SHOCKING Prices in Antalya, Türkiye: Still Cheap Amid Turkey’s Inflation Crisis? (2024)

SHOCKING Prices in Antalya, Türkiye: Still Cheap Amid Turkey’s Inflation Crisis? (2024)

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we've literally just come across the best thing  ever as we move away from the beach the prices   are they're literally halfing now which I think  is yeah it's crazy prices hi everybody he's the   best man and now he have to make shopping hi guys  welcome back we're on tour dridgers if you're new   here we're a full-time travel couple from the UK  we are currently in Natalia in Turkey we are on   a family holiday here all inclusive we haven't  done one of them in years but today we've gone   out to film the prices in this area turkey has  shut up we're starting off at the beach today   it is a Scorch of day it's like 34 probably  above we're at the famous clear Patra Beach   where supposedly clear Patra herself swam in  the sea that's why it's so popular so there   is a part of the beach that is included with  our hotel so you can get a free shuttle down   here but then it is like € this sun bed um this  is a nice one eh we've just walked to like this   beach club area and it's really nice yeah some of  these are like really snazzy aren't they they got   like here they got like beds and stuff yeah they  got like the cover up ones um further up there   is where ours is but um we're just going  to go and take a strong stroll along here   I think we're going to get out this heat it's  pretty hot the beach is lovely but the waters   are quite like rough rough that's the word I'm  ping for last time you saw ranne she done like   a process video in um Ean her mom and she filmed  and I'm back I'm back on the scene so people can   like breathe a sign of relief but today we're  in antalia cuz obviously the prices are going   to be a little bit different to eastanbul and  this is mainly where people go on Hol we're in   the village of Alana which a very popular Beach  Resort basically see what how much a beer cost   see what day trip cost bit of food you know the  normal things you do while you're on all that so   we've been to the beach we're not staying it  it's too hot we come here for a couple hours   the other day and we were red weren't we like  lobsters yeah it's so hot so we're going to   head to the bizaar we should be about 10 minutes  walk from here but everywhere here is so close   and walking distance it's quite handy we've  literally just come across the best thing ever   it's a cat sanuy oh this is literally made my day  look at them all I was going say here that is so   cute what does it say please not give them spicy  food sa oh they don't like the sausage please do   not touch the kittens oh we're not allowed  to K touch them oh oh BL him they're so cute   look at him oh he's coming out then can we touch  some of the out I think so yeah break the ruls   oh at our hotel where we're staying all inclusive  there is so many cats there we've got names for   them and we love it don't we yeah here comes one  hello hello oh I have to say like years ago when   we first come out here to Turkey like cats Strays  were like all over the place but now they like got   a um company that looks after them so there's  always like little houses full in food water   we saw someone come to our accommodation the other  day like from the Vets Association with like a box   to take and wag so obviously poorly so it shows  you that look countries they really look after   yeah they're really good now compared to when we  used to come out here we just spotted these cable   carts here and it looks like they're going up  to like them ruins and that don't look like it's   quite as high as I'd be scared of we're just going  to check out what the prices are like I'm not   really a fan of things like that no and we'll just  jump in and say something right this is probably   the first time people have seen my hair what you  thinking s months into a hair transplant how good   does it look in Turkey I think it's looking quite  good maybe 75% there but the Grays are definitely   coming through yeah I I didn't realize I had so  many gray ha oh we got some cor the clubs here   how much they going for 50 Lura oh they massive  though grilled corn the cobs and I think I just   saw some like pretzels oh the Nutella pretzels  been we love them they're so good but we'll   probably going and get some foods in a minute try  a beer see how much our prices are like we've got   some scooters as well thin bins you can use your  QR codes but as you say where we're staying we're   walking distance so it's quite handy we just  took the free shuttle cuz it was free but this   is where the cable cut is next to the beach