Explore Miami's Hidden Gems from a Boat

Explore Miami's Hidden Gems from a Boat

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I have often been told that rather than having a boat it is better to have a friend who owns one and that's what we're doing today we're joining our friends Eddie and Dan and we're going to be cruising the Waters of bisc bay and Beyond viscaya Brickle Key the Miami River Bayside the homes of the Rich and Famous Miami Beach kibis bachita in bisc national park today we're going to experience erience Miami like never before from the water I'm riding ring ring riding in my RV my RV wherever I want to be guys I'm free in my RV and we're going to the marina and I have a friend with me [Music] if you haven't guessed we're getting on a boat I think this is his first time back no I'm just kidding this should be fine Moment of Truth we're going to drop the boat Under Water Lounge right not drop we don't want to drop it we want to Lounge it no we don't want to drop this is by the way Madison boat ramp here in Miami very popular place so we're living pretty early here to avoid the crowds we are with Eddie and uh and Dan and we're getting on bisc Bay today well everywhere so it's going to be a different adventure for sure you know I love being on the water so this is going to be a great [Music] adventure [Music] we can already see the massive skyscrapers of downtown through the coconut trees such a tropical setting right and is that an angena I [Music] see the city has grown so much over the past couple of decades here we have some rather lavish Bayfront Mansions all Cutler Gable's Estates we'll get closer towards the end of the [Music] video now muttering away and they're pecking from behind the trees the his Historic builtmore Hotel this is awesome G thank [Music] you everything looks a little different from the water but I believe that's Coconut [Music] Grove that's definitely K's Kane we'll be going there later and that's the National Shrine of Our Lady of Charity Cuba's patron saint it is a very special place for the Cuban diaspora they even built a replica of Havana's famous sea wall called el Malon our next stop you can see it right there visaya and we'll be going by downtown [Music] after there's lassal a prestigious Catholic school and the viscaya Museum and Gardens formerly a villa owned by businessman James deing as his winter residence a modern renissance Palace it was built mostly between 1914 and 1922 and here's the stone barge it is man-made island in the shape of a Caravel which happens to be the type of ship Columbus used to sell to America in 1942 the caravel is also the symbol and emblem of viscaya the barge was originally built as a Breakwater to protect the state from the frequent [Music] storms the venue is often used for weddings and photo shoots and we haven't visited in a very long time maybe maybe one of these days we'll come [Music] back [Music] and that's it for visaya we're going to continue exploring the shore of bisang bay many of the Rich and Famous own or have owned Mansions around here oh what is that I swear they looked real from far away but it is just art that's the way to do it Bayfront Mansion private duck the taxes though here's one under construction and this lovely one with the skinny palm trees used to belong to Madonna from 1992 to 2000 now approaching the Brickle area lots and lots of highrise condos around here where about to go under the ricken backer cway which links Virginia key and kib Kane to the mainland so many times I've driven even cycled over this bridge but never being under [Music] it there's Brickle Key where I used to work we'll get closer later and the Port of Miami with all the cruise ships can be seen in the distance that building that looks way too modern for 198 2 is 2025 brickl Avenue the Atlantic it doubled as the exterior of the Lopez condo in the movie carface we'll see the house that was used for the interior and the pool shots in a little bit that area is called Point View it used to be a popular hangout in our younger years nowadays it is resident parking only which is a real [Music] bummer and here's a better view of that Waterfront Street Point [Music] View the four ambassadors are some of the oldest buildings here in Bickle the old glass building is the corvis seure where I used to work in my previous life but it looked completely different back then more of a 1980s look the Southeast Financial Center the brand new aam Martin icon Brickle just mention a few of the skyscrapers visible from this vanish point and then the Behemoth Panorama Tower tallest building in Miami and in the whole state of Florida for that matter that open area is Brickle Key park or used to be I believe they're going to build yet another Super tall [Music] skyscraper [Music] the Questa point is the Eastern tip of Brickle Key and here we have a statue called The Sentinel a Testa Indian blowing into a conk shell an original work by Cuban sculptor Manuel carbonel the statue also goes by its original Spanish name El sentinella Del Rio in the background we can see Freedom Tower very important Landmark Miami's Ellis Island if you will the building which dates back to 1925 was originally the Miami times but during the 1960s it was used to process refugees from Cuba so that's how it's got its current name the sentinella by the way marks the entrance to the Miami River which we're going to see here in a few seconds