ArtsCONNECT 2024-2025 Informational Webinar

ArtsCONNECT 2024-2025 Informational Webinar

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okay so we are recording today's session so if you need to step away for any uh any reason you can do so and this recording will be available on our website next week so again welcome everyone my name is Sarah leus I am the program director Performing Arts at Mid-Atlantic Arts I'm also the accessibility coordinator I'm a white woman with short brown hair and today I'm with wearing a khaki colored collared shirt I'm zooming in today from my home located on lands known as Baltimore Maryland and I want to acknowledge the legacy of the Piscataway and Sanic peoples on this land and uh as well as the enduring presence of the Piscataway Lumby and Eastern band of Cherokee communities uh in Baltimore city today so I'm happy to welcome you to today's webinar on the 2024 2025 Arts connect program I'm here with my colleague Sarah tun who is the program specialist at Mid-Atlantic arts and today we're going to share what this program is who is eligible how to apply and how adjudication works I'll have about 40 minutes of content to go over with you and then we'll have the rest of the time for questions you can put questions in the Q&A at any time and we'll look at how to do that in just a moment uh this webinar is meant to serve as an overview and a resource before applying please make sure to review the artsconnect guidelines at midatlantic you can also reach out to me at any time with your questions or concerns about the program my email is s Linus midatlantic and I'll share it a few times throughout this program it's also going in the chat now um if you prefer a phone call you can also reach me at 41539 6656 extension 1110 so for today's webinar as I mentioned if you have any questions please put them in the Q&A at the bottom of the screen we also have live captioning provided uh KD is here with us so to turn on your live captioning go ahead and go to the control bar of your Zoom screen select more and then select show captions throughout your Arts connects application process uh if you need accommodations of any kind please do reach out to me uh at the email that is listed um or or by phone we do request accommodations to be made uh no later than two weeks prior to the application deadline now before we dig into Arts connect I want to share a bit about Mid-Atlantic Arts U Mid-Atlantic Arts supports artists presenters and organizations through unique programming Grant support Partnerships and information sharing the organization was created in 1979 and is aligned with the Region's State Arts councils as well as the National Endowment for the Arts Mid-Atlantic Arts is is one of six Regional Arts organizations we combine state and federal funding with private support from corporations foundations and individuals to nurture diverse artistic expression while connecting people to meaningful artistic experiences throughout the region uh you can learn more about Mid-Atlantic arts and our work at Mid-Atlantic and about all the regional Arts organizations or ouros at The Rao website at us Regional

I do encourage you to check out The Rao website because it has lots of opportunities for organizations all across the country uh that you might be interested in learning more so now let's talk about the Arts connects program this program is a presenter Le Consortium based grant opportunity it is funded through the the nea's regional engagement program which is formerly known as the regional touring program you can find more about the re program uh through the nea's website which is going in the chat this program is intended to support artists tours through the Mid-Atlantic region and to support presenters engagement of artists and communities so here are some important dates for Arts connect right off the top the the last day to submit to the required project and development listing is Thursday febru February 15 2024 we'll talk more about what that is later in this presentation the final application deadline is Thursday March 7th 2024 and the project period for Arts connect supported engagements for this round is July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 in this next section we're going to talk about Arts connect eligibility how to determine whether an individual presenter is eligible to participate in a cohort what cohort is eligible uh whether an artist or company is eligible to be proposed for support through Arts connect and whether the proposed activities between artist and presenter are eligible so let's get into it uh Arts connect is a presenter driven opportunity which means that presenters must work together to engage each other and the artist or company that they want to work with so to engage with an Arts connect Grant project each presenter must meet these uh eligibility requirements uh first they need to be located in one of the 10 Mid-Atlantic region states or jurisdictions which are listed here on the screen uh that includes Delaware DC Maryland New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Puerto Rico the US Virgin Islands Virginia or West Virginia the organization needs to be designated by the IRS as a 501c3 nonprofit it needs to demonstrate organizational administrative capacity to complete all of the project components that are being proposed and it needs to be in good standing with Mid-Atlantic Arts at the time of application which basically means means that you don't have any outstanding final reports so how are we defining presenter for this program uh for this program we Define presenter as an organization that financially compensates an artist or company that is a separate entity from