club  restaurant just along there cash points charged oh   these cash points here charged but we have found  a green one that is free um if we come across it   we'll show you it and let you know the name but  most of them by the beach charge so I wouldn't   recommend getting money out here all right I'm  just going to send Ben up to go and check out   the prices there price up here entrance see how  much it is but it's quite busy as you can see people [Music] only 345 L for normal there's eight people in  it and uh 434 L for two a two person one so so   eight up there is that both ways yeah I think  so I'm quite I'm quite bad at like keeping it   keeping information in my head but it's about  about 335 to share it with other people to share   it with other people that's not too bad to be  honest we got loads of restaurants along here   food carts and all that drinks if you want loc  fruit smoothie but I think we're going to head   to the Bazar now we head that way yeah yeah this  way here all right we've got no internet here so   we're going to have to try and work it out yeah  we've always found since we've been traveling   still talking to me he okay I don't know what  he's saying um we've always found since we've   been traveling we always try to avoid the places  that have got like local currency dollars Euros   pounds and tablecloths and tablecloths as well  that normally they're more expensive um I don't   know if it's always the case but um yeah we find  it to be the case but we come to like a little   market they're obviously selling all the t-shirts  and stuff but we found so we've got a smoker with   us like we're not smok a vapor a vapor right  you're yeah so you can get Vapes here Vapes   are illegal in uh turkey but you can get Vapes  you just got to ask and also the same with meal   menal cigarettes obviously mle cigarettes are look  illegal everywhere now but you can get them cuz R   bought a pack for a friend you got a like kind of  guy in the shop and they got like a little secret   stash underneath make sure you negotiate at least  half yeah but the trainers and stuff and all the   fake things the quality is really good like look  at these all here bags all t-shirts man Ronaldo   yeah your football shops uh your basketball  jerseys all that sort of stuff yeah they got   all the uh all your all your fake stuff we've got  a tattoo studio there and we actually had someone   like going around our accommodation like you know  when you sat by the pool saying he had a studio   and he said for probably the size of about €40  that's what he was quoting us and they did ear   piercings for like €1 15 which is super cheap cuz  me and my sister I got this done um a couple weeks   ago which was £3 and my sister got his piss £25  so it's a lot cheaper here yeah it's cheap and   you think right we are sort of unofficially still  in Europe officially unofficially it's Asia yeah   Europe but it is towards Europe prices isn't it  yeah yeah yeah yeah so we got some prices on the   ones here um let me show you so yeah you got like  € 10 hello 4 6 hello brother thank you we looking   yeah we know what it's looking glasses yeah  watches yeah I mean it is on the uh the little bit   like for fake stuff I'm not saying it is expensive  but it was for it for fake stuff it's on a little   bit expensive side we are actually on a family  holiday we've got our two nieces we bought them a   couple of kits like a Ronaldo and a Messi Kit full  like shorts and everything and they were like what   €1 each yeah per kit we didn't buy them didn't we  no and my sister bought them oh sorry yeah yeah   yeah their mother bought them yeah um yeah €10 per  kit so yeah not too bad as we move away from the   beach the prices are they're literally halfing  now so you can get like t-shirts and stuff for   like3 um there's still like a few things that  are like quite expensive but bags are like 10   when sorry when they were like at the beach they  were like treble the price so yeah the them down   five a lot cheaper prices more reasonable yeah so  yeah stay if you want to buy stuff walk away from   the beach so currently the rate here is 4 43 to  the pound 43 L to the pound we always find that   we get the best rate on our travel card it's not  sponsored so we use a revolute card we've also got   like a styling card and and a monzo card as well  we got them all we've got them all yeah but we we   always find that revolute do a really good rate um  I have seen the rate is slightly better here than   it is in the UK so it it could be your best bet  to bring English Pounds or Euros or what whatever   you're using and change it up when you get here to  get like the best rate I'm pretty certain this is   the bank the teb one that's