I Tipped ALL the Vendors I Saw in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

I Tipped ALL the Vendors I Saw in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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I think they're wondering like why in the world  does this man want these pajamas I like your store   very beautiful what is this is it fish what is  this 50,000 it's okay for you no no change it's   okay for you and for you because I love Cambodian  people oh than I I love you I don't have many   change you don't have change business is slow to  today yeah I stand by uh you so no business today   okay okay here there's $20 for you bro hello how  are you good afternoon guys and welcome back to   another day here in penam pen now this might  be the last video that you guys see here from   the country this time around and that is simply  because well I got some personal things going on   right now guys I have been feeling absolutely  terrible and I don't know what what's going   on with my body I don't know what's happening  but the last few weeks ever since I got sick   in Bangladesh I can't hold nothing in I keep I  know it's a little bit too much information this   is going to be a great video I promise you but  man it's taking everything inside of me like I   don't know if you guys can see my face I haven't  slept in like 3 days all the food that I eat keeps   coming back out and man I'm just going through it  right now so I had another week here or another   5 days left here in the city 4 days left but I'm  getting out of here I bought an emergency flight   to leave to Bangkok tomorrow morning and I've  already made an appointment at the doctor I'm   going to go get my stomach examed x-rays they're  going to test my blood I'm going to get the full   thing and that's because well thank you sir man I  feel very terrible right now and I'm really hoping   it's nothing serious but for about 3 weeks now  I've been pretty bad guys and I've been trying   to stay motivated stay happy keep sharing stories  with you guys from around the world but man it's   taken everything inside of me to be able to hit  these streets every single day and still make   these videos so um right now I talked to my mother  this morning and I've decided that I am I'm going   to stop making videos for a few weeks I'm going  to take off and go and take care of myself so   um hopefully by the time you guys see this video  I'll have some results in and I'll be able to talk   to you guys about what the doctor told me but for  now let's get let's get into the fun stuff man so   for the last few days I've been walking around n  pen and guys it's been incredibly hot it's brutal   out here and there's so many hardworking Street  vendors absolutely everywhere here in Pinon pen   and to be honest I don't know how these men and  women do it it is extremely hot out here but of   course because they have to make a living they  are out here every single day selling items in   this blazing sun and to be honest I would have  given up a long time ago if that was me you   know we come from different walks of life I can't  handle the stress that these people go through on   a daily basis now there's actually a lady that we  met here on the first day who sold me a Cambodian   dish called Low and I think I found her I think  she's actually on this street cuz I was actually   on the 32nd Floor looking out of my window waiting  for this lady to surprise her with a nice tip   because well you guys have told me for the past  few days uh based off the videos on Tik Tok yeah   I'm a Tik tocker if you guys want to see Tik  Tok videos go check it out but I posted a video   of me interacting with this lady and everybody  absolutely loved it and said that she was so kind   that they would like to see her again so hopefully  this lady is here today um but yeah I saw a lady   walking around with like a stick and two pots down  the streets hopefully I didn't make miss her yet   but yeah look a lot of construction going on the  streets here in pin on pin are always incredibly   busy but yeah like I said I'm going to try and  make the most out of you know the situation that   I'm in right now and try and you know at least put  a smile on your guys' faces and on a couple other   people's because to be honest that's what I live  for that's what makes me happy and yeah I would   like that hello how are you wow this is your store  I like your store you have anything my size maybe   something for me I want a shirts you have can you  show me a t-shirt for me I like her shop look she   sells jeans shirts all kinds of nice stuff what  is this a police uniform Cambodian police huh okay   how much how much for the cambod police hello  where'd you come out of Sir oh man I love this   shop look at this they sell hats a little bit of  everything in here look pants pajamas wow look   they even sell watches dude this is