A typical Swedish summer day with rain & thunder.

A typical Swedish summer day with rain  & thunder.

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hello everyone welcome back to my little  little Channel I'm back in F bua it's uh   Wednesday and uh weather is amazing right now  uh there is chance or whatever you would call   it a risk for rain and thunder maybe in  an hour or two uh it will be from the   West direction that direction so it's  kind of difficult to see if it shows   I can't see the clouds but anyway it looks  like it's going to be a great day still on vacation so my plan is uh two nights but uh  we found out yesterday that my daughter is   our daughter is uh coming on Friday from  Dubai where she lives and works so either   I have to break up tomorrow or very early  on Friday morning to get home and do some   grocery shopping and pick her up at  the airport in Copenhagen we'll see I   haven't decided yet I think my lovely  wife wants me to be back at tomorrow but ah we'll see if I set the alarm to 5 or 6 in the  morning that will be enough time we'll see so this is what it looks like on the sunny day not too crowded my guess is that  water is just ridiculous cold oh this is kind of amazing it's July majority  in people people in Sweden don't have started   the vacation yet that's another week  or two but still look at the beach there were eight cars on the  parking lot eight all right it's cold yep it's cold it's A4 to 12 I've been up since 5 buy  seagull woke me up so I had an early   breakfast I think I want some something to eat now lunch haven't decided what to have for  lunch I can do an omelette or I can do some kind of pasta or I could actually get some hot dogs as well we'll see so uh I did go into the to the sea I was   I hardly got wet I was maybe in  the water for second two it was cold but not too bad so there is no sign of  rain and thunder but humidity is 90%   and it's 25° Centigrade so it's it's warm it's quite [Music] nice so lunch crap one so it's not really a  gourmet lunch it's pre-made tortellinis it will do the job moment ago it was quite windy but it dropped again for some reason it seems like every time   I'm at this spot waiting for  bad weather it doesn't happen you when you look around maybe you  can get an answer because it's just   Moss there is no grass there's no oh well  there are some pine trees but they will survive it is what it is uh blue sky is gone it's still blue  but it's Cloud so my son texted me   while ago it was rain and thunder in  malma um so it looks like it's on its way it's uh still 22° cenr still warm um it's uh 77% humidity and there is 50% chance of rain at 3 in   an hour which is most likely going to  happen so if I turn the camera around see from the Blue Sky it's still blue but  it's blue clouds so we're expecting in that direction on Lightning Maps there is  a huge thunderstorm in Germany Poland   uh not sure it's going to last  all the way to Sweden but we'll see so it's 2:30 and I can  hear the thunder in distance   it's still probably 30 40 km from here um sky is getting very gray or bluish um so we'll see I don't think the microphone picks  up the Thunder but I can hear in the distance so I'm actually looking forward  to this I hope it will be some heavy rain   prepared a tent it looks like a mess  inside I just put everything in IND   doors but uh if the forecast is correct I  will have plenty of time in the tent this afternoon we'll see There It Is Well I picked up on the  other microphone I think but uh I could   hear some loud thunder straight South  which is the cell is South prob North oh it's going to be interesting few drops but  I think we're getting very close I can feel drops coming down yeah I think it's time to make a  coffee and uh just wait for wait for it so coffee time small cup yeah that's and I thought I had it there it is now we're waiting yep can hear the rain now might need to close  the door which will make do so it's going to be interesting to see  if this last this afternoon or if it's   just a shower forast is still all over the place everything from Amber warnings to not much more than what it is right now yeah so it's uh 3:00 uh it's been  raining it's still raining not too heavy it's nice to [Applause] be yeah raining uh the forec will  continue for at least an hour I just pretty close [Music] there is a small rain fly you're  supposed to put on the top uh   it's probably good idea because I can  see it's cooling up there [Applause] now well it's dry it really doesn't matter but if it continues it should have been up there I don't know so the Red Dot is made and  yellow or lightning see it's heavy thunder right here and then rain heavy rain we'll see this is what I wanted at so  I'm happy with this as long as the tent is   dry I'm happy I can see from the chimney  there are some drops so it's not it's not   supposed to be tight with the Jack over around  the chimney there is a spark rest at the top   so if I would start a p now it would still be  burning it won't be water coming inside the chimney see you can have a look outside yep it's raining totally overcast and yep not a surprise you can hear the rain so  I think the rain has picked up again it's   pretty heavy now the Thunder is still  around us about 10 km both north and south and yeah so far this tent is not leaking not   yet I hope not I hope it will  stay dry it's the pomoli Dome X6 four fif fif with this tent and um today  I struggled a bit to pitch the tent all by   myself because it was quite windy um oh  Jesus that's good but I manag the only   thing well not the only thing there was a  few things but one of the things since it's   a dome shaped tent uh when it's raining like  this and if you haven't put up a tarp which I   didn't do today uh when you open the door  it will get wet inside so I have the um the ground sheet no did the fireproof mat indoor uh but  I haven't put it all the way to the uh   to the door so I still I work with my shoes and uh yeah keep to bit right but otherwise since it's  own shaped when you open rain will come in so I   knew it's and hoped it could do rain but I didn't  bother to put up a top today