सैनिक साँच्ने गढी || नेपाल अंग्रेज युद्धको ईतिहास || Chisapani Gadhi and Thanapati Ramechhap

सैनिक साँच्ने गढी || नेपाल अंग्रेज युद्धको ईतिहास || Chisapani Gadhi and Thanapati Ramechhap

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An ancient Newar village of Ramechhap, Chisa Paani, a place with less rainfall and a scarcity of freshwater springs. A place, which has been thirsty for centuries. They spent 500 years fetching water from Tama Koshi, which took at least two hours. Only after 500 years... We could drink water to our heart's content. An interesting old tradition of Chisa Paani is still followed to this day.

Where, they carry 100 pails of water all the way up the village, Chisa Paani. This tradition is organized the same way every year. Chisa Paani village is divided in two parts. Lower and upper section. And residents of both section participate in the tradition with separate groups.

It has a healthy competetion element to it, which has preserved the tradition. The water collected through the offering of 100 pails of water. And even if a drop of water lands on your body... The water washes away all the ailments and sickness from the body. Bare-foot hike with a 100 pails of water on your head...

Singing Bhajans(hymns) and without even a restroom break. They carry these all the way to Bhimsen Temple in this way. Yes, it is quite difficult. There were pebbles and thorns along the way. Yeah, it was quite hard to walk. Chisa Paani Gadhi(fort), situated at the top of Chisa Paani village.

A historic place, where the back-up Gorkhali troops were held during the Nepal-English war. When an additional force was required to fight against the enemy... They were sent if required, so in order to prepare those additional troops, It is believed this fort was established here based on the back-up troops. It looks like a secret or hidden hole in the ground, as if to hide something. Yes, the sound is definitely different there. We shall visit Thanapati, the popular religious and touristic site if Ramechhap.

These are plants called Pani Phoke, that grows in these slopes. In our mountainous region, from ancient times... It was used to paint the windows and doors of the house. Thanapati Mahadev, which is situated at an altitude of 1800m from the sea level...

Which is also called Latteshwori or Baira Mahadev... People yell and proclaim their favors and wishes, from god, in this place. But the priest claims such theories are false and the truth is something else. It's just like when the devotees ask for a favor of god, to bless them...

It's just a name people came up with. Mahadev or Shiva could never be deaf. This is Manthali, the headquarter of Ramechhap district. From Khurkot, which lies in the BP highway connecting Bardibas to Kathmandu.

This city is at a distance of around 15Km from there. We're in Manthali right now, and this is Traffic Chowk. Now, we'll begin our journey ahead. We'll cross Tama Koshi river and get over to the otherside. It's said that a special program is taking place there.

The residents of Chisa Paani come there and bathe. Accompanied by singing and dancing, they'll carry a load of water... The idea of the tradition is to carry that water all the way to Bhimsen Temple. We're enjoying the pictureque views of Chisa Paani. Similarly, there's Chisa Paani Gadhi up there at the top.

We'll definitely visit this important historical site. And we'll make our way towards Thanapati Mahadev from there. It's going to be an interesting trip, so we're now leaving Manthali. We left Manthali early, 6, in the morning.

It's still the end of Magh, so there's still some chill left in the air. This road can take you all the way to Dolakha. Also, Dolakha's headquarter Charikot is connected by this road. You can go all the way to Jiri via this roadway as well.

Whereas we'll be taking this left here. We've exited the main road towards Dolakha and entered a branch road. This is Tama Koshi bridge. Both regions of the bridge falls within Ramechhap district. We'll be taking a right as soon as we cross this bridge.

We've crossed the bridge and are headed North and we can see a Majhi settlement here. There is a dominant population of Majhi community in this particular area. It's almost like a Majhi village.

We rode for a while and stopped at a place called Jakhnetaar. There is a gathering of people right by the road. We've travelled around 4 km from Manthali. We're at this place called Jakhnetaar across the bridge.

