Italy Day 2: Amalfi Coast, Mozzarella Factory, Ceramics Art, Mission Italian Pizza 2023, Italy Drone

Italy Day 2: Amalfi Coast, Mozzarella Factory, Ceramics Art, Mission Italian Pizza 2023, Italy Drone

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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Super, super, super, super juicy. And nice, acidic, soft, watery feeling. That is phenomenal.

Dream come true. You don't understand the difference between cheese and cheese. Why this doesn't look like Lebanese cheese? It's called Baladiyeh but it's Baladiyeh here in Italy. What makes the milk different, the handling, the way, the water, the dripping. Oh my God. It's outstanding.

♪♪ I started in 1992. I started with sheep. Then I started to commercialize mozzarella. And then I started all the way with buffalo milk. I started in the late 50s. And then I grew up, let's say, little by little.

It was all in pieces. So that one is cow's milk. That one is cow's milk. It's all another process. After the so-called pasteurization, the coagulation of the milk takes place.

After the so-called coagulation, the paste is ready to be broken. After the breaking, we separate the serum from the paste, from the coagulation. The serum is put in those pans over there to make the so-called ricotta. This serum is already ready to make ricotta. This is the buffalo ricotta, of various sizes, 400 grams, 300 grams, and 100 grams. In yesterday's episode, we tasted ricotta, and I didn't understand why it's so delicious and soft. I didn't

understand why it's so creamy, like cream cheese, why it's so soft. Now I understand, it's a buffalo. And live, it's a buffalo milk ricotta, oh my goodness. It doesn't resemble anything I've ever tasted in my life. It's a new flavor, it's a new experience.

A new feeling. They closed my eyes alone. Let's see here, they changed the test, a machine. I picked it up and took it down, it's still very hot. I want to show you the texture. It's hot, hot, hot.

Cornflakes milk in the morning. This is the feeling, the water is coming out of it, the milk is coming out of it. Very elastic. Super elastic, you can chew it more and you can squeeze it if you want. It comes out of the cold water, the serum, and it freezes.

Oh my God. This is the so-called break. After the cutting, we break the dough.

We take a little bit of dough, always made of buffalo milk. A stretch of buffalo milk. And we're going to close it. We're going to cool it off. You can't ask for more.

Here is the buffalo milk pillow. After the maturation of the dough, we wait for the so-called proof of the dough to see if it is necessary to work or wait. I learned a lot from it. What did I learn? I learned cleanliness, stainless steel, all back to numbers. I learned a very important thing that in principle, everything artisanal, which is distributed locally, is done by hand.

Everything that goes to the countries of the world is done by machine. Our taste is different from their taste, this is for sure. It is distributed to 4-5 countries, most of them are in Europe. The quantities, the machines, the crowd, the movement that is happening one after another, each person knows what to do. From the ricotta, to the baklava, to the cheese, with the

test they did in the end to see if the cheese is covering enough. When we eat it, we see the milk that breaks from the inside. Stracciatella, how they do it one by one by hand, how they roll it, how they tie it.

The taste from the machine, the taste, the acidity, the water, oh my goodness. This is the first time I feel this feeling, I eat something like this and I enjoy it this much. We say thank you so much for letting us enter the factory. I know I am speaking in Italian, we will understand from one side and from the other. Maybe Google will make an auto-translate. But his eyes were talking.

The process is very clear. I don't know what to say. He made my day.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, we arrived. I thought I was in the apple orchard.

A small village, Jouar, as much as you want, you know it doesn't change a lot between our culture and the culture of here. Jouar, villages, houses, each one has a color, each one has a texture, each one has a shape. On the contrary, maybe if you want, to the French countryside where all the houses almost look alike. It's very close from here. Jouar is very close to the road.

My back hurts. I didn't feel far from my house, but I missed seeing one thing. There are no signs of parties.

I felt that something changed. Joking! We arrived to Villa Elena, the factory that makes all the blocks that I showed you yesterday in the house. All the handmade blocks, which are hand-drawn.

