Jakarta Local Gets Unexpected Surprise

Jakarta Local Gets Unexpected Surprise

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hey guys just before we start this video I want to  quickly talk about my new community I'm setting up   for travel content creators or other people who  want to meet whilst traveling if you're traveling   solo it's completely free to join you just got to  use the link in the description below and sign up   on school and uh yeah we'll just be sharing tips  and tricks and great Community for meeting new   people and potentially vlogging with them so  yeah use the link in the description below if   you want to join hello good give it a push and  then we're off so we've got people living here good afternoon guys and welcome  back to Jakarta I am traveling to   Old Town Jakarta today and we're  going to be exploring that area   to see some of the former past City  I'm getting a grab bike with my man oh okay nice the issue with uh Jakarta traffic is   terrible so so bad but luckily with  the bike you can just zip through   got about 10 minutes left and then we are  meeting my friend Melanie it's for the area okay they give us I can see okay we have  arrived in Kota Tua which is the old city   so this is old Jakarta and you can tell  straight away obviously lower buildings   and we've got the Dutch architecture over here  and wow it's it's pretty impressive we've got   a nice Square obviously the weather is terrible  but that's not going to dampen our Spirits we're   going to go over to Cafe Batavia because that is a  famous cafe showing the rich culture of the Dutch   and what they brought to Jakarta but we got  loads of people kids playing on bikes maybe   we can rent a bike look at this beautiful  looks like a government's like grand hall and   then there's like really nice architecture over  here you know if if there wasn't for the palm   trees I would think we're in the Netherlands  or maybe England but it's very impressive   they want to be on camera let's head over to Cafe  Batavia this looks very nice and get out of this   rain hello Alpha Kaba bye Shania good uh can I  have a table for two yeah sure thank you hurry   yep what what kind of uh food do you sell here  Indonesian food Dutch food okay awesome oh yeah   I'm from England thank you very much they  got some old music playing and look at this   it's very old they've got paintings everywhere  they've got really nice Arts hello look at   the chandeliers oh we're going up the red  carpets up to the second floor look at this wow I feel like we're in in like  America in like the 1920s hello can I have a table yeah oh wow look at this hello this is like  uh it's old-fashioned uh yes is there   anything you'd like recommend recommend  yeah because have two chickens outside   one bit run down and one boil at eight okay  so we're getting the half grilled Balinese   duck served with spicy long bean salad  here we go guys look at this ice cream   chocolate ice cream with avocado and  a bit of ice in there and some coffee it's very interesting thank you very much look  at this guys we have duck we have some mixed   vegetables looks like the Satay over here  spices and sticky rice thank you very much that is fantastic skin is like crispy   cooked to Perfection it's got like oil  on it as well you can see here it's like   glazed almost so it just tastes so so good  and then the inside is just nice and tender it's got like a zingy taste to it it's  like very hot nice little snack oh can   you have perfect a bit too much  on okay let's try it all together I'm very spicy it's not too bad it's not  too bad that's really good all right guys   we made a good effort the this is  kind of deceiving there's actually   not that much meat on there at all  but the meat that was on there was   absolutely delicious okay I'm all  finished up and we are joined with I love Jakarta so far um it's humid right now  and there's just like so much going on it's so   different from Bali like super Lively  um a lot of traffic and um people are   really friendly so far so yeah I'm enjoying it  yeah basically one meal and two drinks is 409   000 so that's like 26 dollars thank you  very much bye-bye thank you what's this 20 000. 