the presenter's uh operating uh you know scope uh and engages that artist or company for performances as well as Community engagement activities so a producing organization that solely creates artistic work or assembles artists to perform is not eligible to apply as a presenter and then what about presenting history presenters do not need it to have to to have a history of engaging professional touring artists as an ongoing or significant part of their organizations activity um if you do have a history of presenting touring artists We'll be asking you to share that but if you don't we will ask you to talk about what your administrative plan for engaging the artist within your existing Staffing structure will look like for you so an important eligibility change for the 2024 2025 cycle that I really want to highlight um is that each applicant May apply for a maximum of One Arts connect applic in the cycle for this round if youve applied for Arts connect in the past you know that historically this program has allowed for submissions for up to three uh applications per organization but in this upcoming cycle we have reduced the number of eligible applications to one per organization so the reason for this decision is that Arts connect in fiscal year 25 which is the one we're talking about today will have a decrease in funds available to distribute than it has had for the past several program Cycles those program Cycles were still bolstered from the uh you know canceled projects in covid um and we won't know exactly how much the programs funding will decrease from past program Cycles until we get our National Endowment for the Arts allocation which will happen later this spring but based on current budget forecasts it's looking like we will have um nearly a third less funding to distribute in FY 25 than was awarded in FY 24 so looking back to last year we uh we were only able to award a little over 50% of requests for arts conects and out of those requests um as you know if you received funding uh the majority only received partial funding not their full request and so knowing that this year's cycle will have even less to distribute we wanted to be realistic about our capacity to support Regional touring with this program um I know that Arts connect applications are a lot of work and take a great deal of coordination between multiple presenters artists and managers and So to avoid a situation where we have all of those parties across the region putting in a lot of work only to receive you know High declination rate we decided to make this change to reduce the number of allowable applications um I really welcome your feedback on this shift so please reach out to me if you want to share your opinion or let me know how this change affects your organization either now or after the awards have been distributed um all right thanks for your time with that explanation uh going on to Consortium requirements we will uh keep these consortion requirements consistent with the past two rounds of Arts connect so for this cycle there is a minimum of two presenting Partners from two or more Mid-Atlantic region states or jurisdictions one of the um presenting Partners must serve as the lead presenter but that presenter does not serve as a fiscal conduit they are responsible for submitting additional narrative materials in the application as well as putting together the work samples and we'll take a look at that when we look at the application next a recommendation about the number of presenting Partners in your cohort we do recommend that you keep your maximum number to six um although this is not a hard and fast guideline if you have an incredible project with seven or eight presenting Partners you're welcome to apply with that larger cohort we did have a cohort of nine received support last fiscal year um but we have found it in general that uh applications with six presenters or fewer generally Fair stronger so again not a hard and fast guideline just a recommendation all right next let's look at requirements for uh what artist or company can be engaged through Arts con so again this is a presenter Le application so artists are not applying directly but as a presenting Consortium is thinking about what artist you might want to work with you should keep these uh requirements in mind they can be based anywhere in the United States or around the world this is not a roster program um that includes the artist can be located in the same state or jurisdiction as one of the presenting Partners the same artist must be proposed for the enti consortion but it does not need to be the same work and it does not need to be a contiguous tour uh the only artists who are not eligible for Arts connect support are those who are on the Mid-Atlantic tours or Performing Arts Global exchange rosters and as of today November 16th neither of those rosters have been released for the upcoming cycle so if you have a question about whether the artist you're considering might be considered that artist should know but you're also welcome to reach out to me and I can provide Clarity um and although you can't double dip your support for artists on either of these rosters I do recommend that you keep your eye out for the announcement of these rosters because um they are always another fabulous opportunity to engage and get support for the Performing Arts in the region one other eligibility note is that the artist you work with um cannot be an artist that a presenter has received Arts connect support for in the past five years within your current cohort so that artist can have been part of a prior Arts connect cohort as long as none of the presenters who got that support are part of your new cohort so