Inside the Most Controversial City in China (They NEVER Show This!)

Inside the Most Controversial City in China (They NEVER Show This!)

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people in Wuhan have been asked not to leave the  city and Outsiders have been told to stay away.  Evacuating American citizens  from Wuhan! Wuhan Wuhan Wuhan There are a few places around the world  that we've all heard of for the wrong   reasons. That as soon as we hear the name,  it drums up images in our head that we   associate with the certain event, forever. Well this city does exactly that for so many   of us. When most people around the world  hear 'Wuhan', the first thing you think  

back to are those early days of 2020 when the  streets were empty and the Panic was real.  But what is this place really like beyond  our stereotypes and the headlines? What   is the real face of one of the most famous  but also unseen cities in the world? Well,   let's travel to Wuhan China and try to find out. Welcome to Sunny Wuhan a very hot Wuhan it's 38°   today, I don't know why I'm checking the time,  but it is 38° today so we're going to see what   we can film hopefully not melt, and uh, let's  just show you where we are at the moment. This  

is the old Russian concession area of all places. And it's a place to be here. It is the place to   be. The place to be there are so  many people here taking photos,   there are lots of actually photographers we've  seen walking around, and they've been offering   to take pictures of us and stuff and this mental  it's crazy so many people it's taking photos and   it's a really pretty part of the town. Chinese  influencer Central. For sure. We just wanted to  

show you this as well as we're in the Russian  concession area of the city on the drains here you can see old Russian written here Yeah that looks like a 'Samovar' kind of thing.  Yeah this is the old or train the old Russian   tea trading route right, I think a lot of Russian  tea Traders came here to Wuhan back in the day,   and um yeah that was the main trade that  came out of this region towards Russia.   That makes sense that explains the train saying  the name of the Tea number one, and um Railway. 

Fascinating you have it written  in Chinese here and in Russian   here and this is old 'Ruskiy' right old  Russian right because you still got the   the old 'i' that isn't in Russian anymore.  It's, it is an old ruski old ruski. A piece   of History here in the middle of Wuhan.  Something I didn't expect to see at all. So we've just walked to the end of this road  and actually here there's like a big Market   along here I don't know if it's only on  weekends, it's Sunday today, but yeah   it's absolutely gorgeous there's like a full-on  handycraft market just set up along the street [Music] So, Wuhan is actually China's ninth  biggest city. Only the ninth biggest city,  

and the population of Wuhan is about 13 million,  13 million people, in China's ninth biggest city,   that's bigger than London! There's more  people in China's ninth biggest city,   than there is in the biggest city in Western  Europe, crazy. And actually we were reading the   name Wuhan actually comes from the two separate  towns that used to sit either side of arguably   the city's Main Attraction which is the Great  Yangtze River, Hankou, where we currently are now,   on the north side of the city and Wuchang which is  on the south side of the Yangtze River. And we're   walking up towards the river right now and to be  honest it is absolutely massive it's incredible! hello, hello, how are you? Fine thank you. Good.  Have time in Wuhan. Thank you, thank you very much This is the Yangtze River, the longest river in  Asia, the third longest river in the entire world,   and also the longest river to start and  finish in the same country. So by the way,   the reason that Wuhan in particular  grew into such a big city is because   of this River and the fact that the main  tributary into the Yangtze meets the river   itself here. So throughout the centuries  there were so many ships and trading boats   Etc that met here in Wuhan. Hence why  this grew into the city that is today,  

and it is absolutely massive. Once again we're in  the ninth biggest city in China and it is colossal [Music] that's not something you expected to see in Wuhan.  During China's Century of humiliation as it's   known from the 1850s to roughly just after the  second world war a lot of the European powers at   the time including the British, the French and the  Russian Empire, prior to the Communist Revolution,   took advantage of China's situation at the time  and open concessions and trading ports all over   the country, including annexing different bit  of territory and here in Wuhan there was both a   British, French and a Russian concession where we  just were, and this statue here is to do with the   tea trade that was sent from China at the time  from here in Wuhan up to the Russian Empire,   this was the old Russian concession right  here on the banks of the yangtze river Right next to the main Square just here is  Jianghan Road which is what we're on right   now. This is like one of the main pedestrian  streets here in Wuhan, and it is so loud,   there's so much going on, there's people  everywhere, there's people advertising boat tours,   there's for some reason a France football  store, and an FC Barcelona football store,   and then just yeah, shops everywhere,  people riding their little electric bikes,   it's all going on here and this goes on  for about 2 km so it's a very long Street,   and there's yeah all sorts along here. When  we were walking by the river we were saying  

that considering it's Sunday it seems quite  quiet, I guess the heat is the reason for that,   you can see that as it cools down  more people come out on the streets [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]   Honestly I know we've come to like a more busy  part of the city in general, but the change from   just a few hours ago is insane right! Honestly,  you can hardly hear yourself think let alone move [Music] is this a piss-take, did  they know you were coming? honestly this is so funny we didn't know  this was here I promise it's just so funny this is so funny, look at all the  Russian sausage this is so Random.   I need to record a video for my family i think! vodka lots of vodka, oh my god. Georgian vodka   from Kakheti. No, Georgian Wine, sorry,  from Kakheti, with the world's most   famous Georgian on the front it looks like they're doing you   on a free delivery. In the shot it  looks like you're on a free delivery [Applause] wild Siberian plums [Music] I don't know why it feels a bit   awkward like we're searching for those places  but everything happens by accident i swear.  

