Arriving in CHINA Western Media Won’t Like THIS…中文字幕

Arriving in CHINA  Western Media Won’t Like THIS…中文字幕

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the most stares I've ever had in my life they're  all like oh my God this is definitely an area that   no tourists go look at all the mooncake oh my  God I can't believe I'm saying this but we're   finally going back to China we're literally at the  airport now about to check in and we've just done   one flight we flew from London England all the  way to Amsterdam cuz it worked out cheaper to do   it this way but now we're doing 11-hour flight all  the way to xiamen we're so excited I can't wait to   back so we're going to get the 144-hour visa we  have done this before we sort of know what we're   doing we've booked our flights we booked our hotel  but it's their discretion whether we can actually   get in so it's a little bit nerve-wracking I'm  hoping that we've done everything right so let's   go and find out all right it looks like we've  literally got a check in here grab the other   bag then uh we think we've got everything feet up  to scratch but think through there that looks at   passports so where it's a transit Visa you can't  check in online so you have to come straight up   to the counter and check in and cuz they check  all your paper work and we can check in our bags   which is Handy but it's a bit of a Queue at  the moment we've never seen these before so   they open up you put your luggage in it and they  closed and they get sent off on the airplane the   guy was just saying to us probably in 6 years  time they'll be picking up your luggage from   the airport like all of this will not be here all  like robots and stuff quite crazy is it they just   scan the bording pass on there and then it will  close with your luggage it's like a spaceship   this queue is massive look at it it's lucky we've  got quite a while we've got look 4 hours here but   I think they had to check a lot of paperwork for  these kind of flights all right we're at the front   of the cube wish us good luck I'm a little bit  nervous you never saw it yeah I'm breaking it   hello hello this is your gate number yes and on  this time on this time you will be expected at the   gate this is the gate your seats yes so you go up  over there to the security and then to the gates   that's brilliant thank you all right that was like  really weird that was weird was it we didn't get   checked like you normally get checked for your  leaving flight for China and your hotel and   they didn't check any of that so we might have to  have a little check is England now on FEA 3 yeah   I haven't check I haven't checked the news today  but um mag it is that' be well with I don't know   if she was just new or something I'm sure yeah I  know she was with a trainee but just scan and go through I was like getting a little bit nervous  like it was taking ages it didn't seem right did   it to honest we you yeah we've got everything let  us know like anyone watching this done 144 hours   and they've never asked you anything to check but  I suppose when we get the other side um you have   to show all this stuff the other side so you  can get sent home it's expensive to send you   back is it exactly but if this Airline I don't  know we'll see we'll see we'll see we're through   we've got 2 and 1/2 hours now to kill the liquid  like security bit took actually quite a while they   were really nice though weren they they were so  nice like really jokey um I like kind in got my   fingers stuck the scan of thing and all that so  laughing oh really nice I don't know what we're   going to do there's a McDonald's here might go sit  in there but we've got free food and drink on our   flight we don't really want to buy anything or  eat anything it looks like a really nice airport   very spacious it's not that busy either we were  going to go to McDonald's but we just checked   the price and like a Coke's like €4 and we're  like I'm not that thirsty yeah a beer is only 8   I think I'd rather have a beer only um but we're  just going to find some comfy seats to plop down   I feel like I'm going to trip down these stairs  any minute now going to catch up a little bit   found some comfy seats we've got 2 and 1/2 hours  to kill this airport is like mega mega expensive   so we're not going to spend too much money we're  going to be budget Travelers hold on we're not   spending any money yeah that's what we do going  to tell you a little bit of the reason why we're   going back to China we spent 6 days in Beijing  in May you may remember you may not remember   we are the night walking couple by the way that  is Us in that time we sort of blew up a little   bit we had two appearances on TV we were in the  national news newspaper and we were thinking to   like this is this has never happened to us we're  like just normal people like and we just thought   we've got to go back to China yeah and obviously  because we loved it these 6 days absolutely blew   us away we thought the Western media could not be  more wrong about China it's absolutely