a crazy shop  let me know have you guys ever seen something like   this before look they got the Gucci pajamas  you know what these are what all the ladies   wear here in Cambodia they always wear pajamas  like this let me know in the comment section why   that is why do the uh Cambodian ladies always  wear pajamas even in the middle of the day let   me ask her how much these are hello how much how  much for this one can you show [Laughter] me thank you you know we're going to  bless this lady today I don't   know how she's wearing a jacket and sweats in this heat hello sir hello how much for for  this one uh $6 $6 why do Cambodian   ladies always wear pajamas you know like  Cambodian ladies always wear this huh okay   um well you know what yeah I'll buy  this one I I want I buy I buy I pay here just one piece here thank you I think they're confused I  I think they're wondering like why in the   world does this man want these pajamas I like your   store very beautiful I've always wanted to  purchase something off this yeah good good size I like those dude Cambodian people are so nice  oh you have different styles okay okay   let me see ooh that one's nice okay  this one I'll take that one yeah why [Music] not I love this system I've never  seen anything like this so they do have like   stands like this in Thailand hopefully  the camera is not too shaky guys they   do have stands like this in Thailand  but um I only really see them in like pataya oh man that is a nice little pajama huh  yeah don't I know where this lady is I saw her   through my window but I don't know where she is at  hopefully she didn't leave but yeah we're going to   continue walking down right now and then if not  we're going to have to go look for her somewhere else very nice [Music] Aon I think he went to  go ask for some change right now what's your name name okay okay Chris nice to meet you you guys always have beautiful  smiles thank you beautiful smile okay he's looking for change tell tell him  no change no change no change no change yours no   change yeah yeah yeah you're welcome thank you  thank you aun aun thank you all right well I   just bought myself some $20 pajamas now I'm going  to look like a Cambodian lady as I walk around to   be honest with you those probably don't fit me  but they were fun to buy huh isn't that pretty   cool guys how they set up like shops along the  um sides of the roads and on like motorcycles   okay where is this lady I saw her around here  from the window and I'm not sure if it was her   but I saw somebody walking around with the  same kind of like setup as her man I really   hope she's out here right now if not I'm going  to be pretty sad because I've been waiting for   her the last few days with a special donation  that I want to give her for being so nice to me   but I haven't been able to find her again maybe  this is her right here underneath this chair no   I think it's quite impressive how many like little  local shops there are here in Cambodia in pin on   pen but yeah man I don't know where she's at if  she's not here I got to come up with a new plan   I'm going to have to head over to the Russian  Market again and then I'm going to go give a   nice tip to another beautiful lady that uh served  me another dish called num a choke I think that's   how you say I don't know for me they all sound  similar guys I'm not Cambodian so um I can't   really distinguish like the dishes but they all  kind of sound very similar you know what maybe   man she could have like walked through any one of  these Alleyways I have no idea you know what guys   let me turn the camera off for a second and I'll  catch up with you guys here in a minute if I can't   find her but I'm going to bust the mission right  now I'm going to try and find this lady she has   to be around here somewhere all right see you  in a second well no luck guys I haven't been   able to find her I just did a complete lap around  this block but no luck I cannot seem to find this   lady which is very sad because I actually had a  very nice donation that I wanted to give to her   man for making my day but yeah can't find this  lady anywhere so you know what we're going to   yeah hop into a Tuk Tok I guess and make our way  to a different part of the area but look this is   what I'm talking about guys the Cambodian  ladies are always in pajamas and when you   go to like the local markets man they're always  wearing them it's quite funny I just think it's   funny not for any other reason not that I don't  like the style I just think it's funny because   it's like 31° C extremely hot and they're walking  around with pajamas on man like long sleeves long   sleeve shirt long sleeve pants it's crazy man you  know what still making these videos somehow I like   forget how bad I'm feeling but the moment the  camera goes off oh man like I have been really   going through it the last few days I wish things  