First Impression & Best Things To Do In Vilnius, LITHUANIA With Locals Taking Me Around (What A Day)

First Impression & Best Things To Do In Vilnius, LITHUANIA With Locals Taking Me Around (What A Day)

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in today's video i'm going to share with you my  first impression of the news and also i'm going   to walk you with some locals that will guide us  to visit the best place in the city these are   the locals that will take us around  so here we go so where are we going   to see one flower shop flower shop okay it  looks very great the exterior is very great okay okay can't wait to see it yeah and perhaps then  we'll go to the gate of dawn okay it's a major   place for christians all over pennsylvania  okay and uh maybe then city hall then   because israel and it's the tower okay oh there  may be some places along the way yeah sure okay the main yeah the main places every tourist visits   in vilnius oh cool and someone also told me about  an old prison yeah that's now an event venue yeah   she told me to visit there as well because she  said that it's not that known to a lot of uh   tourists that uh and stranger things was filmed oh  okay okay that is a great place to visit as well here you can see a lovely church a regular  uh abandoned church in the middle of the   city oh it's abandoned yeah yeah wow this  i don't know if you can see it very clearly   with uh with the camera this is an  abandoned church and it's very beautiful   no i can't believe that it's  very expensive to view that oh very small okay so what kind of plant flowers  can they get from this place every kind   every kind of every kind yeah  so they say flowers cactuses so you can get some flowers for your house or also  has a gift for for your loved ones yeah of course this is unplanned spontaneously this is our  friendly you know when your heart is open as i   always said your energy is high and stay positive  this is how you run into great peoples yeah   we didn't have a plan as well we're  just walking yeah we're sisters really i was thinking that  you guys are friends oh great   what an interesting story and a coincidence so we  don't usually meet quite often and today was the   day that we planned to meet oh just do whatever  really spend some time together so who is the   oldest ah okay so this is the contemporary  art center that whole wild building okay   and we have uh we have a local radio station  radio villages okay and we broadcast from the   yard right there sometimes we broadcast here  okay today is unfortunately not the day oh   oh what kind of a big shoe sculpture is  it a big shoe a big dead shoe look at it it's a big dead shoe nice so the normally of a radio show here they have a permanent  broadcast station in downtown   yeah sometimes they come here to to  broadcast local radios it's closer thank you heart center now we're at the city oh this is  the old town yeah well actually the   old town started from the hall where we  went from jamaica okay from jamaica okay and we also do have a telebridge to ukraine  to support them you know because yesterday was   ukraine's independence day and we also had  a good celebration for that and we had the broadcast through that red circle so we saw  ukrainians and they saw us through that red   circle oh nice i can see since i came down from  the airport there are a lot of support for ukraine   i can see the flags and a  lot of things for ukraine   wow there was a fundraiser concert  for ukrainians as well you know we   do kind of have the same history okay with  romania yeah yeah yeah so this is the city hall basically if i may say i think this is the  main place to hang out in the city perhaps   the cathedral the cathedral okay where is  it is straight over there okay here we go we do also have a german street it's  actually called the german street   okay which one is more near can we go that one  first before the other one yeah i think okay   oh and i want to have a little mist she want to take some  refreshment because it's very hot oh nice and you don't want it's do you feel good yeah it's good it's good oh it's good oh thank you for bringing me here it's nice   make a little u-turn okay through the german  street okay and we'll take yeah we'll take   a shortcut afterwards we'll go through  another very beautiful cafe they have a very   they have crazy like exterior all through  the year they change it okay according to   the season so in winter they have these huge  candy canes and like santa costumes and stuff that will be nice for a lot of for  people watching me to know to be able to   to get the full package of uh venues whenever they  are visiting so that they can know how to move and   have a great time here this is a very nice cafe they roast coffee  here okay themselves oh okay and we are   actually lithuania in the whole  baltic region is known for   we carried quite a coffee heads we have a lot of  coffee groceries you drink a lot yeah i guess so   i am not coffee type so yeah i don't drink  coffee as well really yeah oh i thought i'm   the only person that don't really like coffee  so i i found someone here that is in this in the   same page as me why why i don't like it really  i don't like the taste of like feeling after it   like it's not for me you don't like the coffee  height like the anxiety yeah i don't wow there   you can see one faculty of vilnius university okay  it's a international relationship oh international   relationship and political science okay university  of international relations and political science   is over there venus university faculty one of  them how many are they in the city faculties