Disneyland's STAR WARS Nite Was Not What I Expected. First Timer FULL EXPERIENCE 2024

Disneyland's STAR WARS Nite Was Not What I Expected. First Timer FULL EXPERIENCE 2024

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hello everybody I'm Chris Provost you're watching  Provost Park bass and tonight I'm super excited   and a little bit nervous because I'm going to Star  Wars night Star Wars night here at Disneyland and   I'm a big Star Wars fan and this is what makes me  a little bit intimidated I feel like I'm a massive   Star Wars fan but I'm not really because compared  to everybody else they're like the hardest core   Star Wars fans I've seen all the movies so many  times I've loved them and I know everything about   them I know all the trivia but tonight is going  to be super special for me because I'm going to   go in to Star Wars night at Disneyland and I'm  going to enjoy it and just kind of like breathe   it in and taking all of it and just kind of bathe  in the amazingness of Star Wars night this be my   first time ever doing something like this and I'm  excited a little bit nervous let's check it out   Star Wars night technically starts at 9:00 it's an  after hours event ticket you have to buy a ticket   they allow you in the Park 3 hours early so you  you could actually go in the park at 6:00 with   that after hours ticket and then the party starts  at 9:00 and goes from 9: until 1: in the morning   and I'm here it's about 6:30 I'm just going to go  into Disneyland and get all situated and check in   and then uh enjoy this tonight here we go the  special event tickets Star Wars night all right   just checked in I got to get a wristband ni hello  thank you so much no problem now they have maps   and lanyards let's get a map and a lanyard oh my  God oh my gosh all right so I checked in here I   am I'm kind of a little bit sad because Amanda's  not here she's well miles is in school so but here   I am they give you a lanyard you see what lanyard  right there and then and then of course I got my   map and all these different activities going on  so excited now let me kind of explain something   how this kind of works so if you are going to like  if you're going to an after hours event you have   to go through you have to check in let's say you  made a whole day of let's say you came here for   you were joining Disneyland for a whole day if  you're joining Disneyland for the whole day you   could go to like the starcade where the starcade  is by uh Space Mountain and you can check in for   the event there that way you don't have to the  park or if you're just coming here for Star Wars   night you come that special event right there door  and they going give you your lanyard you have to   have this because if you don't have a lanyard they  won't let you through the park the park is going   to close at 8:00 then at 9:00 all the festivities  and activities start so I'm I'm here quite a bit   early so I'm just going to kind of relax for a  little bit and then once the activi start I'm   going to show you there going to be a lot of  people bounding and cosplaying Star Wars stuff   and I'm excited and I have to say this I want to  know down in the comments down below and be honest   be honest are you more the lights side or dark  sided and I'm talking kind of the original tril   when I think about the original trilogy Darth  Vader was so scary to me as as a child but   I thought he was so cool I was like he scared  me but there track to it scared TR to it Darth   Vader I love Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers  Stormtroopers are my absolute favorite so I'm   going to go tonight I saw they have a thing you  to choose I'm going to choose a dark side tonight   or almost I always choose a light side cuz I  like to be a good person but tonight let's do   the dark side I just met the coolest cast member  and I have to show you what he did for me he's   like so you're going to Star Wars night I'm like  yes and he's like oh he wrote my that's how you   say Chris I think it's called arabes that's the  Star Wars language that's isn't that isn't that amazing Chris all right the next time I come back  or turn the camera back on Star Wars night is   going to be started but I just want to say this  for those of you who are attending uh attending   a like after hours event it's impossible to do  everything so you really want to focus there all   the rides are open the tractions are open so  if you want to just Jam rise you can do that   most people don't so most people are interest  interested in other things because they could   ride rides other times but there are some  people that's the whole reason they come   to these after hours events because they just  want to jam rides look at the castle you barely   see it be it looks absolutely gorgeous  and look at M horn beautiful beautiful   but there are special food things