would get better for me let's hope I can only hope oh wow these look interesting huh hello  how are you what is this is it fish sabat some   what sbat okay I think I got it right  okay what's inside [Music] fish chicken fish rice oh okay okay um how many real huh 6,000 okay can I get one order please  thank you I yeah look at this it looks super nice oh is that for me 600 oh 600 okay there you go no change what is this 50,000 it's okay for you thank  you bro thank you thank you have a nice day okay   action was amazing all right I just bought some  local uh Cambodian dish and it has all kinds   of yeah sauces in there veggies hello how are  you doing good how are you is this your store   what are you selling you have any Cambodian um  Cambodian food Cambodian drinks what's Cambodian   in here Cambodia yeah Cambodia where you come  from United States America yeah and you you're   from pin you're I love your city very beautiful  I miss you miss me you've never met me before I   miss you okay can I get um what is this energy  drink kabau okay you like you like no Eng you   speak good English what's your name my name  is Zan very beautiful lady what your name my   name is Chris Chris yes how much how much  real 2,500 2,500 okay I bue what is this   what is this coffee Coffee Cafe Cafe okay  um oh ice coffee okay I'll do one of these k big money Cambodia Cod Cambodian money I  don't have Cambodian money I'm sorry is   this your family family that's you oh  my God this is her when she was young   guys look at this and who's this is this  your daughter's no no change it's okay for   you and you for you because I love Cambodian  people oh than I love you I love you is this   is this your family your daughters sister  those are your sisters okay one you have   two babies okay how old are your babies  how many years old maybe maybe two two uh oh okay oh that's your baby beautiful so beautiful  well thank you so much I hope you have a nice day   okay here I'm going to put this back you keep it  okay have a nice day beautiful lady man I really   didn't need the energy drink though man like  I said I'm out I'm out here right now trying   to put smiles on other people's faces and to be  honest this video is helping me right now I feel   good right now so man what a lovely lady but yeah  um if you guys are wondering why do you guys make   them look for change because I just want to make  sure that whoever I'm giving money to is being   honest with me and um it's nice that they go out  of their way to look for the change and stuff as   you guys saw I was in Egypt a few weeks ago and  sadly that wasn't the case everybody was trying   to take advantage of me not everybody but there  was touts everywhere man and the amount of local   Egyptian people I met compared to those who were  like trying to take everything that I had had from   me man was little to none so yeah I need to go  back and actually do it with the proper Egyptian   but yeah my experiences you guys saw them on the  videos Man people weren't the nicest especially   the ones around all the touristic sites which is  usually the case anywhere in the world but yeah   here in Cambodia man I've ran into the complete  opposite everybody is super honest except for a   lot of these guys the Tik TK drivers but that's  pretty standard everywhere in the world Tik Tik   drivers taxi drivers never the best people good  people but always on the grind you know what I   mean so they'll always take an extra dollar from  you if they can but yeah this area that I'm in   this is my apartment this is like a Chinese area  there's Chinese people absolutely everywhere all   the markets and restaurants here on this street  are Chinese you know what guys I think now that   we did that let's actually jump into a Tok Tok and  make our way towards I don't know maybe the River   Front I know I haven't shown you guys a whole lot  to this trip but guys like I said the little that   I've shown you trust me it's taken everything  inside of me to make it happen I haven't felt   this bad in a very long time and to be honest I'm  really worried that it might be something serious   because it's about it's going on like 3 and a half  weeks that I've been feeling this way and it's not   getting better in fact it's getting worse so I'm  not going to go into any more detail about like   the some of the symptoms that I'm having but  oh man it is rough so please uh think about me   and share this video if he brings you a smile  because I would like to make a lot more um in   the in the future and I'd like to come back and  to Cambodia as soon as I feel better to share   with you guys you know the beautiful islands  and other cities that can be found here but   you know what guys I'm going to put the camera  down for a second I think and then we'll we'll   move on but yeah look this is the entrance to my  building and it's crazy there'll be like Mercedes   maybacks