13 minutes we're about five minutes 10  minutes 20 minutes okay really one minute   same yeah I think this is probably the most stupid  idea I've ever had do we have to wear the hat yeah okay okay okay how much I want the pink one oh I think  think to make the girls wink   2020. oh I like the cowboy hat actually I only  need for five minutes though okay thank you boss Mr Champion Mr Chaffee yeah okay you know  I am Mr Harry Mr Harry uh Java yoga No I   know I'm from England Dary Ingress yeah yeah  yeah okay this is this is the Bugatti okay I'm a cowboy where do I go around oh wow this  is really old I think this is from the 1800s   here we go oh god I've forgotten how to ride it oh my God this is so hard to ride yeah [Music]   go ahead go ahead sorry I like your pink  bike I was trying to be a cowboy and uh   I accidentally pressed the brake with my knee  anyway carry on to catch up with them honestly   no word of a lie I'm not usually this bad at  riding a bike but this is like like look at the um   the pedal okay look she's a master at this oh  they've got a nice oh my God I keep this is how   badly designed it is I keep uh hissing the brake  with my knee I am a cowboy of Jakarta hello oh   this is honestly the this is the hardest thing  I've ever seen you sure don't want the flowers   the break is like there's a sun very very  handmade yeah I think it the thing turns off   here we go you want to give it  a push and then we're off hello hello okay I'm pretty bored now I  got half an hour though you have a   Lyft Driver Cowboy here I'm gonna get  a job as a grab driver okay I'm done oh yeah good good I can  keep the Hat yeah I'm joking   thank you brother okay thank you nice to  meet you all right that was interesting   good way to kill some time here in the Square it  was actually really fun and uh we've just spotted   this little Street Food Market which looks  interesting we've got teas we've got mocktails   dim sum uh it's kind of like not  very busy right now hello brother bye what are you selling yeah what are you  selling fruit smoothie fruit juice oh   ah okay here's the menu I'm  looking in the wrong place   what is Al pukat I've never heard  of it which is the best best juice Bali okay let's try it I  want it 10K 10 yeah okay okay my name is Harry I'm from java I'm from England okay first of all we cut the  lime up I'm not sure if they call it lime here   or lemon oh that's definitely a lime where are you  from Jakarta Java where where East or West Japan ah very good brother vlogger  yeah yeah yeah YouTube uh Harry Harry jagad I will put in your phone okay the man wants my YouTube oh wow my name  doesn't actually come up that's the first that's me okay so he's put  some uh what's this sugar oh nice and some lemon coconut nice oh what's that flashy slushy yeah  looks like uh interesting mixture and what's up   water sugar sugar yes oh it's a lot of sugar  oh it's he's hitting the eyes up there we go oh more coconut water oh nice and then he  mixes it up oh where did that come from you   make it from this yeah oh awesome okay that's  for you keep the change keep change for you   he doesn't understand oh wow look at this huge  straw no no no for you okay thank you thank you   boss wow look at this what flavor did you get  uh this one it's all of these it's from Bali wow look at this it's like a  cocktail fruit and a healthy drink foreign wow Magus yeah he was waiting  for me patiently he was like that is so good it's like a coconut lemon those  are the main two like uh flavors I'm getting   sugary very refreshing very very refreshing and  like I can't really say anything bad about it like   very very nice like mocktail kind of reminds me of  and then you get a bit of the jelly a bit of the   coconut oil coconut is my favorite can't go wrong  with that thank you brother okay you are the man   bye-bye we were just walking  along and my man just scared me can I can I see you scare someone else   he was literally so close to  me I wish I got that on camera okay so um we were walking along we came to this  Museum and it was closed Magus came not by   Ghost agus came out of nowhere and was like  I'll be your tour guide and I as I told you   guys earlier you know there's not a whole  lot to do around here and he was explaining   there's there's this really interesting  Village just five ten minutes away and   I thought why not let's just go with him he was  offering a tour for 10 US Dollars uh for both of   us so five dollars each why not seems interesting  so they did execute outside for the local people   hanging so that's why this is real pictures yeah  and then they have many uh prisons inside of the   building and also two prisons so they did execute  for the Local Heroes national heroes yeah wow and   for the next the Dutch [ __ ] it was the Dutch  Dutch the pesky Dutch where are you from I'm   from the Netherlands oh sorry I'm joking I'm  from England England USA USA California hello very nice very nice so yeah we're just  walking through a little market as we   head to the Fisherman's Village which is like  a local slum here hello hello oh Crocs hello   how are you everyone's friendly here very  friendly we're going into the depths this   is stuff we would not be able to find this  on our own looks like we're coming under   a river and uh there's a bit of pollution here but  okay so people are basically like living on the   side of the road it's one and two they have two  houses here they don't have space for the kitchen   so that's why they make kitchen