Amazed by the Toraja Culture | South Sulawesi | Indonesia

Amazed by the Toraja Culture | South Sulawesi | Indonesia

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welcome to South Sulawesi, Rante Pao, that's the area and the town is uh   it's probably none of this tells you anything  so you saw the last Vlog we took a boat from   Surabaya to makassar South Sulawesi so we  are in Indonesia if that wasn't clear already we and we're heading to a  livestock market gets where they sell buffalo or famous and that's what we came for and but  today we're gonna see what you can buy on the   market what kind of buffalos they are what  kind of piggies and then when we do join the   funeral the funeral will be on a separate Vlog  so I'll show you how they use those yeah exactly   so make sure you watch the funeral one to see  what goes on there because it's a little bit   interesting a little bit bizarre and some  people might not be able to watch it oh yes   so this one was showing you around the  town showing you the traditional houses   and we're going to stay in one of the traditional  houses as well hello hello hello well we should   try something weird to eat some weird  fruit eaten okay what color you go through oh God this is this is very  low I'm not the tallest dog oh that's the smell of them I think we found it first time we've never been to one have a look  what can we buy we might buy a few buffaloes oh so many it's a little bit sad  that we're looking at them as like   cats they're for meat so many more baby  ones oh they're trying to come oh you're so cute this is an  angry one definitely ones are more expensive than white   ones yeah but don't call I'm not  100 sure but that's what I had and it like these are like the main things around  here these animals there's like statues of them   there's like little figurines of them on all the  houses the traditional houses so they're a big   deal here water buffalo yeah well yeah it's  good it's good yeah I feel like realize how so many Buffalo it's insane this is big business here but  they are only sold here once a week   yes so this is a bit of a eating section  here look at these unique ones oh yeah oh look how yeah like okay wow   okay there's supposed to be a pig section right  next to this one but we cannot find it anywhere   and not a lot of English speakers they say hello  but we asked them do you speak English oh yeah   so which is fine it's true we expect that  yeah we should be learning Indonesia hello hello so that was the Buffalo one we're gonna head to   the normal one they're gonna get a little  bit old fruit or some veg can yeah oh wow that's not what I was  expecting that's not what I   was expecting either do you eat it like that gorgeous gorgeous yeah sweet very slimy very slimy  you like it's good yeah really good yeah very good yeah we would eat this I think we had  this interior and the tea in uh in Bali   and we really like the tea but the fruit is  really good yeah we will definitely eat that again yeah maybe my favorite fruit oh really yeah  that's strawberries I think you huh I think   this is better than strawberries yeah but it's  sort of like reminds me of strawberries a little   bit yeah anyway we're gonna eat it enjoy it and  keep walking absolutely delicious fruit yeah hello so on the way out we uh we got told  that black buffalos big small whatever they   cost between uh 25 million rupiah up to 50 million  rupiah which is about 1 300 pounds to 2 600 pounds   crazy expensive and if you get a black and white  one that's even more money because they're special   ones I guess so they are very expensive and a lot  of the time use for funerals and we found out on   the way out we actually met a guy who wanted to  practice his English he actually said there's no   pigs at the market because there is a something  yeah maybe like a pig flu or something yeah so   that's why there's no pigs there yeah they're  all sick that was interesting so we might not   see any pigs so we had a ride through town it's  fine and we have arrived to queso and here it is   straight away we could tell you it looks good looks bad um so you've got all the  traditional style houses the roofs   like interesting shapes but we're going to  walk in the village and tell you more about it   they've taken them for Ceremony or okay  for next week for funeral next week 29. let's give you a bit of a closer look  from the entrance see a buffalo up there so get the kete Kesu I probably pronounce  this wrong like always it's a traditional   Village and it's known for their unique and  traditional houses it's known for culture   Heritage and unique architecture like you can  see that it's quite cool and a sleepy doggy oh you will wake you up a lot of shops  and already people are very friendly   when we were entering they already  said when is the next funeral here   yeah so next Saturday we don't know if we'll  be here said that one or not yeah we'll see look how amazing this is so the houses  are actually made from bamboo and Hardwood   so one of the most fascinating things about this  town are the traditional houses known as tonkanan and the coolest part is they're built  on stilts and they've got the amazing   boat shaped roofs as you can see yeah hmm as you can see they are detailed with like  intricate carvings and detailed paintings   if you look at this but we assume this is  a storage that's not actually a house yeah   yeah yeah the houses are on the big ones let's see what they're carving all underneath wow it's like little ones are usually used for  storage the big ones are used for living   and they've got a similar thing  to we went to villages in Flores   and some other ones you see the horns  the water buffalo horns on the front   signals of families Prosperity beautiful the  more they have the more prosperous the family   and they'll have their head like the  plastic head on the front as well oh yes I didn't see that and that's what we  saw we saw them selling the shop yes oh wow yes how did I miss that so what we just noticed  there is a sign called kuburan which means   grave in Indonesia we just Google it yeah we  don't know so we're gonna walk down there and   have a look oh another cool thing about these  houses is we're going to be sleeping in one yeah   yeah so our home stay is actually one of these  not here in a village close by so we're going   to show you inside and how we'll be staying  in one of those look how many of the Jaws   jawbones we're going back yeah yeah look how  many as well this area there's a lot of coffee so this is very touristy but since I love  walking around the village this reminds me of   um do you know what I'm thinking supper  yeah thinking of supper yes yeah of course the cat Village in supper oh  photo for 10. oh okay with it yeah we paid 10 for this pleasure okay so it's 50 pence  and it suits you you look perfect really yeah so   that was um what was it like what what dance  costume it's quite interesting it's interesting   how did you feel wearing it then fine the Hat was  a bit small put my head a little bit extremely big   head a very big headed I don't know I