going on  you get special food items and there's also   photo ops and special little activities to do  you kind of have to choose ones that you want   to do cuz you're not going to be able to get  them all in there there's just not enough time   so if you're focused on rides you're definitely  not going to get these other things if you want   to try to get as many um like food items or uh  special like photo ops then you won't get on to   main attractions Hi how are you now real quickly  I'm going to show you the food items then it's   going to be time for Star Wars night to start this  is called taste from around the Galaxy and these   are the different items that they have you guys  could like kind of pause it if you want to see   what they have but these are different items  specially here for Star Wars night there are   different lands have different items so you got to  choose what you want to to see what looks good to you here's the map of the event  this is what's going be going on   here at Star Wars look at those look  at all these different things going on I can't even handle this Lots going on look at all this cool stuff I want to go down  here cuz I think that was that uh what oh what   called The Dan figuro the band from the Star  Wars canteen is going to be playing I want to   see them I think they're playing right there  I think they're moving like one that's one of   the thrones that they get to sit on May it's  a Bubba Fett Throne they're getting it ready   they're just willing down the middle of the  street all right next time we turn on we'll be   starting I had to show that hey everybody guess  what it's about time to get started it's 8:00 I   am in B CU I figured this be the perfect place  to start Star Wars night it's going to show you   some food show you character interactions  my biggest thing I'm trying to do is to uh   character meets meet and greets and I also want  to hi guys and I also want to get show you all   the coolest photo ops that I can get let's  do this let's start here we are Star Wars night sounds like the ship is taking off there we go so I just ran to my friend Jimmy who's also  here and he got some food already this is the blue   milk which is a normal thing but for star Warson  night they've added gorg balls to it Boba I think   so yeah Jimmy yeah starting off on the Jimmy's  all about the food tonight Cheers Cheers how is it obviously it's blue milk if you're unfamiliar  with that um it's like rice milk right kind of   like that got a little bit of sweetness to it  you need a boba straw I think I know I need a   boba straw you don't need a boba straw you need a  boba fet straw a nice all right so people always   ask how do they these after hours party how  they clear out the park well what happens you   come in they give you like a lanyard a little  pass like this you have to wear this pass and   then they're going to have all these different  uh Disney cast members standing at the entrances   and the stores in order to go an entrance or a  store you have to show your past if you don't   have it they won't allow you in the store  they won't allow you in the land they kind   of funnel everybody out so technically you can  just stand here not have a pass but you couldn't   do you couldn't buy anything you couldn't go  to any stores everything is just funneling out   so that's why you have to have these passes for  after hours I'm following Jimmy he is going into   the red rose Tavern because he's also picking up  some other food here he's on the whole food blog   so I'm going to see what's what he's getting  here now technically it's 8 it's just a little   bit past 8:00 so the night hasn't technically  started yet but it's started for food which is   important because the food's the most important  thing the food does sell out so people are who   are interested in the food they're picking start  picking up their food orders at 8:00 like Jimmy's   went on through and he ordered a whole bunch of  stuff hi Jimmy what you what do you have what   is this called hi this is the I believe the 1313  loaded fries nacho thing I have to double check   the map thing yeah and and so with the blue milk  but I got that separately obviously got separ so   shy was saying that this is the food sells out so  he's like starting right out the bat he's going   to get tons of food and uh so the food does  technically the party doesn't start till 8 at   9:00 but it's a little past 8 we were I started  by 2: and now we're off to do um to get some   food for him and then when I'm done with this I'm  going to start going I want to see Dan was it was   figuring Dan and the modals I guess that's that's  really important to me yep yep um by the way so   this what's it called so it's called the 1313  loaded Bowl all right yes and then also did you   want me to fact check your figurin Dan oh yeah  yeah sure fact check me do that