like this one right here in front of  me that's a $300,000 Mercedes and a Ferrari I   don't know if you guys can see the Ferrari over  there but that's the kind of like difference   there is here in Cambodia it's ridiculous and  then there's also like all these stores like   that one across the street where they sell like  Rolexes all kinds of like luxury name brand stuff   I walked in there and they had like rechard meal  watches dude it was crazy like wasn't expecting   that with $300,000 price tags like inside of a  store and they just let me in there it's crazy   man but yeah no sign of our friend so you know  what hello how are you how are you sir yes how   much to um Riverside yes how much uh $2 $2 yeah  is that a good price come on come on you know   you know grab is cheaper yeah I know okay but  this isn't grab huh this isn't grab all right I   go inside let's go Riverside Hey sir do you want  here I I I give you lunch what you give me lunch   yeah thank you yeah and here I give you this you  take to your wife you have wife me you have wife   yes look that's pajama beautiful one for your  wife yeah okay all right $2 let's go bro thank   you what's up man all right so we're going to make  our way to Riverside and if I happen to see this   lady we're jumping off because I got a special  surprise for her hello how are you have a nice day hello hello my friend how are you oh okay have  a good one oh man Cambodian people are amazing I'm   telling you guys you guys see the difference  in The Vibes compared to like you know Egypt   you guys can see The Vibes like that's why I  make these Raw videos there's no sugar coating   anything when you do this you know you're not  putting any beautiful music Beautiful drone   shots it's just raw real Cambodia exactly what  you guys want to see right all right let's see   where this lady is I'm on the hunt for her man  I was literally I'm almost 100% confident that I   had seen her from my window and I'm going to be  very sad if I don't see her today you know what   Hey sir I got a question can we do can we do one  more Loop I'm looking for a friend Aon Aon thank   you all right let me see if I can see her man  I'm telling you guys I'm trying so hard I got   $100 in my pocket that I want to give her for  her $1 soup so please please please let's make   it happen okay so here's the shop that I just  stopped at man I'm on a mission to find this   lady I feel like I'm stalking someone right now  but I'm not I just genuinely want to help her out   because she was so nice okay you know what um  yeah I don't think we're going to see her and   this was good I don't think we're going to see  her today so we're going to have to go somewhere else yeah same people okay sir can we go  left Riverside left Riverside yeah thank   you thank you Aon okay well that breaks my  heart man so I'm not going to be able to   see her H all right well we're going to have  to bless someone else then along the way and   maybe next time I come to pin on pen we're  going to be able to find her but yeah that sucks guys literally I have I know you guys don't  want to hear this but today I have literally let   it out about 10 times not over exaggerating  every time I eat nothing sits in my stomach   and I think I might have like a bacteria to  be honest because I was eting street food and   that's when I first started doing SI when I  was eating street food in Bangladesh but yeah   I don't know no signs of luck for this lady  I cannot find her but you know what um it's   okay we're going to bless many other people  today because that's what life is all about   it's all about sharing your blessings when you  have them you know there's plenty of times in my   life where I didn't have you know anything and  it's nice to be able to um bless others when   you can like there's all kinds of street food  though like you don't really have to go too far yeah beautiful out right now still  extremely hot but beautiful all right   guys I'm going to put the camera down for a  second and I'll see you guys once we make it   to to our next spot hello sir right here is  okay right here's okay yeah thank you thank you thank you sir thank you where you stay every day where you St  uh the bridge the brid yeah yeah yeah okay   I don't have many change you don't have change  business is slow today yeah I stand by uh so   no business today okay okay here there's $20  for you bro all right enjoy your day brother   take care okay s um you want no I leave I leave  tomorrow I yes tomorrow I want to go you want to   go you go with me tomorrow you take me to the  airport what time what I mean how much to the   airport uh up to you at the same no that's  for you that's for you all right tomorrow um   the bridge yeah the bridge uh 12:30 12:30 the  bridge uh resent the bridge residence 12:30   uh What uh uh lunch time lunchtime 12:30 yeah I  be there 1:3 1 1:00 1:00 uh yeah uh no no no 12   