amazing we   couldnot wait to go back I'm actually shocked how  quick that time has gone it time to start boarding   just packing up a laptop I've actually started to  edit this video I'm like well up in my game now   I'm going to be on it but I'm looking forward  to going on this flight I'm looking forward to   going on this flight and I'm looking forward  to see what the food is every Canon it's not   too dark and noisy on there we'll try and film  it all cuz I love airplane food anyone else down   below love airplane food I think it's literally  the best but let's pack up it says it's like 10   minutes to our gate and we've got times 8:37 and  our flight's at half 9 so need to get moving but   then had to run off to the toilet well we're just  heading to our gate now our uh our signs up I was   um scrolling through like YouTube and stuff  obviously I haven't seen our friends like two   M explorers sunus P all the people we see normally  in Bangkok scrolling through all their videos it's   got me so excited to go back to China honestly  I'm like I'm a little bit giddy I'm like got a   little bit like butterflies in my legs and stuff  cannot I cannot butterfly on your legs is that   what I say butly on your belly your belly sorry  yeah I cannot wait I cannot wait honestly I'm I'm   a flight from local battle I am I'm just I'm just  excited but it's going to be a long flight though   hopefully it's good our first time trying Shaman  Airline so hopefully I'm hoping for the best you   been checks no go to the table first check hello  your uh Shan what your Shan Shan going to stay   there uh six six days and then bangok and then  B yeah thank you you I have fly thank you just in that's yours goodly you obviously when  we checked in she didn't check any of our   documents but um they they checked what  our final destination was they had like   a little checkpoint little table on the  side so I had to go over and just like   tell her who's going to Bangkok we  didn't actually have to prove it or anything first class couple first seats 54 not there look at this extra leg room we've  got a seat so we are at the front we got all this   leg room I've never had these seats on a long H  flight I'm not sure how I feel about it cuz you   haven't got the armrest that moved they're like  solid it's a little bit tight I'm found a little   bit annoying yeah I'm not sure if I'm happy about  it we might have a little look see if there's any   like spare seats and move but the leg room Corner  makes up for it TV is down there one hand and then   you twist like that so you got your own little TV  there and then if you want your table it's in the armrest not skilled with one hand and then  you got your table Ben's not happy I don't   think right next to toilets as well I like  all in front of you I mean yeah well we have   a look if there spare beets maybe we ask move  maybe there's some spare ones in first class   this airline's already got 10 out of 10 from me  they've already gave us food and we're not even   in the air peanuts pumpkin seed and canals look  what look just peanuts pumpkin seas and canals   that in there and W so we got bottle of water  and some nuts before we've even took off I'm glad   there's not one with an allergy on it you quite  easily pleased don't you oh give me food and on   please like literally food makeup food makeup  bath and I'm happy we've literally just woke   up from probably a 6 hour nap we've only got 2  hours left so we've had me one a sandwich and now   this one not actually that hard hungry I think  it's only cuz of them just woke up still half   asleep they're not doing the middle they're just  doing the edge oh yeah they did last time didn't they un usual breakfast but it was good see St all l a breakfast all day breakfast  got like a chicken sausage and then like a   it's like a a white omelet bye bye bye but and just saw that we're in China that  was honestly the quickest 11 hour flight that was   the quickest flight I've ever had cuz I slept  probably 90% of it I reckon we slept 6 hours   that's why we're actually feeling quite fresh the  time now here in China is 2: in the evening and   we've gone forward 7 hours a bit confusing yeah  so we had two meals on there we had din sandwich   dinner a snack sandwich sandwich and breakfast and  breakfast yeah and we um as I said we just slept   all of it I one beer coffee Coke here everything  seemed good I didn't even use the entertainment   system I'm really good for stuff was so nice and  friendly and helpful and everyone was cheery but   the funny thing was old people yeah so I've never  seen so many people try and use the toilet when   the seat Bel signs off and we're descending  we're literally coming into land and people   try and use the toilet crazy last time we were  in China we really struggled with like SIM cards   this time I've got like an eim so I'm prepared  400 a.m. walks the street no night walking this   time we're going to get well we're going to sort  the stuff out I think there's a Metro here so we   could try and get the Metro W look at this um oh  