yeah figurin Dan   and the modal nose yeah there we go that's that's  the most important one yeah okay so I don't really   know how to do this cuz they have a lightsaber  instructure right at 9:00 here in fantasy land but   then they have March of the first order at 9:05 in  Tomorrowland that's I kind want to see the March   the first order I'm kind of doing more of the dark  side stuff so I'm going to head over to Fantasy   Land and start I mean tomorrow land and start  there you it's 8:30 technically the party doesn't   start for another half hour but look the rides are  open for the late night like nobody's in line I'm   going to go do toads just because I can check this  out uh welcome to toad Hall I'm to ensure a safe   glorious there's nobody here let's go do this I  love Mr Toad watch your and just walk right on ready thank you so much now I'm going to show you a Hidden Mickey  it's really hard to see then we're going get back   to Star Wars stuff ready we go through the library  we're going to turn go through the fireplace and   the right hand this door there's a Hidden Mickey  right there on the door [Music] I don't know if   you were able to see that went kind of fast and  that's that all right so I show you something else   so it's kind of fun whoa there is Sherlock Holmes  right here in the window you see his profile in   the window and this is where the story gets weird  in the book this says that happened the Disney   imaginators just did this they send you to you get  a train accident and you end up going to the dark underworld and now I go to what they call The  Inferno room this does not happen the story at all and why do they disy imagineers  want to do this cuz they thought it was funny and that's the end of the attraction all right you guys we can do Snow  White nobody's in Snow White let's do that we   still got plenty of time all right I think that  after this I'm going to head over Tomorrowland   cuz I want to see the march of the first order  and there's just too much to do guys there's   too much to do this is crazy nobody's here  in line Peter Pan's still a little crowded though because you know it's Peter Pan see there  they are they're Snow White Dancing I love it and   here we go in fun little trip tip about this  when this movie this ride first opened up   there was no Snow White at all it was  designed that you were supposed to be   snow white but people complain they're like  we want to see Snow White so they added her in you still kind of get that Vibe  though as you're going through   that you're supposed to be snow white  seeing what she would have seen in her Adventure coming up I think we're going to  see one of the very best effects I've ever   seen in any dark right this right here when  he switches around I love [Music] it it's so [Music] good oh I love [Music] it and here we go [Music] [Applause] there we go there's Snow White and then Little  Prince and that is the end of the ride all right   so it's only 8:35 so I'm going to walk by Alice  and Wonderland if that's open I'll do that then   head over to watch uh the march of the first  order all right there was a little bit of a   line for Alice Wonderland and I was going to wait  but I said you know what I'm going to head over   cuz I want to be right there when that Marge  the first door happens so I'm heading over to   Tomorrowland so this is one of the photo ops you  ride the speeder bikes but it doesn't open till   9 not another 10 or so minutes okay I'm right  here by the Star Wars launch bay guys they just   announced that it's it's just turned 9:00 this uh  par should be starting here in about 4 minutes I'm   excited I've been told this is a good spot we  just you guys Darth Vader just popped up holy   cow I can't even handle this [Music] impressive  most impressive oh there's dir [Music] Maul this   is amazing now I'm standing behind it because  I want to get the pray behind me but it happens   to be a good little shot of it so they kind of  have like a photo op you just get to walk by in   front of them and get a photo op it's mall  and there's Darth theater all right I hear   some sound I think that means that it's about to  start you can hear that it's like they're laying C oh there they go look they're running yes oh my gosh oh tro this is [Music] good we were  informed there was a threat to the   first order in this area [Music] we're  moving out now this is awesome oh advance   I love the Stormtrooper so much I love  it this is like a dream come Trooper me guys I love Stormtroopers I think they're so cool   they look so Sleek I just love it oh  they're coming down this is exciting there they [Music] go you can see the whole  crowd is lined up to see them they're walking through oh it's all lit up and dark for  Sith colors guys and they marked right down   there that was amazing all right guys this is  awesome here's how this works I