12:00 12:00 middle of the day yeah okay tomorrow  see you there what's your name yeah uh Wy weny   Chris you're a nice guy Chris Chris Chris see  you tomorrow 12:00 please 12:00 all right all   right guys what a lovely guy so yeah he said  business was slow what's up bro what are you selling let me buy let me buy one I want thank you thank you you want some come come  get some with me no hello sir how are you doing   good how are you what's your name I like your  tattoos man nice these are Apple what are these bro Apple okay how how much 1 Kil to the  one 1 kilo $2 okay let me just do $1 $1 hold on bro don't leave what are you selling  uh oh that's corn for the birds yeah okay how   much uh1 $3 $1 okay okay hold on give me one  second that's it that's it bro just a few yeah   that's it thank you thank you sir look bro you  and him share okay you share thank you bro and   share okay thank you of course all right  so this man just gave me like some corn   and the corn is actually hello how are you is  that the corn more corn oh very nice how much real how much she sold me more bro three for $1 oh same price same  price okay here can you tell her can   you tell her that I'm going to buy  these from her but to give them to   the kids for free okay can you tell her yeah  can you tell her that those are for the kids uh that's for you okay tell her  tell her to give that to the kids okay okay thank you thank you brother take  care okay sorry sir thank you thank you okay well   let's keep on walking guys so I don't want to just  stand in one spot because then a lot of people are   going to come up and ask me for money just like  that last guy did but to be honest I'm trying to   warn up and you know talk to people and ask them  um you know things and talk to them and I want to   support as many people as I can so and also make  this video you know entertaining for you guys   because you know you guys are watching a video  hello all right you know what I actually want to   try this right now it's probably why I feel sick  huh I bite everything on my on my teeth but yeah   let's let's throw these right here and let's see  exactly how this works all the kids do this all   around uh pin on pin I see it happening everywhere  feeding pigeons oh man look they're all about to   start rolling in woo yeah I love experiments  experiments like this but you know what I'm not   going to waste the last two bags thank you thank  you I have I have too many I have too many thank   you Aon no it's okay thank you yeah I have way  too many here Apple take care okay such lovely   people but yeah I don't want to um waste all these  corns myself I'm just going to give them to other   people oh wow look at this old lady she checks  people's weights hello how are you how much 1   1,000 1,000 oh okay all right let's see how much  I weigh o big boy big boy what is your name man   you're beautiful lady okay here you go yeah that's  for you okay take care oh man oh yeah BR I'm 90   kilos man I think I might have took some weight  off of that but you guys tell me what I am but   man I I got to really lose some weight but yeah  guys so to be honest that's all the small money   I had I have a $100 bill but no City tour today  bro thank you can slowly on the rivers side and   then go to that side to take a photo and then you  can visit here now free ticket no okay then that   side then around 1 hour you can collect slow okay  okay no I think I'm okay right now um if I change   my mind I'll come back so now I don't I don't  have cust I know bro but I I collect for you   and then you can come back here you can take phot  if you like I know sir but it's because right now   I'm walking the Riverside yeah you can you can uh  oniv side with me you can take slowly slowly and   then you can go here no it's it's okay it's okay  sir thank you I appreciate you though thank you no   it's okay sorry no no no sorry sorry I I sorry I  can't I can't give money to everybody that's not   you know you look you look very healthy you should  you know you should you should work you look very   healthy no so please you keep my youool yeah but  your I just gave money to your mom I saw you guys   sitting there so her mom was the one that I just  gave um $20 for on the scale I believe I believe   she was sitting next to them or their grandmother  but I saw them out of the corner of my eye and   then once I started walking around that's why I  told you guys I can't guys I'm not rich you know   like I bless people with what I can but yeah if  you imagine you give I gave out $20 to absolutely   everybody coming listen I already told you no okay  I know I understand I understand but I already   gave I gave your mom $20 right [Music] now I'm I'm  sorry I understand but you know how old are you uh   my name no but how old are you age 10 10 104 10  10 fall 10 10 fall oh 14 yeah you know my I got   my first job you go school yeah but you