yes are you guys studying uh i've already finished  my bachelor's and working in the lab okay good   yeah i'm studying yeah we have one year left  okay what are you studying i'm studying physics   okay emilia where is backstage cafe is it  here later on i would like to check it okay   it is it is very hot so we need something but this time i wonder why it's because i'm here i  brought the weather here oh african spirit oh you   see they are kind of teasing me that i am the one  who make the weather to be hot because i bring the   african spirit with me because normally in the  we normally in the summer it's not that odd but   these days is very hot so that is why they say you  bring the african spirit to us lithuania welcomes   you with this hot weather so we feel like at home  oh thank you thank that is so nice of you so well   they welcomed me with the warm weather so that i  can feel at home in lithuania oh that is so nice so that's another roastery oh cool called backstage backstage  cafe okay that is the name get something to drink i don't know if you're interested  but they serve a lemonade   made with a local hemp syrup so we do  i have a hemp farm a cannabis farm okay yeah so here are the cold drinks  not coffee related fresh oranges is beauties are like quite well this is a lithuanian stove i don't think so  this one is cannabis lemonade but   if you're not into that it's  fine do you like cannabis   taste no it's uh yeah i like the taste but it's  not like it's not psychedelic or anything okay   it's just the taste yeah it's uh you know there  are different kind of cannabis the one that has   thc and one that doesn't that only has tbd okay  that's the calming agent okay let me try it if   it's a lithuanian style of uh yeah it's made  from lithuanian cannabis okay just let me try so what do you want i'm taking that  one okay the name oh here we go traditional local lithuanian drink thank you cheers uh it tastes like cannabis yeah yeah it tastes like a gunjama  yeah swash upon the lighter it's my first time tasting it as well whoa  but it's good yeah it's fine very refreshing it is always good to support your home yes yes okay uh sure kind of taking me around it's like  an old neighborhood seems a little bit old making a shortcut to  the main place we are going we have a lot of these like little hidden   artsy places around town okay  so this one is one of them it's what's called in english and wondering city something lab love yeah so what are they  doing inside in this place a lot of arty stuff   okay hot walk yeah so it's an audio  performance okay a play okay oh okay and there's another cafe that exterior  is decorated with a lot of macarons   those cookies from almonds  no okay french cookies yeah there are a lot of like little cafes restaurants   they're very beautiful and usually you  can get really good food there okay wow for example there's one uh  winery and restaurant as well okay   they make their own pasta you can drink wine  there and it's very nice very cozy very small   very nice oh and this is this is the  house that the original vilnius says   this is like a jewish jewish yeah the main  jewish guy lived there jessica i mean i   don't know what's being this appropriate  name for that but i don't know the news   governance elijah i say you have to be  elie yeah so it's like elijah so it's a   another historic place used to have a very big  jewish community back in the day okay are they   still a lot of jewish here not quite as many as  they used to be okay because of the holocaust   okay back in the days yeah yeah back in the  day practically half of the city was jewish yeah this is famous for all these little streets  and little cafes on the corners all those streets   with paintings in the window that's the background place i don't know if you can see it and this place is beautiful small and well organized a lot of the old town streets are like this okay you can get good good wine here good food oh i guess it will be one of your  favorites one of them yeah this is happy summer so it's light flowering in spring they had  like this like that type of mushrooms just living   they have a lot of small streets like this that  are very colorful and beautiful with great things   restaurants bars and local shops cool you can get  you know art pieces jewelry you know people say   it's good to get lost in paris i would say  it's very nice to get lost as well oh good   it is nice to get lost in venues  so that is what we are just doing all of those little streets  that we were walking through   yeah yeah those purple and yellow blocks  where the business ghetto back in the day   okay for the jewish community and here is  the jewish community i don't know what it is so there's also you see the tower over  there yeah it's also an abandoned church   and they sometimes they hold events there and  various exhibitions of local artists so we   we don't leave you know the  abandoned places behind we use them   sometimes that's why they abandoned a lot of  churches like this actually no idea take a lot   of money to build these churches it's expensive  and they are beautiful maybe i think a few of them   were too damaged to get renovated okay yeah only  the exterior was left behind but the inside was   you know abandoned quite a while ago so it's  too expensive to renew them but it's you know   why why demolish it when you can have a nice  building standing around okay that is why and many of them were abandoned during the soviet  era because okay during the soviet era yeah   because we were not allowed to be christians  openly yeah so you know we couldn't go to churches   we couldn't have our own