Kim Clement Prophecy Compilation | Donne Clement Petruska | House Of Destiny Network

Kim Clement Prophecy Compilation | Donne Clement Petruska | House Of Destiny Network

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hello House of Destiny and welcome to this special broadcast I've put together I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years as we did and going into this new year I wanted to share my experience from last year and it's all intertwined with my dad's prophecies and a man named Clark and so today I have some special things to show you and what I'm going to do is break down my presentation that I have been using over the past year for all of 2022 as I toured around America on the reawaken America tour with Clay Clark and general Flynn and Roger Stone and Mike Lindell and Eric Trump and many of you have been watching and following but for those of you who haven't it's a very interesting story and I you know had gone through the 2020 election as many of of you had and knowing everything my dad had prophesied it was it was is you know it was quite a blow and 2021 was a difficult year and at the end of the year I got a phone call and it was Clay Clark inviting me to go on the reawaken America Tour and because his name was Clark because General Flynn was there and God had showed me some things about General Flynn prior to this I agreed to do something I never would have normally done and had never done before as many of you know have watched our broadcast and followed my parents Ministry for all of these years you know that Don a didn't go touring around speaking in front of thousands of people and so this year has been a a learning experience for me really not only in you know speaking in front of huge crowds of people which you know Dad did have me come up sometimes and say a few things over the years when you know when he would travel around but never had I had to carry something and it really has been good for me to not only get the experience of doing that but also understanding at a much deeper level the things that my dad prophesied and such a day what I'm going to do is share with you uh the prophecies that I've been presenting across America for those of you who haven't seen on the reawaken America Tour this year and uh you know when I had a look at these prophecies all together just recently because as the year went on I was adding and taking away you know as things would go I was sort of figuring out which are the right prophecies and I really had to pray about this and and and spend some time with God and and in his direction as well and so that has a huge part to play in this so I've put together the the videos that I've used and I'm going to play for them for you now but I've done it in a particular order so I want you to pay attention to the order and I've cut them into shorter Clips so that we can discuss in between and so um before we do that though I will have Clay Clark joining me at some point as we go along through these videos he is on standby and um I really want you to be able to hear from him as well so we're going to have a very fun day today it's a little longer than normal but I really encourage you to stick it through here I know normally we only do about 20 or 30 minutes but today we're going to have a little longer broadcast but it is going to be worth it so stay with us and again I just want to thank you for joining us today and for all of your support too because many of you have supported me so much through this past year and I really appreciate that and so let's start the first video um I want to play for you is from February 22nd of 2014 and this day I often will label this if I'm naming the file if I'm editing or cutting a clip out of this particular day this broadcast I call it that day because I don't know actually what to call this day because my dad saw so many things on this one day God show it was just downloaded into my dad and it is so incredible and so I am going to play for you right now video one and this is kind of a precursor to everything that we've actually been experiencing and going through and God showed my dad this in 2014. so let's play video one spirit of God says my people thank you have cried my people have cried out for an answer and this is what I have to say s the spirit of life the veil has been placed upon this nation and I did it [Music] I did it so that for a season my people would wonder and Faith would increase for in darkness Faith grows in despair Faith grows I did it but now my Fury has ended hear me for I have found a man after my own heart he is one of the brothers that singled out for presidency of the United States of America so as you have just saw God was saying that he placed a veil Upon This Nation and that is so interesting and and over over the years I have really looked at at that and thought about it because it wasn't the only time my dad prophesied something similar and so as we go along here through these videos remember to pay attention to that because it's a good question veil has been placed upon this nation and I did it and as a result God found a man after his own heart he was amongst us who was not a part of that establishment or Elite who was one of us an outsider to that system and we consequently saw what happened when someone from outside of that system got in and said hey guys look what's going on back here and that's basically what Trump did and so when my dad in 2007 now we're going back seven years prior to what you just watched side Trump being a trumpet and I think being a trumpet is that he made a loud noise and got the attention of everybody in the world I think right now at this stage you could probably say Donald Trump is the most famous man in the world anywhere you go whether they love him or hate him people know exactly who he is and that is not for no reason so let's watch that prophecy again and this will be video two about Donald Trump trump shall become a trumpet says the Lord no you didn't hear me Trump shall become a trumpet are you listening to me I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet will be a Praying president not a religious one but I will fool the people says the Lord I will fool the people yes I will God says the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say he has hot blood for the spirit of God says yes he may have hot blood but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly says the Lord of hosts listen to the word of the Lord God says I will put at your Helm for two terms a president that will pray that he will not be a Praying president when he starts I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power says the Lord so this was seven years before that first video I played you in February of 2014 and God showed my dad that Trump would be a trumpet he showed him the wall the walls of protection uh the economy and two terms and when he said the two terms he was in Maricopa County which is also very significant for those of you who followed my dad and uh over the years before he passed away and when he was doing boots on the ground you understand the importance and so I should explain it to those who don't is the the importance of the prophetic and its physical presence somewhere and this