We can see that the devotees are bathing down in the Tama Koshi river. There's a village called Chisa Paani up there, Which has a predominant population of Newars. They have their own unique traditions and customs. So, amongst many of such customs and traditions... A tradition where people sings various Bhajans in different phases, There is such a custom. And on the month of Magh...

They come down to the river to conclude the ceremony. And they bathe and cleanse here. They'll also be carrying a load of water back up.

Besides, there are many unique things to see here, which we've come to see. We shall talk to a respresentative from the village and see what it looks like. There are divided sections of farmlands near the road. Mahadev river comes down here and converges with Tama Koshi. A number of people are gathered on the bank of the river.

We can see two groups of people here. We descended down from the road towards Tama Koshi. The residents of Chisa Paani village have come here. To conclude the Maghe Bhajan ceremony.

A unique custom is performed here, of carrying a 100 pails of water. Every year, 100 pails of water is carried just like this right up to the temple. There are two sections of the village, lower and upper. And both groups organize their own preparations for the 100 Dhara custom. A healthy competetion has helped in preserving the tradition. If it hadn't been done, the tradition could have disappeared all altogether over time.

A tradition which is fun and interesting is much easier preserve. The resident ethnic group of Newars are decorating their respective Dhaaras. The 100 Dhara is decorated lavishly and is quite dazzling. I can see equal number of both men and women involved in the tradition.

And a Puja is being performed over here. The upper village and lower village have their own separate Pujas. So, this is lower village whereas the upper village is on the otherside. And if you ask why, it is for a sense of competetion. With a thought that it would preserve the tradition. But a healthy competetion.

Who would do perform the best in the event or custom? Where is the crowd gathered the most? Who decorated the 100 Dhara better? Such healthy competetion fills everyone with energy and vigor. And everyone participates with enthusiasm due to that. I found this an interesting fact. This is actually called Shahashra Jal Dhara. This event takes place around the end of Maghe Bhajan and Swasthani Brata Katha. We've learned from the residents that this tradition is also followed in Kathmandu.

It's believed that this community originally relocated here from Kathmandu. There are historical records proving that. Shahasra Jal Dhara... Well, it's called 100 Jal Dhara as well. But it's believed that the actual name is Shahasra Jal Dhara. So, this is from the upper village? Yes, this is the upper one.

And the lower village is on the other side? Yeah, we've divided the groups in two. As you can see, the upper village have decorated their Dhara beautifully. The ones carrying the Jal Dhara have bathed and cleansed themselves and are ready to go. The women have comcluded their Puja on the river bank. The carriers are putting on yellow garments for the ritual. Some are wearing white garments as well.

So, these guys will only carry the Ghada, right? Or, is it something else? They will only carry the Tulsi. They'll only be carrying Tulsi. There are four kids here, and five on the other side, so nine kids in total. So, after bathing, butter is anointed on their body... And they are adorned in this way. So, if you ask us when all of this began, we wouldn't know that.

The day the Newars of Bhaktapur directed towards Chisa Paani... Maybe, since the day they cleared the jungle in Chisa Paani and settled there... It's believed it began from that time. But no one knows for sure. Even my grandfather doesn't know when all this began.

So, that's why we might not be able to give you an exact time period. But the reason this ritual was began, according to our forefathers... It was started because... Epidemics and sickness were rampant back then, And there were no hospitals or any sort of such medical facilities... So, the water from this 100 Dhara, even a single drop falling in you body... All the ailments and illness that's in one's body...

It's believed that this water would wash away such disease and sickness. And the other one is... When the water from the 100 Dhara touches a person's head... No diseases or sickness would affect that person. That there wouldn't be any such ailments in the body, and that is what we've heard. You guys might be travelling with them in a moment, so...

On your way to the top, many of the devotees... To receive this 100 Dhara... They're very enthusiastic to receive the water from this 100 Dhara. They lower their head below the water. Or they receive it on their hands and put it on their heads. That is what happens all along the way.