free but we're going  to test it out and show you guys where it is this   one so this is our revolute card pretty certain  this is the free one I W get you yeah over here   so cash withdrawal so you can do British euros  and Turkish L but do Turkish L say we wanted   200 L out let's see if it's going to charge us  no it's going to charge us so this fee is 16 L   to it because it's it depends how much you get  out it's more each time 16 yeah six that's quite   cheap do it yeah it's only 200 L to draw £5 it's  cost you about 25 pie it must be around 10% that   is is it that's good Mass but I'm sure we found a  free one the other day we had to keep looking it   was a green one but we have no idea which one it  was Turkey is obviously famous for its ice cream   it has amazing like sticky stretchy ice cream  and when I was last in thisan ball me and my   mom was in probably the the most popular area be  near the blue MOS the salting area and we got um   ice cream you know the fancy doing all that and  300 L each it cost us we like nearly like fainted   with the price and I've just spotted one there it  was 50 l so it shows you how much of ripoff istan   Bal can be especially when you're in the tourist  areas got be careful You' definitely got to be careful yeah you got to be careful  e stall all right we've just spotted   a change office and we're just  going to check out the rate so   we got 33 USD 36 and 42 what I say 43 we got  on off phone the other day so it's not bad not   bad not a bad rout but we're actually at the  bazaar now but Ben shockingly is dying for a   week so we need to find a toilet first wow look  at this shop you can get Rolex Deal shoes trusty   Burger King always traveling we just look for  like a bur king or McDonald's to go for a Wii let's check out the process in there I'm not  sure how much so there's machine oh air corn   air corn is live just going to check out the  prices takeway so let's have a look like a   normal whoer me 240 oh guessing that's just  for the burger 240 that's well good that's   like half the point in England but so bger King's  cheaper all right we just made it to the Grand   Bazar let's have a little look around here  we got like a hij up there hello I'm okay   we've got bags tops so we're looking at  around5 for Tops hoodies about 15 hello morning we got loads of shoes trainers  jewelry very quiet glasses isn't it what   day is it Wednesday yeah and Wednesday about  11:00 he probably wa till later it's cool down   it's very hot oh my God we're literally soaking  wet I'm sweating CL I think we need to get some   water maybe just the beer sort may I like this  one stand ofan found the jewelry oh do you like   that 10 €2 have a look ins s sorry Ben be fair it  is only cheap jewelry so I got the necklace and   it is better if you use luras this was 75 luras  instead of the2 so a little bit cheaper I'd say   maybe that's say not sure yeah it's worth it oh  look Turkish I see they got a price on there be   S yeah be a little bit Sly get dragged into  anything no prices see I get a little bit   worried about with the show like R had last  time you don't know what you're going to be   charged until you finally finished it some really  nice bars along here though look this one here   best de aren't we yeah we are looking  for the best de let's just have a look   at these places on there DRS yeah so  breakfast is it 600 it's not very clear   to be honest it's found a better menu it's  not very clear look how cool this street is CL pots on there well cool it's really nice  down here you obviously got the shops the side   and then again the prices are not too bad as I say  the most expensive place I've seen has been along   the beach I've just spotted I've just spotted  a happy hour two for one let's go and check it   out yeah happy hour the colors just like draw us  to it cocktail cocktails get free yeah we went   coil how much cocktails cocktails you can see the  GRE card is there my friend on the table you can see check out the uh drink prices in there this  cocktail is at happy hour when you order one   it's coming too you come too orinal fresh  cocktail thank you how much is a beer the   biggest one half L this one oh 105 it's not too  bad under 95 yeah um yeah just one beer and what   you want uh can I have Coke Zero Co okay yeah  thank you one beer one Zer yes thank you right   I am literally sweating so much getting like  sweat everywhere I'm going to have to pop it a f we'll be a while ask them to put it on  Ben yeah when he comes back you drink so   Ben's just ordered a beer um for 180 190 190  for a beer and I've gone for a Coke Zero for   99 it's in the middle ofar I think that's a  pretty good price but on our STW back we'll   check all the prices