Inside Knightsbridge | The Luxury & Dangerous London

Inside Knightsbridge | The Luxury & Dangerous London

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we have got the backside of Harrods  but then where the rich people get   their food Mr Chow oh wow these are so  nice I can't even get it all in frame the question is is there more to Knightsbridge  than Harrods a question that probably no one has   asked but I'm going to answer it today we're going  to do a little bit of a walking tour we're back   got my jacket on because it's probably going  to rain standard it's still summer guys it's   still summer 2023 I'm clinging onto it but yes I'm  going to show you all of the area of the stunning   affluent very fancy schmancy at Knightsbridge and  already we get hit with some amazing architecture   look at the contrast of that one that is quite  something as a hotel in the corner look at that   combo but I'm gonna throw up a map now so you  know where I am in London and we are across a few   different boroughs actually it's the Kensington  and Chelsea Borough but also Westminster a little   bit of a combo but the Knightsbridge area isn't  actually that big so hopefully I can show you some   of the main roads from the side streets maybe some  little news houses coffee places restaurants all   sunglasses are coming on and yeah take you along  with me for a little bit and this is a very good   place to come and cycle but look at that you've  got the back of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel that   red brick there on there looking very nice we'll  go and see in a second and next to it is a modern   development which kind of was groundbreaking at  the times one Hyde Park and it's famous because   it actually sold at the time was expensive flat  in the UK it was 100 million pounds so guys yes   this is a very fancy place and it's also a  very good place if you want to get robbed   you may have seen on the news this is a yeah a  smash and grab area if you want to get robbed   I have nothing expensive on me I don't really own  anything expensive do I care no so be careful if   you're coming here with some expensive jewels and  probably the tallest building in the area you've   got the Hyde Park barracks in the background  they're part of the British army oh a reason   I love this area is the architecture so from the  late 1700s onwards again like most areas in London   this got a full Redevelopment and a big part of  the development was I was reading up the pavement   the Knightsbridge Paving act which in 1700 was  a reason for all of the Pavements to get out   the Berkeley Hotel looking very lovely we're all  transformed so that ladies didn't to themselves   so maybe we should thank the Knightsbridge Paving  act for the sidewalks that we have in London so   yes this area like a lot of areas were a little  bit swampy so it got drained and cleaned up and   yeah lots of beautiful buildings were built in the  late 17 into 1800s you can tell it from all the   gorgeous architecture around here and we mentioned  in the Barclay hotel which does the pret a portea   which I think I might go to soon which is the  fashion afternoon tea but they also have this   Bakery which is very popular Cedric growlet I  think I'm pronouncing that but I've seen this   on Tik Tok am I allowed in I have to quickly show  you these croissants look at this there is also a   cookie that is 25 pounds that you can set in or  you can sit outside so here's a snapshot of the   menu I know you guys want to see the prices it is  premium so yes Cedric the lovely guy here was just   telling me about it and they even have a full menu  on the iPad but he was saying 12 o'clock is when   they get like a big batch of all of the goods  but if you wanna but if you want to just grab   a coffee I'm sure it's amazing obviously this is a  Knightsbridge price guys lots of teas and such and   actually got a little chocolate croissant in there  which apparently is a favorite and you know it's   nice when you get like a branded stuff yet um and  we have got a little container here you can see   of all the different I hope that the lighting's  probably gone up a bit funny though look at that   tart it's massive and that's what I've got wow  this is super nice yeah there's the 25 pounds   cookie oh my gosh it gets Gideons and run for  their money and they're literally like baking it   all in the background there so if you want to sit  at the bar or in the main part of the restaurant   this is the most popular One coconut oh my gosh  and then we have the two flowers pretty it's   actually the first vegan item we've actually  introduced or said to himself as introduced   and croissant in Pockets we are at I don't know  how you pronounce this is it Nusrat I don't know   you know Salt Bae the guy who Chuck salt down his  arm this is his London restaurant and it actually   is rated one of the worst restaurants in the whole  of the whole of the UK and definitely in London oh   gosh there are lots of fast cars around here I'll  show you in a minute but yes they now have a set   menu That's 39 pounds so maybe I should give it a  go because I certainly won't pay a thousand pounds   for a steak but anyway oh look at this guy I've  got my body in my bag this area has got so many   good choices for decent restaurants I think it's  probably why it doesn't rate too high which brings   us to Harvey Nichols so I'm going to jump back so  I think 1800s there actually was a new law where   the UK could trade with Japan like back in the  day and there was a huge exhibition that all the   locals in all of London absolutely adored around  Japan and it kind of inspired this area of this   affluent area to buy products from overseas and  it's not directly linked with Harvey Nichols but   basically this became a bit of a shopping area and  Harvey Nick's opened can you think how old this is   can you guess I'm going to tell you in a second  1831 this