outside in the Box  this is the kitchen yeah for cooking oh nice with   a nice view of the river because they don't have  space for the kitchen inside so that's why and   this is also kitchen box and now we can explore  the village here okay so the village goes in   it's like a little sick Cave  System yeah so the people who live I'll tell you sure so the people who live in this  Village they they live in a small room small house   for free and then they don't have space for the  kitchen so that's why they make kitchen outside   this is also kitchen the cat on the kitchen  the in the Box yeah hello uh they have public   toilet it's over there the water is very clean  in the public toilet why because the water is   from the company but they need to pay every time  when they go to the toilet but in this toilet   this toilet is free then this is for washing the  well you can see oh wow how to get the water yes you can see uh be careful slippery  yeah they get the water like this   and this is this is not for drink only for  washing this is like natural water yeah it's   natural water this is for washing this is  not for drinks yeah okay the people here   um play they feel legally or illegally like  okay so yes they don't have like a permit   I will show you uh why uh right there in one  minute you're right this is like a cave small   cave yeah and it's also like uh I gotta duck  my head down I'm only five foot like nine hello yeah this is from the company it's like  the water is like in your hotel yeah and   so I've never seen a a system like  this it's really awesome like yeah   I guess it's like a sharing sharing  is carrying system thank you boss so what do what do people do for work here they  work uh as a tuk-tuk driver or they work uh in   the contractions how much roughly do they  earn a day this is like a 100 150 or 200   000 so it's like six six to twelve dollars  yes a day okay so I will show you something   that you have never seen anything like this  are you ready the camera I'm ready okay I   saw you something that you have never seen  anything like this in your life a flying pig   surprise what's your hat surprise in  a few seconds one two three oh no way is this live yeah live yes the friends come every  uh oh my God one time in 10 minutes really yeah   could we wait for it yes why not sure we can sit  there if you want okay yeah can we ride on it   wow as you can see there's a guy's doing  construction work so it's two levels yeah   and like one family lives in one little Hut  okay and I tell you yeah you're right two   levels the downstairs and upstairs I told  you why why do they live in this area for   free like this is a stupid question but like  is there Wi-Fi or okay or do they use phone   data people are gonna laugh at me for saying  that I think it's a good place and yeah it's   very uh unique creation so uh actually some  houses yes they have Wi-Fi even they have a   air conditioner wow aircons that's amazing that's  luxury so do you wanna actually have to say like   um actually jumping January series the  people here have been nicer than in the   main city I'm not saying the people in the  main city are not nice but hello foreign going pretty fast there we go that's awesome stick around check around wow  people got their laundry up yeah this way hello come through come through okay food yeah keep going yeah oh  look they got a window yeah hello so so cool so this is a big like we five minutes  that way it's just the main city of Jakarta and   uh like we were just oblivious to what what  was so close to us oh you wanna hello you   still live here what's she saying it's messy oh  wow I love what you've done with the place oh   look so there's one bed there and then upstairs  another bed you wanna go inside it's beautiful thank you thank you so much oh my God this  is incredible how many people live here yeah you can like this okay yeah thank you  so much hello oh there's no one up here okay   so it's it's just two floors probably two square  meters and uh a nice nice large ceiling actually   wow do you like singing oh wow beautiful voice  you live here in this uh she live alone yeah   her husband is passed away okay but the the the  girls outside see is her daughter really yeah   and uh how long has she lived here or maybe you  can drink like this is inside what is her name does she like it here yeah what is her favorite thing about Jakarta  or Indonesia about what like what is her   favorite thing what does she like about  Indonesia like the food or the people yeah foreign [Music] this is amazing thank you so much there is uh  700. thank you thank you very much because uh   you invited me into your home yeah thank you  so much and you are very nice very nice people okay we've left the village and now  we're heading to a new Village we   are going to get a tuk-tuk after  you ladies first and just before oh