feel free to reach out with questions about that as well um project requirements uh this is what is required for each uh proposal that a cohort puts together each presenter in the co uh cohort needs to engage the artist or company with at least one performance that is open to the public as well as at least one Community engagement activity there are lots of ways to Define community engagement and we'll ask you to do that in your application and it's also worth noting that both the performance and Community engagements can be in person or virtual uh still with this program your proposed activities need to meet the following requirements uh they need to take place between July 1st 1st 2024 and June 30th 2025 uh your activities cannot be a fundraising event or cultivation event you can absolutely sell tickets you can absolutely raise money through the engagement but we ask that you not apply for support for something like a Gala fundraiser that is primarily a fundraising event for your organization we also uh ask that performances that primarily serve a nonpublic audience do not serve as your per performance open to the general public so an example of that would be a school show the school show that is just open to members of that school community and not the general public would not be appropriate to serve as the public performance but would be a great Community engagement activity so Grant amounts and eligible requests for Arts connect you can request up to to 50% of the negotiated artist fee for the engagement um not exceeding $110,000 um that artist fee must be listed uh and match your counter sign agreement with the artist that you provide as part of your application you can also apply for other eligible project expenses up to $2,000 all Grants awarded from Mid-Atlantic arts for this program must be matched dollar for dooll with non federal funds and uh let me give a a sort of example of what this might look like while we're on this slide if you were awarded $5,000 from Mid-Atlantic Arts you would need to match that funding with another $55,000 for a total project budget of $10,000 so that could come from ticket sales individual donations or uh other Foundation fundraising or um non-federal funding sources of any kind we'll take a look at the budget when we look at the application in just a minute so now that we've talked about the uh proposal and what makes an Arts connect uh proposal eligible we are going to talk about the application process so an important part of the application process is the projects in development listing all cohorts submitting an application for Arts connect must post the artist or comp that they plan to engage to the projects and development listing um ahead of the deadline uh for the listing of February 15 the reason for the projects and development uh process is that it gives potential applicants who may not know who they want to reach out to or work with for Arts connect support uh the opportunity to see what other presenters are working on for this program um this allows for increased VIs visbility and transparency and collaboration in the development process of Arts connect cohorts um a few notes about this listing anyone in the c-port can submit it does not have to come from the lead presenter also there is no penalty for submitting projects and development uh submissions that do not turn into full arts connect proposals the projects and development listing is not assessed by our panel it is just meant to be a public public resource for the field that is um used by presenters uh and made by presenters you can access the submission form and the listing itself at midatlantic and we're going to go there now to take a look at uh what that looks like so I'm going to switch my screen share to look at our website page okay so here we are at the Mid-Atlantic Arts homepage we have just uh refreshed our website so if you haven't been here in a while it will look different um you're going to go to Grants and programs go down to Arts connect and then from here you'll scroll down to the projects and development listing you'll click here to access that listing the submission for the listing is a Microsoft form and the only required portions of the form are the artist's name and location the genre of work and uh the uh web presence is not required these are things that can help you share a bit more information about the artist that you're proposing and then we do ask for a bit of information about the submitting presenter here and uh that's that's the extent of the required portion so we hope that this form takes just a few minutes for the presenter to fill out and that it can be a useful tool for other presenters to learn about what projects are going on for this program uh the projects and development listing will also be available on this page when it is uh beginning to populate so keep a lookout um on our Arts connect program page for that in the next week or so um again you can access both the submission and the listing here on our on our program page uh for those watching live we are going to post the link to the projects and development listing in the chat as well so you can go ahead and have it pulled up if you already know of a project that you're interested in submitting um one other thing that I want to share uh as we discussed the projects in development process is that in late January of 2024 we will be hosting an optional Arts connect presenter pitch session for presenters interested in Sharing uh information about the projects that they are developing uh the date and time for this event will be online in the coming week or so and we'll also be sharing an eblast about it to presenters in the region so if you're interested