talk you listen   if you might consider supporting the  resistance I have some advice [Music] don't   show me [Music] Fearless we do not  tolerate traitors nor Those Who hide   them battle [Music] starts it will not be  easy to crush the resistance but it will be satisfying Epsilon Class Shuttle  pursuer to Captain fasma orders   from General hux return to base immediately  at attention Patrol unit return to base move there they go oh my gosh [Music] guys oh I'm so happy so I've been told  that this is more of a Sith side here Tomorrowland   I love it I'm having a great time that was amazing  to see that now I'm going to head down to Rivers   America CU I really want to see the uh Cantina  Band let's go do that next I am not check this   out look at this look at this it's all like look  at this like they um oh I think they got a DJ up   here going music's going they got the red lights  for the Sith side then they got blue lights for   the light side so it's perfect whatever site you  like more I guess you're going to be represented   and like it here light or dark light or dark oh  my gosh check it out here we go oh no way [Music]   you guys I'm in Adventure Land look there's the  jahas it was it R2 D5 I think holy cow so tempted   to get in line to get a picture of Jawas but I  really want to see the Cantina Band that's the one   thing I I want to see and by the way like right  here in vland uh Indiana Jones 15minute wait so   if you want to do rides this is something you can  come do like nobody's here but I got to see his C   then it's all it's very important to me I'll tell  you why at the end of this video if I remember to   tell you why this such an important thing to me  I think I missed it because there too much I was   the the the forest wa what was it I can't I'm  getting so confused but I think I missed it so   I'm going to have to try and come back to see them  cuz I really want to see them so bad I just walked   by Pirates Caribbean cuz I'm going to go back to  main street and it was 5 minute wait all right   let's go to Main Street there goes the Jawas  right there oh my gosh they walked right them by oh my gosh can't handle this the cutest things  ever look at that castle red and blue oh my gosh   Light Side dark side on the castle oh look at  that castle guys it looks so good looks so good   that castle looks absolutely a stellar I  love it the red and blue Sith and Light Side this is kind of tripping me out they have all   this techno music playing and I'm on  Main Street you notice this site over   here is lit up for blue this site is for  red Sith and and light sight Rebels and Sith oh but it looks so cool oh look right over there oh look look look  look look over the wall they've got all the they   got the Empire signals all over the wall Empire  let's turn around so you can see the rebel side   yes love it okay guys I'm down here look at  this they got this lining this right over here   you could line up for like the rebel side it's  beautiful it's beautiful let's go but let let's   not let's be honest let's not kid around we want  to go see if they have the ampire I'm sure they   do let's go check it out over here you know that  oh dang it that looks amazing that looks so good   I got to get a photo with that now interestingly  enough the dark side has a longer line what does   that say I don't know what does that say so  I'm next to get my photo and they have like   a little table where you set your stuff there  while you go to get your photo the photos are   included so you get unlimited like you go and get  these photo passes they're included for the night   I'm going to go get my photo right now let's go do this got the dark side I feel like I should go get  the light side too just to balance it out let's   go do that okay I'm going to go over here and get  in line for the uh light side it's so interesting   cuz there not a lot of people down here and it's  just so cool looking I'm really really enjoying   tonight I hope you guys are enjoying it too okay  I'm next to get my photo taken I'm excited okay   here I go I'm next excited all right I got the  pictures I'm now going to head down and try to   see if I can see that band and I don't know what  I'm doing guys people are so organized and see   all these things I'm just literally having so  much fun and uh I have all these thoughts going   through your mind I want to share with you but I  uh I might get a little emotional cuz I it's just   means so much to me but we'll see look how how  cool that looks I can't even handle this so like   every uh 35 minutes or so the DJ you could go on  they have these um uh it's like a Santa Claus you   can vote for the light side or dark side right  through a QR code and every once in a while he   announces who's winning so far the dark s side  is winning oh my gosh I thought I missed him   but there they are I'm going to have