Ultimate World Cruise, Valparaiso Chile: Ep.20 | BZ Travel

 Ultimate World Cruise, Valparaiso Chile: Ep.20 | BZ Travel

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welcome to the Chalan Port City of Val pariso one of our stops of our ultimate Journey around the world located on the Central Pacific coast of Chile and only 75 M away from Santiago nested in the bay surrounded by steep hills like an Amphitheater facing the ocean we're two retirees hooked on travel follow us on our Journeys around the world I love waking up every morning with a new view and a new destination good morning Chile and good morning Val [Music] pariso Val pariso is a big town with a historic Harbor on the left you have the influential Beach and the tourist vacation town of vad Del marah I'm really interested in exploring those steep hills which are called SOS our journey starts early in the morning at the center of the city the famous square is called Plaza sat mior located right across from the port but somewhat away from the entrance we got here by taxi there's government buildings surrounding the square most of the businesses are still closed we're on the hunt though for some money exchange place we stopped at this little coffee shop and we're having coffee and some empanadas we're waiting for the money exchange place to open um right outside of the the terminal there was only one taxi we were early but there was only one taxi and he wanted $10 we knew better and so we said no we'll give you five and he wouldn't take it so we kind of started to walk away and then he took it it's only like about five blocks here's our infinata that we ordered and we have a cappuccino very good what is they uh chicken wow good mhm so right left of the courthouse app is an soror and that's the panicular and it's so this part of the city is built on steep hills and they use these phics or asensor basically to commute to get down the hills and so uh they're all over this area this is our first one it felt a little awkward to figure it out but it's not it's way too steep to be walking these Hills so they have them all over not for me for you yeah for you it looks really old but it's as long as works it's wellmaintained definitely I mean it's it's kind of on a cable system it's just pulling you on a track a sensor El perol nice to this is great this one this one is the the oldest and the most popular fular this one we we just took now we're in Sero algra the Happy Hill Happy Hill [Music] yep oh there's our cruise ship yeah so uh from here what's the best way to explore okay well right now you are visiting s we are P um pel Yugoslav passage Yugoslav and you can go through all the way you see that kind of like purplish little house over there there's a little Plaza you just go around that curve and there's a little alley there's lots of museums there's a beautiful Art Gallery there and there's also if you continue on that you can go all the way up and then on the next street uh you go when you pass the um past this beautiful uh kind of like a cruise ship home it's right on the corner you go further up then you go to the following Street which is which will be on your left hand side that's Lao Rosa and you just continue through there and you will see a whole whole different area and that will take you over to the next Hill which is s conception beautiful box yeah no you got to she said to to go up and take a laugh we're going to make our way over to that purple house see we're the only people on the streets right now yeah we didn't go to Santiago as a tour because people from Santiago come here this is a touristy town really neat area actually I've been to Santiago it's a huge city um I suppose if you went there you just do like a a city tour but we're kind of limited we have to be back at the ship at 3:30 and it's an hour and a half drive there and I'd prefer to be here this is a really neat funky place anyway there was a sign back there so you can't really get lost imagine living on these Hills we're getting our exercise we really needed it because we've been on that ship 18 days and we only had three stops out of 18 days because of the ports were cancelled yeah because it was too rough to Tender in so eating sleeping and drinking for 18 days it's it's a rough show it's a rough show but somebody has do yeah somebody has to do it nobody another like it's 9 o' 9:30 and nobody's up streets are empty it's [Music] quiet here the graffiti that's interesting he's like spear fishing no no no that's an arrow indigenous person with some kind of an arrow 2 days ago we were exploring glaciers and now over there there's a tree loaded with oranges orang gosh these are very old homes look at them you oh look at this one this is cute it's like a van with all kinds of very cute anything there the area is famous with his street art and it's a UNESCO world heritage site the graffiti is a cultural expression that captures everything from social political abstract and even fantasy images they're kind of different he's holding a plate they're trying to tell a story but they're really old old wooden doors and windows and banisters and look at this wiring too but it's very funky it's kind of neat yeah look at this place I love the the signage very funky and uh it's got its own style Puerto the street art is amazing look at this [Music] one walking down the side streets we're just kind of wandering around looking at everything it's it's it's really fun it's definitely a fun place to come oh the locals they use Valpo as a shorter version of valpariso now look at this one it's like a [Music] genie he's got a snake around his uh neck and a bottle with a castle in it it's creative now this is interesting it's somebody holding