We've been seeing this ritual since we were kids, so we are still following the tradition. The lower village have prepared their Shahasra Jal Dhara are ready to move. The adornment is quite exquisite. The carriers have carried the whole thing on their shoulders and are ready to move.

And began walking up on a procession. They wouldn't get a break until they've reached the intended place. Not even restroom breaks or anything. They'd have to walk 2 hours barefoot up to the temple. All the way to Bhimsen Temple at the top.

People are adding water on the 100 Dhara. Time to time, people will keep adding water in this way until they get to the top. Just a short moment after the lower village began their walk, so did the upper village. They performed a Puja at a nearby temple and continued on the hike. The procession slowly walked towards the temple, whereas we sped up on our motorbikes.

We're exploring the Chisa Paani village and will come back to participate on the event later. The area is quite dry. Dusty road. There's so much dust here, that a passing vehicle drenches you in dust here. But apart from the dust, the road is quite convenient.

Well, the dust was quite epic. We've arrived at the Chisa Paani village. The old architechture attracted us as soon as we got here. We're in Chisa Paani village at the moment. We've arrived here from Manthali after around an half an hour ride on our bikes.

The devotees have just arrived here. They're still on the process of climbing up to the temple. We've come here to have a look at the village. We can see these traditional houses here in the village. Chisa Paani village has been existing here for more than 500 years. A village settled on the Northern slope of a mountain, consisting of traditional houses.

Accompanied by newer modern concrete houses here and there. A clustered village, and it looks quite captivating. It's quite old, you know. It's been more than 10-12 generations in this village. The majority is Newars in the village.

A place settled around 10-12 generations ago. A village which was established by the Newars who came from Kathmandu. A proud village, who have been able to preserve their identity despite various challenges. I believe it has been around 500-550 years since this village was established here. We can make a rough estimatation.

People had actually been living in the banks, Tama Koshi river bank. So, there was a fear of diseases like malaria back then. So, due to the fear of malaria and other diseases, They began clearing up sections of forest one at a time and settled here.

We believe this village was settled in this way. Although the name of this place is Chisa Paani, the major issue of this place is none other than water. It's a dry place falling under rain shadow region. The challenges of not having a fresh water spring in a region can be seen here. It's quite clear hearing the story of this village. Well, water in this Chisa Paani area...

Before BS 67', 68'... Most of the women and children... You wouldn't find them in their houses anytime of the day. The women would all be along the bank of the river. They would be there most of their time. We fetched water from Tama Koshi and also the Kabhre river.

We also brought the water from a place called Gaikhura on drums. These were 55 liter drums or tanks. It would take as much as 3 hours walk to fetch water from the river. Besides, you wouldn't get the water as soon as you got there.

You'd have to wait for your turn. They would also carry their lantern and spend the night back there if it required. Everything would be done there regarding water.

It was extremely difficult for us. And later, with the help of everyone in the village... We thought, either we have to relocate our village somewhere else. Or we have to find an alternative to this issue. What should we do? Should we relocate or find an alternative? And then, the villager said...

No, let's find an alternative. So, we all went to the Tama Koshi, examined what could be done. We asked for organizations to come up with an idea or a solution. The residents of this place faced this challenge for more than 10 generations. We take it for granted when we have access to water very easily.

We only feel the actual scarcity when we don't have it. After exploring various alternatives, the residents could bring water here about a decade ago. They came up with an idea of storing water at a height with the help of a lifting technology.

And they succeeded as well. After 500 days, the residents were able to drink water without much worry. We used plastic pipes to bring water in that mountain in the beginning.

We were elated about the water... The villagers carried whatever containers they had and rushed towards that mountain. The first time Tama Koshi's water was brought here... We went there on that ridge and fetched water on our Dokos and containers. And eventually, we began storing it in a tank.

And resultingly, we properly managed the distribution of water in the village. Only 500 years after... We could get an easy access to water. But before that, in the name of water...