Brickle Key by the way it is man-made originally created in 1896 with material from the bottom of the Miami River mouth when they were digging a 9 ft deep Channel and there it is the Miami [Music] River that tall column with the statue at the top is also a Manuel carbonel [Music] work there's the bridge that connects Brickle Key to the [Music] mainland check out that new astom Martin building almost completed it is going to be fabulous [Music] here's the back of the first Miami Presbyterian Church a Historic Landmark built in 1949 there is a proposal to build an 80 story skyscraper where the parking lot is located now probably the last piece of available land in the whole Brickle area of Miami oh and Brickle Park here which the only reason it's still there is because it is an archaeological site same with the Miami Circle which we're going to see next as The Story Goes when they started Excavating to build one of these behemoths they found a whole bunch of stuff 2,000-year-old artifacts from the taquesta people so the city about the land and preserved it there it is the Miami Circle our version of Stonehenge they recently put that fence around [Music] it here we have these Mega yats usually ducked here next to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Epic [Music] crossing under the draw bridge we're going up the Miami River there's that other Manuel carbonel statue depicting aesta family that's 500 Brickle and more Construction here's Jose Marti Park and with got a [Music] Paparazzi some of the riverfront seafood restaurants have their own fishing fleets like these coming up Kiki on the river Garcias Casablanca I see the scut right Temple of the Freemasons very interesting looking building here we have some of those riverfront restaurants garcas Casablanca sea spies modern Garden Kiki on the river very nice actually we need to get out more this is where we're going to to turn around back to the [Music] bay that's the old centrust building a classic nowadays the Miami Tower at night it has very cool colorful lights illuminated depending on the occas and we're back by the Brickle Avenue Brick [Music] ooh that's a nice [Music] one [Music] the Aston Martin is so narrow it's like a wedge taking advantage of every bit of land [Music] surface as we start approaching the icw the intra Coastal Waterway we see the Seafair Mega yat usually booked for special events oh and that statue it's called Lady of Miami now approaching Bayfront Park and Bayside and that building with a tall antenna is one biscane Tower built in 1972 it was the tallest building in the city until 198 84 I've seen it so many times in old movies TV series and postcards coming up Bayside Marketplace it is a waterfront mall with shops and restaurants originally opened in 1987 although lately it's been undergoing some remodeling you know revamping renovation there's a Margaritaville a fairly new feris wheel the hardw cafe and they also have all kinds of boat tours that sail from here like this large camaran they do tours of the houses of the Rich and Famous party boats sailboat a pirate ship and even a Thrill Ride [Music] speedboat this area undergoing Renovations that's the band stand where I spend so many Sunday afternoons playing with different bands back in the early 2010s anyway I don't know what they're building but whatever it is when they finish is going to be awesome I'm sure let's continue cruising the warm Waters of bisc bay oh that's the arena Casa Center these days but by the time you watch it might be different originally American Airlines Arena then FTX and now [Music] this that's a cool looking cruise ship the Scarlet Lady by virgin very interesting design kind of futuristic we are not allowed to go on the main Channel while the cruise ships are Port but there's another way out there we have Maurice Fay Park and also two museums the Museum of Science and the art museum we'll explore that area on foot in a different video the large elongated head sculpture is called looking into my dreams so work by H plansa oh the Ever Changing Miami Skyline although let's face it there's not a whole lot of room left downtown so they are expanding North the Miami Herald used to be [Music] there that's the Adrien arched Performing Arts Center it's got the opera house and Concert Hall the venician cosway the oldest one linking Miami to Miami Beach we're actually going to walk on it on the way to Miami Beach in that future video I'm talking about and that's 1,000 Venetian Way built in 1983 very large Anchorage here by the Miami yach [Music] Club that's Jungle Island a themed park with many birds and plant species a petting zoo Trails this area of the intra Coastal has several man-made Islands created by materials which came from the dredging of the bay nowadays home to the Rich and Famous there's a tour that comes out of Bayside that will take you through this artificial archipelago but today we've got Eddie and da to guide [Music] us check out that swimming pool it's like a fish tank this by the way San Marco Island and that one would be samarino we can already see the skyscrapers of Miami Beach [Music] w [Music] the island with the Obelisk is Flagler Memorial Island it is uninhabited for the most [Music] part okay I think that look looks a little bit creepy I believe this would be Hibiscus Island that very cool looking house used to be Ricky Martin's home lots of people hanging out at flagler's Island a little