is something I saw growing up and and traveling with my dad and mom over the years is the the regions in which she would travel to and he was very particular my father was about the regions in which he was uh and and and the principalities and powers and spirits that govern a region and that was very important especially for the prophetic mission that my dad was on because everything he was doing was for the future was for now and so a lot of times at the time it didn't make sense to people even to my dad I know that and again there's this this Avail has been placed and then in in this video I just showed you you saw uh in February of 2007 he said I will fool the people and again why why is the question it's very important I don't think uh should be ignored because I think it's part of God's plan here his ultimate plan here and saving us from ourselves and so I found that to be so interesting also that it was um that it was in Maricopa County where we've seen so much trouble with elections and many questions coming out of the 2020 election and a lot of it happened in Maricopa County and a lot has been proved there and we've seen what's happened with Kerry Lake most recently in the midterms in in that very region again and so there's that regional thing and what's interesting is the very first reawaken America Tour I went to was in Arizona was in Maricopa County so there's something about that that's a very prophetic thing because nobody actually planned that or even noticed it until afterwards and that's God's plan again and so um then earlier this year just a couple of months ago we found another prophecy this is also from 2007 so we have Trump will be a trumpet we have the walls and the economy and all that this is all happening in just a few month period of 2007 that God just showed my dad Trump trump and so the very next video I'm going to play you is video three on my list and this is again in 2007 pay attention to the date let's watch that but God says a president that I will bring you to the White House and they will say he is ungodly he does not know God but even as Jesus disguised himself for the great feast so I have disguised this man's heart and when he comes to the White House not only shall he be mine that he shall pray as a man that has never prayed in the White House is anybody excited about this that same man that same man says the spirit of God shall put his feet onto this platform and God says they will say how did this take place laws shall change young men and young women shall have access into the kingdom and with authority into politics and with authority into the industries that now have been controlled by Darkness because of this man that shall rule for another two terms for two terms God said do not fear for the law says there will be no unnecessary unnecessary stuff but there will be things that men shall question fear not for you shall sit in that seat and suddenly my spirit shall come upon him and baptize him with a fire and with anointing says the spirit of the Lord no more war no more war no more war no more no more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir wow it was so cool to find that because we had just completely forgotten that prophecy was even there it wasn't really lost it just we hadn't tied it in to Trump and then I looked at the date and June 17th of 2007 was the date from which you just watched and if you go now forward E let's see seven eight years uh my dad uh on June 16th so I have to think for a second on June 16th of 2015. landed or was flying to and landed in New York City as Donald Trump was announcing his candidacy for president and the make America great again campaign slogan and the dates are very very important because Dad was supposed to have been in New York the week prior to that June 16th week he was supposed to have been there the week before and I remember this because I remember when he was going so actually remember very clearly what was happening there and I had some trouble and they couldn't make it that week and they had to postpone it just a few days I think it wasn't even a week but had him arriving in New York on the same day Donald Trump announced his candidacy and so this is pretty incredible so let's watch that video I believe it's video five yeah greetings everyone uh it's very interesting to be uh uh a prophet but honestly when you see what's unfolding standing on the on the airport right now about to leave for New York and um I'm gonna tell you it's just uh amazing what's unfolding already God told me to go to New York um and I shared of course before that when the spirit of God leads you even as Paul was led sometimes it's not very clear but the dates change slightly towards New York and before before I left I said to my team I need to meet with some leaders and uh specifically felt that I should meet with Donald Trump felt strongly about that and we're about to leave now and I found out that he's just announced that he is going to run for prison that is important to me because when the Lord leads me to put my feet on the ground in any region they must be a reason for it Tamil um I don't know what your feelings are but you're not standing with me just before we get off the flight and you can just share a little bit Kim I think it's simply amazing to me how events suddenly align and orchestrate themselves to coincide with your boots hitting the soil of New York you know I'm being told by our team who's updating us now about Donald Trump announcing his candidacy for president that the The Motto he's using is make America great again and you're going to the very soil where 9 11 took place so incredible that God's timing because you know sometimes things will go wrong and you'll think why why are things going wrong you never know you never know what God has planned because God had it to where my dad landed in New York and was traveling to New York on the very day that Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president and obviously dad did not know that that was going to happen that day and so that is incredible enough and then the very next day now remember our lost prophecy that I played for you a few minutes ago was June 17th of 2007. now let's skip ahead in time to June 17th of 2015 and here's my dad