to go down  there to see them play I can't even handle this got best band in the Galaxy guys best band the Galaxy having fun they should be back in 1 hour I just  missed gang photo L but I had to I had   to I had to I got to see them there is a  massive line here you might be thinking   what is this line for it's for the Ewoks  so the people come down and meet the Ewoks   there they are you walks which reminds me how did  Han Solo get around the moon of Endor he walked it get it so I have a fun story I just wanted to  talk about real quickly I MC uh comic conventions   around the country and I was just in Indiana  the Indiana comic convention they had Hayden   Christensen and Rosario Dawson and they request  requested for me to be the moderator they actually   asked me to be their moderator which I was  that was very humbling but I told that joke   about Han Solo he walked it on the stage and  Hayden christon actually started laughing and   he's like that's amazing and Roser Dawson just  like is a perfect response just walked by Rise   of resistance it is a 25 minute weight or so  that's crazy so there's the Mandalorian [Music] so I'm coming down here cuz I want  to see C3PO CU this is the only time   you see C3PO and here he is guys  I want I want to interact with him there's C3PO oh there's C3PO it's so good  to see you it's a pleasure by the way do you   know what you call a Droid that takes a long  way home R2 detour hey oh it's a pleasure to   meet you s3o thank you have a good night  hi guys how are you it's good to see you C okay so I'm in docy day7 in b 2 this C3PO and  I'm going to tell you a little story here and this   is just me yammering on you can skip ahead this  video if you don't want to watch this part but   Star Wars means so much to me and the reason it  does is my mom and whom I love very much is a   Big Star Wars fan and she took me to see Star  Wars when I was very little and I was sitting   right next to her and it my mind just couldn't  handle it just like and right as the the laser   started flying my mom says I stood up in the  movie theater and yelled what is going on and   then I climbed on my mom's lap and I put both my  hands on her cheeks and I was like and I literally   was holding my mom's face the entire time I was  watching Star Wars and that memory of C3PO and   R2-D2 going across the corillian Corvette when  all the laser bolts are flying and they're going   they get through all the Stormtroopers that's  one of my very first memories that I've ever   had in my life I actually told that story  to Anthony Daniels who plays C3PO and when   I told that story he's like are you kidding me  he's like you he's like we got to get a photo   together I'm your first memory so it was a it was  a it's it was wonderful a couple years later they   re-released Star Wars again and my mom took me to  see it again on a school night and we went to see   it and we watched the movie Star Wars and when  it was done we just sat in our seats and I was   like are we I thought we getting ready to go and  my mom's like my mom's favorite part of the movie   is the Cantina scene in Star Wars and she loves  the little band that plays and she loves all the   aliens and when the guy was coming in to clean  out the theater for the next showing she asked   him she goes is it sold out is it not can we stay  he's like no it's not even sold out you can stay   this is before they had like a sign setings  whatever and my mom told me she's like we're   just going to stay and watch up to The Cantina  and want to see the Cantina scene again on a   school night right so we watched Star Wars once  the movie started again we watched it we got the   Cantina scene and I thought are we going to leave  we didn't we sat there and we watched it again all   the way to the end of it and I remember going to  school the next day I'm like I watched Star Wars twice anyway guys I feel blessed and I  just want to take a quick moment to talk   to you guys I know that um I'm my mom if you're  watching this I love you Mom I think I'm very   blessed to have you as my mother and I know  that there's some people out there who maybe   have lost their mom or dad that they passed  or maybe you do have a loved one has passed   and if you do there's a hole in your heart and  it's so hard you don't that's grief and they've   a hold in your heart because they held a special  spot in your heart you don't ever have to fill   that up with something else just know that that's  a signal of love that you had for that person and   if you have had that terrible loss in your life  I want you to know that I understand and I think   you're amazing and you are awesome and life is  sweet and don't forget that and that's why Star   Wars means so much to me because my mom introduced  to me when I was very little that's why I want to   see that band so bad to play because that's  my mom's