in participating as a presenter I encourage you to keep a lookout for that and uh you can sign up to present a project that you'd like to G uh gather other presenter support uh to work on all right now we are going to take a look at the application for Arts connect itself so once again I'm going to screen share here and now we are here on Mid-Atlantic Arts smart simple homepage I'm going to go into my test account so you can see what the homepage will look like once you've created your account if you apply in the most recent two Arts connect Cycles your application process is going to be very similar from the past two years but if you have applied for the program in the past but not in the last two cycles you will need to set up a smart simple account um and create a new account if you already have your account from the last two years will use that same account do not create new accounts um to apply for Arts connect as I said you're you'll visit Mid-Atlantic Arts uh smart simple page which you can access by clicking go to application here on our website that'll take you to that login screen we just saw and now we're inside of an application kind of homepage so when you first go to apply for Arts connect you're going to go to available appli locations and then click on this funding opportunities tab you can see here that there are two opportunities currently open you'll want to click on Arts connect and you'll click on this purple apply Now button I've already started an application so I'll show you what it looks like to visit your application in progress you'll go to my applications and then you'll go to in progress and let's jump in here to our Arts connect application and that is how you'll go back into your application once you've started it if you want to pick up on your uh writing process if you do the application in more than one C so now that we're inside the application this is what it will look like when you apply uh when you first start your application you'll immediately hit the save draft button this is the first thing you're going to want to do when you hit save draft that will populate this organization file with with all your organization information that you submitted when you created your smart simple account so really important to hit that save draft button ASAP to get your application started you can check out what is on this page and hit this update organizational profile information if anything on here needs a refresh um then we'll go on to the project tab this is where you share the basic overview of your Arts connect proposal this is going to ask for the name of the artist that you're working with your project start and end States and some basic numbers for the that you anticipate for the project you'll also include your signed letter of agreement between you and the artist um or company that you're working with um that letter of agreement needs to include the dates that you're uh listing here um as well as the budget as it is stated in the project budget that you'll enter in your application the final piece of information that you'll put on this page that I want to talk about is whether or not you're the lead presenter I mentioned earlier that one presenter in the cohort must serve as the lead presenter for the project you'll indicate whether or not you're the lead presenter with this button here you'll select yes or no we're going to go through this application as the lead presenter today but I want to show you that if you select no you'll notice that some of our required Tabs go away and that's because if you're not the lead presenter you will not have to submit the lead presenter narrative or work sample questions that will be the responsibility of the lead presenter in your c-port but since we are going to go through the application as lead presenter today we'll hit yes on that first lead presenter tab you'll see that we asked for all the presenting Partners in the application as well as the um contact information for the artist or company and a few narrative questions specific to the project but that relate to the whole cohort so we'll ask for information about the artist um as well as the proposed Works to be performed so we do want to know here if uh any of the proposed Works will be different across the cohort um a little bit more about what those Works look like the second lead presenter page is where we ask you for work samples so here we'll ask you for the title date of work completed um whether or not this uh work sample is representative of a piece that will be shown at one of the locations for the project and the password if if you have one um we'll also ask for brief description of the work sample here we do encourage you to submit a work sample of the proposed work but um if you don't have one if the work is still in progress or if there just isn't a great work sample we can um we can also accept a work sample that is representative of the type of work that would be touring with this project the work samples can be from any time although we do encourage a more recent work sample if you the next tab that we have is the narrative section and these are the narrative questions that everyone in your cohort will be asked to answer whether or not you are a lead presenter so you'll see that we have up uh up top ahead of each question information about where in the criteria the n narrative is going to be assessed so what you write here in your organization's mission statements um and the question about how the project advances the mission is how the reviewers are going to be reviewing Mission impact as defined in the criteria which we'll look at in just a minute so um the next round of questions are related to the