priests and stuff  like that wow we had to be all russian   okay so back then what are they  worshipping them they had no religion okay   basically your only religion was communist  party okay yeah he was number one okay yeah we weren't even allowed  to celebrate christmas people   used to celebrate christmas secretly wow we have this tradition to decorate the  christmas tree only on christmas eve   because you know we weren't  allowed to do it earlier wow it's nice to know it's very interesting  i've never had such tin before   so that is why it's nice to travel nice  to land so during the soviet era era   you are not allowed to worship has any  religion only the uh communist party party okay okay you have to worship the head  of the coming communist party wow i have never heard about that before really  all of the soviet countries had to do that so   latvia estonia we as well romania ukraine  ukraine as well wow i've never heard about that   poland yeah half of poland wow for sure all  the books have been read everything i've   learned a little about history i've never  heard about this one thank you girls new okay oh and now we're walking down the main like  tourist street and buildings okay that's why   you see a lot of stuff okay so this is the what  is the name of this street which is castle street   castle street okay let's go straight  to the castle yeah okay so this is the   castle street guys till yes sorry till  yes sorry my my my language is very poor yes so we will go there through that gate okay here's the church which is not abandoned finally  finally finally why all the churches are abandoned   please renovate them they are for god well  we we we have to go and serve our lord so this one is the church of billiards university  because business university was established by but anyway for by christians okay so this is the venus university   university like it's the main place  where people get their diplomas okay i got my diploma here oh  she got a diploma here nice   there are a lot of concerts here as  well yeah i can see they are preparing let's go i saw one it's church right here  and then we have faculty of philosophy here   okay the faculty of law is over here  okay philosophy sorry lectures here okay i love philosophy yeah love to learn to learn about the greats can go guys that place is so awesome  wow that place is so awesome we are in a sacred place so i cannot talk  too much we can talk too much enjoy the view no damn okay wow beautiful so you're seeing a lot of paintings of priests but  actually a lot of those priests were also writers   because they're writers  yeah because you could only   like access science and education if you  were in priest school back in the day okay it's close wow this is beautiful this is beautiful guys this is awesome foreign okay wow it is so beautiful inside i don't know  if you guys can be able to get it it's a wonderful   walk man wonderful artwork to carve the image  the structures like gold and it's nice it's nice why you love living here tell us yeah why i love   living in vilnius instead of  my hometown yeah yes because you just stumble upon while walking that's why  i love it here because it's a little yard here   okay it's nice yeah where students can come and  relax out for break time exactly that's good   they are giving us full package guys full package  of vendors so credit to these wonderful women like you know where to look to  the stars and everything yeah okay okay like you see uh someone  is sitting okay perhaps we can   i wonder if we could go through  the faculty outside okay so you can see the whole view of the church yeah  bell tower yeah we have the hotel if you had more   time well or next time you were in lithuania yeah  the view is fantastic so this is the best place   where you can also go from this to where you can  see the whole of the city it is the only place is   the the tallest in the city in the old town in the  whole town so you can see the whole of the city   so you can't miss this place it is inside the  faculty of philosophy yeah so and it is the   same jones church yes the church is here  and the tour is over here and also you can   occasionally maybe you can run into a live  concept whenever you are visiting because and weddings maybe can inspire you to to  be the next the nest in line this is administration of the  university of the university and   this is our presidency presidential palace  oh you can go to the yard inside ah okay okay okay this is the presidential palace  okay oh they're giving us full package disclosed oh he's closed the presidential palace is closed anyway we  can see from the the front the front side ah we are not that so lucky today   normal i'm always very lucky on things like  this i'm always on on spot but this time now so that's the bell tower of the cathedral   that's the main spot where you  know all the people hang out okay the flag of ukraine supporting ukraine so this is the presidential palace normally is  open you can also go inside just some security   checkup as they have said then you can go inside  and tour is very beautiful i can see it little   from the other side i know it's another word  everybody's wedding maybe it's my turn also who will be my bride are you there if  you if you want to be my bride comment   comment then i have to do screening with  your name don't come with fake fake names huh only real candidate tell them tell them tell them aha exactly because if you if you don't  love travelling problem started because   distance or whatever but if you love  traveling you will not feel the distance damn full package giving us full package oh up there that orange