favorite all right all right let's   continue on all right there's Star Wars Land by  two all right but they have this thing if you're   a magic key holder you can go into Toontown they  don't have any Star Wars stuff there but if you   are a keyh holder go into Toontown they have  a little special something for you I thought I   might do that but I cannot miss uh the Star Wars  Cantina Band I've already missed them twice I'm   really worried about it and they don't play very  long so I'm going to go over there and if I start   getting too late I'm just going to stop what I'm  doing and head over to watch them play but let's   go to tomb town all right why do we love Star  Wars so much I've thought about this a lot and   for those of you who don't know I um go around  travel around the country into different comic   conventions and I MC them I am fortunate enough  I've met a lot of the the actors in Star Wars   and it's fun to see I've met Mark Hamill I've met  Carri fiser Peter Mayu Chachi David PR Dar theater   um Anthony Daniel C3PO um from the original  trilogy and and it's just they're awesome right   but oh hi how are you but why do we like Star  Wars so much and I I thought about this a lot   this is just my opinion you guys put down comments  down below if you agree or disagree tell me your   theories I think the reason we all can relate to  it doesn't matter if you're a religious person or   what religion you belong to or whatever it's the  fact that we believe that there's like a force of   good and a force of bad so Hi how are you all  right so I think that we can relate to the bad   the conflict of good versus evil hi guys how are  you how you do I think we also can relate to like   the struggle like you know like trying to do like  that's the thing about like Luke Skywalker such   a good character because you know he was thrust  into these things and just an average person but   he became great I think it's what we all kind  have that secret desire we all want to become   great I think we all have the ability to to become  great and also like Han Solo was so cool like a   scoundrel and Princess Leia was just beautiful and  fun and and strong and just awesome and I think   we can just identify those characters so well  and Darth Vader was just like the pepit of bad   right he was like just a bad character and it was  easy to be afraid of him and and like root against   him because he just was just like a bad character  which makes it easy to root against him but also   kind of love him so Star Wars is just awesome  I just I think we all love it I mean as you see   there so many people here we all love it because  it means so much to us and everybody it means   something a little bit different all right I'm  headed to Toontown where there is no Star Wars cuz   I'm going to see what they do for magic key let's  check it out you'll notice that it's a small world   it's got a little red and blue on it entering into  Toontown and like when I was a kid Star Wars is so   important to me like I played Star Wars with my  friends like we had we had the um action figures   we didn't keep them clean and pristine we played  with them hard I remember one time we built all   these caves out of sand and we put all the action  figures in it and my one neighbor got gasoline and   we poured it and we threw a match and we burned  him and we thought it was so cool good memories   by but if you're watching this and you're a  child don't do that that was wrong thing to do all right this is Magic entrance let's  check it out we're in Mickey's House on   Star Wars night but why not let's check it  out here we are in the Mickey's house we're   going to the Mickey's movie Barn I don't  know what we're doing but we're doing it   so what do we get we get we got a little  look like a patch it's a Star Wars patch they give us like a little Star Wars patch  okay now I've got to that was this is cool   but I've got to go back to all the way to rivers  of America cuz I have to catch the Cantina Band   playing I cannot miss them again now you might be  wondering what are they doing here they're going   to be doing a training for Jedi to teach them how  to use your lightsabers how fun is that there's a   stage right there and then the person will get  up there and teach them how to use well there   they go here to teach them how to do lightsabers  we of choice in our hands I like that now I don't   know about you but the dark side okay we're going  to have to keep our eyes on all of you and let's   hear some love for the Light Side everybody  okay all right well you were in good company   because I'm a huge fan you guys I would love  to stay and watch that but I have got that's   the problem with these parties there's too much to  do you can't do it all I've got to get to the the   bands all right so if you look you see it's  not I mean it's really not that