We collected water from just about everywhere, ponds, lakes, streams, brooks... We even collected rain water and used it for drinking. Let's check out the geography of Chisa Paani village.

The village is settled on the Northern slope of a tall mountain. Further South to it, lies the majestic Mahabharat mountain range. Which blocks the monsoon clouds and there's less rainfall in the region. There aren't any other sources of water in the region. The village is spread upto this ridge here. There's a cliff beyond this point.

And we can see Tama Koshi far down below from here. There's a stairway beginning from Tama Koshi all the way upto the village. And it looks quite impressive.

And it's quite long as well. The water from Tama Koshi is brough in with a pipe somewhere in this mountain. And they have stored the water on a tank at the top of the village. The water is transported with the help of an electric motor. The water is stored on the tank and distributed throughout the village. So, currently, it's been a little easier due to this technology.

The story of water in Chisa Paani village is indeed quite interesting. They also have a wealth of authentic and unique traditions and customs. The natural beauty surrounding the village is also quite captivating. Let's check out the surrounding view of the village. Right at the top of the village is the Bhimsen Temple. The devotees carrying the Jal Dhara have almost reached the village now.

There's a tradition of performing Puja after they arrive in the temple. We'll climb up to the temple along with the procession. There's a Chautara(rest stop) at the top of the village. We have to go beyond the Chautara to get to the Bhimsen Temple. And we are headed towards the temple. The conclusion of the Maghe Bhajan program...

So, the devtoees have carried the Jal Dhara from the river to the temple here. While the little kids carried the Tulsi with them. The hiked barefoot all the way up to the temple.

Without any rest room breaks, lunch breaks, or any breaks for the matter. They've arrived here with the Jal Dhara. So, a special event is being hels here after the arrival of the devotees from the river.

So, after this program is concluded, this Jal Dhara... After the special Puja, they will bring the water to their homes. So, let's have a look, how the Puja is performed. Yeah, it was quite hard.

There were rocks and thorns along the way. It was a bit difficult to walk, and the steep climb as well. After the special Puja, the Jal Dhara is brought back to the village.

We've explored Chisa Paani village. We paid our respects at the Bhimsen Temple up there. We participated on an unique event of this village. And from here, we are headed towards Chisa Paani Gadhi now.

There's an old fort up there. We might have to climb a few stairs. So, we'll reach there and gather more information on the history of the place. The road winds up towards the fort.

The road is dusty here as well. We will first reach Chisa Paani fort and then make our way to Thanapati from there. We took a break at a place called Bhatere midway.

This place is also related to Chisa Paani Gadhi. Let's find out about this place before we move on. The place that we're at, it's known as Bhatere.

When the war between Nepal and English began back then... A troop of soldiers, in the fort... It is believed that a troop was established here in this way. We'll see that in the fort as well. When enemies were captured, they were brought here for imprisonment.

It's believed that various sentences were given here including some death penalties. And during that time, the soldiers came here to eat. And when this spot became a usual for lunch, it started to be called Bhatere in this way. When people began calling it a place for Bhater(dining), it was eventually named Bhatere. Such is the legend of this place. We arrived in Bhatere from Chisa Paani village.

And after riding for about 5 minutes from that location, We can reach this upper section of Bhatere. There is a stairway leading up the fort from here. So, we will be climbing these stairs for around 10-15 minutes to get to the fort. We have a large group, and we're now climbing towards the fort. We slowly began our ascend towards Chisa Paani Gadhi.

This is the same stairway that we saw earlier. Meaning, it's the same stairway that begins from the bank of Tama Koshi. Although, a small section of the path is yet to be finished. It's quite interesting out here. You can see all the surrounding regions from up here. So, this is Chisa Paani Gadhi.

A walled area at the top of this mountain. During the Nepal-English war, Nepali troops were based here for protection, with Sindhuli Gadhi as their main fort. This place is at a short distance from Sindhuli Gadhi. But we can actually see Sindhuli Gadhi from here. A group of Nepali soldiers were based here on this fort.