praying at Trump Towers which is video five let's play that now I left to come to New York I started getting a um I want to say a burden but a to pray for uh for for Donald Trump um not that I have any particular affection for him in any way but I felt that with all the changes that have taken place in his life I don't know much about him but that he is so really standing for Israel standing for the Christians he was even in the uh the Israel the big parade they just had he was chosen as what do they call him the Marshall Grand Marshall I mean that's quite a statement for Donald Trump to be in the in the huge parade representing Israel and then his statement that he's made before about how he would stand with the Christians um so I really started getting a burden and the Lord started speaking to me and saying look put a word together for him I hadn't completed it but I knew that I had to be in New York at this time now you know we planned this and we were supposed to be here last week uh things changed and so we left on the 16th well as you know on the 16th when I left he made these big announcements some of the time my feet hit the ground he'd made the announcement that he's going to run for prison right behind me you see the Trump Towers but behind me you see a statement of man that has been successful in his business career in his in his career he's been through hardships but the spirit of the Lord told me to to come and stand here and to speak the truth over this over this nation especially New York you know what you need somebody at the helm that feels the same way someone that's saying make America great again so we pray for you Donald Trump we pray that the will of God be done for the United States of America and in your life and we pray Lord that your will be done that you will show us what the future is clearly as we stand here in New York New York once again you have been chosen to do something great and so Lord God I pray for this for this for the city that we're standing in and the many many areas that you showed us would be attacked on the streets again I pray for your will to be done and for your kingdom to come in the name of Yeshua amen so incredible that is just so incredible that exactly eight years later to the day from him prophesying again about Donald Trump so the whole year of 2007 he was seeing Trump then on the exact date eight years later he's standing in front of Trump Towers the day after Donald Trump announces his candidacy for president praying for Donald Trump on the streets of New York and this to me is just it's it's mind-blowing because now we're looking at not only what did Kim prophesy but when and where these are all I always tell people this it's really really important to pay attention to that and that's I know that from traveling with Dad and if you've been following my dad and watched him over the years you would not you'll know that too especially with boots on the ground which all started in Ukraine which is crazy too and so um I would like to play you now because this is a timeline now we had my dad prophesy all these things he prophesied Trump would be a trumpet he prophesied about the wall he prophesied about the economy um so many things that were just precisely accurate so now we're going to go back to February 22nd of 2014. and this will be video eight where my dad started to see that there would be trouble let's watch that now video eight and then there is a nation a nation for a new kind of war with America this nation shall come very subtly but he shall not come in the time of President Obama they shall come when this new one arises my David that I have set aside for this nation and people will become very afraid they'll say we have no protection and then God says am I impressed with your weapons of war am I impressed with the strength of your men's legs ah I have said I will bring this nation to its knees and God said you have been humbled and yet some more and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory wow so if you listen to what he was saying there he saw a new kind of War and what we are experiencing right now in America and I think all over the world is such a psychological warfare uh this is a spiritual battle for sure but the battle of the Mind what is true and what is not were you where where the Distortion of Truth the enemy has been given enough of a foothold when you take God out of things you're starting to see the manifestation of how the devil can twist things around and distort them can take something that is true and corrupted why because he can't create he can only imitate and corrupt that he cannot create and so it's very interesting uh to look at the way social media and media and journalism and information has been distorted so much that you have whole groups of people who are 100 sure they're seeing something and understand something and know what's going on when they actually don't and it's happening on both sides it's just it's just confusion and chaos and the only thing that can bring this right is God God is the only one who can and I'm sure many of you will agree with me at this point many many of you have had arguments with your families and who knows what else must surely understand what I mean and so through the course of this past year I have been traveling All Over America the way I did when I was a child with my dad to do the reawaken America Tour and after leaving the first one I was curious about if he had if Dad had prophesied anything about vaccines and you know that kind of thing and I couldn't find anything we have a prophecy database on our website you can do keyword searches and we've got 40 Years of Prophecy we have most of it in there transcribed for YouTube you can search it right now you can go to our app or our website and search it and I've you know I had left the the first tour I was on the airplane flying home and I thought well I just want to listen to my dad and so I put my airpods in and I found I went through my music on my phone and I thought I'll just listen to this old album and this album was released in 2001 and it's called America on her knees and uh this was after 9 11 he released this album and it was full of prophecy and music so it wasn't a music album it had prophecy and music in it and it was very old I'd forgotten completely about what was even in that and I you know I chose that one because I hadn't heard it in so long and so I was on the plane had my airpods in put that on and started to fall asleep and I heard him say inoculations and I jumped up and I thought inoculations that's another word so I want to play this for you because this fits in the timeline of you know a new kind of War so Trump is President and you start seeing this craziness started happening psychological warfare what is the truth everyone's freaking out because he has now pulled back the curtain to show us what's going on back there and you know sometimes the truth can be hard to see especially for people who aren't delved into this you know people have their jobs and their lives and they don't have time to do research and be journalists themselves they used to going to work and putting on the news and that's what's going on and that's all changed a lot of that with technology and social media obviously has changed that to where we are now in the position of being the journalists ourselves or we have to do this research for ourselves and not everybody has the time to do that so it's been very difficult for lots of people and it continues to be but regardless I found this uh prophecy and instead of vaccine it said inoculation so let's watch that quickly thank you children what about them says the Lord that's what the enemy want to [ __ ] your economy and to [ __ ] your children that the spirit of God says they will breathe in the air that is pure for I will take the air of this nation and I will purify it says the spirit of the Lord but they want an inoculation against that which is being sent into this country but it is not being sent in from outside says the Lord it is already inside this nation your enemies are within says the Lord and I will wipe them out one at a time but before I do I shall go over to the land where you are having war and I will strike down