crowded it's   interesting it's like Dumbo says five minut a  weit teacups only had like three people on it   it's not crowded at all Mr toads is still walk-  on I'm assuming Peter Pan's got a little bit of   a weight though and there's Peter Pan a little  bit of weight that's not that bad for Peter Pan   but look at the back of the castle oh that is so  so cool now I told you my memories of Star Wars   if you would like to put your memory of Star Wars  Down Below in the comments down below I would love   to read them and I just want to say this if your  comment gets a little heart a little red heart the   only person that can do that is me that means I  read your comment I loved it and I hearted it so   go ahead and share your Star Wars memories if  you want to down below in the comment section   I would love to read your Star Wars memories  everywhere you walk there are people lightsabers mom if you're watching thank you for introducing   me to Star Wars and this is for you  cuz I know that you love these guys [Music] gosh that was fast there's like they booked it  right on by that was it glad I caught him all   right a question that Amanda and I get asked a lot  like is it worth it to do these after hours events   we've done a lot of them it's my first time doing  Star Wars but we've done a lot of them is it worth   it I say yes but I think you get out of it what  you put into it now keep in mind like if you want   to do rides these things these events are crazy  awesome because you're gonna be doing lots of   rides and have no weight but you're not going to  be able to do everything so if you want to just do   all the food then you're going to have to focus on  food you're going to probably not get a lot of the   photo ops or meet the characters but if you want  to meet the characters might not get the food so   some people are like I they feel frustrated cuz  they can't do it all I like that that means you   got to pick and choose what you really want to do  what's important to you so I think that's really   awesome I think what you put into it is what  you're going to get out of it I've never to an   after hours party and been really disappointed I  always come and have a really good time with it I   think it's super fun so that's just my opinion on  it on on my thoughts on it oh look guys nobody's   shooting a gun at Star Wars night nobody wants to  fire these guns that's too bad these are kind of   [Music] fun there is so much to do but I'm going  to say this I'm hungry um I'm going to try I'm   going to get some Star Wars sliders let's try that  let's try that you guys Che check this out this a   parade you could be part of the parade if you want  to there they go there's Mickey Mouse right in   the front see Minnie Mouse oh my gosh oh my gosh  there they are and look at his pradey there they   go how cool is that they're taking everybody up  here who's got lightsabers and do a big photo off   with anybody who wants to be part of it right here  in the front so cool guys check this out look at   this amazing we have some friends directing I'm  also happy Minnie and Mickey are going to join [Music] them or [Music] Master wonderful here so we're  going ask you so go ahead and actually squeeze   over there where you were just we have baby  is my friend B back yes what B she's telling   me the right hand side to squeeze in here all  my friends over here can we all my friend she's   going to give [Applause] away if you can see her  about 50 or so feet okay we're going to push in   the left side momentarily this is going to be all  right I'm going into Tomorrowland as you can see   there's like hardly I there's like it's just not  crowded in fact Star Wars not everybody who has   been into Star Wars night before have told me that  this is not crowded at All Star Wars it's not sold   out Star Wars nights any every night they have  Star Wars night in May is not sold out I'm sorry   that's not true any Star Wars night that they have  in April so far is not sold out though there's a   couple in May that are sold out so something you  want to do you can definitely check it out but   I'm really enjoying myself so they have like a  photo up there it looks like with Luke Skywalker   and prinia see if I can zoom in oh kind of see  Princess Leia there and Luke there's Luke over there I can't help it I'm a second for it there   have Darth vad Out Darth Mall I'm  going to walk by I want to see him I noticed that most people walking  through they're selfing it up like this   and backr I'm not going to do that  I want to get a good amazing shot   for you guys let's check it out we do  not there he is oh my gosh you looks so menacing do you know where he got  his lightsaber at the Darth Mall   everything was half off okay I don't think  this is the time for that type of humor and   those are my favorite my Stormtroopers oh yes  I love it the Storm Troopers