know I  I got my first job when I was 14 years old you   should you should go get a job you should work you  should help your mom here my name's that's all I'm   giving you okay that was just because I didn't  want to be completely rude because you know she   probably is hungry or whatnot but guys um I got  my first job at 14 years old you got to work man   you got to work to make a living take care bro  thank you but see the problem is is I was giving   out money in these areas and everybody else saw um  because there's a lot of people out here so that's   the reason behind um yeah the people asking and  asking for more and that's why there's more people   following me so this always happens around the  world when you give out money um and if people see   they tell everybody but yeah no more money that's  it I had $100 in my pocket for the lanan Chow lady   but unfortunately she never showed up so no it's  okay thank you thank you thank you thank you thank   you sorry don't bother me please go walk around  I'm sorry I I'm going to be rude though after a   while because I don't accept no and literally as  I'm when I turn off the camera dude no one bothers   me it's just because right now I hand it on so  obviously I'm asking for it right guys but you   got to respect them when people saying no you  know no is no but yeah guys beautiful Cambodia   I've had an amazing time here so far I think right  now I'm going to actually cross the street let's   walk a little bit closer towards the um Royal  Palace and then guys I'm going to go home I am   not feeling good so actually when I turn up the  camera on the back of the Tik tip more came out   um which is quite disappointing because I just  took my antibiotics not long ago go but um yeah   it's not a good week for me man it hasn't been a  good month for me to be honest with you guys so   I've been trying my hardest I hope you guys are  enjoying these videos my phone is actually about   to die so that's another thing that happened today  I was actually heading out to make a video on my   way to lunch and I left my guys I left my camera  and Camera stick in the back of a Tuk Tuk that's   why I'm filming on a cell phone right now so oh  man I got to buy a new camera I got to go to the   hospital tomorrow dude to be honest the reason why  I booked a ticket for tomorrow is because I felt   like I needed to go to emergency room today truth  be told so um hope you guys enjoyed that video   we were able to put on a smile on some comod and  people's faces and guys that should go to tell you   how many how blessed you are in life okay I gave  everybody $20 $20 tips today and $20 doesn't seem   like a lot of money in the West where we come from  but here that is a lot of money um for example the   so the the the pajamas those are about $6 I'm not  sure if that's the real price though um I have a   feeling they are around six bucks but the other  lady gave charged me 2,500 for the energy drink   that was about 50 cents and I gave her 20 bucks  so you can think like you know in comparison that   is a lot of money um God I already forgot I'm  lost in the sauce today man I don't know what's   happening but yeah basically we gave everybody  about 20 times uh the money that um you know   they were asking for and now we're right here in  front of the Royal Palace and to be honest I wish   I had smaller notes uh for this 100 that I have  on me but unfortunately I don't and to be quite   honest with you guys I don't like to just hand out  large lumps of money like that um to just whoever   um I always do it to those who are special to me  in the videos and um you know those people that   I that I connect with and that lady that I met  the first day man I I connected with her it's   sad that she's not around this is exactly how  she was walking around just like this lady with   the pots and yeah the baskets so hopefully I'll  see her next time I come to Cambodia but for now   guys yeah this here is the Royal Palace hopefully  it's not um bad lighting but yeah the Royal Palace   is super beautiful this is actually like the main  entrance to to the Royal Palace but unfortunately   it is still closed for tourism right now at the  moment but yeah very beautiful having an amazing   time here um it could have been better had I felt  better but we made the most out of it and now I   think I'll be signing off and I have to see you  guys again from some other country I don't know   where I'm going next I don't even know what's  happening in my life right now I got to really   go to the doctor and get myself straight I got  to get I got to get healthy so sorry that you   know this video was um super fun to make but also  kind of sad because damn I I got to talk about all   the sad things going on in my life right now and  unfortunately I haven't really been taking care   of my health the last yeah I want to say like year  and a half so things have