is an old department store um and yes   it is a really really cool store to have a browse  I have done a whole Vlog on this I get requested   this quite a lot but I don't think people realize  I've got a video and they have an amazing amazing   restaurant it's got like a little roof Terrace and  it's very reasonable they do like a set lunch I   think it was like 29 quid or something way cheaper  than that Salt Bay place um I think you've got a   little Prosecco with it as well so I will link  that one in the description so go check that out   after because we all love a shopping Vlog and  look at that building that is Amanda we're in   Oriental here in Knightsbridge oh they also have  an afternoon tea and I think they have a Heston   restaurant as well let me know if you've ever been  maybe you've stayed there and then this is the   famous One Hyde Park which is a full residential  building and then they've got fancy shop to the   bottom there's a Rolex store I think there's a  car store down there I think there's a McLaren   I can't remember but it was very controversial at  the time if I can get it in short so yeah this was   built in like the early 2000s and Prince Charles  obviously now King Charles was not very happy with   it because he didn't think that was too modern  it didn't fit with the Knightsbridge area and   a lot of people it was a bit of an uproar also  how premium and expensive it was to my earlier   Point 100 million that's a lot of money for a  penthouse and it was part of the candy and candy   development I personally like it but I'm a modern  architecture person that would be an amazing place   to live but if there's any for sale I will whack  them on the screen now but yeah very expensive have a look at these buildings I love it so much  so yes the late 1800s I should say is when things   started to really really develop like a lot of the  areas in the city and on this side road I wanted   to highlight look at all the different buildings  the red brick is very very prominent in this area   and you can see these tiles which is actually the  back of the station that kind of style reminds me   quite a lot of garden actually but yes there's a  very very dense population in this area they say   around 10 000 people and down all of the side  streets as well you get a lot of restaurants   that the locals will know but sale Pepe I think  I'm pronouncing it right it's something that I   went I've been there quite a few times I mean that  building isn't very kind of typical to this area   but let me show you the menu it's an amazing  restaurant I promise I won't show Too Many   menus but I remember this place being fantastic  I haven't been here in a couple of years I think   I've been here about four or five times but a  little selection of the pasta there it's quite   a big menu it's definitely very like traditional  all obviously you can sit outside but you add that   to your list there's also there are restaurants  as well in this area that I will tell you are not   so great as we walk around and we are on Sloane  Street so this goes from the north Knightsbridge   all the way down to Sloane Square nice Bridges to  the left um and also Belgravia very very popular   shopping street and I'm going to say if you  want a video on Belgravia I have done a whole   video on that as well so remember I'm working  my way around either the boroughs or the areas   and then I will eventually get to East London  eventually but there's a lot of construction   again going on they're actually widening uh  the pathway as I scoot around very quickly   um Gina oh sparkly shoes but yes there's usually  sports cars zooming up and down here but sadly   none today if you are a sports car Enthusiast you  will know Sloane Street it's basically the only   like straight big bit of Road in central London  where you can get up some speed shall we say   um and you do see on Tik Tok quite a few expensive  crashes we're talking like really really rare cars   and actually to add to that there's a lot of  people who live in the area but also come over   um maybe it's their second third fourth home  from the Middle East and they bring their cars   with them which is super Fancy gosh some of these  stores are absolutely massive the size of that   Gucci store but yes they whiz up and down here  all through the night they ship their cars over   for the summer and then it quietens down I Believe  by the end of September into October and then you   do have a little Pub the Gloucester in the middle  of that but yes if you want to have a look at nice   cars and nice clothes and Handbags this is the  place for you hence why like I said quite a few   people do get mugged here and I don't know maybe  you're driving through here I've seen quite a lot   of videos where people have had expensive watches  in their hands you know just been leaning out the   car door or whatever sat in traffic but there's  a lot of mopeds that go around and basically rob   you so a bit of a downer but hey that's what  it's like living in a city yeah sadly there   are no fancy cars to show you and so there's  a Prius no doubt an Uber coming along the road   um but if you're in the area and you like cars do  check it out I am tempted to go into these stores   these are the same brands that you're probably  going to get in especially in Harrod's and Harvey   Nichols so whether you're a department store  person or you like to go to the individual stores   where we've got Giorgio Armani oh Armani home yes  please good old Todds on the corner there I love   the building all bit of a vacancy didn't that used  to be the Dior store anyway moving on we're going   to Hans Crescent which is a very famous one  because it loops around to uh Harrods and all   of this area is known for the architecture look at  this kind of it's classed partly as mock tudor but   it is from the late 1800s super cool looking  right there's also quite a lot of embassies   