out on the little BS  just to see if the prices vary around here   in regards to the cocktails like R said they  are a little bit expensive so obviously it's   happy it's two for one but they are like 750 L  for for two drinks which I think is yeah it's   crazy processes too lad it's still expensive is  it yeah but better than income prices thank you   thank you needed this can we turn the fan yeah  yeah it's Prett hot thank you that is a big beer   bin that is a big beer I'm going to leave you  here for a bit while carry on shopping what is   it like oh 500 yeah yeah just short is that big  just short of a point good yeah I will say f is   is actually like up there with my top beers is  it yeah I do like it all right we're heading out   they come to 294 for Coke and a beer I just bye  I just spotted a hat over I'm just checking out   hello how much good thank you how much are these  which one please that one this one how many do   you need just one just for him just for me can  you try first cat house what do you want cat house so the Hat I just we as Ben was walking away  the camera was on him and we realized standard   idiot Ben filmed that whole interaction the camera  facing him oh God I'm going to about that later   so we negotiated this hat from 450 to 200 L and  I had like a spare like 10 in my hand and he do   that as well it's only like 25p but it just made  me laugh little tip for him but yeah don't let Ben   have the camera it just like goes wrong completely  I'll just a beer bit drunk drunk we've gone around   in circles Ben we're back at the jewelry shop  we're a little bit lost now it's a standard   thing where me and Ben go in bizar we literally  just go around in circles but Ben's stole my hat   yeah going to wear it while yeah I got bun on  my head so I can't really put it on there was   some shoes like the Deep um heres ones my sister  bought some um from Sheen and I've been seeing   them here so I'm going to see how much they are  and see if cheaper well if you know us you know   that we're really tight like I never have things  done but I actually treated myself to have my Na's   done cuz we're actually here for my mom's 6 year  birthday so I booked me and my mom in to go and   have our nails done when we arrived here I found  him on Instagram just messaged him and we went to   it when we first arrived and they're really nice  and it was in like a house they cost me 800 L but   stop and have a look and appreciate them so they  blue G now we got like little glittery one and I'm   really impressed I look half the pricon at home  and the really good quality and they literally   took like 30 minutes so if you want to go to the  place I went to here um this is their Instagram   just give them a message and they'll book you  in you can so I've spotted the shoes these are them so ran sister's got like the real ones yeah  no she oh she she's trying to get you want six   the price first price first in Lura how much  in Lura L is 1,00 l 1,00 l yes what happened   no very expensive expensive what you want free  please you want fre if you want I give you yeah   thank you thank you no yeah 1,100 L yeah 30 30  he said so yeah yeah that's three times the price   yeah three times the price of what your Sate yeah  yeah yeah very expensive if I really wanted them   I probably could have negotiated but that I could  just buy them online for and I know my sisters a   good quality yeah sure yeah although having a  real good butter and I'm actually go back and   check it out I'm actually quite good at buttering  it is camera the right way yeah when the camera's   right away but it is quite it is quite an effort  if you hello boss you want a video what you want   a video of what I can say it would be better  for you can say whatever you want I can say now   hi everybody he's the best man and  now he have to make shopping so you   say subscribe to otwd subscribe  to subscribe to otwd oh it's very hot this one this one perfect perfect brother  you are Cheers man what nice guy so we just   come across this restaurant and we're just  checking out some of the prices so if you   just wanted like a cheeseburger 420 um  so like Turkish stuff so Turkish stuff   you wanted a kebab 450 if you want to sit in  that's probably the average price you're going   to pay but if you don't want to sit in you  can get a cab probably for between 100 200   L we got keep heading that way I've seen like me  deals and stuff like C MEK deals drink and chips   really really cheap we better better you know  because we have honor we don't pay for them we   have better price we have better oh you owner yes  my friend I don't watch it look look my breakfast   o it's like R Kebab in the center you know maybe  tomorrow yeah cuz