Bali Travel Vlogs | aesthetic spa lots of food, local life, best restaurants with a view

Bali Travel Vlogs | aesthetic spa lots of food, local life, best restaurants with a view

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I actually came to Bali twice and this is my third time but of course the itinerary is a little bit different a lot of great welcome via flowers first meal today's lunch is grilled chicken silly wow we're at the beach water slots back water spot is really expensive here like I wanted to do the the Moto flying thing and it's like 80 USD so I'm gonna do the parasailing with my mom or I accidentally recorded this video in slow-mo so you can't see what it wasn't talking about but basically I was talking about how my hair sewing right it was such an adventure but see I have slight fear of height so the parasail kept going higher and higher and higher I took the ride with my mom and the whole time I was like why is it still going higher like how far exactly is it going and I was hiking freaking out because we were really really high above the water and I asked my mom like are you not scared and she's like no there's nothing scary about it and even though it was a really short ride it felt like forever you know thought the water is so cold [Music] our other way to massage is a little bit weird that we are going to massage on our first day this whole face is so freaking beautiful hi everyone I just finished my massage and it's so freaking good you know I always feel like I prefer pie massage through about this massage because I've got Balinese mustache before but and it felt more like they like to apply a lot of oil on you but this massage was so good like she it was a perfect balance between the drag and the comfort so I really really enjoy it onion [Music] oh this place is so beautiful it's guiding by the beach we're having Seafood by the beach [Music] I said [Music] just hit a very good theater at this very beautiful beach and now we're heading back to hotel to rest day one it's been packed and we haven't gone to the hotel ever since we arrived in the morning so I'm really tired and my nose is a little wonky so I can't wait to get some rest tonight foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Samsung real quick [Music] the feeling of being free everybody's happy yeah one of my musty activities in Bali Indonesia in general is to buy ice cream two dollars because we're at the holy spring to get some holy water to holify myself horrified wow look at her balancing the banana on her head good luck how much is fun see one bar oh how much yeah [Music] mango skin um no no [Music] time all right I just got asked to buy bananas and I was pretty much caught in the situation so I had to buy bananas now I have to finish eating all these bananas within two days everyone's queuing up to shower at the holy water so sweet since the temple is very famous they cleverly set up this little market that is very long it takes me a very long time to get out but basically they're selling a lot of crochet things the best Prada Prada yeah it's like kind of forcing you to go through these shops before you can get out of the temple and I think it's quite funny because just now our tour guide was helping us to um my God my train of thought is distracted our tour guide was helping us to ask if we can take the entrance out I think he knew that if we couldn't and he failed that's why we are walking through this street now [Music] which is extremely catered For Tourists okay somehow I took a nap and I woke up at the top of the mountain it's beautiful let me show you what I'm seeing [Music] I'm gonna be trying this Cafe it's okay to check out the local market like a provision shop right beside the indoor market so this is the place where you can bargain thank you and 11 here is called info [Music] I'll try strawberry milk into milk foreign [Music] like cherry blossom changed to present flag milk or severalize the ultra one is Susu milk not strawberry milk so Sunny bring a Singaporean to a night market they can't buy anything and bring a Singapore into a convenience store and they find things to buy to our Supermarket we need tables and logos and four wheeler familiarity we're probably at our second hotel for our [Music] I think I came here before all right new hotel rooms were finally a place that we can settle down for the next three [Music] no two days oh my gosh so creepy the TV turned on by itself and relax Center bathroom chair new okey dokey class classes get dinner and back to the hotel gonna say goodbye to the camera because I'm going to have an early night tomorrow we're going to tomorrow we're going to see some Dolphins I'm really excited it's the highlight of the trip I didn't really manage to get my summer body back but at least I think I look less coated a little bit more toned and I'm going to play Stand Up Stand Up peddling the last time I did set out pedaling was in bintan so I'm really excited [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you at our destination for lunch [Music] so I was right the first day we died by the ocean by the Sea for dinner the second day we were out up in the mountains for lunch with a few of my Batu and today we are dining with the rear view of a rice fields wow foreign [Music] like sweet and salty and spicy like everything is quite strong [Music] but I wouldn't say I think they use quite a bit of spices also not as much as like Indian food though I know it's raining this is Balinese cake [Music] rice and inside that Africa and coconut oh my God and one is better highly recommended very nice we're eating at donia's secret restaurant foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this place is too crowded to take photos properly we're currently at Virginia Beach just chilling by the beach [Applause] I love to evenings like this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] some last minute Street shopping along our hotel there's a very nice Street right across our hotel foreign [Music] I'm going to show you guys the last few things I bought just now I bought this pair of slippers from slipper I think this brand is always very famous we all know when you come to Indonesia yeah I need a pair of indoor slippers that's comfortable and they actually have the you know the the Vito one but it's very uncomfortable for me I don't like that feeling and since it's indoor slippers I want it to be as comfortable as possible and this one they have like cushion it's soft here so I think it's good another one that I bought I haven't shot you guys I bought this okay honestly this dream catcher is kind of like a waste of money but you're in Bali and it keeps showing up in my face time and again I realized that like ones are created and if you don't go shopping you don't see you wouldn't want it but when it keeps appearing in front of you in Sunny creative sense of one that you never knew you had yeah and of course I bought my dress that I showed you guys just now my last purchase of the night we only spent 30 minutes shopping good job and we bought three items yeah this very slowly artsy side Romper all right this is my last Vlog probably tonight and it's my last night in Bali as well goodbye thank you for watching I love you look at my Sunset eyeshadow always be loud always be loud guys oh my eyeshadow has faded

2023-06-29 08:53

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