I've love I always   have been my favorite since I was little I think  there're they look so oh yes oh he they look so good and there's Vader oh my gosh she looks  moving on at that this not make you happy did   you see the Stormtrooper that just just makes me  happy to see that stuff all right I'm going to   try forget some Star Wars sliders that's what  I'm going to get is the Duel of the sliders   and I'm also going to get the Baba swamp [Music]  water but I've been told that those dark nebula   salsa veray fries are awesome I ended up getting  the nebula fries cuz they the co the castomer   says that these are awesome so I'm going to try  that they got avocado they've got Spice they got   Cris crinkle with the waffle fries a little  pole pork on it and then swamp dig by swamp water I feel like I'm getting a  private little show here this is awesome it was awesome a little spicy little bit a  kick but I loved it Lord Vader the area is secured   dispense with the pleasantries impressive most  impressive that's my favorite line for Star Wars   impressive most impressive you you guys look  there's the Emperor Palpatine and his Royal Guard he's just up there observing he feels creepy there he comes over Taco's guard oh there he  is [Music] wow look at that there's no lineing   for Astro orbiters at All Star Wars Star Tours  is 5 minutes and Buzz Lightyear also said five   minutes folks welcome back and there they are  the DJ's playing music and they're dancing I'm   going to go down Main Street and give you my  recap my thoughts of Star Wars nights I have   some thoughts I love the lighting here all right  it's just a little bit past midnight okay so it's   just a little bit past midnight there's another  it goes for another hour quite a few people are   leaving I'm leaving um and but there's still you  still go for about another hour it was awesome   here are my thoughts I have lots of thoughts on  this is it worth it yes I think it's definitely   worth it I'll tell you what not important to me  food food's not as important to me now I know a   lot of people really enjoy that I saw tons of  people vlogging food things like that and I   know that's important to a lot of people for me  the food was not as important and the food that   I did see and and ate I thought it was good  I didn't it was it didn't knocked my socks   off I thought was okay so knowing what I know I  would um eat a lot of food before he came here I   wouldn't waste my time um getting uh food thank  you I would I would just eat before he came here   that way way you can spend most of your time  writing your attractions or doing character   meet and greets character meet and greets is my  favorite thing to do and the photo ops is really   awesome but that way you can do all of that and  not have to worry and slow down to go get some   food that's would be my first thought on that my  other thought is it goes it went from 9:00 till 1:   in the morning drink uh soda pop or caffeine or  was it coffee or like take some naps that way you   have all the energy in the world to spend because  you might get a little bit tired you don't want to   slow down and you have to sit down and you want to  just go go go go go go go and get as much done as   you possibly can you can arrive early arrive up  to 3 hours before the event so uh like the event   started at 9:00 you actually get in at 6:00 with  your special event ticket I would come early get   the map and plot out your course before the night  gets started that way you know exactly what it is   that you want to do to maximize your time you  guys are awesome I hope you have enjoyed this   video and if you have you don't would you mind  hit that subscribe button that's my ask for you   uh you guys are awesome we have a whole bunch  of more videos coming out we'll be here doing   Pixar Fest show you all about Pixar Fest got some  cool things we showing you so don't be afraid to   hit that subscribe button got some uh Universal  Studios stuff to show you got Disney just tons of   stuff and we're going to be making a huge massive  announcement on our channel here at the beginning   of may you want to be subscribed for that because  this will be one of the biggest Endeavors that   we've ever taken on here at our Channel we haven't  announced it yet we're going to be announcing it   around the beginning of May so you guys guys  can hear about this amazing thing that we're   going to be doing it's never been done before and  I'm a little bit nervous I hope I can pull it off   all right guys I'll talk to you later you were  amazing bye-bye Star Wars night was amazing and   I had a lot of fun I had a lot of fun and I saw  some really cool things and saw some really cool   characters the food was okay but the characters  were amazing and the Cantina Band was the best

2024-04-19 19:45

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