um Artistry of the proposed project so why do you want to work with this artist or company and what excites you about the performances or the community engagement activities I encourage you to connect the answer to this question with your project activities answer which we'll look at in just a second um on a future tab we also ask you for some goals for the project these can be really straightforward um like we want to engage X number of audience members for this program it can also be really broad like we want to to connect this program to a larger project of engaging people uh from this neighborhood in our in our community um it can really look like whatever you are trying to do with this project uh and then finally we want to hear in your last question uh here about access for this program and when we say access we're asking about access across multiple uh you know definitions of that word so what are the barriers participation for programming at your space or you know in the proposed venue and how are you going to be addressing for age class disability status gender geographic location race sexual orientation or other factors that may limit people's access so you don't necessarily have to talk about every single one of those points but we do want to hear um what what you're doing to create you know robust access to this program um all right and I do encourage you as you're going through this narrative section to draft these answers in a Word document uh or something other than the browser here just in case your browser crashes and you don't um you know get the a response that you've put in before that crash EVS I also definitely encourage you to hit this purple save draft Button as you go through the application the next tab here is Community Partners we'll ask you for whether your partner is in the Arts sector or not um a description of that partner and whether or not the partnership is confirmed the project activities tab Works similarly where we'll ask you to enter what the name location and date of your project activity is a short description of this activity um the attendance uh anticipated pricing and whether it's confirmed so for both of these tabs which ask uh for you to submit in a list you'll hit the purple button here and another window will pop up where you can populate with your answers to uh each of these questions next we have the budget section so here is where you let us know about what your budget is for this project uh you might use a different budget template internally for budgeting your project you probably do um but this budget uh template allows us to compare project budgets across Arts connect submissions um and analyze how you know the projects are spending money uh with using the same categories so that's why we have these categories in place um to review you can apply for up to 50% of the proposed artist fee up to $10,000 plus eligible expenses up to $2,000 so this form will autop populate with what you're able to apply for based on what you put into this negotiated artist fee section so since we have $10,000 in the negotiated artist fee section it will show us that you are the maximum fee that you're able to apply for is $5,000 um note that this isn't going to populate until you fill in your expenses section and then hit save draft so then once you do that you'll be able to see what your maximum artist fee match is as well as your eligible um other eligible expenses uh fee so let's see scrolling down you can see that uh in the other eligible expenses section uh this you know imaginary project has almost $10,000 in other eligible expenses as well so it is well uh well eligible for those additional $2,000 maximum other eligible expenses requests so for this this project the total Grant request from uh to Mid-Atlantic Arch would be $7,000 and that means that the total project income you know to match it needs to include that maximum Grant request plus the matching money and any other funds that you would need to get up to that total expenses budget line I am available to go through this budget section with you and talk through um you know what your project looks like so that we can make sure you're feeling really great about requesting as much money as you you know are eligible for and filling out this budget in a way that reflects your project correctly so moving on to the artist consent tab here is where we just ask you to let us know whether you've been in touch with the artist or company about this project and if so what has that looked like um it's not necessarily a requirement but it is strongly encouraged that you do work closely with the artist ahead of time um and of course we do require that you have that signed letter of agreements included in your application so that is kind of the minimum uh collaboration that you will need to have done up to the application uh for the art connect GRS I am going to uh then show you the for our records tab this is a page that asks you to um identify the uh characteristics of your organization that are described by the Nea um in the kind of National Standard for artist information exchange um or National Standard data codes you can learn more about that at this link in the application through the Nea but uh here you'll select what category or categories your project and organization fit into so um the final page here is a certification page that uh details all of the agreements that you make when you uh submit and receive funding from midatlantic Arts as well as an acknowledgement that this is all true to the best of your knowledge you'll sign um digitally here and once you've completed all of these tabs you are ready to submit your Arts connect application you'll hit submit