As a backup for Sindhuli Gadhi. If additional soldiers were required at Sindhuli Gadhi, they were sent from here. It's said that the captured enemy soldiers were sentenced here. The weapons that were seized during the battles were also stored in this location. There are many mysterious sites in and around this area.

It's said that there was a bunker nearby. We can assume that these were large pits dug in the ground to store various things. We will be examining these things as well.

If we look back at the history of this place, In 1814... When Nepal-English war began... And many forts were established in various places during that time, Sindhuli Gadhi was also established at that time. So, in the Sindhuli Gadhi, Additional force or troops to fight against the enemy forces, So, in order to send additional troops in case they were required, We've learned that an additional troops were kept here as a reserve. Similarly, there's a bunker like pit in the vicinity of the fort. It's believed that the enemies captured during the war were then held in these bunkers.

And that they were eventually executed inside these bunkers. And the other theory is that there's a small brook nearby, You can see there's a brook down there as well. So, they captured enemies were then executed right here at the brook.

And so, the blood of the enemies ran red in this brook. And it was believed that these blood stains were still seen in the latter years. The elders of the village tell us these stories in this way. The Nepal-English war that lasted 1 year, 8 months, and 3 days, There were Nepali troops stationed here for a long time after that. And below this site, there's a small section of a farmland.

The geography is slightly different that the rest of the region. Still to this day, if we take rocks and throw it down there, You can hear various sounds coming from there. So, based on the fact that we can hear these sounds from there, We can assume that it was a bunker to store weapons and supplies.

We can make that assumption, so... So, what exactly was in that place? What structures were constructed there? These are matters to be researched. It's believed that the captured enemies were beheaded on this place. Chisa Paani Gadhi, which still retains the brave history of our people.

An example of old war strategies. This place holds a great potential in terms of toursim as well. You can get a 360 degree view of the surrounding regions from up here.

Mahabharat mountain range to the South. We can also see the Sindhuli Gadhi from up here. We can also see the flatlands to the East and the Manthali bazaar. A walking trail has been constructed towards the Siddha Baba temple.

It's quite relaxing to be in this cool environment amongst these pine trees. We can find special rocks below the fort. These rocks are believed to be brought here from Tama Koshi. We can't find such rocks in this area.

But we do not know who brought these rocks and why. We don't quite know when they began worshipping at this site. Or who planted these pine trees in the area.

We couldn't find any history or legends regarding this place. So, these pines were the same size when you first saw them? Yes. The tree must have been the same size when his grandfather saw it.

Well, I don't know about my grandfather, but since I've seen it, this has been the same size. So, the interesting thing here is that these pine trees have stayed the same size. For hundreds of years. According to the local residents.

You will hear strange sounds here. Yeah, I can feel the vibrations. Let's try stomping on it.

Be careful, it might cave in. It looks like a place to hide something, or a bunker maybe. Yes, it's sounds different. This means that this area is hollow inside.

We left the fort and continued ahead. Now, our next destination is of a mysterious, beautiful, and religious site called Thanapati. We continue ahead passing several small settlements along the way.

We've learned that this area of Ramechhap consists a majority of Tamang ethnicity. We can see houses with Lungdar (prayer flags) in the region. We could see a Lama performing a ritual in this house. We can find such interesting houses just beside the road. A very enjoyable place, and an authentic rural ambience.

Our destination Thanapati peak is right up there. We would also have to walk some distance to reach up there. So, we've arrived at this place after travelling around two hours from Manthali. We're at the base of Thanapati Mahadev temple.

It was originally known as Sthanapati. Meaning, the 'Pati' as in owner and 'Than' or 'Sthan' meaning a certain place. The road is relatively good till here.

You can easily come here on a motorbike. You can also bring a four-wheeler, but I suggest you bring an offroad vehicle. The road is indeed a bit dusty, but other than that, it's quite convenient. So, beyond this point, we won't be able to take any of our vehicles.