an umbrella with a house as its head and a a tree in the back this got have an imagination for some of these things like this one looks like a student reading sitting on his books see it's a popular tourist area lots of walking tours and here's a dog walker like there's little funky restaurants all over the place there's a lot of Street dogs and they're nice and he's got his little house right [Music] there the street art is started as a form of political protest and an cultural expression during and after the Pinette dictatorship now the city walls have become CES for local artists some of it beautiful and some of it is ugly vandalism it's kind of neat straight up on a hill but this is the looks like the most popular Hill so far everybody's here with their tours and walking around it's like an open air Gallery we are not hippies we are happies really cute little places everywhere we can look this one right here is very interesting uh kind of Wonder What story they're trying to tell she's got a bowl of apples one is eaten and a chain around it this one says night on our on our baseball bat and I'm not sure what they're trying to say but there's a lot going on wow look at this one it's got ah I don't know what to say about it use your imagination that's what they did when they painted it there's hotels all over the place and here's a big church I see you la marada Allegre right here coffee place it's a coffee shop do you want to learn to play the piano we right here and and then you have the imagination you can imagine like a turtle with a cat on his head this is a little cafe and he's got the chef fairy Chef it's a chef but he's a fairy cute everything is kind of Bohemian funky Bohemian style what makes it fun is that everything is different they're all little mom and pop places and they all have painted their places different have street art now this I would think is either a vegetable oh it's a vegetable shop I was going to say a Vineyard Winery or a vegetables but vegetables FL Pisco FIA that's kind of cute I mean there's stuff all over the place you have to stop and really observe it like this one they have the front end of a tractor on their wall I guess they thought that was Arty notice most of the buildings have sheet metal as sighting and they painted it to look better souvenir shop hummingbird with butterflies it's a pretty one it's kind of a neat one oh look at this look at the hillside wow just built on this hill well there's our cruise ship on the left in the back we're just right up the street from our cruise ship there's no need to worry about finding it can we have the M please that isn't there's a devil there's a devil in it telling you to keep your mouth shut see him like Okay shh that's weird you're not seeing what you're seeing very weird this is a 3 of fire lot seag and so next p the fishing fishing fleet [Music] I mean basically we took the picul up and we're taking the stairs down these are old historic buildings do get they're completely defunct yeah and we're kind of in the back of it one of the main squares down off the hill that we were just at it's a little bit rough around the edges but it's kind of neat oh yeah before the Panama Canal Bello it was one of the most important ports between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans the Panama Canal it was a major blow to its economy the whole town is covered in graffiti they're trying to cover it up with art but see what they tried to do is they're trying to hide it with a street art up the top which yeah yeah yeah they sure are they're nice they look like they're freshly freshly picked those are nice avocados why wow the grapes I like to see the the local shops and you know it's different need the readers it's got readers she got n on so we stopped into this barber shop and zaro's getting his haccit it's got a professional they were really busy in here they got to be really good he needed it it's great I can I can imagine this town the city was really nice and it's he you know I wonder if they have cold beer in this town huh how how do you like my haircuts it looks great look at this I know did an awesome job the best haircut you've had in years the best haircut in Chile yeah yeah I like his new haircut they did an awesome job yeah looks 10 years younger looks great and he order he ordered this uh D pierto Porter from Chile no this town from actually this town yeah wow it's dark yeah salute and Amber gasa wow that's huge Ronde so gr that's a that's a big burger even has a plag on it okay I'll eat about a quarter of it that's crazy and you have a fish fish sandwich with two two two rolls holy cow I'm delicious he likes the fish and C garlic and onions and it's a little bit spicy oh oh spicy [Music] we're fueling up before our departure it's a lot prettier than it was this morning when we came in cuz everything was in fog but it's turned off it's a nice day and over to my left is V delmare that's where all the hotels and a lot of the beaches are we have one other cruise ship up here it's the silver seas and they came this morning the same time we did but they're staying until 8:00 we're leaving about 5: people got off and new people are getting on and and and as a matter of fact we got a lot of new crew members too A lot of the crew left they're going home and we got a lot of new crew from here also the journey continues untying the ship and departing Val pariso tomorrow we'll be at L Serena if you're new to our Channel check out our other videos if you like it give us a thumbs up comment and share your feedback is incredibly encouraging and it inspires us to keep improving see you in last Serena for

2024-02-05 17:38

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