the enemy quicker than you imagine says the Lord our cause of spirit of betrayal to arise and the people will be afraid great fears shall come upon them [Music] great fear shall come upon them says the Lord not because of the strength of America and not because of the strength of the religious because the Lord said I determined this day that I would do what I'm gonna do and I shall do it says the Lord for the sake of your children and your children's children therefore Rejoice for the battle has begun but it shall end strictly with a great shot of Victory says the Lord so as you can see I was shocked to hear that when I was on that airplane and interesting that he saw enemies who are within and I think that's something we definitely at this stage understand what that means and for those of you maybe don't understand is it the corruption uh is within there is so much corruption within our own government and really what this is about is cleaning house cleaning house and this is ultimately what my dad saw and so I have one more video to play for you and then I'm going to bring clay Clark on with me but before we do that I want to play you uh what my dad saw in April of 2015. so this is before Trump has announced his candidacy and in the middle of I believe he was taking an offering uh my dad saw something just in a moment and that would happen sometimes it wouldn't be like always you know most commonly dad would be worshiping and then God would show him things or he would have dreams and visions and then he would share that uh but in this instant and and this happened this happened sometimes is he saw it right in the moment as he was praying taking an offering God he saw I caught a glimpse and so let's watch video 11. laughs [Music] the wall there's

a wall being built that will not be completed for a takeover already a plan Iran knew of wicked plans your wickedness cannot be covered I've seen you says the Lord I've already spoken about you father I just pray you [Music] stop it's four minutes Rudy Giuliani oh you may mock him but I made him a Watchman in this country the hatred for this nation has increased wow so Dad saw the wall not being completed because of a takeover he saw this before Donald Trump ever said a word about the wall or announced that he was running for president this was April of 2015. so you're getting I hope an idea of how prophecy Works God knew when to say specific things through my dad so that you knew he wasn't being influenced by events going on around him because once Trump announces candidacy then wall talk started later on but prior to that there was no talk of the wall in Trump but Dad saw a wall being built that would not be completed because of a takeover and so this would bring us to I would say the 2020 election as far as Iran is concerned I think that we are going to find out more you know I have thoughts and opinions on that but more importantly also was what he saw about Rudy Giuliani because after the 2020 election Rudy Giuliani was mocked and the way he was treated was a disgrace um and I followed and because I knew what my dad had prophesied I knew to follow what Rudy Giuliani was doing and that was and anybody else at the house of Destiny here you knew that too and I actually watched every single hearing that Rudy Giuliani did after that I sat there and watched every single minute every hour of it and uh I listened to him and I have a lot of respect for him and it was it was obvious to me and anybody who would take the time to see you could see what was going on uh in that election and God confirmed that through my dad years in advance which is amazing so before I go any further into it into this I want to bring my friend clay Clark uh into this conversation with us but let's take a little break first and then we'll come back how blessed are we as we enter this New Year together for new things New Opportunities New Perspectives God is on the move and his kingdom is constantly expanding so as we're setting ourselves in the right direction in motion by giving by offering to God and thanking him that what we're at what we're what we're doing and the place that we're giving into there is no corruption there is nothing that can break in and steal God has you completely covered dear House of Destiny Isaiah 12 and 5 says sing to the Lord for he has done glorious things let this be known to all the world well we certainly can sing to God for the Glorious things that he's done in this last year always challenges in the year but glorious things that he's done and now we want to let this be known to the entire world thank you for helping us reach out to the entire world let's wrap our minds around that for a second that's what God is doing that's what he wants to do and that's what he will do to the house of Destiny through the house of Destiny and he wants to bless your home right now so receive it in Jesus name we bless you amen there's a man by the name of Mr Clark hey could it be that God's speaking to me yes he is somebody just a few minutes before you came on the show you went out and you took the American flag and you said I'm proud of my nation you raise it up and God said you have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation you're watching me you're an influential person the spirit of God says hear the word of the Prophet to you as a king I will open that door that you prayed about and when it comes time for the election you will be elected so at the very end of last year I got a phone call from a man named Clark a man named clay Clark and he invited me to join him and general Flynn on the reawaken America Tour which is what I have been talking about this whole time and what I've been doing all year and so today I asked clay Clark to join me and he's here are you there clay I am here I love that Christmas Tree by the way beautiful Christmas tree back there thank you we're always very festive we love Christmas amen thank you for joining me clay Clark and um as you heard there was my dad prophesying your name in 2013. so as we've gone through this timeline I've been explaining to everybody not only how it's kind of fitting because over the past year doing the reawaken America Tour it's helped me with that timeline and putting together okay Dad prophesied this stuff there's fulfilled fulfilled and this is what we can expect and so I got a phone call from you end of last year you invited me to join you on the reawaken America tour with General Flynn and I said yes and I knew about that prophecy and so did you Isn't that cool well this is very interesting and these are these are facts um I was uh not aware of who your father was not aware of who Kim Clement was not aware of the power of the prophetic any of that and I received a text message that came to me uh from Charles Cola and I'm telling this so people can look him up it's colaw he owns a gym he's a Christian gym owner it's kind of like a Planet Fitness meets Chick-fil-A but it's coloss c-o-l-a-w and on the text thread was a video to your dad's prophecy and he said watch it and call me back so don a I I I put the phone down I watched and I thought that's that's bizarre I don't know who this uh uh Prophet guy is so I thought it doesn't apply to me whatever then I put the phone down