We have to walk a little. It should take us around an hour to get there. It seems like we could reach there in 30 minutes, but let's see. We shall capture some incredible views from up there.

And learn about the religious and historical importance of Thanapati Mahadev. We parked our bikes at the base of the temple and began climbing the stairs. We are accompanied by our friends from Ramechhap including Keshav sir.

We can see mighty cliffs around the area. But without any vegetations. The stairway leads all the way to the top. And these railings provide extra safety for visitors. We can see all the earlier locations if we look back down.

We can see places like Purano Gaun, Bange Salla, etc. So, we're on the way to Thanapati Mahadev temple. We can find these plants called Pani Phoke in the region. So, people have been using this in the mountainous region from ancient times.

This was used to paint the windows and doors of our houses. The leaves and flowers of this plant are boiled in water. And after boiling for hours, we'll get a black tar like substance. Almost like the engine oil.

A greasy substance. And a piece of cloth is soaked in this material. And it was painted on the house, especially on the windows and doors. Sometimes, when the sun was very strong, it would slightly melt and form few droplets. And you could get paint in your hands.

Since, the mountainous regions aren't that hot. It was a stable alternative for paint. And after applying this, it's guaranteed that the timber could survive for hundreds of years. It'll not be affected by insects or pests. So, this is a special plant, but the use has faded away with time. We kept climbing up the stairs at a slow pace.

The continuos climb leaves us breathless. We sit down on the stairs and take a short break. There are few shelters along the way.

There are water taps, but no water in them. The cliff is quite dangerous, but the railings has indeed provided much safety. This uphill climb to Thanapati is quite taxing. The stairs and railings have indeed provided some relief, for sure. We can imagine how difficult it would have been without these measures.

We've already climbed halfway, just a little more to go. It looks like that, but we still have some distance to cover. We're already exhausted midway.

As, we were climbing up to Thanapati, we had the chance of hearing an interesting story, about an incident that occured while the road construction in the region. There's a road right upto the temple from the otherside of the mountain. But this path and this cliff is not connected to the road. They actually made an effort to construct a road. The road was constructed in the upper and lower sections as well. But they couldn't connect it in the middle.

They faced many obstacles in this process including the damage of tools and equipments. They couldn't connect the road through here despite the tireless effort of the machine operator. There is a belief, some kind of spiritual energy caused these obstacles. But it's seems like it's not that easy to construct a road in this steep cliff.

We walked for about 30 minutes from the entrance. You can easily reach here in about 30 minutes. So, Thanapati Temple is situated at an altitude of around 1800m. The surrounding is quite unique, with steep cliffs on either side. Thanapati Temple is situated right between massive mountains, at the top of this peak. Let's have a look at it's surrounding areas.

Situated at an altitude of around 1800m from the sea level, A dry and yellowish mountain with sheer cliff on both sides. The place and it's geography gives a unique feeling. The geography of this place is one of a kind.

And the temple is situated right at the top of this mountain. It is also called Latteshwori Mahadev or Baira Mahadev. And specialty of this place is the custom of yelling while asking for blessing to god. Meaning, it's believed the wishes will only come true if you shout out your prayers.

It's believed that you should only ask for a single wish at this place. There's a belief: if some wish or a blessing is asked while shouting, those wishes will be fulfilled. So, it's said that Mahadev came here with his walking stick. So, when he arrived here, the rooster crowed right at that time.

After he heard the rooster, he threw the walking stick and sat here in this place. A cow also appeared from a nearby village and gave milk in this place. And then Lord Shiva said...

I can give offsprings to those who ask for it, but I will fulfill only one wish. And as far as I can tell, this has been actually happening in this place. The pilgrims have been increasing every year. Many devotees come here after their wishes are fulfilled.

They come from Sindhuli, Kathmandu, or Terai area. People come here from all over the country. They come here and pay their respects and say that their wishes were fulfilled. So, they perform their Puja here.

