Gabin Jabba Swat | A Hidden Paradise in Pakistan | S23, Ep.8 | Swat Valley Complete Travel Guide

Gabin Jabba Swat | A Hidden Paradise in Pakistan | S23, Ep.8 | Swat Valley Complete Travel Guide

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Bismillah-ur-Rehman-ur-Rahim Assalamo Alaikum Friends, I am Hassan Sargana and you are watching Pakistan Tourism and the companions of this intellect, Quetta Chaiwala Mata Swat, get big famous tea and breakfast. No, will we have breakfast and after that we will go out, Gabin Jabba here also because education could not reach, today our effort is to reach 37 kilometers from Mata that he has Gabin Jabba and a 1 hour's opinion from here you know from here. I've got people from every cot, I have Charlie, one ten Suzuki, on which my jigri yaar Amir is going in age, then you will definitely see this complete travel guide from late, neither when you do a channel to support Pakistan Tourism.

Believe me, don't forget to subscribe to the channel to encourage us to start your opinion from flat exit. Yes,Friens our ride start Mata to gabin jabba Swat The first speaker of the Swat the river is turning off and first of all, the prayer for the journey should be Journey Pray Enjoy and we have to be the same, friends, first of all, in Charlie, we have fueled the time and since then I have told you that there is a distance of 37 kilometers when you have another 1 hour of opinion and this idea. From Charlie came one night but it rained and so we will get some 25 verses like this and we are watching.

The Swat River is coming from this Kalam and now look at the banks of this water, you will be seeing the soil, the reason for this is that it is raining, friends, I remembered a post that the chapter is snow. Most of all, what is the mistake at any time, brother, if you do any gas, then let me tell you what you will remember, if the snow of the mountains is lying, then the sun is not a mistake, my brother is not there. The mistake is that it gets the most when it rains and the other is to give you an information that stone app they are always increasing their weight, stone never loses weight but keeps increasing with time. As soon as it rains and the wind blows above, the discs begin to gather on top of what is there and this process continues, so its weight continues to increase, it spreads in the important question, which is called the land of gardens. And you can see my Freud, the beautiful gardens he heard are so sweet, so sweet, which also gives you a sense of freshness.

From the beginning, when the wind passes, it spreads its fragrance everywhere, before today, it is the page, the rest of the carpeted road is coming out of mitta, when friends say that during the mountains, what is the reason behind it? NADRA has also kept the hospitality of Riaz in me, as you know that I am going to send from Matta, we were also checking something and Ali Sahib from the left. That you will say that then you will tell you about America, then this is their love, I will pray to each other for the pleasure of Allah. They have come out from nearby, which was 49 degrees above them and take care of the next turn. In front of us but those who have more than the height of friends have the Prize 2018 opinion is more difficult it is more difficult in it is special which is to take care of yourself small deep you have to keep on the bike first is better. Make the best use of it on the front and even if you read to do, you have to use both the front and rear brakes, otherwise you and you are looking at the page exactly the option and if I touch you, then you are seeing this.

For you donkey's children are going to die, yaar maza aaya ya yaar maza aaye noor lein, i have also got the contact with sex, so let me tell you, we started our right from Islamabad as you know the film was done and here we did it. When we have left Matta, on the way, we have not yet done politics and there was no politics here, and made 1800 rupees, about 43 thousand rupees from Korea. He wants to know that petrol is so expensive, so why is he crying, mountains are coming, when mountains are near me, do not give me, if someone becomes good, then a voice comes out of my heart, we will see your way. Now I have to go, whenever I have a lot of assignment, in fact, whenever I have come, due to lack of time, when I have not been able to vote for them, they have come to us, which is also called Sukhra and went a little bit. It is also a black coat, and this is what comes out of something that goes bald, but when the servant is in front of us, if we go, then the word and that is that when he is taking us away, he will not see it in Swat.

So at the same time, Al-Wajah Alocha is saying that it is exactly like a plum, but although this business has started climbing up from Kalakot for this friendly Gabin Jabba and so far it is going to attack the senses. This is 17 km from Kalakot to modern jabba and 35 minutes this opinion is ok and yet the good thing is that then the road and the other good thing is to think what is it. Where to go from the top to the bottom dude in case you will keep crossing the Kashmir Waterfall river drain with cold weather Final friends and western Jabba you are also going to reach there to understand the parking side of its Shiva. Here friends will park the car and ahead or you live or are on a horse and the next one survives, but if you can, then it is fun to get my doll rich from here and I have done the plane then the rest of the friends that This is where the public will go ahead on his Charlie White Suzuki bike, which will take him in about half an hour and if he writes, it will take an hour and a half, then this is the track whether you have to come to decide for yourself or not. And these are the beautiful forests of his Prophet.

The most beautiful yarn trees are researchers in research and from above. Now I have to pass through the mountains wrapped in clouds, this is the trading friend and alien emotions. Shahid Khan is the biggest challenge to go up, brother is the biggest challenge and that is why brothers can never walk up from here, so even if those who come out, they are taking them back on the car from here, so I will request everyone here. But you park the car and you have two options, what is that timing and the board now come one thousand rupees while the jeep takes four to five thousand rupees, but if you do one, then i will reach it. This is the land when you're going to time. And there are two who have almost come, so the tareen is left to read on us, but believe me, son, I will show you here too, my brother Prado is his speed and he saw what is standing in front of him.

And 10-12 people are pushing that the track that is on them is not moving forward, it is a matter of righteousness, but what is his dirty nature is letting our morale down. There are some things that should have taken a job because the state has stood up to late and still i have some worker road we friends Your brother has stopped here Charlie was in love from the front and height was quite high. Don't pair and If you have to do hiking, you should not come in view of blood pressure and use. When you are tired, praise my dear friend. And I am absolutely standing up and writing that how is his fast, what is such people right now? Subhan Allah Heart Ko School And there is a sense of relief in the eyes while watching these videos.

Interestingly, Telenor signals are not there, I am also getting a call, from a short distance, I can see the Pakistani flag and something new coming out in two, in the case of camping, it finally acts your name for an hour. Can't do with your preparations Tuhfat-ul-Hind and here I have met Abdullah Bhai who has fallen ill, I should tell your name in Pashto Pashto Pashto, something bad has been done in it. Aise Allah Shahid Khawarik Drama Store Mohalla Uda Phuloor Bala Fresh Gulona Dare Silver Mala Rawda Omar Aks 1980- Abbas Evil Is Here The Special Thing Here Is That One Is Around It Is All Fallen From The Mountain There Are Forests The same very sweet sweet shit is everywhere that he has facilitated the rest of his company, he does not have wisdom and the rest of the messages will be that those who also come to their own car MP4 Movie G Prize off and on the mike, brother, you tell us to boycott.

God, how are you, besan bhai, you are fine, you will be well, you are very happy, you see the very delicious way fragrance came of normal 2018, you used to sleep very little. If you come home and the woman gets light rain, then there is a very calm atmosphere, very happy, it will be very much fun and with that tell me that there is a light here. Urdu is a photo session, chat happens, he ask me if I have any part to hide, so now we have also written poetry or hot hot and after that thought why not see you a little bit above Gabin Jabba Top like this. If you see the beautiful views of nature from the side of my area, then this problem

2023-08-17 16:49

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