Into Guangzhou’s LARGEST Urban Village Living 100,000 People | China Impression Tour EP11

Into Guangzhou’s LARGEST Urban Village Living 100,000 People | China Impression Tour EP11

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The narrowest part between two buildings is only 20cm housing nearly 100,000 people Hello, it's Lin here Welcome to my channel I'm making a video series about China Impression Tour in some of China's main cities Where I am now is Guangzhou Actually I've been here several times before But this time I would like to share with you a very different Guanzhou Guangzhou, China's first-tier city, a mega city Due to its favorable coastal location It has been an important trading port since ancient times When people think of Guangzhou they naturally think of things like rich, developed and open In such a modern mega city urban villages still exist They are the microcosms of Guangzhou's past but also a product of the rapid development of the times The term "Urban Village" is not unfamiliar but what does it really look like Some may not know, me for instance So this time I would like to explore the hidden side of Guangzhou and where I am now is Shipai Cun Shipai village in Tianhe district which is the largest urban village in Guangzhou I'm already in and the road in the urban village is so narrow can only pass motorbike Have a look at the windows and balcony above me so narrow Shipai village is the largest urban village with the longest history in Guangzhou located in the heart between Zhujiang New City and Financial City Center which is the very core of Guangzhou As a result this area has gradually become a densely populated neighborhood In an area of just 0.73 km² there are 3,500 self-constructed buildings with a total of 170 lanes housing nearly 100,000 people with a combined annual rent of up to RMB 300 million On average, 150,000 people live here per km² three times the population density of the city There are three characteristics of urban village One, Handshaking building and two, Daytime dark alley and the third is Outsiders The narrowest part between two buildings is only twenty cm In such narrow place People can easily shake hands with their neighbors Therefore, called Handshaking building (Wo Shou Lou) Daytime dark alley, like this refers to the alleys that are still dark in the daytime No locals living here all residents are outsiders from other provinces Actually I think it's very convenient to live in urban village everything could be found in those narrow alleys such as different shops, groceries small restaurants clinic and of course food, all kinds of food In fact behind every seemingly random urban village there is a whole process of construction Before the 1980s Tianhe district was a remote rural area of Guangzhou As the city developed and expanded the original village became today's urban village Nowadays, most of the urban villages are in prime locations with good transport links and low prices which naturally makes them the first stop for many outsiders working in Guangzhou Urban villages offer low-income people in Guangzhou low rents and convenience and also reduce the pressure they feel living in the city Shipai village has really best location, just behind me and in front of me It's a very modern shopping centre central area of Tianhe district Here is the second urban village I've visited, called Datang Cun Datang village, in Haizhu district On both sides of the road all are clothing small factories Datang village covers an area of about 0.43 km² also known as the "Clothing Empire" By the end of the 1990s large and small textile workshops had sprung up in the village and many foreign workers were employed in the garment industry Rent is much cheaper here than in traditional factories The ground floor is usually the processing area and the workers live upstairs or in the surrounding area A small factory or workshop like this one usually only has 3-5 people Nowadays, you can hardly hear Cantonese in Datang village Here is also known as Hubei village In this area, the ground floor is almost shops small factories and workshops and some clothes I bought online maybe just delivered from here On this street in Datang village often to see crowds of people gathered together I was curious and asked someone on the side of the road I found out that they were looking for casual workers to make clothes People from workshops would come to the street with samples and the casual workers looking for temporary work would gather around to discuss the process of making either the whole garment or a part of it as well as the pay for their work That is the rule here and here just behind me are all are jobs Some are full time and some are part time Like Shipai village this is a convenient place to live, cheap and some of the food is even internet famous These people running their small businesses and shops are as much a part of Guangzhou as the people who live here This is another urban village, Tangdong also in Tianhe district and it has another name Henan Cun, Henan village because it's a gathering place for the people from Henan province In Tangdong there are many streets like this with many food and restaurants people work here nearby will also come here after work My hotel is also in this area because of the good price so I'm here at night for my dinner So, this is the hidden side of Guangzhou and at the end of the video I would like to share you some highlights of this super modern city in China Guangzhou is not only home to elites from various industries but also to a large number of migrant workers from all over China I think it is the city's openness and tolerance that keeps Guangzhou at the forefront of economic activity

2024-01-07 04:27

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