Donnie I'm not not exaggerating no hyperbole all within just a period of an hour or less I get a call from a lady by the name of CJ wheeler and CJ calls me and says hey um the uh we would love to invite you uh Newsmax would love to invite you to be interviewed from Washington DC from the Trump Hotel at the time the property was owned by Trump by the Trump Hotel now I'm just going to cite this so people understand this President Trump was hosting a deregulation event at the White House I'll pull this pull this up here so I can I can cite this properly so I didn't know president Trump I didn't know that I would be uh in um in DC on July 16th of 2020 but I got invited by CJ to come to this um event to do an interview from the Trump Hotel in D.C so I put the phone down and then Richard Manning calls me Richard Manning he's a contributor for Fox and he says hey could you come to DC on July 16th of 2020 uh to attend a trump deregulation event at the White House and I'm going what day did you say he says July 16th so I checked my notes and I go uh because I rarely travel uh and so I'm looking I'm going okay CJ said July 16th Richard Manning says July 16th so I accept both invitations I call my wife we have five kids we rearrange the schedule uh to make it all happen then I get another call from CJ and she says one America news would also like to interview you on July 16th of 2020 uh there and so I had three invitations to go to Washington DC on July 16th of 2020 within one hour of receiving this prophecy related to Mr Clark and Donald and to make it even more strange there um or mind-blowing there is I I thought for sure I wanted Don a for that prophecy to not involve me because if you have a prophecy set over you you kind of feels heavy there's a calling to it and I didn't want that to be me I was taking out a test on me because he said in the prophecy your father said uh and again the Holy Spirit was speaking to your father but your father said he said and just before you went on the show you took out the American flag and you said that I'm proud of this nation and I was thinking I didn't do that that wasn't me ha I'm off the hook then I get a knock at my door and Nace Roberts knocks on my door he's a longtime client his company's called he knocks on the door a long time client he makes parts for the Army in Tesla and he says clay um Tears In His Eyes by the way like a grown man with a beard who's just randomly crying and I don't do well with crying and so he says uh Hey right before I I I hopped on uh you you did your show this morning I took out the American flag and I said I'm proud of this nation and I I I thought you should know that does that pertain to something so at that point I'm going oh wait a minute so I watched the prophecy again and that's what it confirmed to me that I don't think it was just Randomness and all of a sudden I'm looking at my whiteboard because I've been praying that God would open up doors you know to reach president Trump I look at my whiteboard where I have Ephesians chapter 1 verses 16 through 18. I have various scriptures written I have a picture of President Donald J Trump and I committed myself donated just pray without ceasing anytime I have down time I just try to pray that God will open up doors that no man can close then he will help help us to reach the messages to get the truth out to president Donald J Trump so that he can help reawaken America and from that moment Donnie from that very moment I'd already sued the mayor of Tulsa to turn my you know to keep the City of Tulsa open during the lockdowns I had already turned my building into a church in search of hopefully finding a pastor that would be willing to stand up against the lockdowns I'd already done these things but um from that point forward doors began opening that that really are unexplainable and now here we are uh I can say and you've seen the Friendship of Eric Trump and myself and general Flynn and myself and Mike Lindell I'm not saying this to puff up myself or my profile what I'm saying is God opened up doors that no man could open and that prophecy came true true and very true and now it looks as though um America is becoming one party the the reawaken America party or the the make America first party the make America first party versus the the great reset America is waking up and I believe your father's prophecies are coming to pass and it truly is mind-boggling to me it really is actually so much so I'm glad you brought up the one party why don't we play another video I want everybody to see this I'm really glad you brought that up right now clay Let's Play video 13 because I do believe that this is the the make America great Again part of the party and and this unification that we're seeing uh that is separate from the Republicans and the Democrats it's something else something special Let's Play video 13 we'll come back and talk about it I was standing in my garden suddenly the Spirit came removed from my eyes scales I was praying for America and I was praying for Israel nothing unusual and suddenly behind me starting behind my back going in the form of an arrow for hundreds of thousands of people and I turned around and I was stunned at what I saw this was not just a mere dream but this was a vision and so I raised my hand like this and every one of them raised their hands I look back and they were doing the same thing I shouted and they all shouted they were one they were one one party one party of people [Music] it continued until I realized that the unity of these amongst them stood one that God had set aside to be the leader of this nation and then I heard gold I wasn't sure if this was attached to his name but he said to me he will restore the fortunes in this nation because of his brilliance I couldn't quite see his face because that was not allowed because there was a Mist that covered all the people and he was amongst them so there it is I think it's pretty incredible that my dad saw that because he saw it right he said scales were removed from his eyes and he saw in the shape of a v hundreds of thousands of people and when he lifted his hands they looked at their hands when he shouted they shouted they were one one party of people and amongst them stood one who God had set aside to be the leader of this nation who we now know is Donald Trump and he also saw gold well as related to Trump I want to tackle both of them this is so powerful people to understand how this all fits together this is so powerful what you just said I mean this is wow everyone should take notes right now this is very powerful okay when we go to the reawaken America Tour and Donna you've met these wonderful people that attend you know people go to time to free they go to time to free and I think a lot of people come to see Eric Trump or they might come to see you or Steve Schultz or general Flynn or Michael Bell you know bigger names they might see Dr mikevitz or Jim Brewer but at the end of the day donnay what I'm finding is Libertarians Christians Republicans uh people that don't vote uh Democrats that are not in favor of genetically modified food not in favor of genetically modified humans not in favor of putting RNA modifying nanotechnology inside bodies all these different people are coming together you know we're seeing Robert F Kennedy Jr who's to the left on the same stage as general Flynn they're on the same stage with Eric Trump you know what's going on what's Happening is you're seeing a unification of all these people coming together as one party if you had to say what party is it I think it's team decent that's just my thesis to save this nation we're going to need the salvation and we're going to need a God solution second thing as it relates to gold a lot of your listeners probably know this but I'm going to rehash this a 1971 America got off the gold standard God's money in 1971. at that point uh that happened by the way

