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welcome to ch so this is Çanakkale, which is situated at a  strategic and historically important place,   the shortest crossing point of the Dardenelles  and only about 200 miles from Istanbul,   and it's for many years been a short stay  destination for thousands of tourists who   come here to pay respects and to see Memorials  of the thousands of men who lost their lives   at the Gallipolı campaign in the first world war.  dominated by its castle and its ferryboat Port it   has much more to offer than a one night stopover  on a tour bus, the promenade is a social center   for the half a million people who live here and  it's been an important Trade Center for thousands   of years linking Europe and Asia. so let's  have a quick look around this important city,   the promenade is busy all day long and especially  in the evenings as people of all ages come out to   enjoy the cafes and restaurants, there are lots  of young people here due to the big universities,   which have large campuses and this certainly  adds to the lovely atmosphere of the place,   and most people only see the promenade  but there are lots of streets shopping   streets going off from the promenade  and with cafes and restaurants really lovely.,

you'll find the usual Street vendors  here and of course all the franchise   shops you normally find in a city, and the  people here are very friendly, and they're pets and she's even got a tattoo of her dog on her arm. maybe due to the universities  the people here are very Cosmopolitan , you having fun. Benetton yeah, you need a little dog, I can  put the dog in here what a great idea. one   speciality of Çanakkale is Helva and they do  lots of different types here and this is this   is one of the main streets that sells it, so  let's go and try some, the basic ingredients   of Helva is tahin which is sesame oil and sugar  so this is Helva the speciality of Çanakkale. but here the specialty is adding cheese  which gives it a moist and less sweet   flavour. a little away from the prominade  in the center of the city is a covered Market, this is a really big  Market I think I've lost Trudie,   there's also an Old Market here called  Aynalı Çarşı but we found it was more for tourists, the further down you come you  realize there's so much more to this Market.

as the sun sets here everyone comes out   for a walkabout and the cafes  and restaurants quickly fill up, the prices here are a bit  more reasonable than most Resorts,   and strangely enough waffles  are very popular here. there are lots of hotels near to the  ferry boat port and most of them have   got restaurants underneath  and they're nice restaurants too, there's certainly plenty of  choice when it comes to food and   there's no shortage of places you  can get an alcoholic drink either. there's a few interesting old buildings, notably the clock tower is  probably the most impressive which was   built in 1897 by a wealthy Italian Trader,  probably the oldest building is the castle   of course which is now the Naval Museum and  we'll have a look at that a little later. and   most of the night life here in Çanakkale  revolves around the clock tower and the promenade. and we found one thing in Çanakkale  is the fish is really good recommended,   so I've got the hamsi, what have you  got, I've got sea bream which is çupra,   your favorite, so this is  hamsi which is like white bait,   you can eat it whole actually hamsi,  but um they do usually take the heads off. 