been rough but we'll get   better and we'll be back out soon to make some  more videos for you guys so for now that's it   from Cambodia later guys so real quickly I do want  to correct myself so the girls that actually came   up to me to ask me for the money I just reviewed  the footage and they actually weren't the girls   that I was looking at um when I had gave the  $20 so yeah I do feel bad about that but um   it is what it is so just clarifying that um if  I had a little bit more than yeah I'd probably   give that to them but I don't unfortunately now  um I'm going to try it right now and actually see   if I can change this money into smaller money to  just continue blessing other people right now and   then maybe we'll go back and look for those girls  but um yeah if you don't see any more after this   it's because I wasn't able to actually go and get  changed but yeah I got like nothing in real um or   else i' I'd give that out but yeah guys that's it  for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it sorry   if the energy level wasn't all the way there as  I mentioned there's really nothing nothing too   positive going on in my week right now man like  just lost my camera that's what I used to make   money I lost dude I'm sick I lost so much money  in Airbnb here for the next week I lost money   on my flight to Bangkok on Friday I had to buy a  new one dude I've took a straight L this week so   sometimes that's what sometimes hey it is what it  is sometimes you got to take L's right we all got   to take L's to bounce back but um Health should  be everybody's number one priority and right   now I'm realizing that man I have made some bad  decisions the last few years um I really got to   start making some better ones and start putting  myself first instead of putting everybody else   in my life first even though that's just the kind  of person I am I'm like very selfless person and   I give everybody everything but I give myself very  little and I need to work on that I got to change   that because you got to love yourself more than  you love others man you really do because no one   cares about you more than you and the last thing  you want is I don't know man I've been thinking   a lot lately about what's happening like how  I feel and I'm just scared right now because   you never know what happens and like life is too  short and all it takes is you know several years   of eating bad of not taking care of yourself and  your whole life can change man and uh yeah let's   hope it's nothing serious I hope it's just like a  parasite in my stomach something something that's   not serious please and um yeah guys but I've  just been thinking like a lot lately about you   know the craziest [ __ ] especially when you  start searching like symptoms on Google and a   WebMD dude you start diagnosing yourself with  crazy things but it's really put things into   perspective cuz you know I never really get sick  I don't really get ill and I always like to talk   about like how yeah but I used to be in the best  shape yeah I used to do this but man used to is   past tense like we got to take care of ourselves  right now so um yeah I personally have put on so   much weight in the last two years these making  this YouTube channel being on the grind being like   super depressed in the beginning led me to being  like to gaining just so much weight and um yeah   eating just terrible food eating in restaurants  all day long never eating in at home like all of   this stuff is really starting to add up now and I  got to think about what I need to do right now in   my life like I got to think about where I want my  life to be what do I want to do like I really cuz   to be honest I can't keep doing this I can't keep  bouncing around from uh countries to countries   like it's not sustainable I need a I need a home  now so I'm going to have to figure some things out   guys sorry once again I tuned back in but man  I feel like right now I'm feeling better like   letting it all out and just venting to you guys  because you know I hold a lot of things to myself   but you guys you guys are the reason my life is  the way it is and I feel like yeah I want to tell   you guys everything so yeah not in the best of  spirits right now but you guys have probably got   that got that idea by now all right guys well I  love Cambodia I love you guys thank you so much   for watching if you haven't put Cambodia on your  list put it on your list beautiful country great   people it's a nice place to hang out for a few  weeks man all right for now yeah who knows maybe   you'll hear a little life update from Bangkok uh  once I get some results tomorrow from the doctor   actually it's probably probably going to take  like a few like 72 hours from what I was told but yeah guys I got to go later guys I was the one to take a look

2024-03-27 08:02

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