yes but first things first let's let's get through   we got to go to Transit office 144-hour Visa um  get free passport control and then do all that stuff hell4 Transit trans  we're transi to Bangkok in six days thank you think we need to get our luggage  and then so I think that was if you go straight   you're going on the next fight us we're not going  on the next fight confusing though cuz normally   you get your baggage at the end before you leave  the airport yeah but I think last time I can't   remember but we forgot we had to get package we  never check it in but you'd think us not having   backpacks on we would realize so grab our bags  and then hopefully sort out 144-hour Visa Transit   it's hot though it's 26° here I wasn't expecting  it to be that hot cloud is it yeah it's overcast   which is good cuz otherwise it's too hot to walk  around as long as it's not raining I'm happy to   be honest yeah I'm just looking around I'm soad  to be exciting is it so good yeah well that was   easy as soon as we come out our bags there but  we did the 144-hour transit thing um it was so   different compared to when we went to Beijing when  we first got there we literally had to go to like   kind of an office area where it was like really  official and scary people like really strict   and quiet and it took a little while not ages  but this time um we went straight to the like   border thing now like no you need to go here and  we were like oh then about three different people   took us over to the what's it the immigration  bit and they went through like you have to have   your flights your hotel um just check they always  question us about turkey I'm not sure why they're   like you've been to Turkey is it just for travel  or late yeah and they'll Farm it but they were   just like really nice they were quite young and  they were like come talking to us as well like   what are you going to see and do and they gave us  some recommendations um took about 15 minutes in   Max we had to have like picture fingerprints and  all that yeah we're in it's done it's that easy   I'll be glad when we've got um an actual Visa we  don't have to keep doing that but at least that   lets us into China but we've just grabbed our  bags we're going to we've got like this little   bag that we had on the plane we're going to  empty all that back into our bags cuz look   how little they are and then jump on the metro  to our hotel hey like walking couples arrived   in China no fan here them McDonald's we're  hoping is there definitely Metro here yeah   we're hoping there's a Metro I've done no research  when does all of that I literally just go for the   flow um oh look at this fresh orange juice machine  oh love being back here just like being in more   advanced country would you say like yeah Ben's  wrong there isn't a Metro and he's trying to   argue with me he's saying there's a metro in  every main city can't find one there's a few   buses normally we could use Apple Maps last time  here it's not working but we have got like the   Chinese version of maps but it's all in Chinese  so we're using like our translator device but   we're really confused you w think this is like  our second time here do you think down yeah down   down all right we're going down following Ben he's  in charge of this part we're just going to check   outside see what there is there's loads of signs  going on looking coffee though Ben my favorite   coffee fand should we get one M no let's just get  there or do you need a are you craving a coffee   it's just going to be more effort like squeezing  on things look at snazzy cars but we're following   the urban bus whatever that is welcome to the  day in the life of ran where we have no idea   what we're doing we decided to walk to the metro  station but when we looked at the map we thought   ah it's only 10 minutes down the road we've  barely moved and we've been walking 15 minutes   so day walking couple it's probably an hour walk  so we're crossing over the bridge we're calling it   a sky bridge and we're going to jump on a bike so  we can test whether our alip pay B's actually set   up properly bike to the Metro jump on the Metro  see where we land it's just all fun in games today   but stressful but it's just just another day  we're arguing already it's what always happens   first day there we end up like need to killing  each other but that's how you know it's true love   sort of first impressions of a feeling of the city  really like it feels really nice and the weather   although it's like obviously cloudy and they've  had like really bad weather typhoons and stuff   loads of um flags for the national day or still  out it really does feel hot really humid like a   real real like tropical feeling here I'm excited  to like see this city it's very very different   than Beijing I literally cannot wait to get in  a hotel take my bag off and have a shower to be honest this what I love about  China no one cares at all I'm doing Like finery Dancing Yeah brilant quality I just then we had  the most stairs I've ever had in my life they all   