Honestly you couldn't make this up. The fact that  they're playing 'Katyusha' as well the whole time   this is so [ __ ] weird.  This was really unexpected So we've seen a lot of strange things here  in Wuhan today but that's definitely got to   be top of the list. Definitely. Anyway.  Anyway, onwards and upwards. Onwards,   and upwards should we go for some noodles? Yes Wuhan is really famous for its breakfast food  apparently obviously it's not breakfast time   now but there was one of the dishes  we really wanted to really wanted to   try which is Sesame paste noodles  and we on our way to give it a try [Music] I need to find the name. So we found somewhere  online that's recommended but I just need to check   the name in Chinese. Well this is the building  we were supposed to be eating in somewhere along   here was the restaurant, and 'was' is the key  word. it's uh is it raining it's closed it's  

been shut down not for long we don't think, um  yeah, on even on Apple Maps it's still showing   the restaurant and it's showing that it's  open today, so it can't of been closed long,   but it is closed, so we're going to have to find  something else for dinner. Oh well we tried,   we tried, it's the effort that counts,  so close but so far onwards and upwards. [Music] again um   [Music] [Music] [Applause] We found somewhere to try sesame noodles.  It was a mission. It was a mission,   when you don't understand anything, it  could be written literally everywhere,   but we wouldn't know. We were literally  walking around with our phones,   with Google Translate. Is it, is it  the one. We got them! Looks so good And we ordered this dish no idea  what it is noodles with beef,   looks good. Let's try it. Which one are you  going to go for first? I'll try the beef try one

okay okay, I'm going to sit forward because I'm  notorious for spilling things. You and I both.   It's obviously really hot temperature-wise  but it's very spicy, like good spice,   not over the top not Southeast Asia spice, but,  nicely spiced. You got the herbs from just over   on the side there you can add whatever you want.  So we just added some spring onion, and some   parsley which gives it a nice like freshness, and  then the noodles themselves are perfectly boiled.  

Yeah it's a really easy beautiful noodle dish,  gorgeous. You going to try the Sesame paste ones? it's really good it's quite spicy. Like too much spicy? Could  be, um, it's really interesting I   know it's sesame paste but it does  taste like pasta noodles in peanut sauce. Like Tahini paste Like noodles in Tahini paste, and spicy,  savory. Oh it's really nice it's very  

interesting certainly very unusual that's for sure  I'm so happy that we got to try them though. Yeah,   we were actually really disappointed when  that place was closed we were thinking   we've been waiting for this since arriving  in Wuhan a couple of days ago, but yeah,   we got there in the end. Can I have a go?  Um. You going to feed me? I'm two steps ahead [Applause] lovely that's good spicy it's so true it was literally like having  noodles with Tahini paste that's the closest thing   you can kind of match it to right there's like  chunks of carrots in there as well it's big what   did I say wrong nothing is funny because tahini is  a sesame paste. Oh yeah [Laughter] See, I've got a   good palette, I knew. Wuhan is known as the windy  city, funnily enough today it wasn't windy at all,   and I think we came out for a walk way too  early, like walking around in 38 degrees Heat,   it's been quite repressive, especially in the  beginning of the day we couldn't find anywhere   to hide away from the Sun. We're just walking  back to the area where we staying and we wanted   to show it to you because it's quite fun and um  it's interesting as well because we're very close   to the center it's a local residential area,  also we noticed coming to Wuhan it feels very   different to Shanghai straight away. Compared to  Wuhan, Shanghai is quite sterile. Here is a quite  

different vibe. A lot more Rough Around the Edges  I say. Yeah yeah. People have so many dogs here,   which I don't know why I just didn't expect  to see, also we learned that in Mandarin,   uh, they call themselves, not 'dog  owners' they call themselves 'dog or cat slaves'. Honestly it's like an entire little sub  community within the city it's even gated to get   in here and everyone here is so friendly there's  a proper Community Feel isn't there. Everyone   chats to each other we got a taxi earlier  into the very center cuz it was so hot,   and like there was not much room  to drive the taxi down the road,   so they're like a lot of the locals were coming  out and like helping the taxi driver get through,   it was so funny. Yeah such an interesting thing  that in the very center of the city there's such  

a like Community feel about the place. And  also another thing we wanted to show you was   the southeast Asian wiring, which is something  I did not expect here in China, but I guess you   know every Community is getting updated at a  different pace, so potentially that's something   that may change in the future. But maybe it just  looks unusual to us because we're not used to it   but it's working perfectly. I'm sure it is yeah  yeah I'm certain it is. So many scooters and bikes   everywhere it's crazy. And they're all electric  as well so you never hear them coming do you

in the previous video we told you that we want  to wash our clothes while staying in this hotel   because they had washing machines, so we did it  yesterday, when we went down the lady asked us if   we want our clothes dried, so we were like "yeah  sure" I was like "do we come back in half hour?"   she's like "2 hours", so we say "yeah cool". We  came down and they had packed away all our clothes   really neatly in bags, like we didn't expect  this at all it is just mental. We expected to   just pick up the clothes out the washing machine,  and then carry it back. I think they pressed it   all as well right cuz it was all so well folded,  and it was me it was very creased beforehand,   so, incredible and it was included in  the price of the hotel which is nuts.  So lastly, and I'll show you a clips of  what this area looks like in the morning,   we just wanted to show you the blocks  of flats here that are very similar   to 'Krushovkas' like you see in the former  Soviet Union, except these are six stories,   and 'Krushovkas' are usually five. But yeah  so similar, it's so interesting to see, again,  

you see so much modernization here in China,  and modern buildings big sort of glass Towers,   but you don't really see that much of this kind  of typical yeah typical lived in residential flat   and uh yeah really interesting. Amazing  how similar they are to 'Krushovkas'.  Good morning from the absolute massive  and train station, where we're about   to take a train into the countryside for  the first time since being here in China,   which we're incredibly excited about. We've got  a 6 hour train ahead of us, but that concludes   our time here in Wuhan. So thank you very  much for watching. See you in the next one!

2024-10-12 10:20

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