bit of a party atmosphere going on if you ask [Music] me this lavish Mansion belongs to pharmaceutical billionaire Philip Frost founder of upco health and the ivac corporation it is a huge [Music] estate [Music] here we have some vacant land picam Star Island perhaps by the way it is called Star Island because of all the stars living [Music] here and I got recognized here of all places [Music] this used to be Gloria and Emilio Stefan's guest house they actually live on the other side of the island This one belongs to rapper and record producer Sean Coles also known as Diddy Puff Daddy in my time there goes the tour booat doing the same thing we're doing here's another look at the frost [Music] estate [Music] this is the one belonging to Gloria and Emilio Stefan this house has been in several movies most notably the 1998 film Wild [Music] Things [Music] P are inside of the Bo and they they retract that's what I did a huge floating RV yeah that is the coolest house boat I've ever seen now onto Miami Beach although technically we're already ready in Miami Beach there goes the Thriller spit booat here we have Fisher Island as we get further away from Mainland Miami Fisher Island by the way only accessible by ferry here we have the South Point pier the southern tip of Miami [Music] Beach we are now on the open ocean and it is a little chop here we're getting great views of Miami [Music] Beach [Music] oh no there's no one in the wheel oh my God I don't know where I'm going oh no yeah this is pretty awesome and that's it for our Atlantic Excursion let's go back to the intra Coastal and the safety of bisc bay cruising along South Beach very very cool we even get glimpses of the AR Deco facades from time to time I don't think I have ever seen The Far Side of Fisher [Music] Island [Music] and that's Virginia key I've never actually been on that [Music] beach now going under bear cut Bridge which links Virginia key with kib's Kane [Music] somewhere back there is the Miami SE aquarium in fact you can barely see it but there's the [Music] Dome approaching kib cane we're going to go back to one of the Scarface references we mentioned at the beginning because we have more movie locations here there's the kibis yach club very exclusive I've actually been there playing with the band years ago these Bayfront Mansions are really Next Level [Music] here going back to Scarface if 2025 Brickle Avenue the Atlantic was the exterior of the Lopez condo this house was the interior if you notice the elevator is still there and I believe the pool scene where Tony proposes to Al Vera was shot here too needless to say Scarface is one of my favorite movies and the origin of fly Pelican here's Nixon's helipad adjacent to his former home which has been torn down since and now coincidentally we're going to the Nixon Sandbar I love this house with the large [Music] windows [Music] not too many people at The Sandbar today and even though it is kind of warm this was filmed in October so the water is a little cold by Florida [Music] standards [Music] n [Music] that water is so clear I think we're going to go in brother it's a difficult life but someone's got to do it cheers cheers brother that's what we're here for that's what we're here for yeah this is the life like Tony Montana always say this is the life I'm telling you if I come to this country 10 years ago I'd be a millionaire by now that's it and here we are 20 years later here we are yeah oh no this is not the Revenge of the nerds I did break my glasses we hung out here at the at the Sand Bar for a little bit and now where are we going now I don't know where we're going no name Harbor all right yeah this is um this is the Nixon Sandbar so we're going to No Name Harbor and [Music] bachita [Music] [Music] [Music] we're arriving at the creatively named no name Harbor they have a really good restaurant here called bers Grill it is really busy in here I guess it is lunchtime and there it is that's the [Music] restaurant all right let's continue this whole area is part of Cape Florida State Park we can see stiltsville in the distance nowadays part of biscan national park there are seven remaining structures constructed on stills on a sandbar very unique going around the cape that's the Cape Florida Lighthouse and here's a better view of what remains of sville as you can imagine these structures are very vulnerable to hurricanes and we get those here from time to time the lighthouse is also locally referred to as alaro which in Spanish means Little Lighthouse and that's the Cape Florida [Music] beach we are now going to continue South towards visc National Park and we're going to pass by sville along the way according to rumors I've heard and things I've read this used to be a little bit of um a lot actually of a Party Town back in the [Music] day [Music] there it is bachita Kei the Island used to be owned by Tycoon Mark honwell of the Honeywell Corporation as his and his wife's private holiday Resort they used to throw Great Gatsby style parties in the 1930s the Miami Skyline barely visible from this far south nowadays all this is part of biscan National Park which is mostly underwater the lighthouse being on the intra Coastal side was never meant for navigation in fact the Coast Guard made them shut it down shortly after construction because they considered it a navigation hazard the original purpose of the lighthouse was for honeywell's own navigation and