there are two parks in Çanakkale one  is about a mile out of the town to the north but the other one is a much more  established part called The Halk   bahçesi which is right in the center  of the town and very popular with the youngsters. since September of 2004 there  has been a new attraction in the center of   Çanakkale. so this is the huge wooden  horse they used in the film Troy and   after they finished filming they donated it  and it's here for you to see in Çanakkale square. the truva heykeli or trojan horse  statue is the actual horse that they used   in the Troy film of 2004 which starred  Brad Pitt Sean bean and Peter O'tool,   and this is probably as close to Brad Pitt  as I'll ever get it was donated by Warner   Brothers after the film was completed in 2004  but it's actually made of fiberglass and ways   over 12 tons and I've got to say it's much more  impressive than the one that's actually at Troy   and it's ironic that most of the film was actually  done in Malta not in Turkey the film and the have   boosted visitors to this area and of course to  the ancient ruins of Troy which are only 20 mi   away from the city so this was the mockup of  the original Trojan Horse um to be honest it   was quite a sad looking mockup and they're  redoing it I hope they make it better than   it was before and there's some pieces of it I  don't know really why they don't bring the one   from Çanakkale the one they used in the film  because that's a much more impressive horse   we'll be looking at the ancient ruins here in  Troy and its fabulous Museum a bit later in the video most people who visit Çanakkale whether on  an organized tour or not come to pay respects to   the solders who lost their lives in the Gallipoli  campaign of the first world war there are 31 War   Graves and memorials dedicated to the British  Commonwealth soldiers and 50 to the Ottoman Turks   who died here and almost all these graves  are on the European side of The Dardanelle Straits the first Memorial we wanted to visit  is the one dedicated to the Turkish Ottoman   men who lost their lives in the war and the  quickest way for us was to go to kilitbahir   here on the ferry it's about £5 to go with your  car one way and about £3 for the return and the   system is computerized so you don't get a return  ticket but they know if you're coming back the   same day and you can get a fresh simit as well  10 Lira mind you of course you have to make sure   you booked on the right ferry boat although the  ports on the other side are not very far apart anyway you can take the to Eceabat or  to Kilitbahir Kilitbahir is the shortest route well we're on board on board yeah  it's a ferry boat I've got to admit it's   very well organized and it doesn't take  long and these ferry boats go quite often the whole trip takes about 10 minutes so we've  got to go so we need to get back in the car come   on Mick I didn't even have time to go to the  toilet and we're going to go left we're going   left well we just what you said I'm not quite  sure where we're going to go very healthy I'm   not quite sure where we're going to go from here  okay well I was going to say follow that car left so this is the Çanakkale Şehitler Abidesi which is  basically a memorial to a quarter of   a million Turkish soldiers who lost their  lives there are graveyards all over this   area which is now a national park and we're  going to go and have a look at a few of them now there are absolutely thousands of names all  around this Memorial and um if you're interested   in any family history of family persons that  were lost in the War the British war Graves   commission have all these names on a register  and I think it's might even be on the internet now so sad thousands of names on the 25th of April 1915  the New Zealand and Australian   armies landed on this Cove  which is now called Anzac Cove this is a very moving plaque that Ataturk  wrote in 1934 to the people who lost their lives   here to the foreigners who lost their lives  here and in fact the first time I read this   it made me well up and it still does today when  I start reading it those Heroes that shed their   blood and lost their lives you are now lying  in the soil of a friendly country therefore   rest in peace there is no difference between the  Jonnies and the Mehmets towards where they lie   side by side here in this country of ours you  the mothers who sent their sons from far away   countries wipe away your tears your sons are now  lying in our bosom and are in peace after having   lost their lives on this land they have become  our sons as well they sent the youngsters off to   war and never saw them again and of course most  of the families haven't even had the chance to   come here to see where they died this beach  became the main base for the Australian and   New Zealand troops for the 8 months of the  Gallipoli campaign the British generals and   commanders including some influence from Winston  Churchill thought it would be easy to take the   dardanelles and eventually Constantinople  now Istanbul which would take the Ottomans   out of the war but they hadn't considered the  strength of the Ottoman Army headed by Mustafa   Kemel Ataturk all the logistics of such a  campaign through continued arrogance of the   commanders this entire mission was a bloodbath  and achieved nothing except a huge loss of life any tour of this area  will probably include this   Castle which is opposite Çanakkale on the European side so we've got here at just after 5:00  unfortunately to this Kilitbahir Castle it's   closed because winter time here starts on the 1st  of October and the last entry is quarter past 4   I thought it was still summertime look at me  but we did find the bunkers interesting I think   they're all connected under the ground I think  there's tunnels to each one of these they would   have stored all their ammunition and supplies in  here for the guns which of course were were the   protection over the Dardanelles to stop any Ships  coming through right here is where the Cannons   would have been bolted and just over that wall is  the Sea of the Dardanelles but I actually am too short and the Seyit onbaşı  monument to those who lost   their lives loading the guns corporal  Seyit actually survived and saved the day but for me the most interesting war  museum is this one the Çimenlik Kalesi or   the lawn Castle which is the main Castle  in Çanakkale so we're at the Denis muzesi   which is what we would call the Naval Museum  if you like 200 Lira each to get in which is   about £6 each but I've also had to pay  120 Lira to bring my camera in which is   a bit unusual unusual may be but it was  certainly worth it some of the artifacts   they have here are really interesting and  I've not seen objects like this in any other Museum this is one of the