we got two in the front  you're in the back yeah [Music] bye bye I love I love the way you  guys probably boarded me saying I   love saying it just rolls off  the tongue very well hello it's raining we are arriving in the second village  which is the this is the vegetable Village yeah   this reminds me of daravi Islam in India it's like  uh two stories you see the rain hello how are you   buy how many people do you estimate to live here   oh wow this looks so modern yeah or  business medical store how are you   and I will introduce you to the little girl  okay you can ask her name what is your name   hello oh yummy everyone knows what yummy means  hello hello you are football player nice hello also live in a small room without saying left  so this is also public so I left my people   when we visit okay they've got another  public toilet oh it's quite spacious   really no no it's not yet  hello good morning good morning oh wow someone's playing the bangers hello like a one Euro 50 Cent really yeah hello what is this is it delicious okay it's very good uh barappa  how much two thousand same price yes wow okay uh   uh can you make fresh or no um oh this is yeah oh wow so it's pastry  yeah and then he's uh frying it and then   they've got this like green layer  of like jelly on top what is what   is this that is from there too like  what is it yeah the egg like eggnog same from same cakes are like this rice  cake how do you call it for rice cake okay   yeah rice cake five and change three thousand it's   okay you keep yeah how's it doing  it's not ready yes it's not ready you can see it's not the company you can see that this yes how many does he sell in one day oh oh just one just one maybe one for me oh yeah  yeah okay okay good idea yeah okay let's share   oh wow it's like paper oh yeah it's falling  apart yeah oh it's uh oh nice yeah yeah okay okay we're gonna have to lick it off because  I've nearly spilled it it's basically like   this very crispy pancake mixture and  then this green fudge I don't know gunk oh that's so good not good it's like crunchy  and soft in the middle almost tastes like cake   it's really good like cakey and this is like very  very fine and I'm soft very easily various like   crunchy texture it's really good snack there  oh this is delicious I'm gonna finish off easy   wow and only two thousand for one and you  can ask they if they want some foreign that was so delicious I want to  know this how he makes this mixture thank you boss what's the name no I I call it  oh okay I call it the labyrin in the village   because when we go in if we don't know the way  we cannot get out difficult that's amazing yeah   I'm also having my second one  because I ordered three two   for me one for him and uh one for  August and then two for the girls favorite thing I've had in Indonesia so far so now we are going to the library  in the village are you ready okay   thank you we only get lost in here whoa oh there's a wrap oh there's a wrap there's a  wrap I don't like rats oh it makes my skin cool I can't get that picture out of my head  it's weird like people have no privacy   you can just walk through and see into people's  homes I feel rude what is your name I got camera iPhone you want you are from Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta nice what  is your name Uma nice you have good English he just came running out of nowhere what are you selling you can go inside this is your house oh this is his house your house very nice very  nice I love what you've done with the place I   am going to work for you little fish chicken  that's a chicken head yeah chicken head you're   right chicken head lots of fish piranha oh my  God oh my God scary thank you and we're back   this isn't the same place we  were at was it no different   oh wow there's just plumper in the city you can  see the skyline that goes all the way around but   there's a lot of rubbish but this is the reality  for people and I think is I've I may have been   guilty of romanticizing this place a little bit  but the the truth is that it's hard for people   yeah it's a hard life for people  here though yeah but they are   happy or like actually they are happy  yeah yeah they okay strong Community yeah   uh they are from different uh Island different  places they met each other here yeah but they   we look like family you know I'm and the Sun is  Now setting had an awesome time exploring thank   you to agus the man for showing us around like  with tours especially walking tours like it's   really hit and miss 50 50 chance whether it's  going to be good but we got we got lucky today   it was really good and uh yeah I'm very glad had  an awesome time now the Sun is setting and I'm   gonna head back to base thank you for watching  and I'll see you in the next video [Music]

2022-12-17 11:02

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