to invite folks to the island to his parties of course the island is still a party spot but nowadays mostly for locals and today it is actually pretty chill it is my first time here but Eddie tells me it can get pretty Rowdy sometimes let's see if we can [Music] duck it is a Tropical Paradise [Music] here there once again the ghostly silhouette of Miami Over the Horizon 17 mil away as the crow [Music] [Applause] flies they do have a small Beach on the Atlantic side of the island which is actually pretty [Music] nice my [Music] diamond I think it's about to get Rowdy here yeah maybe I should stick to arving first I broke my glasses now I break my head I don't know what's going on but this is a nice Beach those are like Caribbean colors right there here's the garage and another structure from the honey well era but we got to move because the mosquitoes are eating Us Alive well as a story goes this Lighthouse here in bachita not bach bach like with the te um it was never really meant for navigation if you notice is on the Bay Side of the of the key and um it was Mr Honeywell you know when he wanted to party he would light up the the lighthouse so his friends could come over to the island and uh but it's no longer in use you know they they made them turn them off turn turn it off but this is really cool we shall return it's really really busy super busy Little Harbor here on a weekend hopefully on a week day it's it is it is less busy like I don't know if we ever going to come back here but you never [Music] know let's go check out the [Music] lighthouse it is our lucky day because the lighthouse is not always open to the public I believe only when they have a tour from the National Park Service and the tour happens to be [Music] here all the way to the [Music] top that was good exercise commanding views of bachita from up here 360° views that's so poacha one of the Florida Keys here in biscane National Park the only one with the lighthouse on the wrong side of the island lighthouses are supposed to be built on that side well this one was built on the Bayside the reason being is because the guy who built it Mark Honeywell he wasn't necessarily building it to promote safe passage for all the sailors more than anything he built it allegedly so he could tell his friends in downtown Miami right over there when he was having a party that was a long time ago that was in the the 30s and 40s so that tradition still kind of holds true although the lighthouse doesn't have a light people still come here to party all the time and it's still a national park so you know you got to pick up after yourself definitely but you know all all responsible fun is welcome honey well tries to use it for you know I mean who doesn't want to have a private island right but it's also really convenient when you have the committee of 100 which was like a group that he was a member of where was 100 of the wealthiest industrialists in the nation at the time and they would come here and you know have important business meetings of course uh but in reality it turned into you know Great Gatsby style parties yeah part Party Island yeah I I I bet they did yeah it's pretty cool and the tradition continues of course with the locals you know so we're you know we're bis National Park Institute we simply bring people out here for the national park so we're not part of the National Park Service but we're in partnership with this National Park to do this so this park doesn't make money from from tolls you know how when you go to yell exactly we handle the operations to fund the national park in part as much as we can and and in exchange we do their trips for them yeah it's really fun we saw a few sharks here earlier today if we hang out here long enough you'll see one all right cool yeah it's what the one national park that is mostly under water yeah 95% water that's exactly right the largest aquatic National Park it's huge it goes I mean from stiltsville to the southern t you just passed the Southern Valley slowly but surely we've seen more locals from you know South Florida Co Gables Homestead especially down by a visitor center yeah um and it's always nice to see Floridians here because this is their backyard you know and all these prop marks all the trash kind of shows the lack their up you know that was really cool it was like a virtual encyclopedia telling us anecdotes and stories about the parties that used to take place here they even had circus animals at one point even an Indian elephant called Rosie it's a body town a that still sville used to be and Elliot key is the next key right it is time to return to the mainland but we'll be back on the water soon [Music] well this was a great break now we're going back to the mainland but we shall return here someday for some partying yeah I need to get me some new glasses now we're heading back to the marina but something tells me we'll be back on the water before you know it there is so much more to explore along the waterways of South Florida I wanted to mention that Eddie is also an inventor and he's coming up with a couple of revolutionary camping RV products that I think are going to be great to enhance our camping and rving experience but more details on that coming in future videos until then thank you so much for watching and see you on the [Music] road [Music] I'm writing writing in my RV

2024-02-29 01:47

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