this is the uh Embassy of Ecuador remember that  Julian guy that was also hanging out the window   he was hiding out there for a number of years I  think he eventually was allowed in anyway let's   not go into politics we have got the backside of  Harrods always a busy busy corner I am not going   to go in Harrods's don't you worry I've vlogged  it many many times not until Autumn maybe I'll   wait till Christmas I know the Christmas door  is open I know some people have vlogged it it   feels a bit early I'm not ready for that I got a  lot of stick for saying I didn't like this grey   in another video what do you think and we're just  walking past Harry's I did go here with my sister   I vlogged it it was okay I personally wouldn't  go there again I feel like I've ticked It Off   I guess it's a place to be seen yeah it's quite  like a fun vibe to it but I think it's more of a   hype to be honest to be seen that but yes we are  around the other side I have already vlogged the   product Cafe I look at that Lamborghini fancy  schmancy but yes I definitely think the product   Cafe was better different different restaurant I  would say but look at all that beautiful red brick   Oh I love it it's so pretty I think there's slowly  redoing the brickwork right that looks like it uh   I would say so also there is a like a roof Bari  thing I'm gonna zoom in in that corner up there   good place to get a drink and a nice little  view but this brings us onto Walton Place oh   look at this it's so pretty this is so cliche  London for this area it's absolutely stunning   very it was really busy three row to be fair um  and even a gorgeous looking church at the end   of the road I have to show you this Pond Street  Mews you know it's fancy when there's a traffic   light but thing for a light so you can't get in  no trespassing totally understandable I dread to   think how much it costs to live in there again if  there's anything for sale I'll let you know but oh   very nice even that little cottage Oh my days  I love it so much white okay let's head on   around to one of the other famous Crescent oh not  Crescent a palace we are on hands place which is   kind of the biggest grass area in yeah the whole  of Knightsbridge and it has this private Garden   in the middle yes you need a key so don't come  and plant a picnic but these huge huge buildings   quite a lot of them are full houses I always  think that front there is amazing at the site   of Harrods but as I pan around we do have quite  a lot of restaurants with outside seating kind of   people watching and some bars as well it's very  very a nice Bridge thing we love Alfresco dining   even if it's raining as long as there's a bit of  a roof over us we'll be all right but at the time   of filming this yes Harrods has got a lot of scrim  a lot of hoarding up along the main Brompton Road   which it looks okay it's interesting though it's  something I've really noticed I'll look at Ryan   Gosling with this Gucci advert um previously I  think in London I'm pretty sure you want allowed   to have like branded adverts on scrim I've  never really noticed it unless there's like   a knightsbridge thing there's a lot of it around  here so it's like okay I can't even get it all in   frame hey girl and with all the beeping and Bun  fights going on I've seen quite a lot of road   rage today actually yeah so we're going to leave  Harrods because I don't need to show you it again   I will Vlog it at some point but I do have  to call out quite a lot of stores are still   vacant since the pandemic and I get asked  this quite often I would say all areas of   London obviously everyone got impacted um but  yeah a lot of physical stores even the fancier   stores I mean to be fair I think that was a Top  Shop they haven't all been filled back up again   so we'll see what happens but everyone's shopping  online I thought I'd show you a little bit of the   Beaten Track so you know if you're ever going  to go to Harrods if you're not going to explore   these side roads but we're just on what is this  Trevor Square oh and I just love this kind of   late 1800s all these cute little roads with the  park or something a bit of a three Road as well   and all the old lamp posts as well again I dread  to think I was looking up online though these   houses are usually around the 12 to 20 million oh  and this is actually very similar I would say to   um I'd say Islington and the kind of King's cross  area actually so if you like this look and feel   we could probably save a few quid and go up those  ways that neck of the woods you know what I mean   um but yes I do like to kind of see it's very  Harry Potter isn't it oh and Marylebone as well   look at this car I guess that's not the  fancy Supercar I was hoping to show you I think I can film this the Knightsbridge  Apartment it is a residential building it's super   modern but honestly it looks like a five-star  hotel it's absolutely mental I can't see if   there's any for sale there's like a water feature  out the front or I can't quite show you oh my   gosh but super noisy Road I mean I'm sure they've  got really good double glazing triple glazing but   yeah you still get the vibrations to the road  would you not anyway that's a bit rounder but yeah   you've got all these kind of little side streets  now where you've got I'd say local stores I guess   there is there's a vape store there you know and a  European Fusion Restaurant but then where the rich   people get their food Mr Chow very very expensive  very premium and then a normal Pub next to it   which is more My Level I do like the gold let  me just quickly show you all brass I should say   a prefix menu is always a very good deal so you  get a two course dinner for 95 pounds oh my gosh   so it is very very expensive I think there's one  in California has anyone ever been it does it's   not really my thing to be honest I'm just not  like a high-end restaurant person and that's   