I Survived 24 Hours in India with No Money

I Survived 24 Hours in India with No Money

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24 hours no money in India let's see if I can  do this no food transport or accommodation in   the city of amarita and we're going to try and  find out whether the seek hospitality is as good   as they say I'm also going to be with my friend  will we're both going to be doing the challenge   different places and uh 24 hours we're going  to be meeting back here do you think you can   do it we'll see we'll see we're going to try  and get a lift on one of the bikes I re and I   can get a lift on one of these bikes we just got  to we got to get their attention and get them to stop oh yes Sal hello namaskar said Sal  oh my God where are you from wherever   you're going where are you from uh just  uh I I will go this way your country name   England nice to meet you so nice of  you oh thank you you're are very kind person Oh Thank you Indian people  are very kind UK are so kind just   just get me there in one piece please  very very big heart from us people UK you good name uh har my name is R nice to meet  you just be careful you're a very good driver   you're like a racing driver oh my God Michael J  where do you want to go I'm just uh exploring this   is a policeman namaskar policeman I will just go  wherever you're going yeah your English is good oh oh very crowded after two days very big Festival  Diwali ah Diwali wow this is all for Diwali this   is actually Andy oh you know him yeah he's  driving with one hand they've got the Diwali   celebrations yeah very big sale of electronics  ah all people buying new products I'm looking   for an Indian wife I'm joking but Indian looking  UK wife maybe change of color it's the mentality   of color yeah I'm also tennis player tennis  I'm very big fan of wimon you know bble yeah   yeah Wimbledon in London 23 km away from London  ah we should play tennis sometime this is bro Namar oh I love India I  love India Love India oh my [Music] God can I give you some money you  need money no thank you so much you're f   this Indian people big heart thank you so  much photo with me yeah this is my brother   Allah my uncle thank you brother have a good  day oh my God what an absolute Legend what a   good start to this challenge hello can I  speak yes namaskar everyone I'm everyone   subscribe to my YouTube channel and uh I love  India India is going to win the World Cup we   coming and everyone buy your shoes from here  okay which country mid England sir what your   name my name is Harry hello com like a thousand  people watching me now what's that okay okay Eng Eng 4 huh 400 400 400 you  have 400 you have 250 okay okay everyone get your shoes we got  some 400 rupees 250 rupees for these   shoes over here if you come you  got to come these are the best   shoes you'll ever buy in your life  I promise you get a onee guarantee [Music] I'm working for them now  you going to pay [Music] me [Music] good expect this happen I'm just walking around  the city center and I kind of just realized I   haven't asked anyone where I could sleep I've  got nowhere to sleep really it's the biggest   issue and so I got to figure that out I'm on my  way to go and meet will because I think and find   out whether he has found some way to sleep and  yeah there's no way that I'm going to be sleeping   on the floor like rough that would be horrible so  we got to figure out Jo here he is it's my friend myab coming sir good uh I have come back  for chai but I I have no money I have no   no it's no money I have no money I'm not  sure if he understands do you think he   understands he's just making me try hello  free free for him okay oh he's famous New   Zealand from New Zealand I'm from uh  Germany Germany yes sir he's from USA America America all right thank you very much  you're a very kind manica America mobile number   when coming call of you okay sure why not  number okay I'll give you my number uhoh   I'm going to have to give him my number what's  your name brother Indian number your your name   my name is pan pan yes sir pan Kumar my name is  Harry Harry Harry like Harry Potter Harry Potter   Harry Potter yeah Harry Potter no I have no he no  CL he doesn't know harinda harinda yeah like har Krishna it's not working no I have no system he's mad he wants your number he's  not giving up without your number does not   work did not work Network problem yeah yeah  we have to call the the president Modi Modi   call him mod fix the phone of India yes bye  see you brother namaskar Namar K oh my God   there's so many there's so many people why  you what are you queing for educational you   what educational DP educ why is there a  line we waiting for is this the line for   signatures from photos with me yeah yeah yeah  okay I'll join the queue hello where are you from is that the best state in India yes yeah  Namar hello how much is that I'll buy it for 100 okay thank you you just gave them to me okay thank you how are you good thank you oh my god  I've just spotted in the corner of my   eye a free water service free  water service well I have no   money so let's see if it works oh it  works there we go boom look at this oh I wonder if this is clean water it looks so merky all right we're at the Golden  Temple area this is super touristy   so I'm thinking people will speak  English around here do you speak any English they're just pointing at each other oh you  know English oh okay maybe I'll just eat this dog   help her eating food yes free free free sa yeah  sa Golden Temple it's free free he just came out   of nowhere how did he know that I wanted [Music]  food what meaning it's r i i k huh why I'm just   getting dragged around everywhere now where are we  going I'm kind of scared to be honest where are we going oh namaskar oh wow nice you have a YouTube  channel yeah yeah I'm inside okay sure all right   I've been beckoned inside watch would you you  like to have a coffee or a tea um tea would be   amazing tea would be amazing have a seat here  thank you so much but I I have I'm I have no   money no problem bro no problem you're in India  thank you so much