brown thing  you can see our germanos tower okay okay and the three white crosses it's the  three crosses hill over there yeah you   can also see the whole city from over  there oh good this is the main street   for outings for meetings you can hang out here  yeah for sure what is the name of the streets avenue avenue okay and you're saying  something important that is yeah they   closed the whole street from like four or six pm  until the morning yeah so all the cafes have their   tables just put there on your  tree people can walk here whoa yeah vilnius is coming forward with the   a lot more no car policy so a lot more  tracks and bikes and a lot more streets wow this street will be closed  in couple of hours from now   for only for outings for bars and all that  so only pedestrian so it's interesting   full package full package guys  you have to pay me for this so your journey to vilnius now is covered  you can just sit back relax buy your tickets   and come around and enjoy and have a great  time right here in the capital of lithuania   and stay tuned because i'm going to take you  guys to villages so a village here in the tree   in lithuania i'm going to take you  guys to a village to learn about   european village life typical village  life it's going to be difficult i know   because maybe it's going to be difficult for me  to find someone who speak english so that's this   is it guys i want to visit everywhere i want to  learn i want to see so enjoy the journey with me   i believe it shouldn't be hard for you to find  someone who speaks english okay because almost   in all schools we start learning english in our  first year of school okay yeah seven years okay   so it's good so that means i will i can be  i can find someone easily that speak english   okay even in the villages okay i'm going  to go to villages how is the village life so here you can see a square called the vinson  square okay and he is the author of our national   anthem so it's a square called that for  him when there's a sculpture of him okay he's a great man the guy who composed the national  item it's not it's not a joke you know so respect   also the founder of one of the first newspapers  in lithuania wow great man he's a great man there you can see a street  there yeah up in the street   okay it's basically the street where all the  nightlife happens okay yeah it's concentrated   you know more of the pop type night like yeah not  underground it's cocktails like everything but   okay so this is the best place for night life yeah  but if you're more into that you know underground   stuff yeah then you should go to downtown downtown  austria do you know where we are left from here   left from here so it's all closer is  it closer to here how many minutes   like 30 30 minutes okay because i have  to make ninth life videos tonight also   today's thursday thursday so  there should be there should be hello in mornings like from 3 a.m to like six  in the morning yeah is the most crowded   because people come from bars here because  all people want to eat you know after drinking   yes insanely crowded six am to like tonight to  tonight from like three to six in the morning three to six in the morning because people go  to bars then they get hungry and nothing works   so it's here so in the ninth so in the night  when you are you you are in the bar or maybe   in disco tech you are tired you are hungry  you want half something to eat this is the   place the mcdonald's here and they usually all  the kitchens and the bars and restaurants work   until 12 mm-hmm yeah 12 p.m yeah and you can't get  food anywhere else yeah it's the only option yes   there was a beach here before in this square  but now they stop it because people say this   place uh because some of the lithuanians are  protesting that it's supposed to be a place of   uh in commemoration in memory of people that  they lost during the war so they stop it if not   normally by this time there were kind of a  [ __ ] here people playing volleyball and people   taking son you know yeah sunbathing in this  place but now they stop because of the protests this is good refreshing it's good the fake rain station so this is the prison that the lady said i shall  come and visit right in the aircraft so tell us   more about this place it was a present not too  long ago a couple years ago it closed as a prison   yes and now they have a barb inside there are  tours around it stranger things were filmed here   later season yeah so it's cool nice there  there are a lot of concerts here as well   yeah i can hear some drums some band is practicing  yeah yeah so the old cells are now up for rent for   any artists or bands to use as a studio so that's  why you hear all the sounds people are practicing   wow so if you are a big musician or i don't know  a producer you need some studio it is available   for for rent if you want okay where we get the  lemonade here okay so the cafe where we got the   first drink she hasn't been there and the prison  this yeah you haven't visited this place so now   you know how the saying is uh you're living  as long there are as long as there are some   first times yes yeah there is a lot of things  to see is there uh first times for you mhm it's very beautiful for a prison various collectivists come here and book the place  for themselves ah okay just group of people okay   so you can within friends you can take and  book and do dj stuff then music and by the   way she's a good dj yeah she's a good digit so  shout out to the dj do you have anything like   instagram that can follow you yeah my instagram  and my soundcloud is hello natasha so what do   you want us to