felt like a  warrior you did not ready to attack Kasha oh any   second ice creams and I think we're gonna come  home with lots of little souvenirs you can get   a little Grandma yeah I know and I saw a little  grandma 15. the little grandma was standing there   for sure 15 for that well how much you're gonna be  grandma is oh it's a double Grandma an award for   creepiest part of this Village is the graveyard  they got the traditional buildings like this I assume that's where the bodies are that one   this one up here with the pictures  on but this one look at this like models of the people yeah I don't know if  I'm allowed to sit on here but it's raining like   the sun leaves start running so we're going  and this is like the old oh look at this wow yeah the skull [Music] we weren't actually expecting  this when we came here here that's how they bury their loved ones skull at  the edge of it up there this is so cool honestly   and these like models are so fascinating so this  graveyard is such a unique and fascinating place   the graves are carved into the side of a cliff  well attached to the side of a cliff and like   you see when they break you oh my God because  it's cold popping out there when they break in   they have to redo them and perform ceremony while  doing it so I assume they're the new ones they're   new they're brand new yeah you can see the oldest  yeah you can see like the detailed carvings and   all of them it's just a very interesting tradition  what do you do yeah it's incredible when the   person dies before this goes in there oh my God  before they bet oh you did the money look at this so there's a few people a few people in one  coffin and if this isn't strange enough then   have a look at this I would not want to come here  when it's dark before when the person dies before   the funeral they keep the corpse inside their  house till they can have enough money to perform   the funeral so the corpse is just sitting inside  the house just sitting there I presume like this yeah very cool very creepy at the same time so the craving of the Buffalo the buffalo quite  pretty so that's where all your people or the   taraja people have elaborate funeral ceremonies  so he said they celebrate life in their funerals   which is quite nice in a way yeah yeah rather than  their death being like a somber occasion death is   uh and the funeral is marked as a celebration of  the deceased's life and a celebration of life in   general they celebrate with elaborate funerals as  we said and massive feasts at the funeral because   they believe the spirits of the Dead continue  to play an important part of their living lives   because he's on the probably the really old  ones right at the top in that hole up here and way up there some sort of building  Stock Shop there I don't know if we can   get up there on I don't think so no yeah it  must be the coolest graveyard we've been to   look at this okay staring at us I just don't  understand where's all the bodies in this   one I don't get it some guy who lives  in this Village said there's a cave up   here to be very careful because it's a bit  dangerous I'm not sure what's in the cave wow this is fascinating because this is  kind of a woman oh I might need to leave her   thing should we okay we're gonna leave a little  thing in here in case they come back to haunt us thank you people giving them cigarettes is  like an offering yeah cigarettes cash you coming in cash okay it gets dark interesting okay it's slippery I swear people came  in here did they not where are they so a group of people went past us  and I have no idea where they went a grave that's from a grave do you want  me to go do you want to wait here   I don't want to go out and I'll go in then do  you want to come back with you are you okay   you okay going back up okay if  I don't come back in 10 minutes okay this is definitely uh from the film The Descent oh wow something about being in a pitch black cave with bones it's a little bit creepy don't  know what it is it's just weird though I ain't going in there so I came out the cave I walked  for a little bit uh some people went   past me and I couldn't see where  they came from they came from Whole   obviously yeah another hole in the cave and I  went through and I was like okay it gets narrow   there's some little points where did they come  from and what time I was looking around there's a   few different ways to go and I just lost all like  orientation of where I was or where I had to go   so it was a bit freaky and the fact  that um as you saw on the video   there were bones and skulls on the floor in  a dark cave by yourself it does freak you out   even though you know you're fine it's freaky and  Katra went back quite quickly but to me it was yeah claustrophobia yeah yeah yeah anyway let's  head back down from the graveyard yeah so go   we really want to buy one of these but we have  our backpack yeah so cool wow we always see so   much that we'd buy I know it's weird for us to  buy that but we just got no way of taking it home   bought a little grandma because it reminds  us of this little Grandma over here granny [Music] poor Granny [Music] we're both Lucky doggy actually this is Flores but no we've been here quite a long  time now yeah it's actually very interesting   place yeah and there's kitties little ginger Kitty  [Music] so we're gonna head back to the Homestay   now and next time we see you we'll be showing  you around our traditional house that we're   staying in so check it out let's go uh we're  back at our home stay we've just arrived back   and this is our home state it's like no  you can stay or look at the same time so these traditional ones they just store  rice this is one big family here they just   store rice in these ones here and our actual  Homestay is this one this is where we're staying oh yeah oh come in we go Holloway  here this is our seating area up we go this is our first look yeah oh dark  dark oh wow okay and this is the Homestay okay oh yeah pretty cool so we've got extra  what's this extra pillows extra rug blanket   someone else can super if  you want and we've got this   what should we pull across at night I guess  make it look like a separate room little windows   hello world I like the little flowers oh  the mattress actually really nice yeah my   back hurts so this is where we're staying in  one of the traditional houses could you show   you what we have for a bathroom so again cash is  sitting there we're gonna chill here for a bit   and then we come around here uh that's like extra  rooms if it needed family lived there family live   here hey doggy hello who's a good doggy and this  is the bathroom and it is just for us we are the   only ones using it nice enough bathroom hot water  nice toilet cute doggy what more could you want   um oh you feel so lovely you're such a good doggy  on you you were such a good dog yes yes [Laughter]   thank you so we're gonna end the Vlog here had a great time   so thank you for watching and see  you next one also in round pal bye foreign [Music]

2023-12-18 16:28

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