you're very kind nice to meet   you abam K yugam yugam yeah nice to meet you have  a SE please thank you well at least we're getting   tea sar's and female female we offer everything  for for women yeah women okay nice this is the   warehouse oh wow yeah you can have oh nice you  have a you have a balcony as well yo what what's   good how are you I'm good found any food I'm  going to help him f d oh amazing someone the   temple I'm looking we got him oh wow look at this  free chai we've got free chai this is my like   second or third cup of chai already for free and  uh views of Amit so this is like the most famous   street in amarit I think the golden temple is just  there and then all these people oh there's will will he can't see me will that's funny didn't  expect him to be around here what's your favorite   thing about India everything you love everything  yeah I went to Canada for studies in I came back   because I like India more really yeah India  is your Homeland yeah and you love it here   I mean it's a great it's a great place tried  dipping this I did I did yeah yeah yeah it's   good thank you so much show that Temple you  went inside that Temple is that seik seik   Temple no no that one is a Hindu temple Hindu  temple and sik Temple oh okay yeah that Temple   is uh 1761 wow yeah here he is hello no one  can hear me hello say What's it yeah Ed e Ed Ed how is the tourism in Amara tourism is very  good in am people like what's percentage of   Indian or foreigners mostly Indian tourists yeah  earlier many foreigners also came here but uh now   it's depleting day by day why because of the  season after Corona virus uh we noticed many   changes there oh really yeah well hopefully  we're going to bring more tourists oh yeah   oh wow try this no way this is culture yeah  no way you didn't have to do this oh my this   so kind of you this is the hospitality India  bringing one more for you oh my gosh thank you wow I tell you how she did uh first let  go you have to take a bite and uh wipe all   the butter over yeah I did it wrong like  this oh little bit spicy byab spicy it's   good though it's good no I like it though  yeah apply uh this not like this you have   to have something it's okay like this this  one is a main Indian sir what main India sir yeah this is his song you want me to wrap over it yeah I  can freestyle I did it I can fre oh you   you did the freestyle okay I was going to I  was going to spit some absolute game right   there but unfortunately you guys won't be  able to see that uh you're going to have   to pay for my exclusive performance I'll be  performing at the Taj Mahal 25th of November 2040 [Music] go brother no it's okay you don't  have to no honestly this for your girlfriend not   for your girlfriend this is for you oh really yeah  wow this looks expensive though brother you have   it ah then I can say man Indian India yeah what  nice to meet you brother than you brother have a   good day'll see you later wow this challenge  is kind of easy we need just make things a   little bit harder thank you Pakistan border yeah  okay I'll take you okay go 1,000 rupes no no one   member 1,000 two member 2,000 okay you pay me  one back I I'll take you okay contact number   you give me your contact number yeah okay uh I'm  taking you say no camera I I'm working for the   Pakistan no it's Atari border no Pakistan Border  in Atari Atari Atari border I want the Pakistan border okay tell you you thank you brother bye   sa one question could I have  10 Rupees Namar can I have 10 Rupees 10 Rupees wow yes I am starting  a business he is the he is the starter   of my business he is the founder right here  wow Vicky thank you so much he's a good man   everyone if you're coming here you got to buy  the wager from thank you so much okay we have   10 Rupees I'm starting a new business plan where  I'm going to sell water and I'm going to actually   uh treat Vicki at the end so I'm going to buy  water and then sell it so I can hopefully stay   in a hotel tonight water egg k no water huh  water no I can see you sell water water water yeah 20 20 H I only have 10 it's  okay I only have 10 okay it's okay no no damn it I can't get mad but I just  need 10 Rupees I'm not going to survive   Namar yes sir good could could could I  have one could I have 10 Rupees I need   10 Rupees for water we made it thank you so  much d d you're a very kind man I have 20 rupees thank you I would like your finest bottle  of water oh look at that oh can I have a cold one   cold one cold cold yeah thank you you know  if we sell it cold we could get more money   okay danan we have a bottle of water now the  question is how much do we try and sell this   for I reckon 50 that's 50 50 P this is going to  be tricky hello would you like to buy a bottle   of water I'm all right are you sure sure it's  very good price very cold very Del okay all   right at least they were nice about it streng  we just got to go for numbers we just got to   keep selling I'm looking for the Indian tourists  hello guys can I sell you a bottle of water it's   very nice delicious water okay namaskar would you  like to buy water very good price very cold clean   if I get any more rejections I'm just going to  end up drinking this water cuz I could do with   some water right now I haven't drinken any  today hello namaskar I'm I'm trying to sell   this water water yeah would you like to buy H 5050  rupees 50 yeah you would like okay okay there you go this is so hard room available how much  how much 1,000 uh Delux room   how about one bottle of water yeah yes okay deal uh one bottle of water and  then I get the room no one bottle water feel like I'm going to get arrested soon  for this all right I give up I'm going to go   and give the money back to the people I oh and uh  just drink the water bye no sir no no because you   gave me money for you for you for you my brother  so my brother no you give to someone else no for   someone for your family for your family come wait  come come let's my brother okay give to someone   else oh yeah okay there we go you're a good man no  and my brother friend thank you life B brother you   are too kind I appreciate it