There is a beleif amongst people that Baira Mahadev reside at this place. It's said that we have to shout our wishes because of Mahadev's inability to hear. But the temple's priest says otherwise. So, the thing is Mahadev can never be Baira or deaf. Back in the days when people reared animals as their livelihood.

They would ask for cows and buffaloes as their wish. And eventually... There is nothing that god doesn't know or doesn't see. Mahadev's name is Latteshwori. I think it was because people would speak out their wishes in this place. So, maybe people gave a name to the place in this way as Baira(deaf) Mahadev.

Because Mahadev can never be deaf. And when they ask god to fulfill their wishes and desires. I'll come back and offer bells, Trishul, and coconut husk after my wishes are fulfilled.

And a majority of devotees have returned here after their wishes were fulfilled. The place has a great potential for tourism as much as it's religious importance. Unique geography and cool weather.

I'm sure the surrounding views will absolutely mesmerize the visitors coming here. Currently, a number of pilgrims come here from neigboring districts and areas. Especially, people come here to ask for a blessing of a child or the health of their livestock. A herding rope is offered here, and they tie a rock with that same rope and take it back home. It's believed doing that prospers the livestock and animals.

Currently, we're visiting an important religious and touristic site in Manthali municpal of Ramechhap district. Thanapati Mahadev Temple. Also known as Baira Mahadev. And this is an important Hindu spiritual site and a worshipping site of Shiva. Every year, not just from Ramechhap district...

People from Okhaldhunga, Sindhuli, Dolakha districts also come here. Hundreds of visitors have had earned much spiritual wealth at this site. And on behalf of Manthali municipal, at this Thanapati Mahadev Temple... They have constructed many infrastructures at this site with the view of it's religious and touristic significance. Especially, during Teej and Mahashivaratri, a huge Mela is organized here. We found that visitors come here from various places of the country.

Since, we are residents of this district, We have been coming here because of it's religious as well as touristic significance. Because of it's location at the top of a mountain, It's an ideal location for sightseeing and serves as an amazing viewpoint. Stairs have been constructed for visitors convenience. And the other reason why it's considered an important Shakti Peeth is, It's believed dieties in Nepal are mostly located at the peaks of mountains. So, the reality from a spiritual perspective is that, We have a cosmic energy in our universe. And since the earth also has a life of it's own, Earth absorbs the cosmic energy of the universe, And these peaks of these mountains also acts as a receptor.

Since it acts as a receptor of our senses, Especially, people with spiritual personalities and enlightened souls, Meaning, people who have given up the tangible world, When saints and Yogis arrive at places like this, Because they feel that kind of energy at this site, So, at times, devotees come here and meditate at this site. It's an important site for Yogis and Tapaswi as well. And through this video, I would like to reach out to Ramechhap residents, people abroad, and all fellow Nepali brothers and sisters, If you are visiting Ramechhap district, it's a short distance from Manthali, You can reach here in just 1.5-2 hours in a bike or a vehicle. Along with acquiring spiritual gain from this site, You can enjoy the incredible natural beauty of the region, I would like to make this request to all the viewers. Thanapati Mahadev, which holds a history of more than 300 years, It's considered just like Kathmandu's Pashupatinaath and Halesi in Eastern Nepal. This site, which is known as Baira Mahadev is also known as Buda Mahadev.

Situated at a short distance of just 15 km from district headquarter Manthali, Can be reached in 1-1.5 hours drive from Manthali. From one side, you have the stairway and on the other, you can see a motorway. There's a small hotel near the temple for refreshments and light snacks.

The place also has access to drinking water. You can actually see a unique geography and incredible surrounding view here. Let's take a look.

We stayed in the premises of Thanapati Temple till the evening. Witnessed some beautiful sights of the surrounding. The sun is setting in the horizon. As we make our walk back through the stairs illuminated by the violet sun.

As we bid farewell for now to all of our dear viewers.

2023-02-27 00:12

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