since it's not going   to be hopefully not rain all evening maybe an hour  or two then it will stop so I will be fine this time and uh it's not really it's maybe a little bit  windy but even if there're three   doors they will be wet when you  open them so right now it's aadel uh there is no more rain uh it's still overcast  cloudy I can still hear a bit of Thunder Over the   Baltic Sea uh the wind has dropped to nothing  um still warm 21° tent was dry on the inside um I think actually it will clear up later  on tonight if you look over there you could   see well it's not blue sky but it's much  brighter so I wouldn't be surprised if it would clear up there was this Mist in the air but it's nice now yeah I'm going to keep the door open now for a  while I'm still keeping the wood stove burning   um just because I can but it's nice to get some  air in so yeah bring it back later for dinner getting some oil in the pan you know what that's the Sy  sound I want to hear we do some bit of salt sorry about cheating about  the salad that's where it is [Music] sometimes some tomatoes that sound of theising steak it could have been even [Music]  better on the wood stove but it's too hot I'm pretty sure I will fire up  the wood stove later on tonight   in a couple of hours after the sunset if I'm still awake depend this tent I got to say I love it but  it's so big I don't really have a good space to   dry if it's wet so if it's lunchtime tomorrow and  dry I might go home we'll see tomorrow is another day as always people always claim  it's the best meal ever so do I I mean this is how you want to meet him for I think it was yesterday I saw a video  Luke outdoor gear review he was doing a   review review on the snow peak cutting  board and the knife and uh I can just   agree it's kind of expensive but  I've used it for 3 years 4 years and it's excellent that's good yeah so I had dinner steak salad Tomatoes it was very very good I'm full I'm tired but it's good I forgot to or I missed something  happened with my GoPro when I tried to   record the last session but it failed  anyway the the what I was trying to say   is that uh when it comes to food when you  actually cook food that is always so much   better than freeze dried food there are  some that is okay but they are never as   good as when you cook um if you do a mul  today hike yep get the point if you have a wild camp at the summit for one night yep  can see the point thing is in this area we   always have to carry water uh there  is a stream couple of hundred meters   that direction and that water I  would never drink that even though   I would have the best filter because  it's it smells it's dark it's brown it's I I think I would rather get in the  car and drive to petrol station and buy   something to drink then actually drink  from that sauce which is not a sauce so unfortunately you have to carry water  and I generally consume about 3 L for   24/7 for one overnight liter in the hall for  cooking in coffee some for cleaning yourself   cleaning your plates and everything and  then something just some to drink so it's   a it's always a heavy backpack when you had  to carry 3 4 L extra and it's not that easy   to refill there are some nice areas to hike  but you have to plan where to stop to fill up water so it's uh qu past 8 and uh  it did clear up and we did get a sunset there it is beautiful   and calm you know what um let's go down to the  uh beach again see what it looks like you can   hear the waves coming in it's probably about the  same size I saw ear little but we'll go have a look what they're not big you can't  serve them but they're still beautiful so this is a beach and this is an area where  you're allowed to Wild Camp even on the beach over there is a national park not low still some clouds wind dropped just here have the  noise from the waves which is relaxing so Thunder is gone and so it's way I'm not thinking about getting  into the sea again that' be too cold we'll see what weather is like tomorrow if  it's still 25° maybe but that won't be on camera so good evening 9:00 um just started a stove  uh not that I need it because it's still 18°   Centigrade so it's not necessary but it's comfort  so I will a few logs no not logs small piece of   rwood for an hour but I'm um yeah I'm about  to quite close to in my sleeping bag and uh   hopefully I will sleep like a puppy and uh  I'll see you all in the morning cheers so   good morning everyone it's uh quter 2 9 um I  had a good night of sleep I've been up since   700 so it was a good night's of sleep uh I  had breakfast I had coffee I'm going to have   another coffee and uh and I'll just have to wait  and see what the weather would be the forecast   is rain at lunchtime and my tent is semi dry uh  at least where the sun has been on the tent the   back side of the tent is still humid wet but um  well my original plan was to stay until tomorrow   morning but I think I said that yesterday my  daughter is arriving from Dubai so we need to   do some shopping and we need to prepare for  and pick her up at the airport in Copenhagen so a bit stressful morning to get everything done so if the radar shows rain coming  in I will probably try to break   up uh before the rain when the tent is  kind of dry so that's my plan at least that's a great little pot it's the  Avenue pasta pot one liter so 230 G   canister fits inside with a small stove and  the lid actually sits and it doesn't rattle and weight is very good not that that matter  with a 16 kilos of hot stove and 9 kilos of   tent chair cot table wood but for uh other  trips it's good all right I'm going to enjoy   my coffee so folks this is it I'm um ready  to go home and um yeah to summarize it was   very nice to 24 hours or just about  yesterday with the rain and thunder stove brilliant so this morning has  been good some coffee some breakfast   and um forecast has changed again it  doesn't look like there going to be any   rain at all in this area but as I said  earlier I have quite a lot of things to   do tomorrow so I think it's time to  go home so see you next time cheers

2024-07-19 12:36

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