We arrived, my car door is still open, to Lebanon. Let's close the door for you, sir. Let's go.

In this area, we went down for almost 40 minutes to the Amalfi Coast. We are getting closer to the Amalfi Coast, this very famous sea internationally. Hello everyone, and welcome to our factory.

We are a factory of ceramic cava de Tirreni, S. Falcone. We are a factory that was born in 1993 by Salvatore Falcone. And now we are going to sit down to see all the blocks that we have made. We are going to show you all the blocks that we have made. We are going to show you all the blocks that we have made. We are going to show you all the blocks that we have made.

And now we are going to sit down to see all the production phases. And now we are going to sit down to see all the production phases. Here we are, we are in the clay phase. We get these blocks of clay, We get these blocks of clay, which are then transformed, and the first phase of production is this one here. Subsequently, when the piece of clay is cut, the shape is made.

The shape is made through this machine. The piece is put in lock, this one goes into action and then becomes this way. And then it is refinished.

And then it is refinished. I'm going to take it off there. Drying steps. Our products, after being refined, are placed in the sun on trays for a few days, so that they can dry, so that they become harder, so that the crepe can be strengthened. I don't know how many people got here, I don't know how many documentaries were made, I don't know how many Lebanese people or people who speak Arabic got here in their lives, so you're going behind the scenes to something that hasn't been filmed before.

Maybe also, we make pottery, here they make porcelain in their own way. The local culture, not only did I think of Blas Blas, look, there are plates, cups, and everything that has to do with the kitchen. The shapes, the colors, amazing, amazing, amazing.

So, after we did the drying process, our products go in a large oven, which would be this one here. You see? And then, to become this color, which we call it cooked, which would be the cooked glass. After, after the dish has become like this, color cooked, it is first cleaned a little bit here, and removed to perfection, like this. And then, in this phase, we move on to the glaze. So, all the droplets and imperfections are removed, which are due to the glaze. And then, our stamp is applied, because, here it is, I'm going to show you the whole process.

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Thank you for watching. Pottery Barn This is our family business. We all work together, and every member of my family has a role in the design. Pottery Barn Please visit for more ideas and

inspiration. Thank you for watching. Please visit for more ideas and

inspiration. Thank you for watching. Pottery Barn Please visit for more ideas and inspiration. Thank you for watching.

Once everything is painted and the work is completed by hand, all our products are put in this big oven. Obviously this will be filled and then they go in cooking at about almost 1000 degrees. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Oh, beautiful. I wish I could carry all of them to Lebanon. I wish I could surprise them with a lot of things.

They are choosing plates, I will go outside and show you a bit of the street. I will show you a bit of tourism. The positive energy, the beautiful vibes, the colors, the sun from everywhere, the old doors, an organized old market with a lot of life. What I discovered from the first time I got here is colors. A lot of colors, colors everywhere.

The houses have colors, the doors have colors, the clothes have colors. The colors are amazing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I don't know what to film. I don't know

where to start and where to stop. Each corner has something beautiful. Each window, each rain, each branch, each plant. What is this? It really is a dream. I think we chose the best season.

The season in which schools started. The crowd decreased, the summer ended, people returned to their work. The crowd is logical and minimal. Oh my God, how beautiful.

The washrooms are beautiful. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ From Behrine, we are still in the first village. We still haven't reached the sea. On the Amalfi Coast, there are more than 50 villages. You can walk through them one by one. Of course, the villages and cities are very famous.

Here, we still haven't reached the sea. We went down. Really, from Behr. Maybe because this is what I dream of. In our villages, in our areas, the cleanliness, the colors, the organization, the organized.

There are no signs. There is no other port. There is no martyr, I don't know who, and we remember the past. There is a beautiful area. Its people want to live.

There are a lot of tourists. They welcome them in the best way possible. The energy is positive. The atmosphere is nice.

We are still in the beginning of the tour. The Amalfi Coast The Amalfi Coast The Amalfi Coast The next village is Chitara. The parking is at the top of the village. It is very nice to go down. You go down, walk, and meet people.