down here um with this purple button and if you've missed any sections the application will automatically let you know so you don't have to worry about skipping something um if you if you have to come back to something once you hit submit it's no problem and if you have any issues once it's time to submit and you're not sure why it's not letting you submit that's a great reason to reach out to us we can walk you through them all right so with that I'm going to stop screen sharing and get us back to our slide deck and I'm going to bring us back to our point in our presentation discuss the adjudication process thanks for your patience um after you submit your Arts connect applic staff at Mid-Atlantic Arts will review your application for eligibility issues you'll be contacted if we have any questions applications uh along with the support materials like the work samples are sent to panelists who evaluate the application against the program criteria panelists make the recommendations for awarding funds that are then sent to Mid-Atlantic Arts staff and then to the board of directors for final approval and then then applicants will be notified of their selection status via email by the end of May 2024 the review criteria for Arts connect include Mission impact Artistry Community benefit and access the program guidelines have more information about each of these criteria points and as we discussed in the application each of these criteria points uh matches up with a section of the narrative in the application so so I really really encourage you to take a look at those and to think about the criteria as you're developing your project that includes developing your public performance your community engagement activities how you're collaborating with your cohort um and really what you want this project to do um going back to that goal section so uh for those viewing live we'll also put the Mission Vision and guiding principles of Mid-Atlantic arts in the chat um so you can take a look at how how that relates to this program as well so um Arts connect pro uh projects will be evaluated and adjudicated in two tiers uh projects with consortiums uh averaging fees at or under $10,000 and then consortia with artist fees averaging above $10,000 by adjudicating in two groups we create space for projects with similar artist fees to be adjudicated next to one another which create a more Equitable Grant distribution um across project sizes um in particular making sure that some Arts connects funds are available for projects with smaller artist feeds so um I also want to note that it's important to to understand in this program that Arts connect applications are initially adjudicated individually but funding decisions are made as a co- War so we review each applicant's you know responses to their narrative questions Etc um individually and then our cohort will look together uh excuse me our adjudicators will look together at each cohort and adjudicate whether or not a cohort receives funding um altogether so the whole cohort will receive funding or no one in the cohort will receive funding um and this is in order to support the tour of the artist and to um you know bolster those Partnerships across presenters so um I also want to go ahead and share that in terms of notification and payments and final reports you will receive notification of the status of your proposal by the end of May 2024 and if awarded 90% of the funding uh that you receive will be made at the start of the grant period um and then the remaining 10% will be over awarded um once you've submitted your final report so once again here are some important dates and deadlines for Arts connect the last day to submit to the required projects and development listing Thursday February 15th the final application deadline Thursday March 7th and the project period is going to be July 1st 20124 through June 30th 2025 um before we get into questions which I do encourage you to start putting in the Q&A box um you can also add to them as we get into the Q&A section um on Thursday December 5th we'll have a webinar for our special presenter initiatives program which is open to Performing Arts presenters based in DC Delaware Puerto Rico the US Virgin Islands and West Virginia um Additionally the Mid-Atlantic tours presenter webinar will take place on December 5th from 11: to 12 well if you're interested in that program I recommend that you join up for that and um PS keep a lookout for the Mid-Atlantic tours roster to be announced next week we're really looking forward to that and finally I want to let you know about a new program that Mid-Atlantic Arts has collaborated with the other five Regional Arts organizations and the Nea to create which is called Arts here um this is a program that will award 95 nonprofit organ ganizations with non-matching grants of $65,000 to $130,000 um these are for specific projects that will strengthen the organization's capacity to sustain meaningful Community engagement um and increasing Arts participation for underserved groups and communities so if that sounds like the work that you do please please check out Arts here um the link for all of these webinars uh to learn more about these programs uh are all going in the chat so this is the um the last slide I have for us today um I encourage you to go to the Arts connect program page at midatlantic to check out the guidelines again it's important that you read through those guidelines to make sure that you are covering all uh aspects of Eligibility and program requirements and please please reach out to me with any questions at all we can set up a one-on-one chat to talk through your program your project um or to Think Through you know how you