thank you we turned  the negative into a POS I couldn't sell the water   but the kindness of the people here in ambera has  ended me in getting a nice little milk thank you   so much oh it's hot it's very hot very hot okay  can I put this down can I sit in there ah it's hot I me to say yeah YouTube YouTuber  I'm not sure do you speak Hindi yes   okay Hindi and Punjab I like  your tabin okay it's camera YouTube not live not live no no it's not live  you can take like this hello these are my Babs thank you India I love India very nice people  so good it's like a warm lassy super sweet thank   you boss hello boss for you because you kind  man you gave me 10 Rupees I give you 100 200 what's up yeah my brother okay thank you brother  that was really weird and hopefully you guys can   translate for me but he didn't he I don't know man  all right we're walking to the Golden Temple now   we got the boys namaskar they seek I'm not too  sure what they are those people in blue maybe   you guys can tell me they've got the big swords  they got the uh full dress on and then yeah as   you get nearer to the golden temple the buildings  go get this like interesting shade of almost like   an orange and then the roads get quieter and  it's more organized around here so it's really cool excuse me did you get scared no that was funny William  William William williiam your name my name is   uh Deepak Deepak it's not deep it's the right  name please Harry Harry yeah Harry Potter Harry   Potter what is it I forget your name Harry  Harry yeah I saw you last time in Pakistan   thank you so much you you do massage you know  yeah what's this huh what's this these people people [Music] you going to PR as you can see I'm back with Will and we  still haven't found anywhere to sleep both of   us so we're going to team up together to try  to find find somewhere now also we're in the   land of hospitality so I've been told apparently  that we can sleep at the golden temple but I have   absolutely no clue I know you can get food there  but I didn't know you could sleep there so we're   going to find out we're going to find out if we  can sleep at the golden temple this is the golden   temple right here the most famous seek temple in  the whole world this is where people come so many   tourists come every year to see this so we're  going to head inside we got to put their head   covering uh we've got trousers on and then we're  all good namaskar namaskar all right let's head in coming at evening is just a different  experience it's insane I think this is   where we get the food or we get at least so I'm  not really sure what's going on but I've been   given this it's got some leaves and something I  think it's edible but I think I get more but no   one speaks English here so it's kind of hard and  you can see it's the golden temple there lot of   people walking around taking their prayers do you  know do we is this is this everything or think we   might go down the in there see what they say as  well okay sweet how are you T wow I'm good I'm   good wow so d by thank [Music] you I'm not too  sure what he was doing there he like well you   know what happened they har they must return half  the food you can see half of it's gone oh no I've   got a full one did you oh I'm so confused so this  is dinner luckily I did eat very well today and   I'm still confused as to what happened they I  got given food and then I gave it to them they   took half of it and theyve given me this anyway  I'm not complaining cuz it's free let's try it   m it's kind of sweet it's like a it's almost like  a dessert it's like I think they call it Hala but   it's not super feeling but I'm not complaining  it's just so so peaceful look at this Serene all   right guys this is desperate times it comes  to Desperate Measures I got a little blanket here I could sleep here you reckon you could  sleep here good night I reckon they would   let us but no apparently we are P there's a  sleeping area for tourists that's completely   free just outside so looks like we're going  to stay there he har are I have a uh surprise   with my money that I collected selling  my water today oh [ __ ] okay my water   I uh got an Indian SN no way called a m  m go so a dessert for us here in the te we're just walking around looking for somewhere  to say and it's crazy there's a lot of people   sleeping rough out by the Golden Temple and  it makes makes you realize that I'm making a   big fuss out of doing one day for free 24  hours for free but some people are living   like this every day in India um so it makes me  super grateful um I'm super super thankful and   lucky so we've been given this book we went  to the information desk and they said there's   a hotel just there or a guest house and it's  completely free they've been told they gave us   this booklet of information and think they've  got the list of all the hotels I think people   even sleep out here as well yeah yeah so also  I I don't think we would be allowed to sleep   out here I mean we could try it I'd be down so  they actually have like a list of like over 12   different guest houses you can stay out for  free so we chose the right City to do the no   money challenge in this is the guest house  we're going to go in and see what it's like   might not be able to film in there so we'll  just see what it's like oh well you can sleep here all right wow oh it just say room rent s call uh can I stay here for free it's possible D  after a very long day we found a guest house   you can stay out for free thank you to the seek  Hospitality especially from the golden temple   unfortunately we can't film here and so I think  what we've decided is we're actually going to head   back to the hotel and sleep there I don't want to  be fake with you guys I want to be very honest but   you can stay here for free if you want to and  many many other places so thank you very much   for watching everyone subscribe to will as well  thank you for taking part and uh yeah the seik   hospitality is unbelievable the Indian hospitality  is unbelievable and see you in the next video

2023-12-26 22:08

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