per the recommendation of Henry Kissinger so Henry Kissinger told Richard Nixon to get us off the gold standard that happened in 1971. the same year 1971 this guy Clark Schwab started the fourth Industrial Revolution started the great reset agenda started the world economic Forum which by the way Cloud Schwab's father was very closely related to Adolf Hitler your father spoke openly about the fourth Reich The Book of Daniel it talks about the fourth Kingdom Kar Schwab calls this the fourth Industrial Revolution long story short you have now uh in 1974 America teamed up with Saudi Arabia to join the Petro dollar to create the Petro dollar so since we did weren't our currency wasn't backed by gold we had to have it backed by something and per the recommendation of Henry Kissinger again Cloud Schwabs for the world economic forum for the recommendation of Henry Kissinger America got off the gold standard and per the recommendation yet again of Henry Kissinger America began this thing called the Petro dollar and it worked like this we agreed to protect Saudi Arabia militarily as long as they would export oil to people that we like at a price we like that's how it worked and then they would deposit some of the profits or proceeds Saudi Arabia would deposit those proceeds into American Banks thus giving the American dollars some sort of credibility well Brazil Russia India China South Africa they've all teamed up Brazil Russia India China South Africa they've all teamed up together to introduce a new currency called the brics currency and it is a gold-backed programmable Central Bank digital currency and they just convinced Saudi Arabia to join Iran is going to join turkey is going to join dozens dozens of countries are going to join and just with Brazil Russia India China South Africa bricks that's that is 41 of the Earth's population so the only plausible way that America could possibly uh and again just a practical sense I'm not talking about God but in a practical strategic level the way that America would get free of the grip of the central bank which seeks to control us as they implement this programmable Central Bank digital currency folks look it up cbdc cbdc the only way that America could possibly escape the grips of the Central Bank digital currencies which you can turn on or off in the way they can turn on or off your social media account if you don't have allegiance to the to the narrative would be to introduce a gold-backed U.S currency and very very few people are talking about that and the fact that your father mentioned the word gold I'm not claiming to to know the thoughts of God or that I know how it all fits together but I just had a very very uh important meeting with some of the biggest names in America I won't mention their names on this particular show but you and I talked about it yesterday were some of the biggest names in America were all seated there was 24 people in that room and uh conversations were talking about returning to a gold standard gold standard and so I'm telling you the word gold was used uh at nauseum during said meetings so I'm telling you these things that your father could not have possibly known are all coming to pass and I'm not saying that to build up the profile of Kim Clement I'm I'm saying that to build up the profile of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to praise your father's uh obedience to being a voice in the wilderness and saying things that would have made anybody's anybody who knew your father uh not well but people that kind of knew him passively acquaintances had to think your father was crazy when he was talking about President Donald J Trump becoming the president Trump being a trumpet they had to think he was nuts when he's talking about a guy by the name of Clark and a man by the name of Donald and before he went on the show they would raise up the flag and say he's proud of this nation when he talked about everybody becoming one and such a politically divided time to think we're all coming together we are though and it's all happening right now and I know this is happening right now so that we can share the love of Jesus Christ and the power of God and I think a lot of people have stopped understanding that the Bible is very prophetic if you read the Bible it's not just a historical book it's a prophetic book and when you recognize that the words in the Bible are the words of God that God has told us what is going to happen in advance it's really powerful to see how the visions that your father was given are tying this all together together and I just I find myself sometimes overwhelmed by the profundity of what's Happening well me too because you'll be incredible because you're absolutely right about the brics Nations and on it was the same I don't have the video today but it was December 13th of 2014. my dad said he saw Putin and four others at a table writing things down which he could not repeat and as well as the fact that he saw gold now we can associate gold with Trump but then this season as well if you look at what's going on with these with the brics Nations and the gold standard and you're hearing gold gold gold it's more than just Trump he was seeing the gold being important what day did you say that your the your dad saw the Putin gathering with what they did was that it was December 13th of June or sorry December I'm saying this because it's so important genius you said December 13th of December 13th Joe Biden signed executive order 14067 executive order 14067 which authorizes programmable Central Bank digital currencies and that is set to go into effect on December 13 2022 and that is today no yes that is today oh that's today how amazing is that I didn't even know it was the 13th today I totally forgot it's very incredible we just got that this has happened to me with my dad's prophecies yeah I was actually on Mount Carmel in Israel in 2018 and I was reading a prophecy that my dad had given from Mount Carmel and I looked down and realized the date and I was there exactly 10 years to the day later so this is not uncommon for this kind of thing that just happened to happen that's so interesting because I wasn't even going to bring up that particular prophecy except that you brought up bricks and I knew that's what he was seeing at the time uh he was seeing Russia and for Putin would represent Russia and four others and they were writing things down and you know it's pretty intense that particular day so how incredible that is because you were originally supposed to be on this show today Brazil Russia India China South Africa is five nations