might get other partners to support or you know whether your community engagement you know activities are eligible anything like that so with that I'm going to leave the screen share and get into this Q&A I see we already have a few uh questions and so I'm going to check them out so our first um our first question here is uh is the part is part of the goal of limiting applications to be able to give more fully funded Awards to successful applications for fy2 or simply to reduce the number of rejections this is both and um we would really like to do better to award when projects are recommended for funding we would really like to award the funding in full um in the in past years we have sometimes awarded 70% say of the grant requests to an you know otherwise successful applicants because we want to stretch those dollars that we have available to award and maybe that successful applicant was you know ranked slightly lower than some other applicants um who were recommended for funding by our panel so this year we'd really like to try to um award more projects in full um than we have in the past uh we also are hoping to you know bring that total number of of awarded projects a bit further up from that 50% award rate um all right so we've got a question from Emily Cruz hi Emily um does every presenter in the cohort submit an application for one project or only one member of the cohort applies this is a great question so let me let me break this down we uh we do need an application from every member of the cohort every single applicant is going to submit the loation that you saw there on your screen what is different for one member of the cohort is that they will serve as the lead presenter which means that they will fill out the additional questions of the narrative uh for the cohorts as well as the work sample questions so yes everyone applying in your c-port needs an application and that lead presenter has a bit more of an application to submit um we have the next question here about what counts as a co-presenter can it be an artist or company um so the presenters in the cohort are all part of the cohort all part of the presenter cohort each of those presenters needs to be an organization that is separate from the artist or company that is being proposed that means that the work that is being presented cannot have been developed uh or or funded uh you know inside of the normal operating budget of one of the uh presenting Partners so the presenters are are separate entities that bring the artist or company into their Community to present the the the live performance as well as the community engagement so the artister company does not apply directly for this grant it is only the presenter that applies um and please uh add to the Q&A if you have further questions about that um LOL the Arts here and tours webinar are at the same day and the same time uh and you may well be right and I am so sorry if that is the case we will adjust for that but I will say that we are also um going to be uh recording both so we will get to that and thank you for catching that while we're waiting for other questions to come in I'm actually just going to double check that that is in fact the case um and while I'm looking at that I see a follow-up question for Emily so each presenter creates a budget only for their portion of the project exactly so what your budget for your um for your portion of the project will just be for your engagement with the artist so just the artist fee that your organization is providing the artist um just the you know the staff time the rentals that your organization will incur as part of this project um we don't see at any point the the full consortiums project budget altogether each budget is unique to the individual presenter within their individual application hey Sarah this is the other Sarah speaking the Mid-Atlantic is is the question asking about the Mid-Atlantic tours webinar yeah we're looking for the the date for the um Mid-Atlantic tours webinar and I'm happy to share that this was in fact a typo on my um webinar materials rather than an error in scheduling in general the Arts here webinar is on November 30th um at 2m and the Mid-Atlantic tours webinar uh is later in December so you can again uh register for the Arts here informational webinar um on the link that I'm putting in the chat right now oh and it's already fresh chat from Sarah T and yeah put that in there the Mid-Atlantic tours present their informational webinars uh December 7th at 11:00 a.m. eastern time and I'll put that I'll put that in the chat great thanks for clarifying Sarah that's so scared okay and then okay great we have another question and please do keep the questions coming we have an attendee asked sorry if you've addressed this already but is each presenter awarded their own funds or is it for the project as a whole so each presenter is awarded their own funds for this program so the consortia will be awarded in you know each presenter in the consortia will receive funding or none of the consortia will receive funding but each Grant is made as an individual Grant to each individual applicant so you if you apply for a grant for um you know $7,000 for Arts connect like in the example that we saw in the budget that would mean that your artist fee with um directly with the artists would be1 ,000 that means you're receiving $5,000 of Arts connect subsidy and then if you have up to an additional $2,000 of other eligible expenses you can also receive that on top of your artist fee subsidy so that would make a total artist fee uh excuse me a total Grant Award of $7,000 your organization would receive that $7,000 directly from Mid-Atlantic arts and everyone else in your