like oh my God tourists so I can imagine they  don't get many people well many westerners in   Sharman but um so far we've been quite uh quite  the attraction yeah the reason we stopped right   cuz you got the uh the music playing and they've  just got like they just they're just all dancing   you got like couples holding hands and ballroom  dancing like there's a group doing like looks sort   like a fitness thing it's nice but like I said I  said last time we were in China people just don't   care they just don't care like it's not it's not  all about ego like in in the west everyone's like   oh don't do that I might look like this I might  look that I don't want to show myself up but here   people just don't care oh we've made it to the  Metro we thought it was 10-minute walk it was a   30 minute walk we couldn't use the bikes because  I haven't got Aly pay and you need Addy pay per   person to scan it to go to walk it we weren't too  bad in the end but we've only got one ear pay and   we haven't gotten any cash not sure how we're get  in the Metro might have to come back out and get   some cash pretty certain you can't pay for two  people in the AL pay I I'm saying no but Ben   thinks you might be able to but I'm pretty certain  you can we'll soon find out they're normally   really helpful and help us for it but it's like we  were never in China it's like we're learning for   the first time so we're reading this as you choose  your station select the number of tickets and pay   Val pay so we should be able to use this oh there  we go uh jongan Park so two tickets how pay oh you   got to scan the QR it come on is it going to be  this easy don't even go there yes we are still   walking around we're into Metro Ben Edie pay isn't  working ien got no there so I can't use my ear pay   so now we're just we're nearly we're nearly the  night walk couple we're I'm looking for ATM and   we've kind of like strolled down a really local  Chinese street with loads of food temples look   at a lovely Temple there how beautiful is that  Barbers we're just walking until we find ATM and   then we'll s out where the next closest Metro  we've seen a minku as well we've we've seen a   Mishu as well at least we're in like one of the  world's safest countes walking around lost and   we've already had the cutest little girls come up  to us ear on we were just like sat down trying to   sus out things they come up and said welcome to  China practicing their English weren they yeah   but they're so cute I was say oh thank you that's  some guy on the bike as well like he stared at me   and he was like I was like hello he was like  just nodded at me so don't know he didn't know   any English or anything but I don't think anyone's  really good know English probably like the young   kids yeah we everyone's quite fascinated with us  we are walking around with our backpack and we are   the not walking couple so this is definitely  an area that no tourist guy please take your cash right we fin finally found a cash point uh  that was actually harder than I thought we was   looking around everywhere but we're going to try  and flag we're going to try and flag a taxi down   cuz we're both like absolutely [ __ ] now and it  has been I know like um like you probably think   oh how did I do this how do they do this well  I've got to tell you it is as stressful as it   looks and I'm knackered it's starting to rain now  we've just spotted lucking coffee going to see if   we can drink that and work it all out maybe  even get them to order us a taxi but yeah it   is like actually laughable but this is just  oh sister I know it's stressful I know it's   like frustrating but this is our life uh is this  luck and coffee coffee yeah yeah through there   through H lock in yeah through yeah that's how  he said he's through through sh sh oh there up   here oh okay got there at the end if I remember  rightly from last time we have to order on the app hello can you actually believe it it's  dark we landed it at 2:00 we've just ordered   a taxi we've done it on alip pay we sat  down chilled concentrated and we've done   it so hopefully it turns up poor old luck and  coffee yeah we couldn't even work out the app   so we're like we're not even having a drink  let's go this app looks literally like Uber   app cor thing you can see him coming it should be  literally coming Ben unless his number play there so w this looks nice does see it looks  very nice yeah it looks at the same picture yeah went your bags right we're on the third floor o this hotel   looks well nice nice look forward to  seeing what it's like oh look bxs of water and you got like charging pods I don't  know if it's free I can't read it but I'll   translate it later and check you got the card  number aren't you we are actually waiting on a   couple of parcels and I was wondering if maybe  it's in the room already we have to go and ask   this should be our room this is our room I'm  going to give you a quick show around um we've   had like so many people in here trying to sort  out our Wi-Fi on the TV and all that but this   