Buongiorno, buongiorno. The balconies and the washrooms. I am not thinking about going up. If we ate something delicious, pasta, and drank a glass of wine, I am ready to go up. You will see it again, again and again, it's called Delizia Al Limouni or Amalfi Dessert. Inside, it looks a bit like chocolate cream, but it's not like that.

You have a sponge cake loaded with cream patissiere, but with lemon. And here, at Pansa, they say it's the best. And indeed, it's unbelievable. It's like chocolate cream, intense lemon, and on the outside, very light, soft cream, you won't get full from it.

Super light, very enjoyable. You really won't get full from it. I want to see if they make it in Lebanon. Or other places in the world. Marco will do it.

Welcome to Andrea Pansa. This pastry shop is 193 years old. And with my brothers, I represent the fifth generation. Enjoy Amalfi Coast and enjoy the cakes of Andrea Pansa in Amalfi. The best seller of Andrea Pansa is Delizia Al Limouni. It's a sponge, very soft, with lemon cream inside.

We use our lemons because my family has a lemon farm inside Amalfi. For all the recipes, we use the lemons of our family. 1830, they want to meet him. This is the owner of the shop, the fifth generation, he's telling me that his grandfather started it. Can you imagine that he's doing a service? He found the tray and he's walking among people. It's him personally, the owner of the shop, who has thousands of customers during the day, he's sending them behind me.

I can't believe it. This is a lesson for history. Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast Amalfi Coast We drove a lot and we reached Positano. The hotel is called Il San Pietro di Positano. We're talking about 2,000$ per night, there are 57 rooms.

It's all concrete, it's shabby. I can imagine that in summer, it's all covered with green. You have to go up and down the stairs. It has a Michelin starred restaurant, Roulé Chateau, we won the awards in the luxury lifestyle and so on. We reached the sunset, which is the aperitivo. In Italian, it's a quick drink. We're not going to sleep

here. We're going to continue. We're seeing Tenemel from the road. Positano, but we're not going to film it today. It's going to get dark soon. We're talking about an hour. We're going to film it in the next episode.

Italy, what a beauty. I was thinking of touring the world until I came here. It's amazing.

We took Bellini, a calm drink, amazing almonds, nice nibbles, some chips, candles, lights, the vibes are amazing. People are starting to come out of their rooms. Usually, when you go to Roulé Chateau, you book a room and sleep. At night, you have dinner in the restaurant, which you saw how beautiful it is. The tables that are called Grand Chef in Roulé Chateau, or you win a Michelin award. Here, everyone has a view, from this side to Positano or from the other side. It's amazing. The boats are all lined up, or they sleep in

their boats, or they come here. We're talking about a different kind of lifestyle. We're going to go back to Positano in all its details in the next episode, or the next one, or the next one.

We don't have time. We're going to go into all the details of Amalfi Coast so you can discover it all together and travel while you're at home. We did it. 2 hours on the road, a long day. Long, long, long, but it's not over yet. It's called Mission Italian Pizza.

We haven't eaten pizza like yesterday, nor like today. It's time for pizza. We're at one of the world's champions, a very famous person.

I'll let Marco tell me about him. Anthony, we're in Avellino, Vincenzo Capuano, world champion in pizza a few times. It was a dream to come here.

We're going to taste the pizza today. Pizza Pizza Pizza Today we ate a lot. It's dinner time. Let's start with the pizza. I thought I was hungry.

The pizza looks like a dessert. It has a special place in my stomach. This is Capuano's pizza. Contemporary pizza.

It smells delicious. In Napoli, there are 2 schools for pizza. Traditional and Contemporary. This is Contemporary. It has a special structure. It's so soft. It's chewy. It's super yummy.

It's digestible. The ingredients are top-notch. The cheese is amazing. The tomato sauce is so acidic and sour. Boom! The second one is called Daniele Gourmet Pizzeria.

More reviews, more signs, to see what this place has to offer.

2023-09-26 09:12

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