Brazil Russia India China South Africa that's five nations your father saw Putin with four other nations am I correct yes that would be a total of five four others that would be a total of five which is bricks that's incredible wow every time I'm moving away oh my goodness yes you see because that's God God working right now and and God is not limited by time and this kind of thing really is a testament to that that it shows you how much he's actually involved God is involved he's not separate looking down on us he's right in here with it with us in it with us and I just you know that's that's amazing um I do have another video I want to play here um that also kind of ties ties in so let's play video 17 because this is where Dad saw the Giants and the stone and so we want to have a look at that saying how do we kill the giant how do we kill the giant of death how do we kill the giant of socialism how do we kill the giant of human secularism I have placed that man amongst you and God says these that shall reject him shall be shocked and how he takes the giant down now hear me please the giant of death the Giant the Giants that have come the brothers of Goliath [Music] standing Glee watching America we will crippled you you will lose your credit but God said watch I said twenty thousand [Music] look not to Wall Street however observe [Music] and they shall say what is your plan for this this giant and he will take a simple stone remember the name and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him but the plan is so brilliant says the Lord it could only be have been given by me come on [Music] God says once you recognize the man that I have raised up pray for the enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House did anybody hear what he just said [Music] for Jezebel has chased away the prophets and even Elijah come on now I have said go back for this shall be dismantled so that there will be no more corruption in the White House says the spirit foreign a lot in there so we heard about uh the Giants who want to [ __ ] American I think this is this is really probably going to go back to the bricks thing there we will [ __ ] you you will lose your credit yeah and and then God and then they'll say well what is your plan for this giant you'll take a simple stone now in the midst of all this we've seen Roger Stone and a lot of us look at Roger Stone to that and also now this is the most important part is where the plan is so brilliant It could only have come from me so that's God's plan right now you were on the phone with me yesterday and you were telling me a few things a few concerns right yep about our participation that we should not be sitting back waiting for things to just be done or waiting to be rescued can you tell everybody what you were telling me just as much as you feel like well yes I'm gonna fire off because our audience needs to hear this I'm gonna fire off five quick facts and hopefully I hit on where you want me to go here um one is a Roger Stone right now as of uh I just found out about this yesterday while driving back actually Roger Stone has deemed has teamed up with a good friend of mine and my actual Pastor uh Pastor Jackson Longmire to launch an organization called pastors for Trump and Roger Stone is working on that and I'm telling you it is waking up Pastor so I don't know whether that's Roger Stone in that prophecy or not but I want to speak to them the second thing is your father uh spoke a lot about his David he talked about David this davidic spirit and as I've tried to read everything the Bible has written about David one thing I've discovered about David is that David did not fear anybody and he was a man of action God you know God um built David made David but David had to take action and David feared God and Only God in the Bible verse I want to encourage everybody to read until your head explodes that by the way that means at least at least twice reading your head explodes if you read Proverbs 9 10 okay Proverbs 9 10 it says for the fear of the Lord and people say I want God to be you know God I love not that I fear okay I'll let somebody else sort that out theologically but the Bible which I think is the begin and the end of all truth here it says Proverbs 9 10 it says for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding so what's happening Don a is a lot of people are beginning to turn to God in ways they haven't before we're beginning to trust in God and have a fear of God and Only God other item we need to know right now okay is this FTX FTX is a is a crypto currency that just happened to have redirected uh millions and millions of dollars to the Democrats uh FTX just happens to be a cryptocurrency that happens to have been collapsing at the very time at the very time at the very specific time that the government is trying to introduce the programmable Central Bank digital currencies does anyone find that to be suspicious that at the very time that the FTX organization the cryptocurrency that made huge donations to the Democrat Party at the very time that this cryptocurrency is collapsing that's when the government is trying to rush out a programmable Central Bank digital currency does anyone see the timing there is interesting also done a uh the it's called the bank of international settlements the bank of international settlements the bis the bank of international settlements they have reported here in the past seven days I'm pulling this up so I can read this to your listeners they reported that they have a blind spot uh-oh and that there's 80 trillion dollars of hidden debt that exceeds the long story short they're saying said there's 80 trillion dollars and they don't quite know where the 80 trillion dollars went so let me read this to you this is from Reuters it says here FX debt 80 trillion dollar blind spot it says here uh Pension funds think about people that have pigeon funds if you're listening right now listen Pension funds Pension funds and other non-bank Financial firms have more than 80 trillion dollars of hidden off-balance sheet dollar debt and Florence The Exchange swaps said the bank of international settlements so what's happening is is the the bank of international settlements which is like the Central Bank of central banks they're saying uh by the way uh there's about 80 trillion we don't know where that is our bad oops then you have FTX collapsing you have epic inflation happening all at the same time as the government is calling for the introduction of programmable Central Bank digital currencies oh by the way the uh new currency the debate that the bricks wants to roll out it happens to be a gold-backed programmable Central Bank currency and guess where the the bank is the home office of the of the the currency the new the new brics nations guess where their home office the big big bricks Bank the brics bank is located in Shanghai yes the new development bank and the the head of the bricks the brics bank is located in Shanghai and so you're going to see a lot of volatility right now in currency and by the way uh America has been exporting copious amounts of gold to Asian countries and you're seeing right now that Brazil Russia India China South Africa turkey Venezuela all the brics nations they are hoarding the Earth's gold and all this is happening and we're recording this right now on December 13th the very day that executive order 14067 which was signed by Joe Biden which I believe to be the most treasonous most treasonous act the most treasonous without a t treasonous act ever to be uh implemented by a U.S president that's executive order