cohort would receive their grants directly as well based on what their budget looks like for the project your budgets don't have to be identical um in fact they probably won't be depending on the needs and scope of the way that you're working with the artist inside of your organization so um again I'm really happy to like look at the budget with you as you go through it and answer any questions that you have about how that breaks down but in terms of awarding yes each Grant once awarded um funding is made separately to each organization all right any other questions for our Q&A okay great um we have a question uh from Emily again thank you Emily do you recommend that if we are new to this process that we look for a lead presenter to partner with and how would we find Works to partner with so I think you definitely can tap an organization for partnership who has done this before but you also can totally be the lead presenter even if you've never applied for Arts connect before if you want to do that I am super available to meet with you and talk with you about how this works in a little bit more you know in even more detail go over the specifics of your project and make sure that you feel super confident about being that lead presenter um I would say in terms of finding other organizations to partner with there's a lot of ways to do that um you can you know the best way is to submit your projects to the projects and development listing and also to check out that listing to see what other organizations are working on but since that you know that Resource populates as people fill it out you may also want to do some research on your own about organizations who've received Arts connect funding in the past you can see that through our website on the current grantees tab you can see what organizations are currently working with Arts connect funding and reach out to them and see if they'd be interested in partnering um you can also think about who's doing great work in the region outside of your state or jurisdiction who you might want to partner with and reach out to them and see if they'd be interested in working with you on presenting the same artist um to benefit from this grant report um again the presenter does not have to have a history necessarily of presenting um Performing Arts as long as they have a a plan in place for supporting the project within their current Staffing structure um if they do have a history of presenting that's also practice okay um next we have a question is the benefit is it beneficial for all presenters to have a common resource or Outreach activity to tie the cohort together or is the commonality simply presenting the same artist that's a great question you certainly can do that and you don't have to um the the commonality across all presenters in the presenting cohort is that you are presenting the same artist the idea here is that through this program artists get an opportunity to have you know at least two stops if not more on a tour within our region but the the the community engagement or Outreach activity that you work with it should be a good fit for your community you know as the presenter so I would say it would not make sense to have everyone have the same Outreach activity Community engagement activity if that activity does not match the goals for one of the presenter presenting Partners um because that is how the adjudicators are going to be assessing the community benefit of the project like does it look like this organization has thought about what this artist is going to be doing in their community and how it meets their goals and their missions um for their broader work so I would say it it is not necessarily beneficial but it could be if the Pro is a great fit for the goals and mission of every or you know partner partner in the copor definitely here for more questions um I'll be I'll be staying on here in our webinar for a few more minutes so keep the questions coming and I do also want to reiterate that if you are you know thinking about this program later today or next week and a question comes up for you and very available to answer questions via email or phone um we can set up a time to chat on Zoom as well if that makes more sense so we can screen share and look at that budget simplit um or or anything else so um I'm I'm you know it's it's my whole job to work on this with you so please uh reach out to me and I'll make sure that you're feeling good about getting your location in thank you we had a a question come in which is just thank you and Juliana thank you very much and thank you everyone for attending um and being you know present and interested in in engaging with this program um it's the you know a long running program of Mid-Atlantic arts and I know many people have been engaging with it for a long time um and some of you it may be the first time you're engaging with it so um we're really happy to offer this webinar and also know that this is just the beginning of um getting you connected with the you know the program and how it works thank you Emily yeah great glad that you all are here I'm going to give it one more minute and then we will go ahead and sign off as I mentioned this reporting is going to be available on our website um by by next week uh on the Arts connect program page so you can check it out there you can share it with other potential presenting Partners um and uh we look forward to you know hearing from you from there about what your questions are with that I want to thank Sarah tun and Katie for being here and uh we're GNA go ahead and sign off but have a great rest of your week everybody and take care

2023-11-26 22:55

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