Welcoming Taiwan’s First Light of Dawn | Camping with Dogs

Welcoming Taiwan’s First Light of Dawn | Camping with Dogs

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This is Lonmen Campsite. Wow, the area is huge. Dali! Daji, Dali, swam back! Look over there.

Daji, Dali and Wanwan! Wake up! We're at Gongliao right now! Look over there. Did you see that? That is the Pacific Ocean. See, the ocean's right here! This is our first stop. OK, the first stop. We are not at the camping site. We have to find something for our dinner.

Do you know what that is? We're gonna buy some seafood. It's called abalone! -Okay, let's go! -Okay, let's go... -Stay. -Stay.

Dali, come! -Good. -Wanwan, come on. Dali, look! The Pacific Ocean! Come on. Tonight, our camping site is just beside the Pacific Ocean. This will be our first time.

Usually in mountains. Do you know what that is? That is the aquaculture of abalone. Yeah, right over there. All of them. There are abalone inside.

The area is quite huge. Yes. Hello, ma'am. Hi! We'd like to buy some abalone. Abalone? Sure. Big or small? NT$500 for 600g.

How many big ones in 600g? Wow. 600g is about 20. The big ones taste better.

That's cool. I'll take 600g. Sure, I'll grab a bag for you.

They're really fresh! Yeah, incredibly fresh! They're still alive. Let's weigh them. Okay. So, that's NT$500 for 600g.

-Thank you. -Thank you. Thank you, M'am! Thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye! Hey, up, up! Daji, go! Go, go! -Good. -Okay.

Dali, go. Good. Wanwan, Dali, Daji.

Look, this is Lonmen Campsite. Wow, the area is huge. Daji, Dali and Wanwan. OK, wait for me. Good.

Dali. We'll set our camp here. Here. Right over here.

Good. Even if it rains, we are safe. This is our campsite. So, we're going to stay tonight. Okay? Okay. Wanwan.

Prince Wanwan, this is for you. Okay. Okay. Where's the door? You left turn. -Door, right here. -Okay. The front door here.

Okay. Okay. That's the middle. Oh, comfortable. Okay, and chairs? Daji, Dali! Come on! Be careful! The floor is more slippery.

Okay. The road is really big. Maybe this way. Wanwan.

Daji, Dali and Wanwan, look! It's a big grass area. Are you guys ready? Wanwan, come on. Go. -Okay, you can go run around. -Let's go! Go! Come on.

Wanwan! Daji and Dali! Daji and Dali, go! Come on, let's go. Come on... Okay. Okay, I think the running is done pretty well. They probably lost lots of their energy.

And hey, I think it's about time. We have a reservation for some water activity. Yes. Are you looking forward to it? -Okay. -Okay. Let's go to the next stop. Yeah.

One, two, three! OK, let's go. Dali! Dali! Dali, come. Dali, come! Dali, good boy! Dali. Good boy! Happy! Good boy.

Okay, good boy. Dali, look at me. Good.

Dali. Wow. Do you want to go down there? Dali. Daji, Dali! Good! Good boy! We're back! Daji and Dali, swam back! Good boy! Thank you, coach! Was it fun? Yes! I can tell. Daji, Dali and Wanwan come! Let's take some rinsing. Rinsing.

Clean them up. Wow, look. That's the Fulong Beach. Wow.

Can we go there? Yeah, I think we can take them to run around and go catch some waves. Okay, let's go. Go! See the Fulong sign here. Daji, sit.

Good boy. Good. Oh my God, that's so adorable. Okay, 3, 2, 1. 1, 2, 3! -Okay. -Okay. Let's head back to our camping area.

Okay, it's now time to prepare Daji, Dali and Wanwan's dinner. Daji, Dali and Wanwan, it's dinner time. Daji, sit. Good. Dali. Good boy. Sit.

Good. Their food looks tasty. Wanwan eats so fast. Okay. Let's start preparing our dinner. So, we're gonna cook half of the abalone at a boil for 2 minutes.

Only half? And then we can maybe fry the other half? -Okay. -Okay. We have to make the sauce Miki, can you eat spicy? Little bit. It's good? Spicy. More, more. Okay.

Basil more. Can you smell it? Ready? It looks nice and smells good. Dali. Clean! Dali, go.

Go find your toys you like. Maybe one. Okay. Daji... The Sandiao Cape Lighthouse in Gongliao is the easternmost point of Taiwan.

Yeah, so we are planning to see the first sunrise tomorrow. But I'm a little worried about the weather. So, let's make sunny dolls. Hope we can have good weather tomorrow. Okay... Daji, Dali, go inside.

Okay. What is this? Daji... Dali... Let him sleep.

He's okay. Where's Wanwan? Wanwan is... covered by my sleeping bag. Wanwan... Where are you? Where is Daji? Here.

Go. Yeah. Good morning. No more rain. Yeah.

I think our sunny doll works. Magic trick. Okay.

Okay. Come on, Daji, Dali and Wanwan. Go. Good.

Dali, I think today we're going to see the first sunrise. You're so sleepy. Daji, Dali and Wanwan! Wake up! Look, the weather is so good today! Wanwan, look right over there.

Okay, let's go get ready. Okay, we arrived. -Okay. -Yes. Let's go. Wanwan.

Okay, let's go. Wanwan, let's go. We made it...

Look at the view. Daji, Dali and Wanwan. Do you know? We are now standing at the easternmost part of Taiwan. Right here.

Thankfully, it didn't rain today. I know. The view is so wide.

It's the sunrise. Yes. Daji, Dali and Wanwan, the sunrise is over there.

You guys see it? It's over there. Give you Daji. Okay.

Wanwan! Wanwan, come on. -Wanwan. -Daji. -Look, Wanwan. -Over there! That one. That is Turtle Island. You can see it here very clearly.

Okay. Up. Dali, up. Good. Wait. Go.

Dali. -Good morning. -Hi. Let's go.

This campsite really surprised me. Don't you feel surprised? We don't have to drive for a very long time. We can reach the beach, and we can do activities and water. And also we have such a big area for Daji, Dali and Wanwan.

And do you know what the most magic thing is? Yesterday, it was raining, but today the weather is nice. That's why we can see the sunrise. The most magical thing is our sunny doll. So, it's perfect.

2024-10-17 01:57

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