wish you you want to be a famous  dj or musician or what are your dreams you know   i just want people to enjoy themselves that's all  i want that's all the rest will speak for himself   and you what do you want me to wish you i want  to wish everyone everybody just to be happy to be   able to use everything you have just be happy and  finish your bachelor's yeah you're finishing this   this year yeah okay figure the fingers crossed for  me yeah so it's good it's good so fingers crossed   so i would get my physics bachelor's degree  yeah and what what do you want to do after   i would like to study master's and phd phd  in physics also astronomy stellar physics   that is good that is good okay and i'm studying  to be a teacher as well teacher a university no   high school high school oh that is good the ideal  plan would be to teach at university work at   laboratories and have a few hours in school with  children oh that is good it will be an ideal plan i wish you all the best so another great group  of lithuanians they are very friendly since i'm   around they're always taking  me around taking care of me so   so they are sharing a very important thing here  that the other group maybe we forget to share   they said that it's like uh sure what do you mean  what do you say so it's like the main category and   underground they have tunnels around  all those tunnels under this place wow   and they have also expressions which you can  arrange and they will guide you it's very cool okay it's very and the cathedral is awesome  another wonderful walker this is another   wonderful work of man the like the  artwork the sculptures the images are great work it's not easy to do it this way so  so now the it is the main place you can miss it from the historical books of belize uh there  is known that you see the road where curry goes   yes there was a river the radar river a  reader like where the water goes okay okay   yeah a river yeah down to the main river  oh but now but now it's like a road so there was a river like 500 years ago i don't  know how many years ago was many years ago   many many years so there was a river over that  where the cars are passing by that's today is not   existing anymore it's a river that links direct to  the major river but now it's not existing anymore it will give you a very great view of the city i think i'll take my time and this is the museum  also from the our countries like kings and queens   i think okay it's like also historical museum  which was restored yes renovated the history of   lithuania the kings and queens you'll get  the authentic history inside this museum wow that is it she have said  it all if you're interested   in learning the history of this  country this is one of the best place what does that mean because i don't understand of the grand dukes of lithuania okay okay  that is the meaning of voldova voldove it's difficult i've learned it to literally  don't laugh at me my lithuanian is okay   okay up there is very beautiful to also go this one also hope there is another great one  you can see the old city but the most tallest one   it is the one i was with the the other group of  girls this is nice this is the view from the hop   i'm going to show you more yeah so this is a  nice tower okay it's a grand deacon lithuania   and it's also like a museum historical and you  can pay okay and go to this museum and go upwards   okay to see the whole of the city again so you can  also come to this place with the lift i think you   have to pay some amount of money i don't know how  much five years okay that's very expensive okay so   you can come hop here yeah we walked down so that  is why i see i'm sweating like a christmas goat so that is how it is we walk down here so  we make some spots so you it will give you   a very great view of the city but it is one of  the further right place to see all of the city   so there's a lot of things a lot of tears to do okay this is a museum she's talking about  he can go in learn about the history   of this city and also the country and have  a more even much better view of the city you have been in this one village  university yeah that is the one   the girl said is the best have the best  view yoda one day that one is the best wow it's a lot i hope you can see it yeah the cross is over there it's  another view again oh thank you girls   thank you thanks thomas and angelina and to  the other beautiful lithuanian queens they are yeah so they have taken me around and show me  great places in the city hello i'm sweating just   forget about my sweat because they took me to  climb mountains so i'm up of the mountain now   like a hill anyway hill so this is how it is  full package of vilnius so be mindful yeah so   in fact the city is full of life  full of life and full of parties   in the summer so there are a lot of chins to see  so congrats to these girls come come come come   come come come thank you guys i really appreciate  your time and our pleasure like this video like   video because they deserve like they his channel  subscribe this channel and press the like button   comment down below for the candidates for to be  his wife okay so comment if you're a candidate   if you can't tell them the new one no yeah only  genuine ones okay thank you guys so thank you guys   like this video and see you on the next one ciao  i am joel tamara if you like my videos please hit   the subscribe button and turn on the notification  so you will get notified of my upcoming videos   as i take you to every country on head until  then have a wonderful and inspiring day bye bye

2022-09-19 14:17

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