is the bathroom so we got toilet sink shower  some little towels oh wow didn't see this oh   wow Roser kit toothbrush hair clme shower C  shower C shower it's been a long day towels   like extra towels um a foam just get stuck  on the toilet never know beds only has two   single beds and I did try it out it is oh Rock  Solid I might ask for like extra Quil too old   for this there's a fridge I'm not checked  if there's anything in here no nothing in   there little bit outdated but nice we've got  Kettle I think the sun fits in a oh yeah coffee what else that Chinese tea B of water cups and  that and the like sanitizer thing I think it   is but the best thing is we got a plate of  goodies here I think I'm going to try some   Ben went down to reception to pick up a parcel  view is not that bad either like but it's like   nice build in there yeah I'm pretty impressed  quite big compared to the last one we had liter   we didn't even have somewhere to put like our  bags last time when we were in Beijing it's   the world's smallest Place quick before Ben  gets here let try I'm thinking this is might   be because like um it's China week the national  holiday wonder if they gra us like all these like this m it's like a crispy deep fried sweet thing M  nice got drink here going to gone before Ben gets back M it's like o tea oh he's got the parcel I'm  so excited close the door this needs a moment   I just been trying the snacks B yeah I just I  saw the door open I was sure if it was you or   not walked into someone but naked this is  like Chinese tea try this it's it called   like a naughty aftertaste or something  I don't know if it's cuz the thinger yet like a it's quite nice isn't it almost like  a toffee taste yeah that's it toffee all right   let's open our parcel this is actually from one  of our friends um Chinese friends that has been   chatting to on WeChat is it yeah so um it  was a fan of the videos on Billy Billy or   or YouTube he watched them on both and um yeah  he got chatting and he sent us some stuff and   he said uh yeah to get some scissors uh yeah let  us open it and then we'll show you we've now cut   it open so Ben get it out what we got first  impressions it looks like drugs look at all   the moon cakes oh my God he sent us some moon  cakes cuz it was his birthday a few weeks ago   no no no there was a um a festive day you have  to correct me in the comments um where everyone   eats moon cake moon cakes like a big thing here in  China I've never tasted one I think there loads of   different flavors load of moon all right let's  see what else is in the box and then we'll try   some so he sent us some T-shirts I'm so excited  this is like Christmas two white so many moon   cakes oh my God there's more moon cakes oh um  so good and we got black one two black ones oh   unbelievable this this is so nice look at him  I'm I'm guessing this is L's company does he   do this as Liv I don't know I think he's order  somewhere all right let's get back we're going   to change into them then we'll show you them  so this is the white one been styling it it's   a bit snug but um yeah we got the on the back so  this says not walking the Little Panda and Sh one   so this is the black one got the panda the same  right in and then on the back odd I actually love   these thank you so much you don't know how much  this means to us they're well cool we've got all   these moon cakes oh my God I'm going to just go  for Lucky dip and try one we've never tried moon   cake so this one just say moon cake on it not  sure on the flavor like is it a cake it's Spong it's not that big m is that like Round  Up nuts we got like orange Center oh wow what's it taste like give sure like  nutty maybe I don't really know what that   is oh it's delicious though oh you're going  to have to have a boy see what you get out   of it I actually I've never tried anything  like it I'll just go straight in for the middle it's hard it's it's weird it's  got like a Nutty taste it's almost like   not very sweet yeah but it is sweet but not  sweet and it's not spongy like a cake it's   more cheery didn't expect that oh my to show  good though I really want to try another one   this is the start of the series I know this  has been the most hectic and stressful day   ever but this is otwd and this is what you're  going to get you're going to get used to it I'm   sure some people are quite used to it like by  now they're like oh this is what they're like   so make sure you watch the rest of the series  we got so much planned here we're just staying   in this provin but we're actually planning on  hopefully going to like a like a Disneyland   so make sure you don't miss out on it and  also over the next 3 months we are going   to be in and around China so there's going to  be loads of China content to come so subscribe I can't believe I'm it's a VISA you can't actually  check in online cuz they have to check all the   pace of P testing 1 two 3 1 2 3 I mean the nine  days absolutely blew us away we thought days

2024-10-10 02:32

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