yeah um and those   tablets really do clean your mouth so well if you  don't have a toothbrush or a toothpaste amazing   I thoroughly enjoy my teeth cleaning  and the doctor at clove wow amazing   okay off to my final Health checkup and this  time it's in the evening what could it be yes okay yeah Today, what am I doing with a wire out of my  head?come along it's gonna be interesting   he's going swimmingly so far so let's check it  out tonight it will get off…. you think? so I decided to have a sleep study  done in India my doctor in the U.S had   suggested that I have a sleep study done in  America to ensure that I don't have sleep   apnea and they wanted like fourteen hundred  dollars to do this test in the U.S and in  

India although it's quite expensive it was  only two hundred dollars and here I am like   being hooked up from head to toe with all sorts  of sensors to monitor my breathing they have guys   there all night watching and oxygen and they're  ready to come in with CPAP machines if needed you can see I'm all wired  up nose thing finger thing   finger thing chest all tied up stomach  all tied up a pleasant sleep [Laughter] I have to admit it was not the most  comfortable evening that I've had   and I did not sleep well at all and because  there was light in the room and there were   people in the room and I'm someone who needs  complete quiet and dark in order to sleep but   I did persevere through the night  and was able to complete the test okay I guess it's gonna be lights out good night so on to my final Health tourism sort of visit okay so the reason I came to the pharmacy is  to pick up a couple things one is Propecia I   take it for my beautiful locks and in the  U.S the propecia cost me forty dollars   for a bottle of 30. I come here in India  for a strip of 30 a particular brand name   is three dollars so imagine for a whole year it's  just you know nothing, thirty dollars so I pay for a   whole year what one bottle cost in the U.S the  other thing I got are a few antibiotics so you   know in the US in order to get antibiotics you  have to go see the doctor and you have to pay   for your co-payment and your office visit and  the medication here it's a dollar fifty for   enough antibiotics to last you through thickness  so you know it's a great place to get medication   if you need it it's much cheaper so just look at  the markup the U.S market has it's crazy [Music]   okay so in summary what did I get I got a bunch of  reports on the test that I did I did an EKG an ECG   a Doppler an echocardiogram uh lung capacity test  and x-ray a bone density scan a uh let's see what   else oh an ultrasound of my liver and kidneys and  prostate and bladder all of that plus I don't know   70 plus um tests blood tests that were included  your analysis and all that for like 65 then I   got my eye exam for a little over two dollars  and I got my sleep study for 200 so for 200 and   75 dollars oh and my teeth cleaning too so for  275 280 I got all of that stuff done compared   to my one mole removal and mole Frozen for over  four hundred dollars so I can see why people go to   different countries to have medical procedures you  know I can take these reports and bring them to my   physician if there's any issues thank goodness  everything came out it's shining brightly so I'm   very happy with that and I don't need to take that  to my doctor but ultimately you could so you know   it might be worth a trip to India you get to see  the country get a nice airfare you get your doctor   visits all for the price of just a couple things  here so I don't know it's it's totally worth it so   you know it's a shame what how much we get  charged here but it is what it is so I hope   you enjoyed this video please like share and  remember to subscribe see you soon take care

2023-05-31 17:53

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