okay maybe you are but yeah no no is Mr Chow's  really worth the money I'll show you Mari Vana   it's like an old-fashioned Russian restaurant I  think I probably would be more inclined to try   something like this there is oh can you see  that it's in Russia and it's also in English   um a little bit more reasonable price point  wise but I've heard nothing but good things   about this place it looks very very old school  if I can get any pictures I'll throw them up now   also I've had amazing things about the I want to  say Bulgari Bulgari Spa it's a hotel wonderful   hotel but you can be a day guest and go to the  spa this building is such a contrast yes the   household Cavalry we're getting a little bit  nearer to the big tower so let's head on into   the real residential areas I want to show you a  couple of the cute streets oh God that building's   awful Isn't it and show you some of the Muse  houses oh a welcome rest break from the noise   of the road so yes we are on Montpelier I think  that's pronounce it square and again a private   Square in the middle for the residence and all of  these wonderful Terrace houses you don't see that   too often with the light above that I really  like that but yeah a really nice little Street   would you live in an area like this but on a more  positive note and while it's nice and quiet it   was just raining a few minutes ago so uh we  have a break from the bad weather why is it   called night spread again this might help you  in a pub quiz although the answer seems to be   a little bit unclear but most people say that  it's the ancient name where there is the river   there's a river that runs under Knightsbridge  like most places in London there's some kind of   river that has been covered over the Westbourne  and there was a bridge and lots of knights went   across there and it was a big meeting place and  apparently the name Knightsbridge came about   but again it's debatable whether that is true  however they came with the real name it's a nice   little area I've been looking out for the blue  plaques that haven't really been many actually   uh who have we got here Bruce Bond's a cartoonist  I have been keeping an eye out but yeah I haven't   really seen many blue plaques oh it's really  nice and peaceful around here this would be so   nice if the Sun was shining even nicer you could  definitely get lost in all of these side streets   let's let's go on down here this reminds me a bit  of Hampstead let's go through this little whole   in the wall what's going on down here oh yeah very  sweet little walkway it's a funny looking building   and up Rutland gate oh wow look at those beautiful  buildings up there also look at this window detail   look at these little people above these heads  above each of the windows oh it's called The Clock   house that building how quirky I love the windows  oh wow these are so nice these are remind me of   um paddington's got quite a lot of homes like this  the cream stucco fronted what's this Square called   don't even look it up honey you can't afford it  square again private Garden in the middle very   medieval Vibe some of this but we've got Rutland  Mews South I'll just show you a couple of little   streets because I don't know if I'm really allowed  to go down them I think I am this one doesn't say   private look at this this imagine how sweet would  this be to live no you don't get a garden I think   a lot of them yeah they've got a little bit of  a Terrace light appreciation to get there oh   wow look at that with the little Gates I don't  know if you're ready for this one wait for it   oh my gosh the sun's come out oh wow what a nice  little rose up there you have got Hyde Park which   will be my journey home soon but again another  beautiful stucco fronted building Road I swear   all Land Rovers have some kind of branding  on them but look at this Archway let's head   through here and another beautiful cobbled Street  you can imagine lots of people doing photo shoots   along here I never knew this was even here oh  my gosh finally this is a public garden that is   very rare in this neck of the woods I love this  street so much I think I prefer the blue one and   as I walk around I try not to travel up on all  these cobbles if you're enjoying this video give   it a thumbs up I really really appreciate it  oh these ones look right for development don't   they what color would you paint your house  I think I'd pick a pastel color ah see here   you've kind of got three rows of muse houses we  are really really near to the science and history   museum let's quickly go down Prince gate Muse the  princess gate Muse I'm not pronouncing that right   and why oh whoa look at that loads of cute  little houses but would you want to lift this   Central for the price I don't know wouldn't say  well I wouldn't say no to it but I think I think   I'd rather live a little further out people  always ask if I could live anywhere in London   I think it's the would we Hampstead and that  pretty much concludes what I think is the main   points to show you of Knightsbridge because  we are by the science museum yes this is the   exhibition Road you've got Imperial College  up there nice ice cream van which is very   very tempting because it's got a little bit warm  actually and all of the museums yes you have got   the Science Museum and then the Vand A on the left  which maybe I'll show you at some point [Music] to Vlog in and I don't want  to bother anyone but yes   I think it's time for me to finish this video  but anyway I will see you next Friday at 6 p.m   have a good one guys make sure you're subscribed  for more I can do a few more tours over the next   few weeks and then we will start to do some  autumnal Halloweeny fall I know it's American   see what London's like when all the leaves change  but anyway have a good weekend or week bye guys

2023-09-07 09:30

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