14067 it is being implemented on the very day that we're recording this show which by the way your father said he saw in a vision Putin and four other people which happens to be bricks Brazil Russia India China South Africa and he saw it on what day December 13th so someone could say what this is crazy no this is the way God works all the time but it's happened that's the truth and yeah for our listeners you're going to be watching this um at a later date January 7th I believe but we are recording this yes December 13th so it is incredible that Justin in the middle of this recording we realized that and that wasn't even a video I had lined up so that is amazing and um you know before we run out of time I want to give you a chance to just let everybody know what are the plans for the reawaken America Tour for 2023 because I know we're going to be in Nashville upcoming very soon when you watch this video uh we will be within uh a two-week window of the reawaken America Tour Nashville so don as of right now we're recording this we have just under 1200 tickets remaining uh at the times when watches us we might be down to our final hundred or so but I encourage everybody go to time to free time to free and by the way it is time to free so go to when you go there you're going to see a lineup of speakers that doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the natural I mean you're going to see we've had people like Dell big tree and then people like Steve uh Schultz you know with Eliza streams we have uh people in the prophetic uh modern prophetic you know like Lance wall now you have people in the medical side you have Dr Stella Emmanuel you have Dr Simone gold you have comedians like Jim Brewer you have Eric Trump you have professional athletes you're 71 Plus speakers that are all gathered and they're all gathered to share the truth about the great reset versus what we like to call the great Reawakening okay so it's the America First agenda versus the great reset and these events are unfiltered I don't give anybody teleprompters you know how it goes Donnie we let people have 15 to 30 minutes depending upon the speaker and depending upon the venue to speak so we open up the doors at six a.m we start praise and worship at 7 30 in the morning the first Speaker kicks off at about 8 30 A.M and we go non-stop with two days of what I would call truth-telling

Revival we have baptisms on Friday night we have a meet and greet on Friday night it is going to be an epic life-changing event for somebody out there and because donate we don't want anybody to be unable to afford these events everybody listening you can name your price so be listening right now you can pay whatever price you want to pay you just name your price what do I mean just go to time to free request a ticket right there and a member of our team will call you and you can tell them a price that you're comfortable paying and we do have VIPs and things like that for people that want to sit closer and then donate we're going to do a total of four events this year and uh I thought we were I told General Flynn we would do these up through November of last year and to Eric Trump and cash Patel and general Flynn and a lot of uh people that are really really at the tip of the spear they asked if we could continue doing these next year so we are going to do four events total but Nashville is the only event the only event that I'm at Liberty to announce right now because we are working through the details and you can get those tickets at time to free and donate some people prefer to text in to request the tickets if you're looking to text in folks the number you can text and I'll write it on the back of my uh my white incredible cup here it's 918-851-0102 that is my cell phone number and the reason why I give out my cell phone number is a lot of wonderful listeners they send me Stuff Donna you know how it goes a lot of your wonderful listeners there at the prophetic rewind they send you some of the best Intel in the world I mean I have people who are in elected officials people in the military uh doctors listeners always texting me pieces of information so but again if you want to request a ticket you can do that by texting 918-851-0102 that's 918-851-0102 Donnie thank you so much allowing me to be here and folks the reason why I stated today's date while recording is I wanted people to see it it's we're recording right now December 13th the very day that the Fulfillment of your father's prophecy about Putin surrounded by four people is coming to pass and this executive order 14067 is coming to pass it is mind-boggling it's true and God is moving yes absolutely and you know what um that is the way the prophetic works that's definitely the way the prophetic works and I'm sort of used to it through my life but a little moment like that doesn't come along often and uh it's just I think it's it's God's way of letting us know that we're we're moving in the right direction and we're doing the right thing and so I have to say to you and I have to tell everybody too I've never seen people work as hard as they do on the reawaken America Tour and just an incredible um spirit is there and and you know God is definitely in the midst of us and we are definitely gathered in his name and so that's what uh sets this little band of of rebels apart as we travel across the country because it is making a difference and it is waking up America and the world and I will say that that one person who has really done an incredible job about bringing to light the world economic forum and what they're doing is Clay Clark I would not know about them if it was is not for clay Clark and because I know about them I know that that is the fourth rock that Dad prophesied about and many of you know those fourth Reich prophecies that he saw the rise and fall of a fourth Reich and the he said one word out of the mouth of these people and the battle will be won and that word is Yeshua Jesus and so I I think ending on that today is a good way to end so thank you very much for joining me clay Clark and everybody for joining us today on this little Adventure as we went through my timeline and make sure you go to and look for those tickets

because I'm going to be there in Nashville for sure because this is where we're based out of mom and I now and so we will definitely be in Nashville and if you want to come and see us we would love for you to do that and then also keep an eye on that schedule because I believe clay said four big events this year four events so not as many as last year so your chances of attending are getting Slimmer and Slimmer but you know what that's the way it's going to be this year it's going to be awesome I cannot wait I'm so excited and you know what if before I say goodbye I want to leave you guys with a video so I will say ac

2023-01-19 12:44

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