sea mines  they would have used to try and   destroy our British battleships  entering the Dardanelles I Hope   they've deactivated it well don't hit the  prongs on the top there's a sign says no smoking particularly  fascinating was the wreck of a submarine as you can see it was quite crudely made and I suppose that would  have been full of some sort of explosives the central part of  the castle houses lots of other   artifacts and also some old video footage and  an explanation of what actually happened in the war the town of Gallipoli or Gelibolu  as the Turks call it which the war   campaign was named from is on the  European side and a little east of   Çanakkale there's two ways to get over  to Gallipoli there's a new bridge or the ferry so behind me is the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge which  is 2023 M long it's the longest suspension bridge   in the world it took 5 years to build it and  it's part of the new Motorway system joining   up Asia and Europe before this bridge  the Akashi Kiyoko bridge in Japan was   the longest but this actually spans an extra  32 M beating the world record it's 330 M High   that's 1,096 ft and it was designed by Turkish  and South Korean companies at a cost of $2.7 billion 205 lira the center of Gallipoli town is  dominated by the ferry boat port   and fishing boats it can be very busy  with lorries sometimes when the fairies   come in but the more you walk about the  more interesting this lovely little time becomes so Gallipoli is are very typical  Turkish town but there is one speciality   here that they do which we're looking for  which is fish soup but we can't find it   anywhere and all the restaurants have told us  that they only serve it in the wintertime so   we found this lovely little restaurant  anyway and we've had some lovely food instead how is it very nice and  on one side of Gallipoli they've   got a beach and it's quite a nice Beach  it's probably full in the middle of the summertime and it's right next to the Hilton Hotel it was a bit windy that day and  of course this was the beginning of October so let's have a look at  what else Çanakkale's got to offer I was intrigued to know what  was being sold in this shop um and   apparently everything is Handmade by the  women of Çanakkale some lovely things in here they've got a stadium a culture center  and a huge mosque which is fairly new most people don't see this but there's  a river going right through Çanakkale it's   really lovely and it's got all boats on if  you cross over the river you're going into   Kepez quite a busy place and there's  lots of shops and restaurants there too so as you can see the Çanakkale has got  some huge shopping centers and this is one of them oh and I just found Trudie and what's Trudie  doing I'm shopping for baby clothes it looks like   you got an armful already and it was good that we  came in here because that time is a great computer   shop got myself a new Mouse cuz I dropped mine  and broke it get yourself a snack or even a full   meal there are some great restaurants in some of  these places about 20 miles from Çanakkale is one   of the most popular and famous ancient ruins this  is Troy which was in a very famous Greek story in   Greek mythology which a lot of scholars believe  could actually be true it was basically a love   story about Helen the wife of a Greek king being  abducted by Paris of Troy although she actually   loved Paris of Troy and this started the Trojan  war around the 12th century BC in which of course   the wooden horse was given as a present and the  soldiers hiding inside open the gates to the city   of Troy and let the Greeks in to ransack the  city and kill everybody apart from the women apparently one important fact is this site  is a few kilometers from the coast but the   sea used to be right up here where  this flat plane is you can actually   see the sea in the distance so  Troy was actually next to the Sea as you walk around the site you'll see that  the ruins are from different periods in Time   dating back to the 12th century BC right up until  the Romans whether the story is true or not this   place is is well worth a visit and the ruins  are not spectacular but the museum certainly is this Museum's got probably the best  collection of gold jewellery fine   glassware and pottery that I've seen  in any Museum in Turkey and with all   the museums in Turkey there's  always one piece that stands out it's not very clear but there's actually four  levels to this Museum but there is a lift you   can use they normally have a mock wooden  horse here but it was being renovated in   fact when I looked at what they were doing  it looked more like it was is being remade pert Springs to mind so what about places to stay well there are   some lovely hotels in and around  the city as you've seen from the video but we stayed at this hotel this is the  Troa Tusan hotel which is about 10 miles out of Çanakkale it's in a small resort  called Güzel Yalı which in October   was very quiet and mostly closed up we had  a chance to relax a little bit around the pool the hotel had good facilities  nice restaurant area and lovely staff it's got a spa and a pub the original  owner was British and she insisted on   having a British pub and there's also a  quiet Lounge area which is mostly opened   up in the winter I think the rooms could do  with a bit of an upgrade but they were clean   and had air conditioning and just below the  hotel it's got its own little private beach   which is fine sand it's a bit pebbly to  walk into and at this time of the year   which is like the 1st of October the water  is pretty cold and there's a beach bar here too there's also loads of parking  and it's open all year round so what's the best way of getting here  well you could come on an organized tour of   course or you can come on the national buses  from Istanbul İzmir or Bursa the auto guard   that's the bus station is a few miles out of the  city of Çanakkale so you'd have to get a dolmuş   or a taxi from there but they're cheap enough  but the best way to come is probably by car so   we drove up to Çanakkale from Fethiye which is  about 400 miles and it took us 8 and 1/2 hours   with a couple of stops and there are toll roads as  well which are not expensive um we hired this car   from a company called Pegasus in Çanakkale and  it cost us £300 for two weeks which we didn't   think was too bad you can also hire a car from  the airport because you can actually fly in to   chanak there's an airport there and you can fly in  from Istanbul and hire a car when you get there so   that's it from here in Çanakkale don't forget to  like subscribe and hit the notification Bell so   you don't miss where we go next thanks for watching

2023-10-28 06:26

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