I've already eat no problem   what about drinks maybe like some cocktail we Happ  Co happy what's on now okay I'll go beat someone   maybe tomorrow well no problem my friend we can  get out we have most me everything Kebab Steak   Seafood chicken snake whatever want and we have  really nice cocktail here with fresh strawberry   you buy one I give it to you and you pay for one  buy one get one free yeah yeah thank you yep so   um that's free Wii so that's why we free Wi-Fi so  that's happening tomorrow cocktails we're going   to check out the supermarket because to show one  of the best prices here you definitely got to go   in a supermarket so obviously you want to know a  beer so how much is a beer in the supermarket up   there Ben so we got Effie's for a big one 70 70  for a big bottle it's half the price in the shop   so it's quite expensive still for a shop is it i  s we've gone into like the busiest shop but like   other things alcohol is quite expensive but like  everything else quite reasonable uh Wine's really   expensive it's like I just saw one for 500 L you  can get some milk what's that like [Music] 56   bed's looking lost I'm looking for the way out  that way all right before I say this I just want   to say both of us don't smoke we don't support  and we don't think it's nice but I always grabbed   my dad some when I'm my way cuz obviously a lot  cheaper I bought some the other day in the shop   for 800 L that's probably one of the cheapest  I've ever bought a carton a fan but this is the   shop I spotted the other day and look how cheap  these tops are they're wild good aren't they and   me and my sister saw one that we thought my dad  would really like so I think we're going to go and   grab him one 150 Lura for like these are the deest  ones and I think you like that color don't you so   I'm grabing one running that exale yeah that be  right my dad run oh didn't know was yeah that's   got you dead written all over I thought you me no  if you want to get some you can grab some but we   saw this earlier um the other day when we went  out we just went out on a girl's day and this   is like wild a cheap good little shop we found so  if you're wanted to do a boat trip while you here   there's loads of these pirate ships they work out  roughly about 28 per person um but we looked into   them and none of them like all inclusive like if  you want a drink it's not included in it and when   we did one in maras I think we paid about um  €20 each and it was the best boat trip we've   ever done wasn't it all inclusive so we were like  nah we don't want to B especially where in at all   inclusive Hotel there's no point but if you're  interested in one you they're like dotted around   everywhere otherwise you can find them online on  vix or something we're trying to cross the road as   well I think we're going to head up both of us are  melting like anything and I'm hoping we haven't   caught the sun too much cuz we burnt a little  bit the other day down the beach but we did SM   oursel in suntown lotion but it seems to still be  getting us it is like the hottest I've ever been   in Turkey I think this is yeah 100% so hot at the  moment we saw that there's some like wild fires in   Forest like dry areas as well around here so it  is really hot at this time of the year so this   place we keep spotting every day we walk past  it from our hotel and it's like 30 L for like   a kebab and pitties and all that but literally  that's our hotel there so it was like 10 minutes   from the bazaar but Ben is literally bursting for  a weekend but he did that whole B watch out the   carss Ben all right we need to concentrate  quick quick quick I think he's going to run   ahead well I'm going to literally jump in the p  and we're just in time for lunch oh he's G it's gone it's too hot to run so this is our hotel  we're staying at Villa sunflower um I'm going   to say it is a nice hotel food's decent but it  is a budget friendly place like don't expect a   lot from it if you do decide to come in but  there's like no rules like you get many's   drinks and they're all inclusive thank you oh  have breath G out the hill yeah it's a good   bargain and I'm just going to meet the family  down bard P jump straight in a perfect time   for lunch otherwise I'm going to end it here  I'm too hot and I need to chill now so see you   next time next video I think we're going to be  heading back to China by then so make sure you subscribe you're like a baby crying in  the background let's get past so today   blah blah blah we got tattoo what's  that what's it called game par not   parlo tattoo we've got tat you know they  do and they do videos to Alles [Music]

2024-09-02 13:21

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